Thursday, November 24, 2011



I just wanted to drop in here this beautiful morning and wish every one of you a very Happy Thanksgiving,,I hope your day is full of blessings of gratitude and love,,I am truly grateful for my beautiful family,friends,health,and God above. Huggs to all my blog friends.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello Monday its nice to see you....

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend,,,I did..I just love football season. It means I can sit for hours and work on my stitching,crocheting or sewing...and not fell guilty..I have picked back up my stitching and crocheting and you know what it fells wonderful, awesome, is so good to be working on my crafty stuff again..and I have been reading like crazy to...I have read 2 books and almost done with the 3rd one in just a couple of weeks,,,It is going to be a nice quiet week here for us,,with our boys back in AZ and TX it will just be the 4 of us,,which is ok with me,,but I am really looking forward to Christmas this year,,don't know why but I am really getting into the spirit of things,,it might be because it is all starting early this year,,but I just feel in the Spirit of Christmas,,now if Florida will just get with the program and knock off this warm weather and give us some cold weather that would be the icing on the cake,,and yes I played Christmas Music today,,in fact I would have my tree up already but I think a 19 year old would throw a fit..oh well Friday will come soon enough...well now here is the proof that I have been up to crafty goodness...I hope you all have a blessed week,,and get alot of crafty goodness done before Thursday...till next time

A couple sets of Bibs I crochet around the edges they will be going into my Etsy Shop.

Brought out Betsy,,still love working on her,,,

And I couldnt go without throwing a couple of one of my sweet looking grandson Max in here,,they dressed up at his pre-school...


Monday, August 29, 2011

Pioneer Womens Meatballs My Way..

These little gems are easy to make and are delish and a big hit with the hubby...I tweak the recipe alittle,,instead of oats I used seasoned bread crumbs,and I put in 1 cup of chopped onions and used jar sauce instead of her sauce with uses 1 cup of ketchup which I am not a big fan of..I only cooked 1/2 of the meatballs and freeze the other half,,I will be making these little babies again...if you need the orginal recipe you can go to Pioneer Womens Blog(in my sidebar)and go to her cooking tab and type in Meatballs,,they are her Comfort Meatball recipe..what are you having for dinner tonight come and share,,until then huggs..

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Very Quiet Weekend,,

Hello Everyone,
I am hoping this post finds all my East Coast friends safe and dry,,we are thankful that Irene decided to turn right and not hit us here in Florida. Well like my post title says it has been a very quiet weekend,,yesterday I woke up feeling dizzy and tired, so I took it easy till hubby came home from work (12:00)and then I jumped in bed and took a 3 hour nap,,felt better when I woke up..didn't do anything exciting that night caught up on some of your shows we like thru On Demand..went to bed around 1130pm and woke back up at 8am,,felt good..we have just sat around and visited, watched some news on Irene..and then daughter went to work and hubby and grandson went to the pool and I have some quiet time to my self.

I have been reading every ones blogs, and I am envy of all the traveling you all are doing. We haven't been anywhere this summer. This is the second summer we have lived in Florida and I don't know if the humidity is getting us this year,,but we just don't have any energy or motivation. I am hoping to do traveling when it gets cooler, please come on fall..

I also haven't been doing any crafting at all..and I am seeing all the sweet Halloween patterns coming out and in the stores..Halloween is my favorite holiday. So hopefully I will be picking up the needle here soon..

I have been keeping up my running (inside on treadmill)and bike riding(early in the morning or late at night when it is the coolest)I did my farthest ride last Tuesday a 10.5 mile bike ride,,my knees and legs were screaming at me when I finished but I felt good over all..and I ran my fastest mile on Friday a 12 minute mile..which blew me away since I have been doing about a 16-18 minute mile before that,,we are still planning on doing our first race a 5k(3.1 miles) on Sept 10th..another reason I really want it to start cooling off so I can get outside more and run and bike ride..

Well that seems to be all for now..hope you all are having a quiet weekend to,,till next time,,hugs

Friday, August 12, 2011

I am ALIVE...

For those that are still following my blog,,sorry for the absence,,and the sad thing is I really don't have anything interesting or pictures to post..I guess I needed a blog break....The weather here has been really to hot to do anything,,we have been to the pool a few times and to the beach,,which I am in need of a trip very soon,,,having beach withdraws...but I have not pick up or touch a craft item all summer,,again I think the heat has something to do with it,,,
What I have been doing is running,,yes you read that right,,inside on the good ole treadmill..I started out walking,,got up to 4 miles and them I wanted to try my hand at running,,and I am doing it,,I have always wanted to be a runner,,but couldn't run more them 3 minutes at a time,,now I am up to 1.75 miles and I am doing my first 5k Sept 11th,,and loving it...The funny thing is, is that I haven't run in over 27 years(since the army)and I will be turning 50 in the saying goes better late then never,,,I run 3 days a week and walk 2,,I am still enjoying my walking,,and that I can do outside early in the morning pushing my grandson in the jogging stroller,,and the other neat thing about running is I am buying alot of neat running outfits and I am starting to look good in them,, It also has been years since I have worn sleeveless shirts and now that is mostly what I wear..
Well hopefully the fall will be more eventful,,I do have a trip planned to go to Austin,Tx for a friends wedding reception and me and hubby are planning a trip to Georgia mountains to see the fall colors and to Charleston, SC,,so with the cooler weather I will outside more,,well that is about it for now,,,hope you all are having a great summer and staying cooler as best as you can,,,till next time,,,,

Monday, May 16, 2011

Whats for Dinner...

I made this recipe called Mediterranean Chicken and oh my oh my was it ever so good..infact my house smells so good now..I have mine with just the tomatos,,and a small salad, I served my husbands over jasmine is the recipe..

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I want to wish every MOM out there a very special MOTHERS DAY,,,hope your day is a blessed one..


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Hope everyone is having a creative day...I did a little sewing today, havent been up to much all week just been in one of those slumps. Hopefully I am over it and will get more creative as the week goes. But for now this is all I have to show, a new project tote in my shop, I think it is my favorite one..Well that is all for today..have a happy one..


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hop on over there...

To, Hooked on Stitches blog as she is have an awesome 3rd blog anniversary giveaway..and it is one you dont want to miss out on,,now go sign up..

Friday, April 15, 2011

Yeah its Friday...

Happy Friday Everyone, I am so glad the weekend is here, even thou it is suppose to rain tomarrow. I am hoping to get alot of projects done this weekend,,so keep an eye on this little ole blog next week..But for now I have a Betsy update and a new bracelet in my shop. I am still really enjoying stitching this piece, also Jolene over at Dip Diddley Design is stitching this piece. Well I hope you all have a wonderful and dry weekend,,till next time we meet keep those fingers moving. Huggs Devon

Monday, April 11, 2011

Stitching I have been doing...

Good Morning everyone,, Well I have picked back up my stitching and been doing it this past week,,alittle here and there..and I am really LOVING this piece..the colors are so pretty to work with..This is the first time I have worked on 36ct fabric and my eyes have now adjusted to it and I love it..also I love working with silk threads..I decided to use only 1 thread over 2 and I am liking the coverage..I also have been sewing up some posh pillowcases and I need to make some more bracelets for my new etsy shop..but for right now I think I will get back to my stitching..hope everyone is having a bright and sunny monday..till next time.. huggs Devon Betsy by Sheepish designs

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mailbox Monday,,,

I love getting goodies in the mail..and today I got my supplies to make more of my wrap I wasted no time making this little is made out of 4mm bright green czech glass beads and greek leather, it is has a silver measures 22 inches,,this little pretty is now in my shop..hope you all are having a wonderful Monday... Devon

A New Tote/Envelope..

While I am waiting for some supplies to make more wrap bracelets to come in I thought I would whip up another project tote/envelope..this one says summer with bright sunflowers all over it,,it is now listed in my shop...

Friday, April 1, 2011

My New Obsession..

It is with Beads and making these pretty wrap bracelets,,here is my latest that is now up in my shop.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Thursday...

Well I made it back on monday from my vacation,,,and althou it rained in californina I had a good time,,it was great seeing the grandbabies..sure do miss them little people..but now it is back to the grindstone,,and it seems the rained has followed me back to florida because ever since I have gotten back it has done nothing but rain,,oh well we need it here..My daughter is off to Virginia to see a friend and so I have the Max monster(2year old grandson)all to myself and he has been pretty good so far,,but I am afraid he is out growing his it seems to take alot longer for him to want to go to sleep...I sure hope that isnt the case as that is my time during the I made another wrap bracelet..and open another Etsy store this week,,just for can go here to have a look..tomarrow I am hoping to start another set of Posh Pillowcases,,I sure do like making them,,,well I hope you all are having a great week and that you may also have a fantastic weekend,,,till next time, huggs.. Devon

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hello Monday...

I hope you all had a great weekend. I sure did, visited with my kids and grandkids this past week. We went to the Renissance festival this past saturday and had a good time..Also went thrift store shopping and out for some good Mexican food..I am going to miss them alot..Now tomarrow it is on to California to see my brothers and sister and nephew and nieces..cant wait...well I hope you all have a great week and I will catch up when I land back in florida on the 29th...till them here are some pictures of my babies..

Anthony Scott...
Channing Grace

Bryson Michael

Monday, March 14, 2011


I cant wait,,this time tomarrow I will be at the airport waiting to board my plane to go to Arizona to see my grandbabies and kids,,then a week later I will be on another plane to hop on over to California to see my brothers and sister and nieces and is a much needed vacation..I will be going to my favorite thrift stores and eating at my favorite mexican restaraunts..I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing week...I know I will be..

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Some more finishes...

I finished these little cuties up today and thought I would share them with you,,I also have been working on some more bracelets..well I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and my prayers and thought go to the people,animals and everyone effected by the disaster over in Japan,,

keep those fingers moving..

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A couple more finishes...

I cant stop,,I am either beading,sewing,crocheting,knitting or stitching...I have to be doing something..I dont watch alot of t.v..and my reading is on hold because of all the craftyness I am doing..I am the type of person that sees something I like and right away I am thinking I can make that,,and so off I go to take a whirl at it..the only craft I dont do and cant get into is scrapbooking, dont get me wrong the people that do are awesome and the products out there for scrapbooking are very cute,,but I just cant get into it,,like I need another craft,,I love making things and sharing what I make...these pillowcases are so easy to make and the choices are endless..what is special about these are there is a flap on the inside to hide the pillow..the awesome person that made up the instructions for them, went to Pottery Barn and bought a pillowcase to find out how they are made and added the crochet she says Pottery Barn has nothing on our Posh Pillowcases..go here for the blog and the instructions are on the right side under On the Edge Tutorials..and then go here and see a bunch of examples.

Also up is another scissor fob this one is with a Horse charm,,these little pretties are addicting to make

thank you for visiting me here in my little corner,,and keep those fingers busy...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Stash...

I just love getting new stash,,whether it is coming from the postman or me buying it in the store,,and I have to tell you my fingers have been clicking away,,I am waiting on 2 more orders to come from the postman,,here is my latest stash enhancement,,I see some more bracelets being made and another tote,,and of course more stitching projects in the furture,,I had to order Primitive Needle patterns as a tribute to Lisa,,and I know when they are gone there wont be any more,,so here is to all your stash enhancements this week,,have fun and keep those fingers moving.
huggs and stitches,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I am in Love...

Also my hubby and I went and saw The Kings Speech last night and oh my I loved the movie,,I highly recommend it if you like any kind of history..

I saw these on Etsy and on Ebay,,they sell from 40 dollars to over 250 dollars,,and I just am not made of money. So I found a video on line of how to make them and went to took about 2.5 hours and I have a wrap bracelet done and on my wrist and loving it this is a three wrap bracelet...I will be making more of these...the designs are what are you working on today...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Scissor Fobs..

I just got done listing these 2 cuties in my Etsy Shop,,I really had fun making these 2,,I think are are adorable,,yes..thanks for looking and stopping by my little ole blog..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Project Totes/Envelopes listed in shop..

Good Morning,,
I just got done listing these 4 pretty project totes/envelopes in my Etsy shop,,I really like this last batch of them,,,I am hoping to make up some stitch markers and scissor fobs this week is a tease picture of them..

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I am still Alive...

Sorry for the absent,,I just have not been motivated to post,,I have been reading everyones blogs just not posting you will see I have been busy, just not as busy as I wish I could be..again no motivation to do anything,,I am hoping this week will bring on the motivating fairy to me.. Well me and the hubby went down to Cocoa Beach for the weekend and I loved it,,we walked and walked and found some great places to eat,,like like Ryans Village Pizza and man was the pizza every so good..the beach was beautiful and crowded,,we walked down to the Cocoa Beach Pier which was about 2 miles from our hotel..and we even went to the famous Ron Jon super surf shop,,it was a nice relaxing weekend..on the way home we stopped off in St Augustine for lunch and a walk around..I can never get enough of St Augustine,,it is a beautiful city..and the weather was more then perfect.. Well now onto the crafy stuff..I finished Emma Project by The Sampler Girl and I absolutly loved stitching this the picture you will see an extra heart stitched at the bottom under the word that,,I accidently stitched it under the wrong t,,and I kinda of liked it so it stayed..up next on the stitching front is Besty by Sheepish Design and I am enjoying this one to,,but it will take me a little longer at, as I am stitching it on 36 ct and having a hard time stitching on it,,but I will conquer it,,I am using Needlepoint inc silks and really liking stitching with them..

I finished the scarf I was working on and started another one,,in pink..I am going to be in a craft bazzare this November and it is never to early to get started,,plus during the summer months here in florida I dont want to knit with all the humidty..I am hoping to be working on making some new items for my etsy store this week,,there will be stitch markers and new project totes and new scissor keep an eye out for those..until then keep those fingers moving...and have a blessed week..
huggs Devon

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I have a question...

I am wanting to do a cross stitch project on 36 ct linen and I want to use Needlepoint silks..the question is do I use 1 or 2 strands of thread??Thanks,,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It finally showed up..

I had won a giveaway over on Old Ragged Threads blog back in Dec,,and it finally made it way across the big pond,,and all I got to say is wow.. Elise out did herself..I love everything thanks again for having this giveaway..

All the lovely things I won,,there is a pretty smelling soap,needles,floss,towel,kit,beautiful made scissor fob,tea,ribbon,felt,wooden heart,lavendar pouch, and the softess face cloths,,
And it all came wrapped in the lovely box..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Stash....

I love getting new stash,,especially when it comes directly to my home..I am one of those people that can sit at the computer and order till her hearts content..and one of those special places for me to click away at is Down Sunshine Lane, Amy is sweet and she ships really really quick,,I ordered this on Friday and got them yesterday,,well I know you are dying to see what I got so here it is..

Monday, February 7, 2011

A new knitting project,an update,and a winner..

Hello Monday,,you showed up to quickly again,,boy the weekends just seem to fly by dont they??? Well I did have somewhat of a productive weekend,,as you will see in the pictures..I started a new knitting project another scarf no surprise there huh...this is really a easy pattern,,,found it on ravelry..all it is, is k2,k1b,p1,k2,,repeat pattern for every row..I am knitting on size 8 needles and using a new yarn for me,,it is Amazing by Lion Brand and the colorway is Arcadia,,it looks like it will take 2 skeins of yarn to make along enough scarf..this one is going to my brother..

And here is an updated pictures of my Emma Project pattern by Sampler Girl,,I am really enjoying this one just wish I could find more time to stitch..

And last but not least we have a winner in my giveaway..And it is Linda Pruitt Hand Crafts..thanks again for everyone that became a follower and I will be having more giveaways during the come on back..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To Show the Love.....

and since it is the month of Love,,I wanted to have a give away...for all my blog readers and say THANK YOU..and here is what I am giving of my Project Envelopes, a cope of Stitch Sampler book(ended up with 2 of these)and a set of crochet coasters in spring all you have to do to qualify for this wonderful giveaway is..

1.leave a comment on this post only..(plz leave an email address to get ahold of you at)
2.become a follower if your not already.
3.and it is open world wide.

so simple,,thanks again..and I hope you all have a warm and wonderful week..the drawing will be next monday the 7th Feb..good luck..