Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Drapers came to town

We celebrated Reese's 12 month birthday on her 11 month birthday with the Draper side of the family. They drove up from NC bearing gifts. Reese got a bunch of new clothes, a walker that plays some awesome music (I have videos of her dancing her little heart out), and they brought up an old school rocking chair that was either mine as a little girl, or my sisters'. 

 On Saturday we went to Cosi, the science museum, and saw James Bond in the afternoon (obsessed!).
 In the Kids Zone
 All these buttons made noises. They all seemed to be bodily function noises--a little strange, but very funny.

 Here is Reese's 11-month photo shoot
"Everyone is watching me, so I better give a cute flirty smile."
I love this "preparing for a kiss attack from Dad" face.
 I LOVE this girl. She is my mini BFF!

 Reese loved playing with Grandma & Grandpa, Cam and Riley. She was constantly reaching her arms out to be passed around and get her quality time in with each of them. She warmed up to everyone quickly and loved watching Riley do anything and everything! We were all sad to say goodbye!

Romney-Ryan rally

We got VIP passes so we were in the front section! 
Our children may or may not be betrothed to one another.

 Seconds after this I got to shake his hand!
 Our little support crew
 We had all hoped for a W. Such a bummer, but such a cool rally experience!

Pumpkin patch and 10 Months!

Tub time!

 All ready for the pumpkin patch

 Cold and windy!

 She loved the hay ride and crawling around in it!

Reese turned ten months old on 10-11-12!
 This face... kills me!

 Attack of the Momma!

 I love all her cute little expressions. Some are sneaky, some are flirty, and some are just hilarious!

Columbus Zoo

Frost, Reese, Jack, Adrian

 Andrea & Adrian, Rachael & Jack, Jacque & Cora, Angie & Madison, Kelli & Will, Kelli & Frost
Photographers: Whitney & Reese
 Sting rays

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Apple Picking

We went apple picking at the Granville Orchard on 9-19

Nine month photo shoot

I love this girl's crazy hair and happy smiley temperament. 
At nine months Reese:
pulled herself up to the orange couch
had her first top tooth come through--on the right side (at which point we realized she was going to be a snaggletooth for a while)
started clapping her hands, and waved hi and bye-bye on demand
said "dada dada dada dada" to Devon
started crawling with her tummy off the ground. "Real crawling" I guess.