Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 2

Devon's actual birthday was Saturday. For breakfast, I made him chocolate waffles with sliced strawberries and bananas and homemade whipped cream. Talk about chocolatey sugar high! We watched conference, he opened presents and then some friends came over for cupcakes (delicious chocolate Milk Dud cupcakes).

Devon picked out what he thought was ALL of his presents, but I was sneaky and got him a few extra things. Here (below) is his "Wait a minute... what is this special surprise?" face. Surprise My Love!
The cupcakes were a big hit.
What a cute birthday boy!
Not sure what this pose is called.

Photo Shoot at the Moritz

Well, I got my hair dyed if you didn't notice. I really like it, though I kind of wish I had it done back in November--since it is more of a winter season color. But I'm really happy with how it turned out, albeit darker than expected. I have ALWAYS had blond hair, so it's startling when I look in the mirror every morning. I'm definitely getting used to it, and I like it more each day. I just hope my re-growth doesn't look awful! :)
After dinner at BJ's we had to go to the law school, so we (Whitney) had a little photo shoot since the fam needs to see pictures of my new do.

He's my favorite.
We also had a little time to get educated.

Devon's Birthday (27) at BJ's

Mile 100

Once upon a time I made a goal to run 25 miles per week. Yesterday I completed my fourth week of this goal and ran my 100th mile! This is me getting home from the gym after running miles 96-100. I'm feeling pretty awesome. I'm not sure how my mileage running cross-country in high school compares to this, because I never really kept track back then. But I feel like I had to work pretty hard for this--mostly sacrificing the time--which is sometimes harder than the physical challenge.
I learned that running on incline is much lower impact and overall healthier. It has taken my workouts to a whole new level. It stinks because it's a lot harder (so I don't look forward to getting on the treadmill as much as I had been), but if I'm going to be running the rest of my life, which I plan to, then I need to be thinking long term. I don't want to grind my joints into bone crumbs. Plus, I think it's better for my arthritis.