Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Glassman Residence

We are pretty much settled! We love our new home and we've had so much fun getting all set up and finally using all our wedding gift cards! Devon has really been quite the Mr. Fix It! We've added a few things here and there since these pictures were taken, like a mirror on the wall above the lamps and a couple decorative vases. Tomorrow we are getting our couch replaced and the chaise lounge section that's been on back order. We've had troubles with the washing machine going crazy. I wish I'd taken pictures of Devon riding it like a cowboy trying to get it to stop shaking violently! Hilarious! That's the next project on the to do list (my dad can help us with this one).

I just started my new job with a marketing research company as an account manager and I'm anxious to get going with my own clients. I have a lot to learn, but I really like it so far, especially my boss and co-workers. We like our ward too, but we miss our primary kids in Riverton.

It's fun to live across from Amber and Steve. We like to play racquetball and go to the gym and have them over to eat and watch the Olympics. My dad flies in tomorrow night and then Mom and Will fly in Monday night--we can't wait!! William is starting his freshman year at BYU. I can't believe he's a college boy! Ahhh! We are so happy to live close to James AND William, Grandma and Grandpa Draper, Aunt Diane and more relatives on my dad's side.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Latest Move

On Tuesday Devon and I moved down to Provo into an apartment that has been completely redone! With Sharla's priceless help, we are just about settled. We're so excited about our new home. The first place we lived after the wedding was the basement of a house where we had a sink and a fridge and that was the extent of our kitchen. We set up a card table with a toaster oven and "roughed" it, so to speak, for four months. We moved in with Granny and lived in her basement, which was great fun! Granny's cooking is amazing and we loved staying up late playing Canasta with Granny and her sister, Aunt Diane, but it was time to move closer to work (Devon works in Provo and I'll be working in Orem). We live in a split level duplex with lots of space. We are loving it and it has only been two days! I will post pictures of our new place as soon as we get it a little more organized! I also want to make a special note that on Wednesday we ran into my bishop from my sophomore year, Bishop Jackman. He was such an inspiration to me at that time in my life and I'm so grateful for his kindness and love. He was my brother's bishop the following year, so it's neat that we both had the privilege of getting to know him!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

BYUSA Reunion

Yesterday (Saturday August 2) we went to Adam Larson's house in Salt Lake for a BYUSA 05-06 Reunion--the year of Adam and Chrissie's reign as BYUSA President and Vice President. Just a little background information: Chrissie and I both grew up in Corona, so she recruited me as a freshman to help on their campaign committee. They won of course, because of my good looks and irresistible charm! Ha! Funny enough, when Devon returned home from his mission in 05 he worked for them as an Executive Director. That's how we're all connected. The reunion was great! We barbecued for dinner and enjoyed catching up with everyone. The view from the back porch was beautiful! The pictures don't come close to doing it justice. We got in the pool and started up an intense game of 4-on-4 basketball! Let's just say Mr. Water polo, a.k.a. Devon, is a monster in the water! When the next game started Devon pulled a water polo move on one of our friends and got an accidental elbow right below his eye on his cheekbone. He knew right away it was a split, so he quickly jumped out of the pool. I had no clue what had happened until Aric said, "Uh, Whitney..." and pointed in Devon's direction. It was like a "tend to your business" kind of tone. I made Devon move his hand so I could see how bad it was. Luckily the gash wasn't spurting blood, but I still thought, "Oh no, we don't have insurance!" Thank goodness for Adam's step-mom who is an RN and engineered the butterfly bandages perfectly so he didn't have to get sutures. It turned into quite the eventful night, but it was so great to see old friends. We got to see Brady and Chrissie Broadbent who have been in Boston for the past two years. Max drove down from Montana so it was fun to see him, and we finally met Adam's wife who is just a doll!