Monday, October 13, 2003

I am still trying to catch up on everything! I’m doing laundry now, only three weeks worth! Paperwork from deva’s has piled up! My worker’s compensation just went up again! My landlord is trying to charge me an increased rent from 1999! He actually sent me a bill for over $8,000 the other day! Guess I need an attorney. Landlords are so difficult to deal with; I hope someday to own the property where I eventually have my restaurant/ bar! Life would be so much easier. The last words my landlord said to me were, “You women are all a like, you’re so emotional.” You bet I’m emotional when it comes to my livelihood! Nice guy huh? Guess I don’t have to say anything else, you get the idea of how he feels towards women.

It’s the end of the quarter, still working on all that paperwork as well. I bartended on Saturday for the first time since I flied papers to run for Governor. It was good to be back, but what a change! Much different than only a week ago where every time I walked in the bar I was trailed by a camera or reporter. I’m going to have withdrawals! Two older gentlemen came in deva’s and asked if I was Reva, they were from Findlay, Ohio, my hometown. They wanted to meet me and they bought T-shirts and got bumper stickers and buttons. They were so cute! They said” We were Trojans before they were condoms!” (Findlay High School’s mascot is the Trojans.) They had a couple of beers and told me I was the most famous person from Findlay. I gave them both a big hug and they went on their way, nice people!
My best friend, Leisa, had her nephew come in on Saturday night; he is home temporarily from Iraq. He signed a 82nd Airborne Division (hope I got that right) flag thanking me for all the items Leisa sent to him over in Iraq (autographed postcard, calendar, T-shirt, etc….) We had a fun evening. Leisa’s husband Herb was off deer hunting up north this past weekend. Poor Bambi. Hopefully the only thing he will kill this time is a bottle of Jack Daniels! We like to make fun of him because one time Herb went hunting for some type of bird and didn’t kill a thing. In the meantime, I was on the golf course and killed a bird on my drive off of the 10th tee! I felt so bad, I was ready to take it to the vet but it died quickly. That was the worst day of golf ever! Anyway, so we teased him I killed more birds than him and I didn’t need a gun.

I guess I’m going to have to change the name of this blog here pretty soon. I have no idea what to rename it, but I’m sure something will come to mind.

Friday, October 10, 2003

Let me finish up on what happened Wednesday. I know, I know, it’s Friday already, but I have paperwork for deva’s to catch up on! Okay, so after we left the interview at the hotel we drove down Melrose to find a place to eat. Melrose is a great place to visit; the streets are filled with little shops, boutiques, and cafes. We ate at GoodFellas, they had the exact same picture hanging in there that I have at home on the wall. The difference being, mine is actually signed by Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta (my favorite, I have a story about him too- a cute one,) Robert DeNiro, Martin Scorsese, and Paul Sorvino! It’s right next to my Al Pacino autographed Scare Face photo, you know the scene “say hello to my little friend!” Anyway, after lunch it was 6:30pm so we started home. We were driving by the Improv and they had a line outside so I told Barry to pull over. It was a bad time to get on the freeway so we just went into the Improv. It was open mic night, where anyone could go up on stage and try out their material. It’s fun to see the new comedians risk bombing up there, takes a lot of guts! I know because at one time I had two minutes prepared for stand-up and I was too afraid to go on stage. I’m a much better heckler! I talked with a few of the comedians and for some reason they thought I was there to get up on stage. One of them asked me if I was going on and I said I just finished a two-month gig. He asked where and I said “Running for Governor!” That got a good laugh! Afterwards I told the host of the show the same thing and he was disappointed he didn’t know earlier so he could really make fun of me. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to hear all the Governor jokes without them knowing. They do not like Arnold up in that area! Too bad. Anyway, we stayed for about four hours and laughed our butts off! I needed that!

On a sad note, Wally George passed away earlier this week, or last week. I read something about the services in the paper today. He was a nice guy; I did some advertising on his show here locally a couple of years ago. He interviewed me briefly about deva’s on his show, I had almost forgotten about that. Wally actually came to deva’s and we sang karaoke together! Then he signed autographs for everyone. I need to dig that picture out and hang on my wall.

Another sad note, Rush Limbaugh ending his show today announcing that he was addicted to pain killers. I wonder if that’s why he lost his hearing a few years ago? My Uncle has a bad back and he was on medication for so long that he lost most of his hearing. I was a little surprised listening to Rush today, but I hope he gets better. There are so many people addicted to prescription pain medication, I know several people. Barry was on Morphine for a year after they removed his bladder. He eventually got off of the medication even though his doctor told him to keep taking it. He was taking pain medication for his recent knee surgery but quit a few days ago, and I see what he’s going through, it’s not easy. When you have chronic pain I don’t see much of an alternative to medication. I know personally, I injured my neck and I was in pain for several years at one time. Chronic pain is the worst! It’s also extremely depressing. I didn’t become addicted to any medication but I could see where someone else might. The medication just made me feel sick, it never seemed to actually work so I stopped taking it and just wondered around in pain for a long time. Well, I hope Rush will come out of this okay!

Thursday, October 09, 2003

The interview went great yesterday up in West Hollywood! It was “live,” but I felt good about it. The BBC World (cable news channel 24 in the UK,) went from coverage of Arnold’s press conference to ask me about him! I told them I was thrilled that Arnold won and that I thought he would do a great job bringing both sides together so that there would be unity in California. It’s funny, because after the first interview the reporter told me that Arnold had just said that he would bring both sides together in his press conference that she was listening to in her earpiece. It was beautiful up there on the roof of Le Parc Suites Hotel off of Melrose. Apparently that’s a popular spot for newscasts because of the scenic backdrop of the Hollywood Hills. We were standing on boxes during the interview so that the Hills would show behind us. Not an easy task when you’re wearing high heels! I think my knees were shaking together during the interview! The BBC is such a group of lovely people; they have all been so pleasant. I had mentioned about the mistake in their article on the BBC Online website where the headline over my name said “Porn Star’s Platform,” and the fact that my bar is spelled “deva’s,” not “diva’s.” I also told them I am not in LA, but in Orange County. The reporter made one phone call and it’s fixed:


It’s still not the best article on me, but at least they got the information straight. I never spoke to the person who wrote the article, she obviously watched the news story that Tom Carver did. I find that if I actually speak to the reporter myself, that the story is more positive. I can understand if you haven’t spoken to me directly you could get the wrong impression. Bar owner, deva’s, blonde, short skirts, etc…………..never judge a book by its cover!
I also did an interview yesterday with Jeff Fitzgerald from WLIO TV Station in Lima, Ohio. I hope it turned out okay considering we were driving up the 405 in the bumpy car pool lane.
I only received 284 votes. That’s fine by me! Day one after I flied my nomination papers, I did my first interview on TV and said I wanted everyone to vote for the front runner when it comes down to wire on Election Day. I went on Fox news nationally and told people to vote for Arnold if he is the frontrunner on Oct.7th! Not that I could take enough votes away from any Republican to change the outcome in this election, but what if it had been closer? What if the 10,110 votes that Mary Carey received actually made the difference in who would become Governor? What if all the Votes that the so-called “other” candidates received actually took away enough votes from Arnold so that we ended up with Cruz Bustamante? Cruz would’ve been worse than Davis! His platform was basically following along with Davis did and doing even more of the same! What a dumb idea that was. Anyway, I didn’t know what a big deal everyone was going to make over the amount of votes! Most of my friends and supporters voted for Arnold because we believe that any Republican is better than Davis or Bustamante! So, while I didn’t finish anywhere near the top vote- wise, I finished at the top in getting the word out for the Republican Party! I hope that Tom McClintock is forgiven by certain groups for not getting out of the race, and therefore, possibly splitting the vote. I have not heard a bad word about McClintock other than this. Most say he is a stand-up, straightforward guy. Even Bill, a Democrat doing a documentary said he really respected McClintock even though he didn’t agree with all his views. Hopefully we will see him as our Governor one day in the future!

On another, somewhat amusing note:
I was writing about James Worthy the other day, a funny little story about how my roommate at the time, Whittney, and I met him in Hollywood. Well, I received an e-mail from someone who claims that he is a close friend of James and that James doesn’t remember me and has never been to my bar. Then he went on to attack my looks, calling me a “5 ½” out of 10, and maybe a “6 or 7” after a few drinks! He wrote that I’m just trying to make a name for myself! That’s funny! I think running for Governor and getting national as well as international attention has done that! I am replying to this person so if he really is James’ friend we can set the record straight:

Of course he doesn't remember, it was in 1991! If you are a good friend of his then you probably shouldn't attack me on my looks---that's low. I'll have to go into more detail on my blog I guess. I was trying to be nice and keep it light, it's not like I said we had sex or anything. I'm sure there will be plenty of that in the book his wife is writing.
He drove a silver-gray BMW at he time, I know because we talked in the parking lot at A & M Records after a B-day party for Luther Vandross. Magic Johnson wasn't with him because he was under the weather (it was right before he announced he had AIDS.) Mario Van Peeples was there, he asked out my friend, Whittney, as well. Sounds of Blackness performed. We were there catering the party, working for Tony Whitehead (I think he is a cousin to the Jackson Family, or so I was told when I met him at their home on Havenhurst.) Plus, I do have an autograph made out to the Cypress College Girls Basketball Team from James Worthy! Anyway, I really don't think that mentioning someone called my roommate and myself 12 years later is "trying to make a name for myself!" I think running for Governor of California pretty much took care of that!

People are funny. James certainly didn’t think either one of us young, blonde girls was anything less than a “10” on that evening. I was just excited about meeting a basketball player because at the time I was playing basketball for Cypress College. It was actually quite funny how we started talking that evening. I was serving the food, hot licks, fried chicken, and mussel greens. James came up to me and asked how he could get some more chicken. I (being the forever smart-mouth) said he would have to smile first, and then asked him how tall he was. I then proceeded to tell him that he should play basketball because of his height, while he laughed. All the while Whittney was poking me in the ribs with her elbow, trying to tell me who he was. Of course I refused to listen to her and kept giving him a hard time. James told me he did play basketball. I said “oh yeah, what team?” He replied “The Laker’s,” and then I was so embarrassed because I didn’t recognize him in a nice suit without the glasses he always wore when he was playing. Anyway, it was a fun evening for Whittney and I!

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I woke up early this morning and opened the back door to six friendly faces. No, not reporters or fans, ducks! I went out by the pool with the paper and my Earl Grey tea (with a spot of milk of course,) and my two cats to relax for the first morning in a long time. Unfortunately the friendly ducks made a mess of my pool, but it was refreshing to see them. The Election Day diary was there on page two, noting what an unpleasant experience I had at the polls. A little further into the paper was a picture of me doing a shot of Jagermeister-Of Course! I told the OC Register photographer that as soon as I take a drink, that the photo they always seem to use. He agreed and sent it off via laptop. The LA Times was there as well trying to beat the deadline. I don’t know if there are any pictures of me or not, I haven’t seen today’s paper yet. I did see the two he sent in, one was of a “fan” giving me a bouquet of flowers, and the other was of me holding the Join Arnold sign as I gave my concession speech. Hey, at least I conceded prior to Bustamante or Davis, I knew Arnold would win easily! Okay, I hoped he would win so California doesn’t turn into Mexifornia! Yeah Arnold! I’m thrilled he won! Not much of an election night, at about five minutes after the polls closed Arnold was declared victorious! Good thing my party started at 5pm! Barry cooked all day so that we could serve around 200 tacos! I had a blast as usual. I had students from Cal State Northridge and Cal State Fullerton there to interview me and take pictures; it was fun for them as well. The customers were starting to get dizzy with all the camera flashes going off!
Guess who won the “deva’s poll?” Okay, it was I! I only voted for myself three times. Arnold came in second and the “Yes” on Recall won by a landslide! It helped that Caren, one of our wonderful regulars bought the bar a round of kamikazes! We all had a good time!
Well, I’m off to yet another interview with the BBC in West Hollywood. BBC World is broadcasting from the roof of a hotel up there. I’m so tired, but I promised so off I go!

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

It's Election Day!
I just voted for myself for Governor! Like I ever thought I’d write those words! It was sort of strange going to the polls and actually seeing my name there on the official ballot. I do have to say I am deeply upset about my voting experience today! It was the worst voting experience I have ever had! Usually everyone is so nice and accommodating at the polls. Instead of voting in a neighbors garage this time I had to go vote at Royale Health Care Center, on Warner Ave, in Santa Ana. My boyfriend came with me to take a picture of me voting at the polls. I was standing outside by a sign that said, “VOTE,” and had an arrow pointing to the entrance. My boyfriend took a picture and some woman from the nursing home came out and yelled that we could not take pictures within 100 feet of a polling place. So my boyfriend turned off the camera and stood off to the side on his crutches. A few women started looking at him and then went and got another person in charge to come and ask him what he was doing there! He replied he was waiting for me and they asked if he was from a film crew. He told them no, and continued to wait. I was in line and the first rude woman that had yelled at us came by and knocked into me, hitting my purse in the air, then gave me a nasty look. I was so upset that I called the Registrar of Voters and they informed me it was okay to take a picture as long as I wasn’t interfering in the voting process. I told them I just wanted to take a picture of myself by the sign out front. She told me that was just fine. In the meantime the Health Care Center had shooed away two news camera crews. So I went back out front and Barry proceeded to take my picture. Another extremely rude woman came charging out and yelled at us that we could not take pictures. I explained to her that it was only of me and that the Registrar of Voters said it was okay. She then said, “No it is not! This is private property and you do not have permission to take pictures!” She then turned to Barry and yelled, “This is the second time you’ve been told!” Then she motioned for us to leave, so we did. What rude people! These are the people in charge of an elderly Health Care facility, I feel sorry for the elderly stuck in that place! Okay, I’ll calm down now, but I’m really upset about being treated so rudely when we weren’t doing anything except taking a picture of me! I have watched Arnold, Cruz, McClintock, and many others on the news today voting!

That will probably be in the paper tomorrow. A reporter from the OC Register is calling the candidates throughout the day to find out what’s going on during Election Day. He first called to ask what I had for breakfast. The next call, as you can imagine, was me being upset about the voting ordeal. Oh well, on to more important things. I have to get my “deva’s poll” board ready for tonight. Depending on which shot you order we are considering it a vote for the certain candidates. I’m Jagermeister! “Yes” on Recall is a Kamikaze (like Davis’ career,) Cruz is Wild Turkey, Arnold is Jack Daniels, Tom McClintock is Gentleman Jack, and Peter Camejo is Grasshopper (Green). Well, we need to put the finishing touches on the food for the open Taco Bar, so I better get busy! Party starts at 5pm!

The BBC has a story online today, you can view it at:
Only thing is, above my name they wrote: Porn Star’s Platform! I have e-mailed them hoping they will correct this! The article does mention that it is questionable whether or not Arnold can beat Reva Renz! Ha Ha!

Sunday, October 05, 2003

It’s Sunday evening and I’ve been here at my desk again all day! I have to get bills paid and deva’s paperwork, banks, deposits all ready for Monday. Can’t the rest of the world just stop for a few days so I can catch up? Wishful thinking!

I am in the Toledo Blade today, back in Ohio:

It’s funny because they allow you to send my picture as an e-mail greeting on their website. It’s kind of neat, I sent it to my brother in Ohio. We’re getting down to the wire now! I’ll be campaigning the best I can tomorrow. I am almost out of campaign materials! I thought I would have a ton of stuff left over, that’s not going to be the case. I even had to re-order a few things because of all the requests I have been getting. Everyone wants a piece of this historic recall election! That includes the Secretary of State! I received a letter requesting memorabilia to be preserved in the Golden State Museum.

Election Night will be a blast! Deva’s is having an Election Night Party starting at 5pm. We will be having shot specials, our own “deva’s poll,” and an open taco bar! You vote for a candidate by ordering the drink I have listed next to their name. Here’s a list straight from the flyer:

Reva Renee Renz Jagermeister
Arnold Schwarzenegger Jack Daniels
Tom McClintock Gentleman Jack
Cruz Bustamante Wild Turkey
Peter Camejo Grasshopper

Recall Davis Kamikaze

“No” on Recall (oh yeah right! Reva is Queen at deva’s, not an option to vote for this one!)

We will then place a mark by the candidates when a customer buys one of those shots on our “deva’s poll” board. Hey, if Taco Bell can do it, so can I! So stop by if you’re in the area on Tuesday!

I’m thinking I’ll be in for a surprise after this is all over. It’s been so much fun, but I need to rest. Then I’ll have to think of something more exciting to do! How can I top this run for Governor? This will be tricky! I’m sure something will come up. Us “other” candidates may need to start a support group, just kidding! It will be quite a change though. The only thing I’ve got lined up for Tuesday press wise is a radio station in L.A. that will be coming by deva’s during the party. ABC and the L.A. Times called but have not confirmed that they will show up. Oh well, it’s going to be a nice gathering regardless because I will be with the people who have supported me and that’s what’s important! I was going to go up to a big party in L.A. but I think staying here is the right thing to do.

Barry called relatives in London to tape record the BBC interview tomorrow night. They were a bit surprised by the reason he was calling! Anyway, I should get a copy as soon as they can transfer it so we can play it over here. I didn’t know they have different machines then we do when it comes to VCR’s. I thought it was just the electrical outlets. Barry is still waiting to hear from the doctors about his test results! Isn’t that ridiculous? Not knowing is driving us crazy! I hope that means no news is good news!

I heard from my best friend from 6th grade today. Shonda (Rice) Berry was my best friend back then and we always had so much fun at her slumber parties! A bunch of kids holding séances, playing with an Ouji Board, and pulling pranks on her little brother. More nice memories of Ohio. I even remember that we used the Ouji Board to ask at what age we would die. I think I was the only one who dared that question though. And after all this time, I have never forgotten the answer; 69. It’s weird what sticks with you. She informs me that her little brother, Bart, is over in Iraq right now on his second tour, and he is a Captain in the Army. Wow! I remember we would put his hand in a warm bowl of water when he was asleep trying to make him wet the bed. How funny! I certainly hope he kicks ass over there in Iraq and comes home safe!

Saturday, October 04, 2003

I almost forgot, here's a little piece in the Washington Post today:

Just a little "light" bio!
Well, let me start by saying I walked a couple of miles campaigning (wearing high heels, ouch!) today in Tustin. I walked the Tustin Tiller Days Parade route all the way from deva's and to the Tiller Day's event. A filmmaker doing a documentary on the recall followed me. Bill Thill and I spent most of the day together as he followed me around the carnival event. We played a few games, Bill even won a goldfish. It was a fun time. The basketball games are fixed! I should’ve made a few shots and they flew right back out. It was a little difficult in a suit, heels, and wearing a mike with wires attached. It was a lovely parade, with marching bands and cheerleaders. I almost felt transported back to a small town in Ohio. I talked with several people and shook hands, handing out buttons and bumper stickers. I received a very warm welcome from everyone today. It was yet, another wonderful experience. I really felt a sense of closeness in the community there today. Bill is quite a remarkable person himself and I can’t wait to see the finished product of his work.
There were McClintock supporters urging people to vote their conscience, and the Join Arnold people had a booth with petitions to save our license. There were even a few Reva supporters wearing my buttons and T-shirts. The recent allegations reported by the LA Times about Arnold’s groping, and Nazi ties didn’t seem to make a difference around there. I noticed the younger people were still behind Arnold 100%. This is the first time a lot of younger people are voting, either because they just turned 18, or registered to vote because they're Arnold fans. One young man working a game took down my postcard after another girl put it on top of their display because he said he was for Arnold. She put it back up and started yelling to vote for Reva. I didn't hear one thing all day about either incident other than back at the bar when several patrons wanted to know if Arnold had "groped" me yet. I joked that I was still waiting. The Nazi stuff people sort of shrugged off as gutter politics and figured it was a bunch of BS. The people I know are more angry with the women being dragged forward after 30 years to tearfully tell their horrifying stories. Sort of like when Kobe was first accused and people were mad at his accuser. They feel that it's all a democratic ploy perpetuated by the L A Times and NOW and it's ridiculous. One guy said, "How about all the groping Davis has done to our wallets? What about Bill Clinton? Gary Condit? NOW is re-victimizing these women after all these years by parading them around as these poor helpless females that weren't strong enough to stand up for themselves 30 years ago. At the Join Arnold Rally the people were 100% behind him, and I heard nothing about either things except from reporters asking me if I thought Arnold should be forgiven. I haven't talked to one person who has changed their mind about voting for Arnold because of these stories. Then again, most of my customers and friends are either men or women that would love it if Arnold groped them! I haven't found it yet, and I may have deleted it, but I received an e-mail at the beginning of this campaign asking me if I had come into contact with Arnold or knew anyone who had. Then it requested I reply or give them names of women they may have had a bad encounter with Arnold, or heard that he had miss-behaved in any way. Apparently it was a mass mailing to try to get dirt on Arnold. My customers aren't surprised that this came out at this time. Democrats.

I can’t wait to see the interview and me singing on the BBC TWO in the UK! It’s on at 10:30pm in the UK on Monday night on a program called Newsnight. I’m probably repeating myself, but I’m so wonderfully exhausted I’m too tired to care. I had so much fun last night; there were so many patrons and friends supporting me. Everyone had a blast! The website is at:

There may be a way to actually watch it on your computer. I just watched the story on Siegfried & Roy in Las Vegas, where Roy was attacked by a tiger on the BBC website. Great site! I feel horrible for Roy; I hope he makes it through ok. Their show is amazing; I’ve seen it a couple of times several years ago.

I am watching a story right now on 48 Hours Investigates about Kobe Bryant. They just did a segment on James Worthy and how was unfaithful to his wife, even arrested for soliciting prostitution. I mentioned way earlier in this blog about the e-mail I sent to the Game Show Network about a certain Laker that kept asking out my roommate and me. Well, that was James Worthy. He called and left several messages on our machine back then. I even gave his phone number to my brother back in Ohio so he could call it and hear that it was really James. I have his autograph around here somewhere, I’ll have to dig it out and frame it somehow to add to my collection. I guess I never really paid attention to the fact that he has since been divorced.

Looks like I am having a party at deva's on Election Night. So far a radio station, photographer, and possibly ABC, will be there. I better get busy planning!

Last night went wonderful! Tim Overdiek from the Netherlands, NOS was there at 7pm as scheduled and we did an interview, which he will translate for back in Holland. The BBC News Night was right after him at a little past 8pm. They did an interview and then taped me singing “La Isla Bonita,” and “Hanky Panky,” both Madonna songs. It was so much fun, and they were all such nice people! The BBC interview will run on Monday evening in the UK at 10:30pm, and depending where you are, I’ve been told you can see it on your computer at the BBC website which I will try to find for you later on. I just got a call from a good friend

I’m late for the Tustin Tiller Day’s parade and I need to meet up with a person doing a documentary on this Recall! I’ll write more later!

Friday, October 03, 2003

Tonight the BBC will be at deva’s at 8pm to interview me for News Night, the UK’s version of our Night Line News show. Wow! I will be seen all over the UK! Doesn’t get me many votes here, but how fun! I thought it was for radio, but it’s actually TV! At 7pm the NOS from the Netherlands will be there, Tim Overdiek is the reporter. Looks like it’s going to be an Effen Vodka evening! It’s a really good vodka that just became available here. The black cherry flavor is excellent! I mention this because it’s a product of Holland. Should be a fun night! I better go get ready!

Thursday, October 02, 2003

I just got back from the Join Arnold Rally. I could barely see him! There was a ton of press covering both Arnold and the coalition of candidates on their bus tour. They have rented a big red bus and they are following Arnold’s bus all through the state. It’s a great idea; I wish I could’ve gone with them. They have press and photographers riding along with them as well. Some of the “other candidates,” have their own buses, such as Paul Walton (I’m trying to put some pictures up on the site today from the rally including Paul’s bus.) It was nice to meet him today, he owns Castle Creek Inn, Resort & Spa, down in San Diego. That’s where I’ll need to go after this whole thing is over for some R & R! I talked with Gene Forte; he’s driving his gorgeous convertible behind the bus. It was good to see everyone all pumped up and positive! Jim Vandeventer, Cheryl Bly-Chester, Jon Zellhoefer, Badi Badiozamani, and so many others! We all taped our pictures and signs to the bus. Everyone leaving the Rally had to walk past us and that’s when we had an opportunity to campaign and it was a good experience. The citizens were free to come and ask us what we believed in and where we stood on the issues, and several of them did just that. A young man started asking me questions and a reporter came over and recorded this young man interviewing me. That’s really getting out there and talking with the citizens! Representatives from Taco Bell were there as well encouraging us and the people to go to there website and view the candidates answers. There were two reporters from Australia in the parking lot looking for a ride to catch up with the buses; apparently they got left behind accidentally. Luckily I just happened to know the local taxi numbers, several of my patrons are smart enough to not drive drunk! Hope they caught up! I also talked with a reporter from the London Times today. He wanted to know what I thought about the allegations against Arnold that he mistreated women 30 years ago. There’s a big story in the LA Times today about how Arnold grabbed women. Arnold actually apologized today if he offended anyone and said he is a different person today and respects women. When is the last time a politician came out and apologized the same day as the story broke? Did the nation demand Bill Clinton apologize for what he did in the Oval Office? So three decades ago Arnold was a young body builder and actor and was living a wild single life, people do change! We all grow up (well, most of us) and change, it takes a long road to become who we are. I am certainly not the same person I was 10-15 years ago! Back then I walked around college in tiny skirts, dressed like Madonna, wore a ton of makeup, jewelry, and always high heel pumps! The girls on my basketball team at Cypress College used to do a cheer where they referred to me as “Kelly Bundy” from Married with Children because they thought I looked like her. I remember breaking a nail (long fake ones of course,) in the middle of a game and running over to the coach so he would hold them for me so I could glue them back on after the game! I’d say I am much different today (well, I still like shorter skirts). Life experience molds you into whom you become. Back then I just wanted to go to Hollywood to all the parties and hang out with celebrities. I used to be a manager at Wet Seal when I first moved out here and one time Cory Feldman came into the store with some friends to pick me up for a party. I didn’t even know who he was until the other employees started freaking out. Funny thing about Cory is that I ran into him years later on a flight back from London. We hung out the entire trip home, well most of the trip. He was in First Class, I was in Business class, and so they would make me go back to my seat once in awhile. The American Gladiators on that trip surrounded me; they were heading home from a show in London. Virgin Atlantic is the best!
In Hollywood I met so many people, and I had a guardian Angel watching over me because I did not get involved with any of the drugs or prostitution that goes on up there. No one tried to drug me or harm me in any way, which is amazing. I had fun, but always tried to use common sense. I met Tony Curtis one evening on Rodeo Drive at a fundraiser where Lyle Alzado was the guest. I have been to the Jackson’s house on Havenhurst, where I met Jermaine and several other family members and friend’s of theirs. I actually met Michael Jackson at some event at Universal Studios. Some one from the Heidi Fleiss organization actually tried to recruit me back then to work for them. Like I said, I had fun, but stayed away from trouble and those people!
Well, enough of all the Hollywood stuff, but I think you get the picture. I am no longer so star struck, trying to hang out and meet celebrities. I did a few pageants back then as well, Miss Garden Grove, and Miss Cypress. I had no luck in winning but I did learn from the experience. It’s funny, I always wanted to get involved with television in some way, acting or broadcast journalism, and I had given up completely to focus on business. I tried to buy a restaurant/ bar in Tustin back in June down the street from deva’s. The people that bought it paid $50K more than I thought it was worth or offered, so I was upset; I really had my heart set on that place. Everyone said, “Things happen for a reason.” I guess running for Governor was it! I never dreamed that this election would put me right there in front of the camera’s, reporters, and right where I always wanted to be………on television. Well, for now anyway, I know it will all be over soon. But how fun to be in the spotlight even if it’s short-lived. Strange how things work out sometimes.
I just received another Google Alert, there’s something about me in Toledo, Ohio:

I have an interview on Saturday with a person who is doing a documentary on this recall at deva’s after the Tiller Days Parade. These last few days are getting hectic. The UK channel 4 just called to apologize that they won’t be able to come to deva’s tonight as planned. They will try to get there tomorrow. It could be a crazy evening tomorrow at deva’s. The BBC and NOS from the Netherlands are still confirmed. I actually have to go play darts tonight; it’s deva’s dart league night!
I am still getting e-mails from Ohio. I even received an e-mail from a former Findlay resident who is retired in Arizona that said I actually waited on him at the Frost Top root beer stand. He said he knew and respected my father. Wow, I hope he’s not the one I spilled all the root beer on! I heard from my High School Principle Mr. Celebrezze, my health teacher, Doug Coates, several classmates, and people who live in Ohio that I don’t even know. Again, amazing!
I know my website is taking some of you a long time to load because of the size of the pictures. Check back later tomorrow, my friend Michael has offered to fix them for me so you can see everything more quickly!
Barry came with me today and has been a big help despite being on crutches still. He’s resting now before we have to go to deva’s. We are still waiting for word from the doctors on his condition. Not knowing is driving us crazy!
No time to write! I’m off to the car tax rally where Arnold will be! I’m meeting up with the tour bus to bring them water and sodas! CNN was set to follow me around today but the interview got pulled at the last minute for some reason?? Anyway, a film crew from the UK channel 4 is planning on coming to deva’s tonight. Friday evening the NOS, (not the NPR, sorry, my misunderstanding earlier) and the BBC will be at deva’s, along with a student from Cal State Fullerton. Should be an interesting night!
I am in the local paper back in Findlay today:
My good friend Daphnae Bishop called me yesterday from Findlay. I sent her a T-shirt, bumper stickers, and a bunch of news articles. She was so thrilled to receive them along with her 1985 High School yearbook that I have had sitting by my desk for three years! She has a cake decorating business called Creative Cakes. She must be good at it because she’s doing a wedding cake in Columbus this weekend! It is so wonderful to hear from everybody back home!
Look for me in the Toledo Blade on Sunday; I did an interview with them last night.
Gotta run!

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

I’ve been at my desk all day today. It’s the end of the month, end of the quarter, and payroll day! No time for camera interviews today! I do my own payroll and quarterly’s so I have to concentrate on my business right now.
Well, I didn’t make the top ten pictures on which to vote for on the candidate camera website. I still urge you all to go and vote for a picture. After you vote on a picture, you have an opportunity to vote for a candidate for governor! So go…vote for me! Thankyou for all of those who voted on the poll I mentioned again yesterday at:
As of this morning, I was ahead of Arnold 17.4% to 14.5!

I mentioned yesterday about a student, Rachael, from Adlai E. Stevenson High School, in Lincolnshire, IL. Her teacher Barry Bradford sent me a delightful e-mail today thanking me for responding to her questions. I feel compelled to actually post his e-mail here because it made me feel like I, as an actual “average citizen,” can make a difference:

Ms. Renz,

I am a high school teacher from Illinois. In my attempt to see the
effect an average citizen can have on the political system, I assigned
each of my students to write to one of the citizen candidates for
California Governor.

One of my students recently wrote you and received a terrific response.
She was thrilled that you took the time to respond! (She was also
really touched and very excited by the positive mention you gave her in
your blog!) We read your response in class today and the students were
very positive.

I deeply believe that citizens must get involved if we want to see our
beloved nation become a stronger and more just country. I applaud you
for your initiative and energy and commitment. I am sure you must be
disappointed that your ideas and the press coverage for your campaign
have not translated into popular support. However, don't be depressed
by the polls - instead, feel energized by the positive campaign you
have run and the impact you have had on people, including my student.

Wishing you all the best,

Barry Bradford

"The most important human endeavor is to seek morality in our actions."
Albert Einstein

Barry Bradford
Teacher of USA History and Psychology
History Fair Co-Sponsor
Adlai E. Stevenson High School
One Adlai E. Stevenson Drive
Lincolnshire, Il 60069

I couldn’t have said it better myself. We need to applaud the teachers of this country for striving to make a difference! Thankyou Mr. Bradford!

This sort of correlates with this subject about students:
Taco Bell has launched a website at:
They have a question of the day for all the candidates to respond to and today’s question is from Ben Stein who asks us our thoughts on students in California educating themselves through reading rather than expecting the state to furnish them computer labs because of our budget crises. You really should check out the site, it allows people to ask the candidates questions as well. I believe I was third person to respond to Ben’s question.
My hometown called me for an interview tonight. Actually the one call turned into several follow-ups and a nice memory of my first job at Frost Top Root beer Stand when I was 12 years old. I was a carhop there. My mother and father ran the place in the summertime and employed my dad’s students and basketball players along with myself. I can’t remember if my little brother, Rick was old enough at the time. I’ll have to call him; he lives in Fostoria, Ohio. The place was torn down a long time ago. The story should run Thursday or Friday this week in The Courier from Findlay, Ohio.

Monday, September 29, 2003

Hey thanks for voting for me!
I’m actually ahead of Arnold Now! Gerold Lee Gorman actually e-mailed me today to let me know how well I was doing in his Recall Election Poll. There was a mention about his poll in the San Francisco Chronicle earlier:
At least I’m wining somewhere! Someone called me this morning from Washington; he’s with the NPR (National Public Radio,) and wants to interview me at deva’s on Friday evening. He said it would air in the Netherlands! I wrote his name down here somewhere but my desk is buried! Just to show you how even smaller the world is getting; I stopped by my dentist to drop off a calendar they requested and mentioned the Netherlands deal and the receptionist Nicole is from Holland. She is going to call her parents to make sure they listen! How funny!
I went to the post office today to finally mail off all of the memorabilia to family, friends, fans, and several schoolteachers today. It’s amazing how many requests I have received for interviews from all over the country by students doing papers on the Recall candidates. I answered all of them so far. Just yesterday I replied to an interview from a nice young lady in Long Grove, IL. She attends Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, where she is taking a History class and she was assigned to write to a candidate. Rachael wanted to know about the media ignoring the “average citizen” candidates and how I felt about it. She writes that she has seen me on the Jay Leno Show and on the news there outside Chicago. That right there is proof I am not being ignored by the media! I sent another teacher, Melinda Hatfield, in Visalia, CA, a calendar, postcards, pens and bumper stickers for her entire class. Hope they have fun with it; they are doing a project where everyone in the class pretends to be a candidate. I sent items everywhere, including to a teacher in Kentucky who is using the memorabilia to go around to schools and teach children about elections. To anyone out there who is still saying what a circus: Hello! Do you have any idea how this Recall is affecting the entire education system in this country? Kids are being educated on politics, soon to be voters are learning and taking an interest in our political system. This is wonderful! Thankyou to all the teachers out there involving your students and turning them into future informed voters, and possibly future politicians as well!

I received several e-mails from people who saw my aerial ad banner at the beach yesterday. I found out that after the pilot circled the Huntington Beach pier, a Sheriff’s helicopter took off after him! Guess you’re not allowed to do that! The pilot didn’t mention anything about it so he must have gotten back to Long Beach quickly. How does a helicopter pull over a small aircraft anyway?
I am having so much fun getting back in touch with people I used to know! I received more e-mails from my hometown of Findlay, Ohio. What surprises me is that no one from The Courier has picked up on the fact I’m out here running in this election. If they are interested in me in London and the Netherlands, why not Findlay? Oh well. I’m sure there’s a more interesting news event going on there right now. I just went to look at the www. website and the docket was full of news! A man was seen dumping trash into a dumpster, two pairs of binoculars were stolen from a garage, and a locker was broken into at Findlay High School. The docket was the biggest news item on the site so that’s where these interesting facts come from.
Good Morning America will have David Hume Kennerly, the editor of the candidate camera project, and Pulitzer Prize winning photographer on. He will be talking about the website and asking America to go vote for their favorite Featured Photo on the website:
It will be interesting to see which photos he chooses. I was the featured photo on day with the Top Ten Reasons to Elect Reva Renee Renz Governor! If you haven’t gone to that site yet, it’s interesting to see all of the candidates and the things they are doing, you should check it out. Speaking of the “other candidates,” I am on the group e-mail list with the candidates and so we all can read each other’s e-mails within the group. It’s pretty interesting; they are planning a bus trip to follow Arnold’s tour of California. One candidate, Jim Weir, is even planning on following in his Cessna 182 Skylane. That should make for an interesting trip! I couldn’t possibly go with my business to run and Barry to take care of. I wish them all the best if they make it!
Here’s the poll I mentioned earlier where I’m actually only a few votes behind Arnold!
If you haven’t voted for me yet, do it now and I could actually wind up ahead of Arnold and finish 1st! Wouldn’t that be a hoot?
Anyway, I had my aerial banner ad fly yesterday despite the horrible weather. The pilot got in a bit of trouble circling my bar because of the clouds and the fact that deva’s is in the direct landing pattern for John Wayne Airport! The FAA made him leave rather quickly! I wanted the banner to circle Edison Field, as it was Angel’s last home game this season and fan appreciation day, but the FAA said no due to security. The pilot did fly down the beach and circle Huntington Beach pier where my bartender Jynelle (JJ) was waiting to take pictures. I should have them up on the website later today. Well, I need to go to deva’s and get my liquor order ready for the week!

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Today the London Observer Magazine came out. I just need to find out where to buy one! It’s a good article focusing on me and I think they may mention some guy named Arnold something-or-other. Just kidding, I actually hope Arnold wins (any Republican is better than what we have now!) Check out the article at:,11913,1050827,00.html

Wow! I’ve actually made it International! I wish I had a physical copy of this magazine because they took several dozen photographs of me that day in Beverly Hills. I want to see if they included a picture or not. Also, the reporter called my bar “Reva’s,” oh well. I don’t think many people in London plan on stopping by!
All the candidates are in the LA Times today in a special voter’s guide section, unfortunately you can’t really see it well on the website.
I’m mentioned briefly in an article in NY Times today as well:
Well, I’m off to find a video recorder to tape my aerial ad banner that’s supposed to fly today along the beach and around deva’s. These clouds better burn off soon or it won’t happen!

Saturday, September 27, 2003

So many things are happening I don’t know where to begin. I did have a nice dinner last night at Antenello’s, the scallopine saltimboca was delicious! The night before I actually collapsed on to the cement in my driveway. Exhaustion, lack of sleep, and not enough time to for dinner contributed to this. I have a bump on the head, and a huge bruise on my arm, but other than that I think I’ll be okay. I am a little dizzy though, and No, it has nothing to do with me being blonde! I can’t believe that people still assume I am stupid because of how I look. A perfect example of this happened at the game show taping the other night. I was down in the front row with fellow candidate Bahdi. Barry was seated in the back of the auditorium with Bahdi’s wife who kept saying that Bahdi is a serious candidate and she was angry that they were not treating him as such. Then she kept referring to the dumb candidates who were blonde. Barry tried to explain to her that I was not stupid, and how I am taking care of him. She still wouldn’t stop taking digs at me. Finally Barry actually got up and went out to the lobby to get away from her. I didn’t know this until later of course, but then she had the nerve to shake my hand and say what a pleasure it was to meet me. That’s too bad because Bahdi is a very nice person and I’ve had the pleasure of running into him at several events. I even loaned him powder for his face before an interview at KCET. Well, I guess it’s not his fault she is this way. I came across a magazine called The New American, where it actually says: “Vying with Flynt for the voyeur vote are a trio of blonde buxom bimbos: Reva “the Deva” Renz, a bar owner; Mary Carey, a lap dance porn queen; and Angelyne, the “Pink Party” bombshell. Hey, at least I got first mention! It’s actually funny because after the writer, William F. Jasper, mentions me, he adds that I am a bar owner. How could I possibly be a bimbo if I own and operate a bar? He obviously knows nothing about the bar business or any other business for that matter. The media has actually been pretty good to me so I can’t really complain too much. I actually was in the LA Times, NY times, and USA Today (or so I am told, I don’t have a copy yet of the USA Today) last Tuesday, the 23rd. What a day! I never imagined that happening! I have saved all the newspaper clipping from this campaign and put them up the window next door to deva’s. The “Wall of Reva” is expanding at a rapid pace! I’ve run out of room even, and I still don’t have all the pictures, I’m in newspapers and magazines that I have never even seen. This entire recall is absolutely amazing.
A scary thing happened the other day. A man left a message saying he was from the Associated Press and was doing a story on the recall and would like to interview me. I called back the 1-888 number he left me and it was constantly busy. I looked at my caller ID and saw that it was from a local number so I called that number and the lady who answered the phone had no idea what I was referring to. I called back the 1-888 number and they answered finally. I asked them about the local number and they insisted the AP had a local office here in Orange County. He then said to hold while he went to get his editor. I knew something wasn’t right because I had gone to the AP website and could find no mention of an office here locally. The man started the interview and then asked what the beeping noise was on my phone (he obviously thought I was recording him.) I told him that there was no beeping sound on my end so he asked me the first question; “Do you still live in Tustin?” At this point I asked (for the second time,) “Who am I speaking to exactly? What is your name?” He immediately hung up! I called the local number back and spoke to a lady at that business and she said that it would’ve been impossible for anyone to call me from that number. She suggested that someone was tapping into their phone lines and using their number to call me so I couldn’t trace them. Is that weird or what? Why would they go through so much trouble to ask me where I live? Scary! All the attention is terrific, but I realize the weirdo’s are coming out of the woodwork! I will be on “red alert” from now on!
I went to a meeting and luncheon yesterday at Tustin Ranch Golf Club for the Tustin Area Republican Women Federated. They are such a wonderful group of people. I met several of them at the Orange County meeting earlier this month. They are very supportive of me and again emphasized that they want to see me run for something locally. The President, Sally Weir, was so kind along with Yvonne Junor, the former President of this group. We watched a documentary titled “ Gratitude & Honor Memorial,” which one of the members and her husband produced. It is a documentary about a local memorial in Irvine dedicated to all the soldiers who have lost their lives in Iraq. It’s really quite touching and unbelievable how many people went there from all over the country to decorate each soldier’s separate memorial. You can donate $20.00 or more to receive a copy of this touching DVD. They are using the donations to replace the memorial with a permanent one. The website is . If you know anyone in Iraq or the in the military they would appreciate seeing this. I bought two copies myself. I’m saving one for a friend of mine Mike Cahil who is over in Iraq right now. He came home briefly a few weeks ago but had to get back there to get the job done. My grandfather fought in the First World War, as his grave so proudly points out with all the decorations. He died of lung cancer right before he was to retire. Unlike my father, he did smoke. Apparently our family happens to have some unlucky gene that seems to invite cancer in. I still remember going to visit my grandfather as a kid when he would deliver milk to Defiance, the city in Ohio we lived in at the time. My grandparents were farmers and my grandfather owned and drove milk trucks. I’m talking about giant trucks that delivered milk to the processing centers that in turn bottled it or re-sold it, I’m not really sure exactly. They owned several different businesses, and worked extremely hard. . My grandmother started a company selling Aloe Vera products way back in the late 70’s or early 80’s. My grandparents must be where I get my entrepurnial spirit. My aunt and uncle currently farm the land my grandparents used to out around Mark Center, Ohio.
I have a big surprise for tomorrow! If you’re at the beach between Long Beach and Huntington Beach between 1pm-3pm, or around deva’s in Tustin at 2:30pm, be sure to look up in the sky!

Thursday, September 25, 2003

What a long night last night! I went to the taping of the Game Show in L.A. It was definitely geared towards Mary Carey, and I understand why I wasn’t chosen for this particular show. I still don’t know why they picked some basketball player, Nate. Nice guy, but boring! I had trouble recalling his name just now, that’s just how unmemorable he was, and I watched him on stage for over 4 hours! Trek Kelly, Gary Coleman, the humble Mehr, and Brian (the college student,) were all good sports and entertaining. Mary of course was the most entertaining jumping up and down with her breasts popping out constantly. What did you expect? Oh well, the winner will be announced after the October 1st show, where everyone can log into to vote for one of the three finalists. I don’t want to give it away, there’s no fun in that. So you’ll have to watch the show. It’s an interesting show that highlights several of the candidates. They show clips of auditions of candidates not on the show. You will see me in the audience as well! You can go to:
Vote for me or your favorite candidate on the ballot! Anyone can vote on the Pretender or Contender Game. After the show we were starving, so Barry and me went to TGIFridays for a late dinner. A patron from deva’s was there and he was a little drunk (hard to believe it in a bar). Anyway, I gave him a T-shirt and some bumper stickers and he put on the shirt and started yelling Reva for Governor to what was left of the customers. That’s the second time I gave a drunk person campaign memorabilia. It’s funny how they react; maybe I’m on to something…………..
Barry is doing okay; he gets a lot of rest, wish I could say the same. It’s almost noon and he’s still sound asleep. That’s good for him; he will be healed from the surgery in no time. We went to the doctor yesterday morning and spent most of the time talking about the shooting that took place there in Baldwin Park last week. Apparently the Swat Team was evacuating everyone out of the hospital, including the people that were saving the life of the doctor who was shot! They had the Police, Sheriff, and Swat Team there and the 70 year old man that shot the doctor (after throwing a malitov- cocktail to start a fire,) had already drove off and shot himself at his restaurant. A few people I talked to were concerned that if this is how things are handled with a small incident (meaning one 70 year old man gone off the deep end,) what will we do in the case of a larger terrorist attack? Scary! Which just goes back to the whole illegal driver’s licenses. We need to tighten security, not loosen it up. I’m concerned, but I’m not going to live life in fear everyday. There are some things that we have to realize are out of our control. Back to Barry, the doctor said they weren’t absolutely sure yet, and were still running tests on the tissue from Barry’s knee and hip, as well as the bone marrow. Still waiting. On a positive note, the doctor did say he thought that the “hot spots” that showed up on Barry’s MRI might just be dead stuff (not the medical term, but you get the idea,) from the radiation he went through. Yeah! Let’s hope and pray that’s what it is!
I didn’t have a chance to write anything yesterday because I was figuring out the campaign disclosure Form 460. It was a little difficult because the timing of the election and all the Prop 34 rules. The Registrar of Voters, FPPC, and Secretary of State have all given me conflicting information. I even had the Registrar of Voters call the FPPC to try to straighten out exactly what I needed to do earlier in this campaign. The Registrar of Voters are so nice and helpful, unfortunately they have been given wrong information somehow. They actually told me yesterday to give them the original of my Form 460 due today that goes the Secretary of State. That would’ve got me in trouble! Wow, I never realized how much confusion there is when it comes to campaign disclosure. I know the major candidates have lawyers and accountants doing this for them. I realize now why so many of the “other candidates” were trying to stay below the $1,000.00 limit so that they wouldn’t have to be bothered by all of this. But then, what fun is that if you can’t promote yourself with signs, buttons, bumper stickers, and all the memorabilia from this historic recall?
Here's an interview that was just posted today............

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Have I mentioned how exhausted I am? I found out that my picture was in the New York Times today, as well as the L. A. Times! You can see the N.Y. Times article at:
You have to register first, but it is free. The actual picture in the physical paper is much larger and includes more of the candidates. My friend Mark Scaparro called me from Chicago tonight and told me he saw me on a few different news shows yesterday. I have no idea where! Tomorrow is the tapping of the “Who Wants to be Governor Game Show,” that should be interesting. I’ll definitely be in the audience! Well, off to sleep, Barry & me need to get up early to go to the doctors tomorrow. Hope it’s good news!
I almost forgot....if you have a chance, go to:

It's a neat website with all the candidates photo albums. Watch for me & Gary Coleman tomorrow!
I can’t find the bottom of my desk, there’s so much paperwork to do between deva’s and this campaign! At least the election will go as scheduled on October 7th-yeah! I’m so exhausted; it will be nice to finally take a break! The Game Show Network called and they want me to meet with the producers today or tomorrow from show called Lingo, hosted by Chuck Woolery. That sounds like fun! I’m waiting for them to call me back to arrange a time. All I know is that it’s a show where you have to figure out five-letter-words. I’m a wizard with word games, hope this works out! If I win any money it will be donated to my favorite charity. I need to find a good organization that deals with quality of life of cancer patients. I use to volunteer for The Cancer Society; I actually donated several cases of beer and helped out with a Fundraiser on a yacht in Newport several years ago to help raise money. I helped out with the “Relay for Life,” they had at Orange Coast College one year. That’s great that they can raise money to find a cure, but I want to actually help the people who have cancer now. I originally volunteered to drive patients to their treatments, but they said I’d be more useful raising money. When my Dad was in the hospital I went back to Ohio for three months to be with him and help him out in 1990. I went around decorating the cork boards in the hospital rooms to cheer up the patients, hospital rooms are so boring and patients need something to look at besides a blank wall. It cheered a lot of people up! I asked several hospitals out here after I came home if I could start a program such as this and I was told I couldn’t actually talk with or go into patient’s rooms unless I had cancer myself. What a weird rule! I sit in hospitals with my boyfriend all the time and they really do need more positive surroundings. Anyway, after I came back from Ohio that’s when I decided to go to Cypress College, I actually missed the first week of classes because I had to fly back to Ohio for my father’s funeral. My clothing business had to be shut down and my warehouse closed because of my prolonged absence. The clothing business was hard work but it was a chance to be creative since I painted on clothing, which I sold in the garment district in L.A. and to Judy’s Department stores. I don’t even know if those stores still exist.
Wow, I’m really all over the place this morning. I better get back to work!
I am just getting home from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. What an exciting day! Us “other candidates,” met in Johnny Carson Park prior to the taping of the show. I brought a cooler full of bottled water and some sodas; I knew everyone would be parched out there in the sun! It was so nice meeting everyone, most of the candidates were asking for autographs, what a good idea. I changed clothes in Barry’s truck in front of the park; I had to duck every time I saw a camera! It was so hot today that I knew standing in the park in a long-sleeved suit was a bad idea. Who wants to go on Leno all sweaty and frumpy? I did talk to Marey Carey today. I showed her the Recall Calendar: which she had no idea existed. She told me I was “Hot” and asked me if I was a candidate, all the while stuffing her face with a sandwich in both hands. Marey definitely got more attention than any other person present today! They picked 5 people out of the audience to go up on stage today before the actual show and I was one of them. We had to dance on the set when pointed to by one of the crew (forgot his name, but fun just the same!). I was just getting into my groove when I was cut short by the producer to make sure Marey got her chance. She started with the splits and then pulled her skirt up, guess she shocked all of the guests from Idaho! What a great experience! Even Cheryl and Iris were loosening up. Actually, Iris Adams had a terrific write up in the OC Register today, which I pointed out to her. Iris was in a different frame of mind today; it was nice to see the extremely serious candidates unwind for a change. I took a picture with Gary Coleman, he is so sweet! I think he is just happy to be back in the limelight. What a good guy though to be open to all pictures and interviews with everyone. I also talked to Paul Mariano again, along with his cameraman Kurt. They are two of the absolute funniest people I have met during this entire event. Paul is a trial Lawyer up north and has a wonderful dry sense of humor, which is amusing to watch as the other candidates fall for his little jokes. I had so much fun talking with the candidates today, what an experience! Brooke Adams was there and I had a chance to briefly speak with her. She is a pleasant person and we wished each other well. We just need to get the word out on the Recall Calendar! Channel 9 News had someone showing the calendar on the news tonight, hope that helps! I also watched Tech TV this evening, which aired a debate between a few candidates including the infamous “Bumhunter,” Todd Lewis. They showed a brief picture and profile on myself, not very flattering. But hey, when do I get a chance to sit in my own bar and make sure DirecTV is on three different stations at once to catch me on all the shows in one night? Well, I’ll write more tomorrow…………I’m soooooooo tired! Good Night!

Sunday, September 21, 2003

I just spent three hours at South Coast Plaza searching for a red suit. Forget it!
Apparently the new fall colors are purple, pink, and mauve! I did find the most adorable red suit from St. John’s Knit, at Nordstrom’s. It was gorgeous, with rhinestone hearts for buttons! The saleslady said I looked like the Queen of Hearts. I had to break it to her that I was actually the 7 of hearts on the Recall Deck of Cards. Of course then I had to explain I was running for Governor. Anyway, I couldn’t really afford it. Only $990.00 for the Jacket. The skirt was a mere $240.00. If it had fit properly I would have a huge credit card bill right now!
Jay Leno is tomorrow! This should be something! I always wanted to be on the show, guess this is as close as I’ll get. Barry is excited as well.
The Fundraiser went well yesterday. So many friends that I haven’t seen in years stopped by to wish me well. A fellow candidate, Paul Mariano, stopped by with his cameraman to do an interview for a documentary that he is producing. Paul is super guy from Northern California, and while he is against the Recall, he is entitles to his own opinion and I think what he is doing with this documentary is a great idea! Good Luck to Paul! We had a big BBQ, sold buttons, T-Shirts, gave away pens and stickers, and I autographed several of the Recall Calendars. The owner of the company that produced the calendars sent his parents to deva’s to deliver them to me. What a sweet couple! They sent one to Jay Leno so I hope he shows it tomorrow night. It’s really a nicely done calendar with all the major candidates. They will be in Barnes & Nobles soon. The Orange County Register called and said they would be by the purchase one today. Roy Rivenburg from the L. A. Times came by to get one. He may mention it in his column tomorrow in the calendar section. Who knows?
Well, I just got a message from my former acting teacher Mark Majarian, from Cypress College, so I’m going to give him a call. It’s good to catch up with people from your past! He was a good acting teacher; unfortunately I wasn’t a student who applied myself as fully as I should have when it came to acting classes! Mark actually made me come to classes for a week without any makeup, jewelry, perfume, or dressy clothes, or else he was going to kick me out of class. I used to wear high heels and a ton of jewelry everyday and he thought by removing my costume so to speak, that I would reveal who I really was underneath all the window dressing. Funny, isn’t that what I’m doing now with this blog?

Friday, September 19, 2003

What a day! I’ve been at my desk since 7am!
Can you believe someone shot a doctor in the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Baldwin Park? Barry and me were just there last Friday for his surgery. I heard a doctor was shot but is doing okay. They haven’t even caught the guy who did the shooting! The news is reporting it was a 70-year-old man. ?? Scary!
Hope things settle down there, we have to back there in a few days.
Well, the fundraiser is tomorrow and Barry has been putting together kabobs all day for the BBQ. I invited Fox 11 News and the producer, Greg, said he would put me on the list. So unless any major news developments happen we will have press coverage of the event. Greg sent me an e-mail the other day and can I just say what a great guy he is. He actually took time out of his busy schedule to thank me for driving up to L.A. for the interview last Sunday. Hope they show up tomorrow!
What a delightful surprise last night with CBS broadcasting live from deva’s on the 9pm and 10pm news on Channel 9. Apparently Channel 2 and 9 are the same. I was told the interview aired on the 11pm News on Channel 2, but didn’t get to watch so I have no idea if that was the case. Reporter Carter Evans was really nice; he’s also very handsome. The networks are really finding attractive reporters these days! It was a story on blogs, which highlighted this one right here! I never dreamed I would get so much attention from doing this. That, of course was not my intention, I am writing this for myself. The fact that so many of you out there are following this blog is just amazing! I have started writing my book and this blog helps me to go back and recall just exactly how I was feeling each day. It still catches me off guard when someone approaches me that has read this and knows just what’s going on in my life. I usually respond with “How did you know that? Oh, you read my blog.” I want to thank someone who has helped me with my website and who encouraged me to do this blog. Michael Washington is a good friend that I lost contact with for several years after college, who tracked me down via the Internet. Technology can be such a great thing in this regard. I acted in his student films while he was attending Cal State Fullerton. As a thankyou for seeing his projects through and always showing up so he could complete his work he offered to help me with deva’s website. A good friend of his, Melanie, actually designed the site. If you’re reading this Michael, I want you to know I appreciate everything you’ve helped me with!
On another note, my boyfriend Barry is doing just fine. He has bounced back from the surgery rather quickly as he always does. Just some pain where they packed his knee with cement to keep the bone from shattering. Dr. Helmsteder at Kaiser is a top surgeon who has helped Barry tremendously. He always leaves us laughing, which is so important and helpful to maintaining a positive attitude. Barry’s sister, Nirmala, called yesterday because a friend of hers was reading my blog and directed her to this site. She didn’t know he had surgery and wasn’t too happy Barry didn’t let her know. Nirmala is such a treasure to know, she has the biggest heart! At least now she can find out just what’s going on with him by coming here to this blog. Again, amazing the power of this to reach people in good ways.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

The Angels lost yesterday:( Allen Abel interviewed me during the game. He’s here from Toronto, Canada doing a story on the 100th Anniversary of the World Series and a story on the Recall. He did say that I was the best interview he had so far because I actually “get it.” He writes for The National Post and sometimes for Sports Illustrated. Nice guy.
I want to go to the Abolish the Car Tax Rally today in Anaheim at the Ayres Hotel. Hope I have enough time, there will probably be a ton of people there. I think it’s a good thing John & Ken are doing. After that I need to be back at deva’s for Channel 2 News, they are going to do a story on this blog.
All of the candidates are being invited to the taping of the Who Wants to be Governor Game Show next Wednesday. I’m going for sure, sounds like fun. They mentioned we would be shown on camera and may have a chance to participate in the show somehow. Too bad we don’t have a shot at the $21,200 prize!
This Saturday at deva’s we are having my Fundraiser in the afternoon around 2pm. We will be grilling chicken and steak kabobs served with rice and refried beans for a $5.00 a plate donation. I will be receiving the Recall Calendars tomorrow so they will be available on Saturday as well. They picked around 16 of the candidates for the calendar, which includes all of the major candidates and a few of us “other candidates.” Can’t wait to see them! You can go to to get an idea of what’s included. I’ll be giving them away, autographed for $15.00 each. They will be sold in all Barnes & Nobles bookstores soon for $14.95 plus tax. So if you’re interested let me know! I’d be happy to send anyone one for the donation to my campaign. You can do this on my website and just put CALENDAR in the message line using paypal. Or if you would like, you can always send the donation to deva’s and I’ll make sure I send it ASAP! Since we are on the subject of memorabilia, I also have bumper stickers, buttons, postcards, and pens. E-mail me if you are interested!

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Jesus Christ Superstar was interesting! The entire evening was so much fun. What a small World we live in. Barry (my boyfriend,) ran into a friend of ours yesterday at the grocery store and he learned we were going to see the show. This friend, Patrick, then invited us to his home before the show to meet his boyfriend, Caesar, and the boyfriend of the lead actor who played Jesus. What a unique group of people! We all went to the theater and meet up afterwards at TGIFridays. We met several of the cast including Eric, the actor playing Jesus. Eric’s boyfriend suffers from a severe case of ADD! I guess that was obvious after spilling his wine and dropping Zanex all over the floor! Eric did what I thought was an exquisite job! It was my first time to watch this very progressive show and I thoroughly enjoyed everything from the priests, that looks as if they walked off the set of a Star Trek movie, to the dancing King Herod with the flashing neon signs and the talented Soul girls. I better stop, it sounds like I’m writing a review. Go watch it if you get a chance! The show is at the Orange County Performing Arts center.
Anyway, what does that have to do with the election? Well, I’ll tell you. People are people, whether you’re gay or straight. Doesn’t sound very Republican of me but I respect the freedoms of other people to choose which way they want to live. Which brings me to an issue in this election, Gay Marriage. I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, and I want to preserve the sanctity of that. At the same time I believe anyone should have the same protections of marriage if they are committed to each other and are planning a life together. I think if we called it something else, like a “Civil Union,” that more Republicans and people in general would be able to accept that. The debate (if you can call it that,) with Jim Vandeventer on KUCI, with Doug Hill actually got me thinking about this issue. Actually I think it was Doug who came up with the “Civil Union” terminology. That ends my thoughts on that issue for now.
I’m going to the Angel’s game today. A reporter from Toronto called me earlier today as he was in Santa Ana and wanted to interview me and it had to be before 11am because he was going to cover the Angel’s game as well. So, now he will be interviewing me at the game. He told me he had lunch with Angelyne yesterday in Santa Monica. The reporter thinks she is in her 60’s. He told me she ate her salad with her fingers and used her nails to pick things out of her food she didn’t like. ?? Strange. You have to give her credit she made herself famous by billboards!
In other news, Marey Carey’s platform is in trouble. It was in today’s Orange County Register that Los Angeles is awaiting the signature from Mayor James Hahn on a city ordinance to ban lap dances! So much for making them tax deductible. Actually they already were tax deductible at 50% for entertaining for business purposes. But who’s paying attention to details? I can’t believe they are banning lap dances. I heard that the city used around $16,000 to do a study on lap dances. How many city employees do you think volunteered for that job? So does the city of L.A. get to write off that study as a tax deduction? I guess Marey Carey got her way in some obscure sort of way. This ordinance is ridiculous; don’t they know it’s going to take a ton of taxpayer money to support the starving dancers when this goes through? Dancers make the majority of their money that way. What’s next?
I just want to say to the people at “The Wienerboard” that my posts are actually mine. It’s a different sort of website that I stumbled upon through Google. You can check it out at:

Oh, one more item. The recall calender is finished. To view it go to:

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

The people at Fox 11 were terrific! They were all so friendly and helpful. Jeff and Susan were pleasant to talk with. I also met Jennifer who does the sports; everybody is so good looking on the 10pm Fox 11 News! I was so nervous when we went live on the air because my earpiece went dead or the volume went way down so I had to listen to Jeff and Susan on the other side of the studio. I could barely hear Susan. Oh well, it was another exciting experience!
Tonight I’m off to see Jesus Christ Superstar . I need diversions from this busy campaign schedule! A friend of mine is close friends with the lead so we’ll probably go back stage afterwards to met the cast. How fun!
On the website , I’m the featured candidate today! Check it out! Yesterday was Gray Davis with Bill Clinton at a church. They sure did a 180 today by putting the picture of me in my bar with a Top Ten list of reasons to vote for me (mostly funny of course.)
This delay by the 9th circus court is ridiculous. First of all the study that the ACLU used to convince the Judges that the voting process is unfair was conducted by a company that sells electronic voting machines! Give me a break! At least that’s what I’m hearing on KFI AM 640 on the John & Ken Show. Those two are so funny! I may just go to their event tomorrow in Anaheim to help Abolish the Car Tax! Senator McClintock will be there for the first hour. They will be handing out petitions to rescind the Car Tax. I can’t wait until the petitions come out to rescind SB60!
I’m off to the theater!

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Hey! Here’s a poll where I’m actually ahead of McClintock!

The golf tournament was a success! It’s always nice to get out there in the sun and have a good time. I needed that diversion. Of course I didn’t start driving the ball worth anything until the 15th hole! I think the three Sugar Free Red Bulls (my favorite beverage,) and the flip I did off the bench (yes, I used to a gymnast back before I had to choose between gymnastics and basketball,) got me going! I drove the green on the 17th (not bad considering it was 157 yards,) and was really on my game by the 18th hole. Figures! Actually the 19th hole is my expertise! Anyway, my caterer flaked on me three hours before the start of the banquet. Luckily I have some good friends at deva’s that organized, cooked, and served 80 people a rib, chicken salad, and pizza dinner with a few hours notice. Thanks to Dino, Jim, Greg, Leisa, Carletta, Barry, and Kathy! They are always there to help, nice to have a business where customers are friends as well.
Barry is doing well, walking around on crutches. He actually did some of the cooking yesterday as well. Just waiting for test results still.
Tonight is the channel 11 Fox News interview; I hope this goes better than the last one. I should be on sometime tonight on the 10pm news. Wish me luck!

Friday, September 12, 2003

I’m finally home from the hospital. Barry is okay, we just have to play the waiting game for results. I’m not sure if he was more frightened of the surgery, or me trying to drive us home with only two hours sleep and still thawing out from the freezing recovery room! We got there this morning at 5:30am and I see Marey Carey (the Porn candidate,) on the news announcing her plan to change last call to 4am! Whoever is coming up with platform ideas for Marey just ripped off my idea and expanded on it. I clearly stated in the L.A. Times Recall Madness column by Roy Rivenburg (08-29-03) that I would “extend last call by one hour.” The caption under my picture says, “Reva Renee Renz would recall last call.” As a bar owner I think extending the hours to 3am is a good start. We could actually study whether or not this increases revenue for the state, and help small business owners. Another idea would be to stop alcohol sales at 2am and continue to let bars serve coffee drinks or late night snacks to sober the patrons up after a night on the town. Just a thought. As it stands right now, patrons must be out of the bar by 2am.
On a fun note, I’ve decided to add to my blog a list of interesting items about myself that I had originally submitted to the Game Show Network. I didn’t make it on the show so why not!
Here goes……
To: Game Show Network
Re: Reva Renee Renz

I’m originally from a smaller town in Ohio. My mother lives in Florida. My brother is a basketball coach and schoolteacher in Ohio. My Dad was a basketball Coach and schoolteacher who passed away of cancer at the early age of 49. My Grandfather and Grandmother also died of cancer. You never know when it’s your turn. It’s one of the reasons I’m running for Governor of California. You only live once! I am here to live it to the fullest! I want everyone who comes in contact with me to be better for knowing me. Even if it’s small thing like just making them smileJ

I always try to help people out when I can and sometimes that lands me in interesting and funny positions. Here are a few:

The wedding I had in my backyard that I didn’t know was going to happen!
Last summer I was approached by a good friend who’s sister was getting married and needed a place to hold the reception because they had lost or could no longer afford the original place they had booked. He asked if I could have a “little” reception in the backyard of my house. My backyard was being worked on and was torn apart but they did not care. Well, one-week later people starting arriving at my house. First the Catholic Priest, the bride all in full wedding gown, and about 50 other people, mostly from Mexico & Guatemala. Needless to say I DJ’d, and bartended for an entire wedding that I could not understand because it was in Spanish! Everyone was happy though (and Thank God the soccer ball that came flying over the wall from a neighbor didn’t knock over the Holy water!)

Basketball Team
I played basketball at Cypress College. I was always a “Tom boy.” Upon meeting one of the Lakers basketball players up in Hollywood one night at A&M Records, I asked for an autograph for the basketball team. He asked me for my phone number saying he would love to come to one of our practices. This player called for and left messages for a few months on me and my roommate’s answering machine. Apparently he was only interested in having sex with the two of us! Anyway, I didn’t return his calls. My roommate & me just laughed every time we heard the messages. I didn’t name him because he’s married.

Those are just a few of the things I thought might be of interest to you. I know you don’t want a novel so I’ll highlight some things I’ve done:

· *Ran for Miss Cypress (I was the only contestant with cuts and bruises on her knees from playing basketball) & Miss Garden Grove Pageant.

· *Owned my own wholesale clothing business called L.A. HOT. I painted clothing and sold it in the Garment District in L.A. & to Judy’s Department Stores.

· *I worked in Real Estate trying to help people save their homes that were being foreclosed upon. I’ve actually had my Real Estate license twice. (I let it expire and then decided to get back into it.)

· I passed the Series #7 test to become a Stockbroker. I worked as a stockbroker for a while. I quit the first company so I could travel to London on a last minute invitation (completely another story there).

· I managed an Italian Restaurant in the City Mall of Orange (before it was torn down).

· I worked at Wet Seal as an Assistant Manager at that same Mall

· I went to the Final Game of the World Series last fall to see the Angel’s win!

· I went to the Stanley Cup Finals at The Pond earlier this year. Donald Trump fully checked me out when I stepped out of my friend’s suite. Also, a friend got Emilio Estevez’s autograph that night for me (he was so sweet). It was my first hockey game and it was center ice in one of the best suites! I love to have fun!

· I went to the Laker’s Final Game to watch them win the NBA Championship 3 years ago. Had seats in the 5th row behind Diane Cannon & Magic Johnson. Got caught in the middle of the riots walking down the street in my mini-skirt and high-heels! A trashcan flew over my head on fire and decided it was time to go home!

· I currently own and manage “deva’s,” a cocktail lounge in Tustin (it’s by Irvine.) We have sexy girls and a friendly neighborhood type of atmosphere. I’ve been there for 5 years. I’m putting together our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament for Sept 13th in the middle of this campaign.

As a bar owner I want to see no new taxes on alcohol and tobacco products! We need a reformed Worker’s Comp program that goes after the fraud in that industry. I’m also thinking that we should extend “last call” by at least an hour! I’m also behind a program called “Operation Life Saver.” It’s a program to save lives and taxpayer’s money. Instead of taking away the license of person convicted of a DUI, they pay for an IID (Ignition Interlock Device) to be placed on their car so they can still work, go to AA, and perform their community service. Most people drive anyway on a suspended license, this program will stop them from driving drunk and save lives!

I’ll stop there even though there’s so much more! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Reva Renee Renz

Good Night! Big golf day tomorrow!

Surgery is scheduled for 5:30am! That means I’ll have about 3 hours sleep. Oh well, I’ll sleep next week sometime. It’s all set for Fox 11 on Sunday evening; I’ll be in the studio for the 10pm news. Hope I’m still standing by then! I just finished the 80 tee-bags with all the shirts, hats, tees, balls, etc…. Saturday will be so much fun!
I watched the end of The Big Show with what’s-his-name today and the first thing he asked Trek Kelly is if he planned on voting for himself or, like the bar owner yesterday vote for Arnold. I guess that was the key because after he said he would vote for himself, Trek was allowed to talk. He did get cut off though in the middle of a thought as the show ran out of time. Trek did a good job, I think he knew what to expect after talking to a columnist that I had talked to after my interview yesterday.
Well, I’m exhausted so it’s off to sleep!
By the way, my mother was thrilled to be able to go buy a copy of the New York Times in Florida and see my picture in it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

I want to thank all of you for your supportive e-mails. What a day! I will be in the New York Times tomorrow, September 11th. I’m sure tomorrow’s paper will be full of articles related to the Anniversary of 9-11. I wanted to read the New York Times anyway tomorrow, now I’ll have even more of a reason. The article is actually about my blog mostly. It’s in the Technology section. Here’s the link:

I think it is a good article, and Michael Falcone was an absolute pleasure to talk to.
Well, I have to get the tee-times ready for my tournament and put together all the prizes. It’s going to be a long night! Oh, and by the way, I screwed up the official website while trying to fix it. Technology! Hopefully it will be back up tomorrow!
Let me just say that I was completely ambushed on “The Big Story with John Gibson!” Is it called that because he’s trying to compensate for something else? I bet he belongs to the group of men who have a “Big car and a small-you-know-what!” The person who called me regarding the show, George Aimes, told me that this was going to be a serious piece and gave me the questions that John was going to ask. I was also told he would not be making fun of me and I would have a chance to talk. What a big liar! I had some very important issues to bring up! No wonder this George guy said he was scared what I might write in my Blog after the show, I should’ve see it coming. You live and you learn. As for all you people out there e-mailing me to “toughen up,” I bet you don’t have balls to go on that show! Oh well, can’t win them all. I would’ve been better prepared had I known this Gibson character was going to treat me like a seasoned career politician. Is he saying that all bar owners are too stupid to run for office? He was exceptionally hard on me for some reason that I do not understand. As the guy in New York on my earpiece said, “Reva, you can’t buy this kind of publicity!” Whoever you were……… said it! I like the publicity but I still have something to say! I’ve never been more concerned over the situation our state is in right now. We do need a Republican in the Capitol! I do hope it’s either Arnold or Senator McClintock! If there’s ever a next time for a show such as this, I will be prepared!

I’m sitting here at my desk wondering how in the world am I going to get everything done? I’m still waiting to hear from New York regarding the studio conformation for today’s appearance on “The Big Story with John Gibson,” on FSN. They better hurry! I was just informed my friend will be having his surgery on Friday. He has a bone marrow test tomorrow as well. I guess I just won’t sleep until Sunday day! I’m sure I’ll look ravishing by then! You have to do you needs to be done. Deva’s golf tournament is Saturday and I’m still not ready, (people signed up at the last minute.) There will be 80 people there, good time to bring on the campaigning! By now I’m sure everyone has figured out that my ”friend” is my boyfriend. I’ve tried to keep him out of this but that can no longer be the case. We’ve been fighting cancer for almost 3 years now. He is a very strong person, and I refuse to let him give up! First it was bladder cancer, and then soon after came Lymphoma. The doctors removed his bladder and built him a new one. Medical advances are absolutely amazing! Unfortunately, as you all know, cancer is extremely resilient. The chemotherapy was difficult, and radiation wasn’t much fun either, but he’s still here and he’s still fighting. That’s the way it’s going to stay! Some people ask why I would run for Governor knowing his condition. My answer is this: He was in remission until last Thursday when they discovered a “hot spot,” I offered to quit this race and begged me not to. This has been a positive influence on him and he is enjoying every minute of the interviews and events. It’s keeping him positive and gets his mind off of the naturally negative thoughts one has in such a situation. You can't live life truly if you think it's the end. No one should! Live everyday to the fullest! His name is Bharat, but goes by Barry. I will do my best to stay on top of this campaign and see it through to the end, just as I will fight to keep Barry alive! I may not have time for all the appearances, meetings, or events, but Barry is more important than all those things. Life goes on and will continue to do so. I have a business to run and many people depend on me so I will remain strong and do the best I can.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Okay, it’s late and I’m the usually exhausted me. I do have to inform you that I will be on Fox News Channel tomorrow at 2pm. Actually, it’s between 2-3pm, more likely around 2:45pm. The Fox News channel is different based on what part of the country you’re in. So, 5pm is the Eastern Time for this “live” interview and I can’t direct you to any specific place. I do know that they interviewed Peter U. yesterday. He dropped out of the race today. Good for him! I think the man has a brilliant mind, yet this wasn’t his place. He is qualified, yet the ‘Lame Duck,” aspect wasn’t very appealing to many passionate people that would otherwise vote for either McClintock or Arnold.
On a personal note, I did not end up at the hospital all day long. Due to an error (imagine that) in the Kaiser Permanente system, my friend was only scheduled for pre-op. The surgery will be next week. I have so many friends dealing with health issues at this time, I can only keep them all in my prayers.
It’s early and I don’t have much time today to write in this blog. I’m on the way to the hospital with a close friend who is having surgery today to remove a cancerous tumor. I’ll be there all day long, but it should give me time to go through my mail finally. For something interesting in a local bar magazine “Last Call,” go check it out: Not my most flattering picture, but hey it gets the message out locally. Well, I’m off!

Monday, September 08, 2003

I had a great time at RJ’s in Beverly Hills! Meeting with and listening to the other candidates was fun and informative. I believe there was something like 45 candidates present. There is someone in this group to represent almost every citizen here in California, even a few who oppose the recall. These “other candidates” are a group of intelligent, passionate, concerned citizens. Even Iris talked to me (the rude one) and said she hoped I wasn’t offended by her comments the day before at KCET. She said I didn’t let her finish saying that she was there for the cameras as well. I told her I was offended and didn’t appreciate her rudeness. She said “Well, if that’s going to bother you, you’ll have bigger problems in the future of this campaign,” or something similar. Oh well. Maybe she read my blog or someone told her? Really, there’s no need to be catty!
As soon as the first break for media happened a reporter from the London Observer interviewed me and then had his photographer take several pictures of me along Beverly Dr. How exciting, I’ve actually made it nationally! I think I’ll be in the Magazine next week; the reporter is flying back to London today. Fox 11 News was there at the end and interviewed quite a few of us. It was the same camera guy that came to deva’s and he immediately recognized me. A real nice guy, he handed me the microphone and said,
“ Go ahead, you know the drill.” There wasn’t anything on the news last night so I’m not sure what it was for? I also interviewed with the New York Times Saturday evening for an article on the use of technology in my campaign, including this blog. They are coming out to deva’s later today to photograph me. Anyway, getting back to yesterday, I had so much fun after the meeting. A friend and me walked down Rodeo Drive and did some window shopping (like I have a choice on Rodeo, even a little tank top was $300,) we ended up at Café’ Rodeo in the Luxe Hotel. I was still wearing my “Elect Reva Renee Renz Governor” button and when we sat down for a late lunch (and a glass of wine) the bartender and a few employees asked for my autograph and bumper stickers. How funny? Me, on Rodeo Drive signing autographs! The bartender, I believe his name was Paul, was extremely knowledgeable about politics and was a delight to talk with. He’s an actor (of course,) and I hope he does well. After that we walked back down Rodeo where I took a picture holding my bumper sticker and then several tourist started filming me and taking my picture. What a fun day!