Glucose test a must for age of thirty and above
People today are very caution with their health as most people had to spend more time eating outsides than home cook food. Most outsides food are not very healthy foods because of the oils and the ingredient their add to make the food taste good. More and more people will go for their glucose test every six months and a must for people above the age of thirty as to determine their glucose level whether it is within the healthy range. Glucose are known as blood sugar or Urine glucose test. It is screen and diagnose for early diabetes and monitor hyperglycemia.
Before the glucose text the doctor will ask you fast for eight hours, for diabetes patients the glucose levels are often checked both while fasting and after meals to provide the best control of diabetes. The doctor will drawn a blood sample from a vein for checking purpose and sometimes the doctor will ask you to urine for random urine sample to be used and check for your diabetic. Some diabetic patients may use a continuous glucose monitor, which is a small sensor wire inserted beneath the skin of the abdomen that measures blood glucose every five minutes.
Before the glucose text the doctor will ask you fast for eight hours, for diabetes patients the glucose levels are often checked both while fasting and after meals to provide the best control of diabetes. The doctor will drawn a blood sample from a vein for checking purpose and sometimes the doctor will ask you to urine for random urine sample to be used and check for your diabetic. Some diabetic patients may use a continuous glucose monitor, which is a small sensor wire inserted beneath the skin of the abdomen that measures blood glucose every five minutes.
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