Friday, July 08, 2005

A friend of mine sent me another awesome link to check out:

There's so many good sites out there that show you the real stories.

I'm still waiting to hear from a friend of mine visiting London, the mood there must be a bit erie and quite scary. The "Tube" is already spooky enough with the dampness and humidity down there. I feel so sorry for all those people, my heart certainly goes out to them and their families. The British seem to be handling this rather well by going on with their daily lives the way they are portrayed on TV with their stiff upper lip. I guess you have to, we eventually did here. That's why it's called Freedom. What happened was just plain murder by evil cowards.

Once again, something like this puts perspective on your own life. What's really important? Count your blessings. I'm just thrilled to have my hand start to heal.............. along with my heart. I'll eventually get the "back" thing figured out.

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! I had a great time hanging out with friends all weekend. My very dear friends surprised me on Saturday by showing up at my house with cleaning and gardening supplies. They gave my home and backyard a much needed super cleaning. It's been difficult for me to do much of anything with my back and hand hurting so it was very appreciated. It's a nice feeling to have such good friends in your life. We spent the whole weekend cleaning, workin' the BBQ, and lighting up those fireworks Monday night:) There were so many good fireworks around the neighborhood, who needs the beach with 100,000 people? It was sort of funny watching the police chopper try to keep up with the illegal fireworks. As soon as the chopper spotlighted an area, someone else would set some off in another neighborhood. Finally they just gave up all together and took off. The fire department, police, and several Fire Trucks must have passed by at least 5 times. In the end we were all safe so they obviously did a good job preventing us from blowing ourselves up:)

Sunday, July 03, 2005

God Bless the USA! Posted by Picasa

Rachael, our former "deva" came by the pool to hang out. Posted by Picasa
I'm trying to get the pics posted from Vegas but they're not all getting through. I'll try again later. I need to get ready for a fun 4th of July. Lots of "Safe & Sane" fireworks to light on fire!

Please check out this site, it's awesome!

Freedom Isn't Free! Thankyou to all the military protecting us so that we can enjoy and celebrate tomorrow's holiday knowing that they are keeping us safe.

Happy 4th of July!

Tilted Kilt bartender, I wonder if he had anything on under there? Posted by Picasa

I got offered a job here......... wonder why? Posted by Picasa

My latest piece........ the Kareem Abdul Jabar picture, not Micheal....... he just sells me everything:) Posted by Picasa

Me & JJ at Field of Dreams spending all our winings. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Just got back from Vegas, too much work to catch up on! I'll have pics up by tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Isn't it funny how you can be so behind in your work, stressed out, and worried and then something happens that just makes you smile? I'm sitting here trying to put a dent in my paperwork with my aching back, broken hand, and the lingering affects of a shot given to me yesterday, and I get an e-mail from just about the last person I would expect to hear from. A friend of mine that I haven't seen for about 14 years found me on the internet. It's a surprise because last time I saw him it was in Ohio and now he lives half way around the World. I cared deeply for this person at one time, even thought about moving back to Ohio at the time. It'll be good catching up. Anyway, it was a wonderful surprise and now I'm smiling. Sometimes it's the little things that make you the happiest:)

Friday, June 17, 2005

I spent the day in court yesterday to obtain a restraining order. The police told me that I needed to do that to help them protect me. Basically I was told I'm stupid if I don't follow through with it. I realize that a piece of paper doesn't stop anything from happening, but allows the police to arrest that person if they come near me. I'm hoping that this ends up being unnecessary, but better safe than sorry. It is a very time consuming and tiring process. It took from 8:30am until about 4pm to have the papers in hand. The court room I was in was so over loaded. I was sitting there scared, with my back hurting, my hand throbbing from filling out all the paperwork, listening to the longest testimony from a "never mind the prenupt agreement" divorce, and thinking how could things be worse? That's when the 4.9 earthquake hit, the building was on rollers so it was quite a ride. I guess that was my answer along with the reason my cat was crying all night and hiding behind the toaster in the kitchen. They're still making a fuss, they have been all week because of all the quakes we've been having. There must be more on the way. Either that or they just sense how upset I've been. Cats are by no means stupid creatures.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I wanted to let everyone know that I'm doing okay. Don't worry about me, I always land on my feet. I'm just really sad that what took place had to happen for things to end. I'm sure once the bump on my head goes away I'll be able to think more clearly. Gotta get back to enjoying life......... it goes by way too fast, with or without you.

Monday, June 13, 2005

I didn't mean to worry anyone with that post the other day. Thanks for all the e-mails asking if I'm ok. Let's just say that after a very scary encounter last night I have an Emergency Protective Restraining Order. My neighbors called the police, Thank God. I'll be just fine as long as he leaves me alone. I'm just happy to escape with a bump on my head and a big dent in my driver's side door.

Life is too short for all of this drama.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Very appropriate sign on the Orco building off the 55 Fwy:

"Honesty pawned can never be redeemed"

Friday, June 10, 2005

I don't even know how to begin this post or even if I should write it but I can't ignore the fact that my life has just dramatically changed. My current relationship is now completely over. I just went through another man. Apparently I forgot to check the expiration date on this one. Apparently I thought that a "promise ring" meant that they were making a promise. I mistakenly bought into the idea of "I love you " meaning just that. I don't want to sound like a whining, crying, overly-dramatic, hysterical, scorned female......................... but I just had my heart ripped out! I didn't realize that when someone has your wedding thought out, picked the area where to buy a home together, picked out the name of the child we were possibly going to have ( it was Zachary, or Zack for short,) and professed their undying love over and over again, that it was all a fantasy story. A screen play, written and directed by a pathological liar. To have the ability to take a tiny little part of a truth and twist it into an elaborate collection of never ending fantasy stories is frankly a scary, evil, disgusting individual! The sad thing is that there's no happy ending for anyone involved. I will spare the details of this tragedy in hopes that he receives some serious help so that an absolutely adorable 3 year old will one day have a decent father to be there for her. I couldn't imagine growing up without my father, he shaped who I am today. I wish he were alive today so I could go cry on his shoulder. We are all still "Daddy's little girl" no matter what our age.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Chili Cook-Off in Tustin was last Sunday and us Republican Area Ladies had a great booth. We registered voters and had people write messages to send to the Troops. I even got talked into the "Hot Legs" contest..................No, I didn't win. A mere second place with no trophy:(
It's always a fun day with about 18,000 people roaming the streets of Old Town Tustin while drinking beer and eatin' chili.

In a totally un-related story on E-Online:,1,16711,00.html?tnews

I talked to this reporter a while back after mentioning Majestik Magnificent in this blog. Didn't think I would be included in the latest news story covering the Michael Jackson trial. Very bizarre.

Tustin chili Cook Off June 5th Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Okay, on the broken hand deal, here's my unofficial statement:

"I had a short conversation with a long winded liberal!"
(Come on, it sounds better than smashing my hand in a car door.)

I received an interesting e-mail from a school teacher that I corresponded with during the recall campaign. It's somewhere back in the archives, his class actually read my blog and one of his students did a report on me. Anyway, he's obviously an outstanding teacher with some pretty amazing students. They have been working on getting the "Mississippi Burning" murder investigation reopened. You can see their progress one the following website:

I'm pretty impressed with Mr. Bradford and his students. I don't have a complete understanding of what happened, but I guess I'll learn from them.

I went to the Angels game against the White Sox Thursday night to see if they remembered how to hit the ball. It was a good game, too bad I had to leave the stadium to watch the end of it. I may be a little spoiled with the Diamond Club seats, but left field is definitely not happening in my future attendance. It started out okay, made it in time for the national anthem........ one of the best parts of the game. Nevermind the fact that only about 20% of the fans were there 10 minutes before the game. Hey, it's California, where getting to the game slightly before the 4th inning is the norm. The trio behind us could've been the cast from Will & Grace, "Oh my God, I just totally got a free beer cuz I chugged it cuz there was a hole in the bottom of the cup and the bartender lady said if I drank it real fast I totally wouldn't have to pay for it! Goodie, it's like I'm so lucky!" He said while primping and then commenting on the nice tight pants the players were wearing heading back into the bullpen. Don't get me wrong, I like Will & Grace, just don't want to listen to them at the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim of California of the Western Hemisphere. Then it was time for playing dodge ball with a broken hand. Try watching the the tiny little ant like figures play ball while 99Cent store beach balls are coming at you from every corner. I saw a 6 year old take out at least 2 full beers with one serve. Try eating nachos (of course with a pound of jalepenos,) with one hand, drinking a perfume smelling thimble glass of the best box wine available with a generous 2 ice cubes, dodging balls, taking pictures of some die hard, 45 year old Chicago fan wearing a White Sox belt buckle who's carrying a 50th Anniversary Disney tote with his diposable fuji who practically cried when a Sox struck out( he was making me want to become chatty with the Will & Grace cast,) having to stand up every 2 minutes because now the other 16 people in our row have decided to show up and we're on the end seats, some 16 year old is trying to swagger up the stairs completely drunk out of her skull, and watching a ball game! We left and watched the end at a sports bar.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Wow, I really lapsed this time. Time flies when you're busy being a Republican in the most Republican County in the Country:)

Last week I went to the Grand Opening of our new OC Republican Headquarters over by the Anaheim Pond of Anaheim, OC, southern California(it's no where near LA, but it's right next to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Any questions? Anyway, Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas was the guest speaker. At least what's left of him, apparently he has lost a lot of that "gravy" weight they put on in that part of our Country. Very likeable guy. At least I was able to stay for that speaker, sorry to miss Governor Pataki at the Summit earlier this spring.

I went to another Angels game a few weeks ago to watch the Indians pound the crap out of us. Third row behind home plate would've been a nicer place to sit if we had won. There were even fans left at the end of the game, and we lost 9-3. I remember years ago when the stadium would be half empty by then. I guess winning the World Series in 02 helped OC stay in the spirit.

As for my health.......... not much change in the back. I have another MRI tomorrow. Lovely. Oh, and I broke my right hand. Caught in a car door, ouch! Well, not the whole hand, but enough that I'm a lefty for at least 6 weeks. Figures. At least I'm getting more coordinated with my left. I'm practicing right now, so forgive my errors. I got a cool cast that's water-proof. That may have been a bad idea. I drove through tar leaving the Registrar of Voters (it's in such a lovely area) so I ended up washing my car. Then a nice neighbor ( not the one who threw razor blades in my pool,) came over and loaned me some kind of "magic clay" for my car. So of course I ended up basically detailing it, I'll pay tomorrow. At least I got a good tan:)