Monday, October 22, 2012

I Love this Girl!

Too Cool for School!

 10 Months Already... 
The months just keep ticking away, before I know it little miss will be eating Birthday cake :( A little update on her...
- She is BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! Keeps me running constantly and I love it!
- Learned how to "click" her tongue and does it on que if you say "Show me your trick?"
-New Words "More",  "Mommy" She even learned how to sign More and Milk (finally) but Oh My is it Cute!
- Walks 100% of the time :( Can't believe my baby almost isn't a baby anymore, so sad!
-Holds the iphone up to her ear and says something that sounds like she is saying "Hello"!
- Grabs the remote and points it at the TV like she knows it will change the channel!
- She still has an obsession with owls!
- Is Very determined
- Loves babies now, she always goes up to little babies even if they are almost her same age and pets them and talks to them like she is so much older!
- When I take her to the gym almost every time that I pick her up the girls tell me she is the diva in the room and either wants to be pushed in the baby stroller the whole time or always wants to play with the kids that are much older than her.
- Is such a good sleeper and will play in her crib for a good 30 minutes to an hour before she is ready to get out... she's Great :)
- Is a big fan of stroller rides. We can go for miles and she never makes a peep!
-Starts dancing the second she hears music start, she's got mad moves ;)
- Has become quite a little daddy's girl over the last month since he has been home. Her number one word that she say's ALL DAY LONG is Dadda! She lights up when he walks in the room and always tries to get his attention when he is busy doing other things.
- Would eat rocks the entire time we are outside in the yard if we would let her, not sure why they taste so good to her but they must because she is always going back for more.
- Her hair is FINALLY starting to thicken up and getting a little longer too. She is so sweet when I take her into her bathroom to fix her bead head :)
- Is such a little Ham, has the FUNNIEST little smile these days that we like to call her "Squinchy Face" (Pictures of that to come later)
- Has 9 teeth and 3 new ones breaking through at the moment.
- Still hates to keep her head bands in :(
-Loves us to read her stories, but might love to eat her books more. She always is so intrigued even though I'm pretty sure she has no idea what we are saying some of the time!
- Has her Mommy and Daddy wrapped TIGHT!!!
This picture idea of mine is getting harder and harder in case you can't tell :(

Every morning when she wakes up she looks up on her shelf where these ceramic owls sit and she Hoot's at them! So I thought it was fitting to get a picture of her mauling it and giving kisses :)

Love this chubby cheeked girl!