Friday, July 25, 2008

Pioneer Day

July 24th is Pioneer Day! It's a day to celebrate and remember the pioneers who traveled hundreds and even thousands of miles to Utah on foot pushing hand carts through terrible weather and treacherous terrain. It's a state holiday in Utah, so a lot of people have the day off work, like Devon. In the a.m. we drove down to Provo to check out an apartment for rent. It's a cute split level apartment. Just about everything is brand new, the carpet, the paint, the flooring, the tub, sink, toilet, windows, cabinets, appliances, and even crown molding! It's so cute and almost 12o0 square feet! Then we went and saw Mama Mia which was funny and cute. Then we had a a big family party at Grandma's with cousins, aunts, and uncles. It's basically like another fourth of July. My uncle and cousins shot of huge (illegal) fireworks in the park which is just behind my grandma's backyard fence. We did sparklers in the backyard while we watched the fireworks. Devon lit sparklers with a candle because the matches weren't working out very well. We ate lots of good food and enjoyed the company of family. The bottom picture is Devon trying to blow out an enormous flame! Too funny!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Softballs aren't so soft

We had an intramural softball game on Saturday. It was Devon's second game and my first. I hit a double and felt pretty good about it. Devon got on base every at bat and even hit a home run! He's amazing! Our team won the game! Afterward, we decided to hang around and play a pick up game. Devon was on one side and James, my brother, was on the other side of me as we walked in between two fields. I didn't think to pay attention to the two guys playing catch on the field to my left. Suddenly I just got popped in my shin with a softball! The second baseman had thrown it to the first baseman who completely missed the ball. By the way softballs are not soft! I didn't think I was going to die or anything but it stung like crazy! Within seconds I had a huge goose egg on my shin. This picture is SO not flattering...I swear it's the angle or something. You can kinda see the knot. Of course it looked worse in real life. Throughout the day, the fluid (or whatever was inside the nasty thing) spread down my leg, so my whole shin was evenly swollen. Gross huh? It was still a fun day though, and I was glad we won the game! I just wish it had happened making a diving catch or something impressive like that. Mark (my father-in-law) said I should make up a story so I'm still workin' on that.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

4a Sunbeams

At church we teach the 3-year-old primary kids. Today's lesson was "I love my brothers and sisters." One of the stories we told was of baby Moses floating down the river. We wanted the kids to help us teach the lesson so we dressed them up as characters in the story. It was so fun, and they loooooved it!! Great idea Devon!! From left to right: Pharaoh, Pharaoh's daughter, baby Moses in the basket, Moses' mom, Moses' dad, Moses' sister. I made the beard with cotton balls and masking tape, Sharla made the apron we used, Devon bought the crown for the princess (it actually lights up too! How cute is Devon?), and I made the Pharaoh's turban out of a hand towel. The turban looked so rad...and legit! I think they like us! Disclaimer: We did NOT use one of our students as baby Moses.

Six Month Anniversary

Our six month anniversary was on July 12th. We ate at Cheesecake Factory and then Devon surprised me with tickets to go see the Real Salt Lake soccer game! At dinner, Devon knocked his spoon off the table and tried to catch it, but he smashed his finger against the rod iron gate next to us and broke his nail! That was bad, but the food was good! We ordered avocado rolls and the da vinci pasta. Yum!

4th of July

For the fourth of July we went down to Provo to hang out with some of our friends. First we had dinner at Carrabba's, and then we went to the MTC field to watch the fireworks from Stadium of Fire...One of our friends was actually event staff and responsible for Miley Cyrus' dancers! Crazy huh! He met up with us later on that night...

Monday, July 7, 2008

How we met...summarized

Aric Johnstone, one of our good friends has known Devon since their freshmen year of college. Aric introduced Devon to my brother James. They got in the same finance group their junior year and that is how I met Devon in January of 2007. And yes, it was in the library on campus. We didn't really start hanging out until spring term though, and then it was everyday...we became really good friends and had so much fun together!

I think I started to fall for Devon first...or maybe it was just the frustration that he hadn't asked me out or even tried to kiss me after MONTHS of hanging out. But he finally asked me out the beginning of August and then we kissed on our second date at the end of August. I pretty much had to ask him to kiss me but being forward really paid off!! It was on the ski lift ride at Sundance under a full romantic! Everything happened so quickly after that...we got engaged in October and got married January 12, 2008!!