Saturday, November 01, 2003

I’ve been so busy, not enough time to write. I attended a meeting yesterday where four candidates all running for the 70th Assembly were speaking. The candidate, Dr. Alexandria Coronado was there as well; she is running against Loretta Sanchez for Congress. I like what she had to say, she will need to raise a ton of money to beat Sanchez! Good Luck to her! I may volunteer to work on one of these candidates’ campaigns. Then I could see how a real campaign is run. I’m still learning so much every time I go to one of these meetings; it’s so interesting.

After the meeting I had to bartend till 6:30pm, then run home and get dressed up for Halloween. I was a biker chick, no time to try to come up with something original. Then it was back to bar where I made sandwiches and put out appetizers for the party. We had a blast!

I finished payroll today and am working on all the other month-end paperwork. I’ll never catch up so I can relax it seems. I think I’ll go watch a few movies and forget about finding the bottom of my desk!

Thursday, October 30, 2003

They finally have some progress on some of these fires! The weather is helping out, with a few showers here and there. I saw the sky today for the first time in awhile. Right now it’s cold and looks like it will rain soon-good news!

Busy day tomorrow with Halloween, work, and I have a meeting to attend for the Tustin Area Republican Women Federated. Alexandria Coronado will be speaking; she is running against incumbent Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for the 47th Congressional District. It would be nice to see her win; Sanchez is so annoying.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

These fires just keep getting worse! I’ve been watching TV all day; I can’t believe how bad things are! It is now up to over 1600 homes destroyed! A firefighter has been killed, and others injured. My bartender JJ just called because she has a friend who is here fighting the fires in San Diego from Vegas. He said the fires were all merging in San Diego and were 0% contained! He also said that Big Bear Mountain was going to be wiped out. Apparently they can only fight that fire from the air, it’s too dangerous on the ground. It’s just amazing watching the firefighters save homes, and battle these fires. Firefighters from Oregon are being sent in to relieve the ones down in San Diego because they are just exhausted. They are bringing in military planes from Georgia and Michigan. They just said on the news that the fires are unmanageable! Arnold is in Washington asking for Federal help. We need help from God at this point! I’m thinking lots of rain or snow in the mountains would be necessary at this point!

I’m receiving several e-mails from back in Ohio, friends and family worried about me. I’m okay so far, just breathing bad air and have a lot of cleaning to do! Orange County isn’t being threatened at this point. There was a small fire that broke out earlier this week in San Clemente, but they put it out real fast! We just have all the smoke and ash hanging around in the air.

I better get to the store, I need to buy food for deva’s big Halloween party. I just love Halloween, its so much fun dressing up. It will be spooky for sure with the air like this!

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Okay, the 50,000 hits were only on the website. I have no idea how many hits received, but it has to be way more! Wow!

These fires are relentless! Several of my patrons and friends own homes up in the mountains that are currently a blaze. One customer lost his house on Saturday. He went to work and they called to tell him his house was gone. He had to go shopping the next day to buy clothes so he could go to work. A good friend is currently waiting to see if his house is still standing. He spent $7,000 just ten days ago to have 14 dead trees removed from around his home. He brought me down some firewood that burned quickly in my fire pit out back. I can see why entire mountains of these dead trees burn so fast. There are 10 fires going right now, and over 1100 homes burned so far. What a disaster! A lot of people are going to need so much help. I’m 40 miles away and my eyes are burning, my house has ash all over, and I can smell the smoke. The people close to the fire must be miserable!

Sunday, October 26, 2003

The wedding was nice, not too ashy! First time I had Philippine food, the bride is from the Philippines. The sunset was amazing; the sun was bright neon red. These fires are so bad! I just heard that over 600 homes are burned. Gray Davis was on the news earlier declaring a disaster area. The guy is actually forming a bit of a personality now, it’s like he’s happy he got recalled. My eyes are burning, I can’t breath well, and I can’t imagine what the people closer to the fires are going through. My pool is now unusable; it’s black with ash. The Santa Ana winds are kicking up and it’s making it worse. This is so devastating, these poor people losing everything. About a dozen people have died as a result of this disaster. I have to clean the filters on my air cleaners every day now, they get dirty so fast.

I received an e-mail today from a person I went to high school with; actually he was a year ahead of me. Dan e-mailed me a few weeks back really upset about what was going on in Ohio with the sales tax being raised without a vote. He was so upset and felt he could not do anything about it. Dan asked for my advice and said how he was proud of me for running for Governor. He sounded so helpless. I wrote back and encouraged him to do get off his butt and do something about it, anything, or quit complaining. I told him that you don’t have to be a career politician to get involved, just look at us here in California! Anyway, a few days went by and Dan e-mailed me to let me know he started circulating a petition t repeal the sales tax increase of 1%. He sounds so excited now, and I think he’s getting somewhere! Here is the e-mail I received today:

Good things are happening here finally.........

I brought a petition for repealing the 1% state tax to a fish fry last weekend at Bruce Zitkovic's house and wow were people jumping to sign.

They were asking when I am going to run for mayor or a council seat. { MY GOD }
I reply that I have a good 7-12 years at ------- yet before I can get a decent pension but tell them I'm thinking about it.
The wildest thing is when I tell them I am a registered Dem. and I am in favor of conservative issues. They just crap themselves.

I had over 40 signatures by nights end and everyone was talking about getting something done to help out.
Stunned by all the excitement I e-mailed radio stations in the area and in Toledo sending this letter below to the courier last Thursday morning.

It must be a hotter topic than I thought because the courier printed it the very next day in the letters to the editor section Friday Oct. 24.

I'm having fun and feeling good about myself for a change. You are right it is like an awakening and people are listening to me like I am some important voice.

Are most people really this damn dumb?? Can't they see what the government is doing to us all???
I am truly amazed. I will do my best to keep people on their toes here. I just have to be a little careful on the job of what and how I mention these topics

I'll keep you up if anything wild happens.
Take care,

---- Original Message -----
From: Dan Helfer
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:37 AM

Registered voters who are ready to make the state of Ohio accountable for the over spending and fantasy politics that we are engaged in can make a difference today by signing on to the petition for the 1% tax repeal.

We are and have been on a course of uncontrolled spending up 70% in the last ten years. That is more that any state around here.
Our manufacturing jobs are leaving as well with over 118 thousand gone last year alone.

What is happening? We have a chance to repeal this state imposed 1% tax that has been applied to us Ohioans with out us first having a chance to vote on the issue.

Luckily for everyone a difference can be made by getting the word out about this petition and making sure our leaders in all areas act responsibly in the future with our hard earned tax dollars.

Please take the few minutes to review the information and petition at and do what you can as a responsible voter to give our over spending people in the state house a message of reform.

A petition can be down loaded from this web site for use by any registered voter who has the resolve to make a stand. I myself have engaged in this effort and have had great response by all who have signed asking me to please keep it moving and fight for what is right.

Dan Helfer
Findlay OH

Good for Dan! It’s great to hear that people are getting involved! Never thought I could influence politics in Ohio! I just hope this catches on all over the country!

I also received an e-mail today from Mike, the friend who helps me with my website. It looks like received close to 50,000 hits over the last couple of months! The report even lists all the different countries of visitors on this site; there were 55 different countries! Can you believe it? The UK and Canada were at the top of the list after the USA. Amazing!

Saturday, October 25, 2003

It’s snowing ashes outside! The fires are so bad right now all over Southern California! Outside looks and smells like a giant ashtray. Everything is covered in ash; my pool has an entire layer of the junk. I’ve never seen it like this before, even when the fires have been closer. We’re supposed to go to a wedding today, outdoors. I’m not sure if I want to go stand outside in this, it isn’t good to breath in all of this smoke. I can’t imagine what a mess it’s going to be for the wedding couple. If she has a white dress, it will most definitely be gray by this evening. Hopefully things will turn out well. It was originally supposed to be up to 101 degrees today, I thought I might actually get some sun. It’s more like 70 degrees because the smoke and ash have completely blocked out the suns rays. It’s really weird; the sun looks like a neon pink fireball.

I’m watching the Breeder’s Cup on TV today, first time. It’s so interesting, I can’t believe I never paid attention to horse racing before. That female jockey, Julie won her race today, which they said was the first time a female won in The Breeder’s Cup. Good for her! They just had the first ever “dead heat,” just now. How exciting, the winners get to share two million dollars.

I better get ready for the wedding; wonder if I have anything gray to wear?

Thursday, October 23, 2003

I just took a refreshing swim in my pool! It had been a while, but the weather is so nice for October, the water is 82 degrees! I just love Indian Summer (yeah, so does Bustamante-JK!) I can’t ever remember it being so nice at the end of October, it’s wonderful. A helicopter made several circles over my backyard, I’m sure that was just coincidence, but I may have to start wearing my bikini (no way, it’s just not the same.)

That obnoxious candidate Bill Wyatt (William Tsangeres,) is running for President. I got an e-mail from him today that proves he’s on the ballot in Missouri, the “Show Me” state. Then I thought hey, the “Show Me” state would be perfect for me! Think of all the jokes that could come out of that one! Anyway, I think it’s great that he is showing that anyone can run for office. He’s right about the fact we tell our children, as we were told,” You can be anything you want when you grow up, even President.” After we grow up a few years we realize that would never happen. I thought about running earlier before the Governor’s race was over to keep the momentum going. Then realized, I need to get back to work! Besides, people would really think I’ve gone off the deep end and consider me crazy (now, now, I know some of you may already have gone there.) Anyway, I have decided to look into the Santa Ana City Council. It just so happens that there is a position available for 2004. I’m going to check into it soon. Who knows?

I received an e-mail today from Curt Renz, in Illinois. It started with “Hi Cousin!” I don’t think we are related, but it is fun to read all the e-mails from possible relatives. My closest known relative that I keep in contact with is in Indiana!

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

I just spent the entire day cleaning and doing laundry! My place was such a mess; I couldn’t stand it any longer! I still haven’t found the bottom of my desk yet. I have so many papers and campaign related things lying all over the place. I need to sit down and organize everything, put together a little book. I have received all the sample ballots from each district, all 80 of them! I was expecting one sample ballot, I didn’t realize because our names were in a different order in each district, that they were going to do this.

I had a good day at work yesterday trying to get back into the awing of things. Most people walked in and joked that “Hey, there’s a new bartender!” Things are getting back to normal. The jokes will be endless I can tell. I gave the change back to the wrong customer once and I heard,” That’s why Arriana got more votes than you.” Then there’s the standard question I only hear a dozen times a day,” Has Arnold called you yet to help him out?” It’s all in fun; we have a good time with it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

I can’t sleep! I’ve been awake since 3:30am for some reason. Monday was back to normal, that’s for sure. My new credit card terminal is programmed wrong, I had the wrong ink ribbon for the cash register, an employee quit but didn’t tell me about it, etc………….it was a Monday! If I could just quit worrying about everything! That’s why I can’t sleep; I lie there and think about all the things that need to be taken care of.

The Anniversary party was a success. We had a busy evening; everyone had plenty of food thanks to Barry, Leisa, Allen, Dino, and Caren. A couple of Effen vodkas, along with a shot of Jagermeister and I was feeling just fine. It was funny, about a dozen new faces walked in all at the same time around 10pm. Apparently they were from L.A. and took a bus on a pub-crawl, we were stop number 5 in Orange County. How fun!

Sunday I didn’t do much, still tired and trying to catch up on everything! Barry and I did go shopping, crossing two picket lines at Albertson’s and Ralph’s. If you’re not from here let me explain: The three major grocery stores are either locked out or on strike over the fact that their companies want them to pay for some of their health care. Most people have to pay some or all of their own health care; I pay close to $500 a month for Barry and myself. I’m not too happy about not being able to go to my favorite store, Vons, which is right down the street. All the delis are closed, so no good lunchmeat for Barry. I didn’t want to go to the store where I know everybody; it would be too uncomfortable when (and if) this strike ever ends. They had coupons for free eggs, pumpkins, and sodas, along with a $20 off of a $100 purchase! We put out food during parties and Monday night football at deva’s, and I needed to go shopping! Anyway, it wasn’t bad; I think because Barry had a crutch they were nicer than usual. They even have security guards on duty because of the problems they’ve had. I don’t think anyone should have to worry about violence when shopping for food at a local grocery store! Good news is that one of my patrons got a job as a cashier at Vons, paying almost $18 an hour. That’s pretty good!

Well, I’m going to try to get some rest, looks like I will be working today.

Saturday, October 18, 2003

What a great day to go to the races! We went to Santa Anita yesterday out in Arcadia, it’s beautiful there against the mountains. This was my first experience with horse racing. It didn’t take long to figure out how to bet. What takes longer is figuring out how to actually win some money! Luckily, “Jazz Ya,” in the 6th, and “Lucky in Love,” in the 7th came in first so I won a little under $100.00! Never mind I bet a little more than that before hand. It was a fun experience to see the horses live right in front of you. They are such amazing creatures to look at! We went with several friends, which made it more entertaining then if we had gone alone. There really weren’t many people there, I guess since you can bet on the horses from so many locations; people don’t actually show up at the track. We did see a famous trainer there; he was posing with a winning horse, of course. Bob Baffert, with his all-white hair, isn’t hard to spot. I’ve just been reading up on him, wow! I didn’t realize he has gone for the Triple Crown so many times, the last time being in June 2002, when "War Emblem " stumbled out of the starting gate at the Belmont Stakes in New York. Sounds like a nice guy from what the reporters write about him. I did catch his eye for a moment, probably because I was dressed up in high heels and standing right in front of the winner’s circle! People seemed a little surprised to him there, I didn’t know who he was until Barry explained it to me. I hope he does well in the future, sounds like he’s had a lot of tough brakes!

I was standing there watching a race and I hear from behind me,”Hey, we voted for you!” It was two reporters that had interviewed me from the Purple Cow before the Jay Leno Show, while we were in the park. Once again, small world!

The guy, Dave, at the window where we were placing our bets was thrilled to meet a candidate! He was so funny; he suggested we come back next weekend when all the stars would be there for the Breeder’s Cup. It took forever to get out of there, I can’t imagine going when the place gets full! I bet it would be a crazy day!

We are having deva’s 5th Anniversary Party today. The Anniversary was officially on Election Night, but one party at a time! Barry is cooking Indian food, and it smells wonderful! It’s so spicy, I love it! Now I’m really hungry………..maybe I’ll just go sample it to make sure it’s hot enough!

Thursday, October 16, 2003

I find it amusing that Arianna Huffington dropped out but her campaign just sent out 29,000 e-mails asking for donations to cover the bills she racked up! At least according to the OC Register today. Isn’t she the one that was going on and on about campaign-finance reform? She owes $235,000. Good thing she didn’t win, she couldn’t even stop spending herself into debt! What do you think she would’ve done as Governor?
President Bush was here in California today, good to see him and Arnold together! Hopefully we will see more of President Bush out here since apparently the state is gaining support for Republicans! Okay, so not in San Francisco!

Tonight is dart night at deva’s; we have an in-house league that is a lot of fun! Gotta run!

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

The world just keeps on getting smaller! I wrote earlier about the 82nd Airborne in Iraq because my best friend’s nephew came into the bar and autographed a flag for me. Well, I also wrote how my friend Shonda had a little brother named Bart who is a Captain in the Army stationed in Iraq. It turns out they are both from the same 82nd Airborne!

The nice people from Effen Vodka sent me a package today full of T-Shirts, cards, and neat pens! That was so nice of them; they thanked me for mentioning their Black Cherry Vanilla vodka earlier in my Blog. It’s definitely my new favorite drink, not too sweet like most flavored vodkas.

My entries are getting shorter I know, not as much happening since the Election is over with. I’ll have to start writing about the crazy things my bar patrons are up to! Well, I’ll have to think about that one.

Barry seems to be doing better this week. He knows he needs a knee replacement. He needed one a year ago but he’s trying to hold onto as many original parts as possible! The pain must be terrible for him to finally admit he needs to go through this operation. At least we can go from there and relieve some of his discomfort! Everyone I’ve talked to that has had this surgery is so happy with the results. You can only numb the pain for so long with pain pills before it starts taking a toll on your mental health.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

It’s been a week already from the Election! I can’t believe that it a week has gone by already! I still have a ton of work to do to catch up on my business. Davis signed a bill that bans the sale of products containing ephedra, good thing I lost a lot of weight during the election. I’m putting it back on already since I actually have time to eat now. Today I have been bad, I had roast beef, green beans, and mashed potatoes for breakfast, M&M’s and a hotdog covered with habanera mustard with jalapenos for lunch. Quite a change from living on Yogurt Whips and Sugar Free Red Bull!

I received an e-mail yesterday that just made me tear up. A wonderful lady, Shirley Fritz, sent me her diary excerpts from when my parents got married, when I was born, and until my family had moved away. Her husband, Keith, was my father’s good friend and High School buddy. Apparently a few days after I was born there was a big funnel cloud and my parents, my grandma, and aunt Mary all hid in the cellar of these good friends of my father. My poor mother wasn’t very comfortable sitting on cement waiting for the tornado to go over. We lived in a mobile home at the time in an extremely small town. I sent the e-mail to my Aunt Mary who then filled in the details because she remembered it very clearly; she was touched as well. Amazing things have come out of this recall election. Who’d of thought it would lead there?

Monday, October 13, 2003

I am still trying to catch up on everything! I’m doing laundry now, only three weeks worth! Paperwork from deva’s has piled up! My worker’s compensation just went up again! My landlord is trying to charge me an increased rent from 1999! He actually sent me a bill for over $8,000 the other day! Guess I need an attorney. Landlords are so difficult to deal with; I hope someday to own the property where I eventually have my restaurant/ bar! Life would be so much easier. The last words my landlord said to me were, “You women are all a like, you’re so emotional.” You bet I’m emotional when it comes to my livelihood! Nice guy huh? Guess I don’t have to say anything else, you get the idea of how he feels towards women.

It’s the end of the quarter, still working on all that paperwork as well. I bartended on Saturday for the first time since I flied papers to run for Governor. It was good to be back, but what a change! Much different than only a week ago where every time I walked in the bar I was trailed by a camera or reporter. I’m going to have withdrawals! Two older gentlemen came in deva’s and asked if I was Reva, they were from Findlay, Ohio, my hometown. They wanted to meet me and they bought T-shirts and got bumper stickers and buttons. They were so cute! They said” We were Trojans before they were condoms!” (Findlay High School’s mascot is the Trojans.) They had a couple of beers and told me I was the most famous person from Findlay. I gave them both a big hug and they went on their way, nice people!
My best friend, Leisa, had her nephew come in on Saturday night; he is home temporarily from Iraq. He signed a 82nd Airborne Division (hope I got that right) flag thanking me for all the items Leisa sent to him over in Iraq (autographed postcard, calendar, T-shirt, etc….) We had a fun evening. Leisa’s husband Herb was off deer hunting up north this past weekend. Poor Bambi. Hopefully the only thing he will kill this time is a bottle of Jack Daniels! We like to make fun of him because one time Herb went hunting for some type of bird and didn’t kill a thing. In the meantime, I was on the golf course and killed a bird on my drive off of the 10th tee! I felt so bad, I was ready to take it to the vet but it died quickly. That was the worst day of golf ever! Anyway, so we teased him I killed more birds than him and I didn’t need a gun.

I guess I’m going to have to change the name of this blog here pretty soon. I have no idea what to rename it, but I’m sure something will come to mind.

Friday, October 10, 2003

Let me finish up on what happened Wednesday. I know, I know, it’s Friday already, but I have paperwork for deva’s to catch up on! Okay, so after we left the interview at the hotel we drove down Melrose to find a place to eat. Melrose is a great place to visit; the streets are filled with little shops, boutiques, and cafes. We ate at GoodFellas, they had the exact same picture hanging in there that I have at home on the wall. The difference being, mine is actually signed by Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta (my favorite, I have a story about him too- a cute one,) Robert DeNiro, Martin Scorsese, and Paul Sorvino! It’s right next to my Al Pacino autographed Scare Face photo, you know the scene “say hello to my little friend!” Anyway, after lunch it was 6:30pm so we started home. We were driving by the Improv and they had a line outside so I told Barry to pull over. It was a bad time to get on the freeway so we just went into the Improv. It was open mic night, where anyone could go up on stage and try out their material. It’s fun to see the new comedians risk bombing up there, takes a lot of guts! I know because at one time I had two minutes prepared for stand-up and I was too afraid to go on stage. I’m a much better heckler! I talked with a few of the comedians and for some reason they thought I was there to get up on stage. One of them asked me if I was going on and I said I just finished a two-month gig. He asked where and I said “Running for Governor!” That got a good laugh! Afterwards I told the host of the show the same thing and he was disappointed he didn’t know earlier so he could really make fun of me. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to hear all the Governor jokes without them knowing. They do not like Arnold up in that area! Too bad. Anyway, we stayed for about four hours and laughed our butts off! I needed that!

On a sad note, Wally George passed away earlier this week, or last week. I read something about the services in the paper today. He was a nice guy; I did some advertising on his show here locally a couple of years ago. He interviewed me briefly about deva’s on his show, I had almost forgotten about that. Wally actually came to deva’s and we sang karaoke together! Then he signed autographs for everyone. I need to dig that picture out and hang on my wall.

Another sad note, Rush Limbaugh ending his show today announcing that he was addicted to pain killers. I wonder if that’s why he lost his hearing a few years ago? My Uncle has a bad back and he was on medication for so long that he lost most of his hearing. I was a little surprised listening to Rush today, but I hope he gets better. There are so many people addicted to prescription pain medication, I know several people. Barry was on Morphine for a year after they removed his bladder. He eventually got off of the medication even though his doctor told him to keep taking it. He was taking pain medication for his recent knee surgery but quit a few days ago, and I see what he’s going through, it’s not easy. When you have chronic pain I don’t see much of an alternative to medication. I know personally, I injured my neck and I was in pain for several years at one time. Chronic pain is the worst! It’s also extremely depressing. I didn’t become addicted to any medication but I could see where someone else might. The medication just made me feel sick, it never seemed to actually work so I stopped taking it and just wondered around in pain for a long time. Well, I hope Rush will come out of this okay!

Thursday, October 09, 2003

The interview went great yesterday up in West Hollywood! It was “live,” but I felt good about it. The BBC World (cable news channel 24 in the UK,) went from coverage of Arnold’s press conference to ask me about him! I told them I was thrilled that Arnold won and that I thought he would do a great job bringing both sides together so that there would be unity in California. It’s funny, because after the first interview the reporter told me that Arnold had just said that he would bring both sides together in his press conference that she was listening to in her earpiece. It was beautiful up there on the roof of Le Parc Suites Hotel off of Melrose. Apparently that’s a popular spot for newscasts because of the scenic backdrop of the Hollywood Hills. We were standing on boxes during the interview so that the Hills would show behind us. Not an easy task when you’re wearing high heels! I think my knees were shaking together during the interview! The BBC is such a group of lovely people; they have all been so pleasant. I had mentioned about the mistake in their article on the BBC Online website where the headline over my name said “Porn Star’s Platform,” and the fact that my bar is spelled “deva’s,” not “diva’s.” I also told them I am not in LA, but in Orange County. The reporter made one phone call and it’s fixed:


It’s still not the best article on me, but at least they got the information straight. I never spoke to the person who wrote the article, she obviously watched the news story that Tom Carver did. I find that if I actually speak to the reporter myself, that the story is more positive. I can understand if you haven’t spoken to me directly you could get the wrong impression. Bar owner, deva’s, blonde, short skirts, etc…………..never judge a book by its cover!
I also did an interview yesterday with Jeff Fitzgerald from WLIO TV Station in Lima, Ohio. I hope it turned out okay considering we were driving up the 405 in the bumpy car pool lane.
I only received 284 votes. That’s fine by me! Day one after I flied my nomination papers, I did my first interview on TV and said I wanted everyone to vote for the front runner when it comes down to wire on Election Day. I went on Fox news nationally and told people to vote for Arnold if he is the frontrunner on Oct.7th! Not that I could take enough votes away from any Republican to change the outcome in this election, but what if it had been closer? What if the 10,110 votes that Mary Carey received actually made the difference in who would become Governor? What if all the Votes that the so-called “other” candidates received actually took away enough votes from Arnold so that we ended up with Cruz Bustamante? Cruz would’ve been worse than Davis! His platform was basically following along with Davis did and doing even more of the same! What a dumb idea that was. Anyway, I didn’t know what a big deal everyone was going to make over the amount of votes! Most of my friends and supporters voted for Arnold because we believe that any Republican is better than Davis or Bustamante! So, while I didn’t finish anywhere near the top vote- wise, I finished at the top in getting the word out for the Republican Party! I hope that Tom McClintock is forgiven by certain groups for not getting out of the race, and therefore, possibly splitting the vote. I have not heard a bad word about McClintock other than this. Most say he is a stand-up, straightforward guy. Even Bill, a Democrat doing a documentary said he really respected McClintock even though he didn’t agree with all his views. Hopefully we will see him as our Governor one day in the future!

On another, somewhat amusing note:
I was writing about James Worthy the other day, a funny little story about how my roommate at the time, Whittney, and I met him in Hollywood. Well, I received an e-mail from someone who claims that he is a close friend of James and that James doesn’t remember me and has never been to my bar. Then he went on to attack my looks, calling me a “5 ½” out of 10, and maybe a “6 or 7” after a few drinks! He wrote that I’m just trying to make a name for myself! That’s funny! I think running for Governor and getting national as well as international attention has done that! I am replying to this person so if he really is James’ friend we can set the record straight:

Of course he doesn't remember, it was in 1991! If you are a good friend of his then you probably shouldn't attack me on my looks---that's low. I'll have to go into more detail on my blog I guess. I was trying to be nice and keep it light, it's not like I said we had sex or anything. I'm sure there will be plenty of that in the book his wife is writing.
He drove a silver-gray BMW at he time, I know because we talked in the parking lot at A & M Records after a B-day party for Luther Vandross. Magic Johnson wasn't with him because he was under the weather (it was right before he announced he had AIDS.) Mario Van Peeples was there, he asked out my friend, Whittney, as well. Sounds of Blackness performed. We were there catering the party, working for Tony Whitehead (I think he is a cousin to the Jackson Family, or so I was told when I met him at their home on Havenhurst.) Plus, I do have an autograph made out to the Cypress College Girls Basketball Team from James Worthy! Anyway, I really don't think that mentioning someone called my roommate and myself 12 years later is "trying to make a name for myself!" I think running for Governor of California pretty much took care of that!

People are funny. James certainly didn’t think either one of us young, blonde girls was anything less than a “10” on that evening. I was just excited about meeting a basketball player because at the time I was playing basketball for Cypress College. It was actually quite funny how we started talking that evening. I was serving the food, hot licks, fried chicken, and mussel greens. James came up to me and asked how he could get some more chicken. I (being the forever smart-mouth) said he would have to smile first, and then asked him how tall he was. I then proceeded to tell him that he should play basketball because of his height, while he laughed. All the while Whittney was poking me in the ribs with her elbow, trying to tell me who he was. Of course I refused to listen to her and kept giving him a hard time. James told me he did play basketball. I said “oh yeah, what team?” He replied “The Laker’s,” and then I was so embarrassed because I didn’t recognize him in a nice suit without the glasses he always wore when he was playing. Anyway, it was a fun evening for Whittney and I!

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I woke up early this morning and opened the back door to six friendly faces. No, not reporters or fans, ducks! I went out by the pool with the paper and my Earl Grey tea (with a spot of milk of course,) and my two cats to relax for the first morning in a long time. Unfortunately the friendly ducks made a mess of my pool, but it was refreshing to see them. The Election Day diary was there on page two, noting what an unpleasant experience I had at the polls. A little further into the paper was a picture of me doing a shot of Jagermeister-Of Course! I told the OC Register photographer that as soon as I take a drink, that the photo they always seem to use. He agreed and sent it off via laptop. The LA Times was there as well trying to beat the deadline. I don’t know if there are any pictures of me or not, I haven’t seen today’s paper yet. I did see the two he sent in, one was of a “fan” giving me a bouquet of flowers, and the other was of me holding the Join Arnold sign as I gave my concession speech. Hey, at least I conceded prior to Bustamante or Davis, I knew Arnold would win easily! Okay, I hoped he would win so California doesn’t turn into Mexifornia! Yeah Arnold! I’m thrilled he won! Not much of an election night, at about five minutes after the polls closed Arnold was declared victorious! Good thing my party started at 5pm! Barry cooked all day so that we could serve around 200 tacos! I had a blast as usual. I had students from Cal State Northridge and Cal State Fullerton there to interview me and take pictures; it was fun for them as well. The customers were starting to get dizzy with all the camera flashes going off!
Guess who won the “deva’s poll?” Okay, it was I! I only voted for myself three times. Arnold came in second and the “Yes” on Recall won by a landslide! It helped that Caren, one of our wonderful regulars bought the bar a round of kamikazes! We all had a good time!
Well, I’m off to yet another interview with the BBC in West Hollywood. BBC World is broadcasting from the roof of a hotel up there. I’m so tired, but I promised so off I go!

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

It's Election Day!
I just voted for myself for Governor! Like I ever thought I’d write those words! It was sort of strange going to the polls and actually seeing my name there on the official ballot. I do have to say I am deeply upset about my voting experience today! It was the worst voting experience I have ever had! Usually everyone is so nice and accommodating at the polls. Instead of voting in a neighbors garage this time I had to go vote at Royale Health Care Center, on Warner Ave, in Santa Ana. My boyfriend came with me to take a picture of me voting at the polls. I was standing outside by a sign that said, “VOTE,” and had an arrow pointing to the entrance. My boyfriend took a picture and some woman from the nursing home came out and yelled that we could not take pictures within 100 feet of a polling place. So my boyfriend turned off the camera and stood off to the side on his crutches. A few women started looking at him and then went and got another person in charge to come and ask him what he was doing there! He replied he was waiting for me and they asked if he was from a film crew. He told them no, and continued to wait. I was in line and the first rude woman that had yelled at us came by and knocked into me, hitting my purse in the air, then gave me a nasty look. I was so upset that I called the Registrar of Voters and they informed me it was okay to take a picture as long as I wasn’t interfering in the voting process. I told them I just wanted to take a picture of myself by the sign out front. She told me that was just fine. In the meantime the Health Care Center had shooed away two news camera crews. So I went back out front and Barry proceeded to take my picture. Another extremely rude woman came charging out and yelled at us that we could not take pictures. I explained to her that it was only of me and that the Registrar of Voters said it was okay. She then said, “No it is not! This is private property and you do not have permission to take pictures!” She then turned to Barry and yelled, “This is the second time you’ve been told!” Then she motioned for us to leave, so we did. What rude people! These are the people in charge of an elderly Health Care facility, I feel sorry for the elderly stuck in that place! Okay, I’ll calm down now, but I’m really upset about being treated so rudely when we weren’t doing anything except taking a picture of me! I have watched Arnold, Cruz, McClintock, and many others on the news today voting!

That will probably be in the paper tomorrow. A reporter from the OC Register is calling the candidates throughout the day to find out what’s going on during Election Day. He first called to ask what I had for breakfast. The next call, as you can imagine, was me being upset about the voting ordeal. Oh well, on to more important things. I have to get my “deva’s poll” board ready for tonight. Depending on which shot you order we are considering it a vote for the certain candidates. I’m Jagermeister! “Yes” on Recall is a Kamikaze (like Davis’ career,) Cruz is Wild Turkey, Arnold is Jack Daniels, Tom McClintock is Gentleman Jack, and Peter Camejo is Grasshopper (Green). Well, we need to put the finishing touches on the food for the open Taco Bar, so I better get busy! Party starts at 5pm!

The BBC has a story online today, you can view it at:
Only thing is, above my name they wrote: Porn Star’s Platform! I have e-mailed them hoping they will correct this! The article does mention that it is questionable whether or not Arnold can beat Reva Renz! Ha Ha!

Sunday, October 05, 2003

It’s Sunday evening and I’ve been here at my desk again all day! I have to get bills paid and deva’s paperwork, banks, deposits all ready for Monday. Can’t the rest of the world just stop for a few days so I can catch up? Wishful thinking!

I am in the Toledo Blade today, back in Ohio:

It’s funny because they allow you to send my picture as an e-mail greeting on their website. It’s kind of neat, I sent it to my brother in Ohio. We’re getting down to the wire now! I’ll be campaigning the best I can tomorrow. I am almost out of campaign materials! I thought I would have a ton of stuff left over, that’s not going to be the case. I even had to re-order a few things because of all the requests I have been getting. Everyone wants a piece of this historic recall election! That includes the Secretary of State! I received a letter requesting memorabilia to be preserved in the Golden State Museum.

Election Night will be a blast! Deva’s is having an Election Night Party starting at 5pm. We will be having shot specials, our own “deva’s poll,” and an open taco bar! You vote for a candidate by ordering the drink I have listed next to their name. Here’s a list straight from the flyer:

Reva Renee Renz Jagermeister
Arnold Schwarzenegger Jack Daniels
Tom McClintock Gentleman Jack
Cruz Bustamante Wild Turkey
Peter Camejo Grasshopper

Recall Davis Kamikaze

“No” on Recall (oh yeah right! Reva is Queen at deva’s, not an option to vote for this one!)

We will then place a mark by the candidates when a customer buys one of those shots on our “deva’s poll” board. Hey, if Taco Bell can do it, so can I! So stop by if you’re in the area on Tuesday!

I’m thinking I’ll be in for a surprise after this is all over. It’s been so much fun, but I need to rest. Then I’ll have to think of something more exciting to do! How can I top this run for Governor? This will be tricky! I’m sure something will come up. Us “other” candidates may need to start a support group, just kidding! It will be quite a change though. The only thing I’ve got lined up for Tuesday press wise is a radio station in L.A. that will be coming by deva’s during the party. ABC and the L.A. Times called but have not confirmed that they will show up. Oh well, it’s going to be a nice gathering regardless because I will be with the people who have supported me and that’s what’s important! I was going to go up to a big party in L.A. but I think staying here is the right thing to do.

Barry called relatives in London to tape record the BBC interview tomorrow night. They were a bit surprised by the reason he was calling! Anyway, I should get a copy as soon as they can transfer it so we can play it over here. I didn’t know they have different machines then we do when it comes to VCR’s. I thought it was just the electrical outlets. Barry is still waiting to hear from the doctors about his test results! Isn’t that ridiculous? Not knowing is driving us crazy! I hope that means no news is good news!

I heard from my best friend from 6th grade today. Shonda (Rice) Berry was my best friend back then and we always had so much fun at her slumber parties! A bunch of kids holding séances, playing with an Ouji Board, and pulling pranks on her little brother. More nice memories of Ohio. I even remember that we used the Ouji Board to ask at what age we would die. I think I was the only one who dared that question though. And after all this time, I have never forgotten the answer; 69. It’s weird what sticks with you. She informs me that her little brother, Bart, is over in Iraq right now on his second tour, and he is a Captain in the Army. Wow! I remember we would put his hand in a warm bowl of water when he was asleep trying to make him wet the bed. How funny! I certainly hope he kicks ass over there in Iraq and comes home safe!

Saturday, October 04, 2003

I almost forgot, here's a little piece in the Washington Post today:

Just a little "light" bio!