Saturday, April 25, 2009

AF Canyon

Last Saturday we went climbing in American Fork Canyon with Chris and Shaunae.  It was super fun.  My second climb was a hard one.  I got so pumped about halfway up.  It was a blast though!
The view was amazing--you can see it in the background of the pictures.


Devon is... Two-five, twenty-five, veinticinco, half-way to 50, quarter of a century!
Can you believe Devon is 25?  I always joke about how we still look like teenagers.  Hopefully that will be the case when we're in our thirties, too.  I'm pretty sure that's wishful thinking, though.  Devon's birthday was fun!  He loves his presents.  He got a bunch of climbing gear.  That's all he really wanted.  I even tried to mix it up and get him a pair of Vans.  He returned them. 
We went climbing after work and then had some friends and family over to eat some birthday cake and ice cream.  Then we watched Rupert, Daphne, and Joey run around chasing each other. (Rupert and Daphne are Amber and Steve's Yorkies.  Joey is a cute blond little fluffball--she's Angie and Vessie's.  All three puppies are under three pounds I think.)  My dad said we must be getting old now that we enjoy sitting around talking and watching dogs chase each other.  Probably true, but at least we don't look old yet!

Adios Zapatos

These are all the shoes Devon talked me into removing from our closet.  I gave away the shoes that were in good condition.  There were quite a few pair that had lived a long life and fought a good fight.  I was hesitant at first, but then I gave in because Devon bribed me.  For every ten pair I gave away, I could buy a new pair!  I was only able to cut 17 from my collection, but Devon put his three pair toward my count, which means...two new pairs!  

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Glassman's came

Mark and Sharla came to visit us and we had so much fun (I don't have any pictures though)!  I must say I was a little embarrassed because I didn't have time to clean or go to the grocery store, so they probably think I'm a bad wife and I don't feed my husband. 
We love going out to eat with them and just relaxing and chit-chatting like old people.  My dad recently informed me that we are getting old because we like to sit around and talk with our friends. While Mark and Sharla were here we went out to eat a bunch, which is always fun.  We also tried to get them to go climbing with us, but Mark was too scared.  Right, Mark? Hahaha.  We miss them, but we're glad we get to see them every couple months! 

Friday, April 10, 2009

I took a dive...

...not into a pool. No biggy. It was fun, and Chris said it looked really awesome. He had a perfect view from the dirt hill he was standing on about 100 feet away. Devon told me it would be a good idea to ride off this ledge (I didn't know it was a ledge, so there I am sitting right on top of my seat like Little Red Riding Hood, clueless). I totally endoed. It wasn't that bad though, except for that night when I scrubbed the little dirt clumps and rocks out of my skin.
This was during our weekend trip down in St. George a few weekends ago with Chris and Shaunae Heideman. We went mountain biking and then climbing. It was such a fun Saturday spent under the warmth of the sun. We had such a blast. After we climbed they took us longboarding--luge style--through this sweet underground pipe. It was way fun. I loved it because I felt like a little rambunctious, adventurous 15-year-old again!
Here are some pictures of the fun.

The climb we did was three pitches. Devon led a 5.10a and I led a 5.9. It was scary at times because the rock was brittle. One of my holds crumbled because I was pulling out instead of down. Pretty freaky (just kidding Mom)!There was a crazy strong updraft so it got chilly. We look awkward right here because we're leaning forward so we don't fall 300 feet to the bottom.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Dicksons came!

We had so so much fun when Devin and Shira came to visit us. The weekend just flew by. I'm sad that we're so far away from them. I know we would hang out all the time if we lived in California!