Sunday, March 28, 2010

Well its been awhile.... Hmmm where should I start??? It's been so long since I have blogged I'm afraid I've forgotten how :) I guess I'll just start with an update on whats new with us. We Finally moved and got to pack up our storage unit (our lives have been packed away since last April). We are no longer Residents of "Happy Valley" and have moved onto much bigger and scarier places, Also Known As "SIN CITY"! Yikes Right? That's what I thought at first, but in the last few weeks it has started to grow on me. We found a Really Nice area and are out of the hustle and bustle of the city, which is nice and makes us not quite as overwhelmed. It is Definitely MUCH different from Anything I'm use to, but so far it has been a fun adjustment and we have already met some really nice people and of course the weather is FABULOUS, right now anyway. I'm sure in 2 months I will Melt Away, but as for now we are Loving the warmth! I'm not going to try and update on everything that has happened since December, our lives have been very.... Mmmm Chaotic to say the least, so I will do a little recap of the "favorite" events that have taken place.

Keanna's Baptism! I'll post this one first since it is TOP on my list. What a Special Day this was, she was so excited and looked so dang pretty in her fancy white dress. I can't believe our little nana bear is 8 YEARS OLD!!!! Gosh Ang that must make you feel Really old ;) It feels like just yesterday when she was the only grand baby in the family and was the Center of Attention at ALL times. Keanna has always been such a sweetheart and has brought such a sweet little spirit into our family since the day she arrived. It's been fun as her aunt, watching her grow and turn into her own little person. She is so full of life and is always such a joy to be around. It was so sweet watching Jarad Baptize and Confirm her, she was so excited and was Beaming all day! Congratulations again Keanna, We Love You!

Some of the Family- it was a Chore trying to get everyone together for a picture!

The 4 of us Siblings with our Amazing Mom:)

My mom getting after Adam for Goofing off during picture time (Always happens and my Mom Loves to pretend she's mad) Ahhh, NEVER a dull moment with that kid, I Love it!

Holding my Little Monsters (Do you like how I say "My") I'm sure Angie and Adam are use to it by now :)

Christmas Time 2009!

Our Traditional "Pj Modeling Picture" on Christmas Eve (or during the off years, our Pretend Christmas Eve)

Dev and Lacee-

Sweet Baby Kray Reading his new story book from Uncle Derrik and I.

A Little Dish washing Fun!

Okay so Kray had just turned a year old in this picture and he LOVES to color, draw, etc. Every time I see him do it, it AMAZES me. Here this Tiny little baby that couldn't even walk (at the time) is Totally content on just sitting and coloring, even by himself Stacey says, Its Amazing! We will soon have an Artist in the family :)

A Few Pic's of Christmas at my house...

Kensley LOVES her Grandpa, well actually she pretty much loves Everyone, but he's a Favorite:)

Grandpa and the Grand kids- One more Baby Boy in July, so Kade won't be as outnumbered :)

Okay so I HAD to post these pictures because I think they are So Funny and Quite Clever! So Ang has been Asking for a 1/2 Beef Cut and Wrapped for a year or so now from my dad and on Christmas morning her and Jarad and Adam and Jenni got New Empty Coolers with this inside. They were ECSTATIC, and Kade was just mad that he cut a cow in Half and couldn't figure out why :)

Out at the shooting Range on Christmas Day trying out the new Guns...

This year for Christmas we all got my mom and Tom RockBand for the Wii and it turned out to be a HUGE hit. We played for hours and enjoyed watching Brady and Adam think that they were the next Led Zeppelin or whoever sings those songs :)

I think my mom was a Rockstar in another life??? She was Lovin it, probably not as much as we were Loving watching her Rock out though :)

MISTY and SEAN'S Big Day!

One of my Roommates from College got married in December and it was SO good to see her and some of my other friends I hadn't seen in awhile. It was such a fun day!

Misty, Becky, and I.
Enjoying homemade snow cones in the back yard in between dances (notice there big socks) Keanna says they are "Easier to Dance in"???? Not sure why:) Seriously kids are So Easily Entertained and as you can tell from the looks on there faces they loved the idea.

A Few More of Christmas Time... Adam and Kade Playing Farming. Adam is just like a little kid when it comes to this stuff its so funny, he always says how mad he is because the kids now have Way Cooler toys than he ever had, Lol.
Gag Gift Night... My mom getting all of her Gear on for her next horse ride since she tends to get thrown off here and there Tom figured he ought to get her some Padding so the Fall isn't as Painful :) This year there were some Classic Gag Gifts, most not Blog Approved Sorry, but it is always a guaranteed good time ;)
How Sweet are they....
This year we made all of the kiddo's Scrapbooks for Christmas. It was SO worth all of the hours put into them just watching them for the 5 minutes that they were entertained :) Ang said her kids even still look at them from time to time before bedtime, mission accomplished!

We had a Gingerbread making Contest one Night- Ours was the worst so Derrik decided to COVER it in Blue icing when it was all done, he was trying to help our chances of winning but it still didn't work in our favor !

Okay this is a HIGHLIGHT of December for sure. So as you all already know I was living with Angie and Jarad for the last while and turns out while I was there little Lany Bug Developed a Love for my music. Not just any sort of Music, she started to Specifically Request "Empire State of Mind" by Jay-Z, yes that's right she is Now a little Rapper! For her Birthday we got her this cute little velour jumpsuit and not only did she demand that song, but she HAD to have her "Pockets" on as well. So I decided to teach her a few moves and she caught on fast (like I know how to Rap, but hey she's 2 and doesn't know I look like an idiot, so she was the perfect audience) She Even had to line up her Horses for her own Audience, Seriously the Cutest thing I've ever seen. Yes some of you may be thinking I'm going to be a Wonderful Mother someday, but hey she Loved it, no harm in learning different types of dance and music at a young age right ;)

Alayna's Birthday Party at the Mayan!

Well what I said was going to be a quick recap on the past 4 months turned into quite a Long Post, oh well I guess it was severely overdue:) I hope all of you are having a fabulous Spring...