Thursday, June 25, 2009

Broken Bones

Devon broke his ankle. Is it currently broken? Nope. The one time he didn't go to the doctor after "spraining" his ankle, he had actually broken it. The good news is, it healed just fine. He's one tough cookie. The current injury is in fact just a sprain, but the last one in October was a break. Check out the kankle.

Broken in

We have now gone real camping twice in our new tent! This is when we first got our tent and did a little fake camping in our living room. I am so proud of Devon's purchase. I think our tent is the bomb and my $30 sleeping bag is incredibly comfortable... wait, that's a lie. Devon's bag is incredibly comfortable. I have slept in Devon's bag every time because he's afraid I'll get cold in the middle of the night and make him switch me. How rude. I would never do that! But what a sweet husband!

Got my lunch packed up

Back to school
Back to school
To prove to Dad that I'm not a fool

Got my lunch packed up
My boots tied tight
I hope I don't get in a fight

That's right. I'm going back to school. Crazy! I'm really really excited about it. I'm just going to be taking my prerequisite classes for the next couple semesters and then I'll apply to nursing school wherever we go for law school--who knows where that will be, but hopefully we'll know in the next few months. Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Camping in Hobble Creek Canyon

We had our ward camp out yesterday. It was really really fun. We got new awesome skewers from Gunnies, thanks to the Keaton's, and we love 'em. Devon likes to roast Starburst--sour Starburst to be exact--but because sour ones aren't sold within 150 miles of here, he settles for regular or tropical flavored Starburst. He actually wrote them to express his disappointment about the situation. (The inspiration came from the Heidemans. They wrote to Oreo because they don't sell peanut butter Oreos within a few hundred miles of here. Don't know if it changed anything, though.)

Mari and Matt Bell

The Terrazas

The Heidemans
Us (I was pretending to pick Devon's nose. I think he turned his head because he thought I was really gonna do it. Ew! Definitely was not.)