Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mother's Day Surprise

We decided to drive to NC after Devon's last final to surprise Mom/Grandma for Mother's Day. It was fun to spend more than just a couple days with the fam. We didn't tell any of them we were coming. When we got there, we set Reese on the porch in her Bumbo with a carnation for Grandma. I rang the doorbell and hid while Devon video taped the whole thing. They were so excited to see us... I mean, Reese. :) 
We had a super fun week relaxing, playing at the pool, going on walks, doing P90X, going to Riley's baseball games, and having Mother's Day dinner together. I made my mom a Strawberry Parfait (recipe courtesy of Pinterest), which turned out to be amazing!
It was a perfect first Mother's Day for me. Reese got me a gift card for a pedicure and wrote me a sweet sweet note. There is nothing I love more than being a Mom (still so weird to say)!

 All decked out for an afternoon at the pool.
 Thinking about it, but not sure if she likes cold water.

 Swimming... kind of
On a walk through the gorgeous NC neighborhoods.
 Auntie Hayley and Reeser
 At Riley's baseball game. We loved watching him pitch!!
Love my little peanut!
 Parfait... mm mmm good!
 Reese decided she was tired so she rested her little chin on Grandpa's arm. It was hilarious and so cute!
 Not quite fitting in her 6-month outfits, but still cute.
Helping Dad drive us back to Ohio.

Reese is Five Months!

My little Baby Reese is growing up. She is rolling from front to back and back to front. She will even scoot a little bit if she wants something just out of reach. Her personality is really starting to show. We love how happy and smiley she is!
We had driven to NC to surprise my mom for Mother's Day (pictures and video to come), so we were down in Fayetteville visiting Great-grandpa Brock on May 11th. We let her play in the water in the spa and the baby pool, but it was still chilly, so she wasn't a huge fan. Reese loves taking showers and baths in nice warm water, though.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Oh yes...

Someone is ready for sum sum summa time!!!!! 
Bring on the lake house in North Carolina and the beach in California! Woohoo!