Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Billing Mill

Beautiful day today, so after a few jobs at home and a trip to drop off a bag full of items at the charity shop we visited Billing Mill for a short walk and lunch. Diet went out the window, but the fish and chips were worth it!

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Last day of June

With the lovely sunny weather we are having I thought I’d take my camera into the garden.
First surprise was a snakes shed skin!!  No wonder I keep losing fish, now to find out where he is hiding,plus make sure I do not go in the garden bare footed!
On a brighter note, my water lilies are in full bloom. Also the day lilies that line one side of the pond are a mass of colour.

Near the kitchen I have a raised bed that was very overgrown with herbs, which I removed and until I decide what to do with the area I have lasted runner beans and carrots. The granddaughters planted the runner bean seeds when they were here last.
Not sure I’ll be opening a market stall, but a few nice fresh beans and carrots will be a treat.

Now where is that snake!!

Friday, 28 June 2019

Lace Exhibition

Delapré Abbey in Northampton was chosen by The Lace Guild to display the exhibition of competition ‘Discovery’ lace.
On a sunny afternoon Chris and I visited the Neo-classical Mansion, former Abbey of St Mary de la Pre, to see the lace.

The lace is displayed in two rooms and what a treat. Two lacemaker’s were sitting at their pillows and we were told the story of the lace by a friend I had not seen in many years... thanks Anne.

Such a varied collect of lace and all beautifully made. Makes me want to get my lace pillow out and move some bobbins, something I haven’t done for many years.   Well worth a visit and on show Wed-Sun until August 2nd.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

U3A picnic

Yesterday we attended the monthly meeting of the U3A [ University of the Third Age]. It was to be a picnic, but the English weather decided to pour down with rain, so we all crammed into the Obelisk Centre to enjoy the entertainment.

A Jazz group started the event, followed by a Tai Chi demo, Country dancing, and my favourite a Ukulele Band.
A brief respite from the rain and we gathered on the porch to watch a Falconry display.

There were also displays from the quilt, sewing, knitting, and card making groups.

A really nice way to spend the afternoon.

Monday, 24 June 2019

Going down!

Actually 8lbs lost, will blog again when I reach the first Stone [14lbs]
achieved a
milestone with Nutracheck

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Tennis v Crochet

Started another crochet project to keep my hands busy, and stop me from nibbling while watching the tennis.

A pretty flower cushion pattern from Attic 24.
A great way of using up oddments of Stylecraft Special DK yarn left over from other projects.

Crochet flower picture

It’s tennis time here in England, and I have loved watching the games from Queens. Nice to see Andy Murray back with his new replacement hip.

In between matches I have managed to complete my crochet flower picture, which will eventually go on the wall in our bedroom.
Glue gun and a pile of flowers ready 

Sunday, 16 June 2019

A Saturday morning walk

The weather has been so awful lately, rain, rain and more rain, so we took advantage of  a spot of dry weather on Saturday and took an early morning walk along the railway. This is one of our favourite walks, mostly because its flat but also there are always interesting things to see.
We had not walked our local stretch for some time and were surprised at the muddy condition [not just from the rain] of the path.
A group of keen enthusiasts are working hard to extend the rail line from Brampton Halt into Northampton but a bridge was seen to be unsafe for a train to cross over it.[ Health and safety and all that!]. The fact for years trains had crossed the bridge did not seem to matter.
We discovered the bridge was the cause of the muddy path, vehicles had been driven over it to work on the bridge, which had been stripped of its rails down to the original arch supports.
A walkers ‘by pass’ had been created so it was interesting to see the structure from a different angle.
Such pretty countryside

Underneath the arches
Above the arches

A farrier busy shoeing a horse

Friday, 14 June 2019

New picture project

Oh dear I really need to finish some UFO's not start a new project. BUT I bought this canvas a couple of years ago and it has been annoying me standing in the corner of my Happy Room unloved, so yesterday I decided to make the picture I had planned long ago.
I need to make a LOT of flowers, I already had a few made to give me a start.
I used my bias binding gadget to make green stems.
The weather may be wet and horrid but Spring is bursting out  in my Happy Room

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Sewing day

Two friends joined me today for a sewing day, we all wanted to get motivated and by the end of the day felt keen to keep going again.
By a strange coincidence we all choose to work on appliqué. Pauline and Christine worked on plans for quilts, while I made a Book Cushion and worked on a second. Great day.
A book or ipad fits in the back pocket.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Another finish

This lap quilt, which will probably go to a charity, was made with left over blocks from a large quilt I am making, actually I only have the binding to hand sew down on the large quilt but I keep putting that job off!
The fabrics were all bought from a large Amish quilt shop in Florida, where a number of Amish ladies were sitting around a quilting frame busy with their needles quilting. I love the way the little dash of red brings the log cabin blocks to life.

Monday, 10 June 2019

The new me

Three weeks ago I started to learn Tai Chi at a U3A [University of Third Age] class.
The first week after the warm up exercises I thought I would die, and by the end of the class I staggered [ well almost] to my car to drive home! I think nerves and tension [both things Tai Chi should do away with] got the better of me.
At home I found a ten minute lesson on YouTube and practise every morning before breakfast, the next formal class was so much better and I am now loving the exercise.

At the same time I joined Nutracheck to loose weight through calorie counting, although they do all the hard work, I just have to put in the name and weight of the food item or restaurant I want to use. I find this very easy to do and have lost 6 lbs in three weeks. They recommend 2lbs a week so I am on target. There is a long way to go but I am determined to improve my health and energy.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

June IAM

A bit thin on the ground, with both Ann and Dorn on holiday, Penny visiting her husband in hospital and Clare suffering a terrible cold. On the posative side Jenny and Olivia were able to join us together with Pauline, Shirley and Maureen.  Thanks Shirley for the calories!

Show and tell
My latest finish. I think I started this quilt about 10 years ago and
fell out with the idea of machine quilting the Gecko's, but now it is completed.

Shirley was working on her Attic 24 Dune blanket, such pretty colours

Jenny brought along two of her latest paintings, they were stunning.
Really like these poppies.

Maureen was busy working on her Attic 24 blanket, the colours just zing.

Clare popped in to see us and brought along my completed round robin quilt.

Pauline showed us her baby blanket, backed with Minky it was really soft and cuddly.

Another finish of mine, 99% hand made, which is most unusual for me.

The results of the glass workshop Clare and I attended some time ago.

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Blowing away the cobwebs

Decided to take an early morning walk to blow the cobwebs away. We chose Pitsford Reservoir side entrance car park, remembering we had not been there since our nieces were children, they are now nearer 50! It was nice to get half a hour of fresh air and watch the yachts getting ready for a race.
Home by 9.30am before going over to the family later today.

The girls are here again

Friday my daughter in laws father took a turn for the worse, and his family were called to his bedside,  so I collected the girls and they spent the day with us. [He died in the early hours of Saturday]

We went for a walk to a local cafe/charity shop called the Bee Hive for a delicious lunch bringing home four enormous slices of cake. [Diet out the window!]
After playing a number  of board games we had a “cake break” and the cakes were wonderful, made by the learning disabled people who use the Bee Hive for day care.
Richard joined us for a KFC dinner and took the girls home.

  Diana's funeral has now been arranged with Hollowells Funeral Directors. If anyone on this blog is interested in attending please go t...