Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Bloglines - From Inclusion Daily Express

Bloglines user has sent this item to you.

Rolling Rains Report:
Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design
Updated: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 02:00 PM

From Inclusion Daily Express

By rollingrains on News

World Bank Works To Reduce Segregation And Poverty For People With Disabilities

July 27, 2004

WASHINGTON, DC--On Monday, the World Bank's website published two articles about its disability advocacy efforts around the globe.
The first focused on the ways that policies and attitudes promoting inclusion of people with disabilities benefit developing and developed countries.

"The aim is to make sure the needs of disabled people are addressed across the board -- in education, housing, transport, the environment, across all the sectors," explained Judy Heumann, the Bank's advisor on disability and development in the Human Development Network.

"We aim to help the Bank and governments understand that there are simple, cheap solutions -- some of which don't cost anything. Allowing a child with a physical disability into a classroom, doesn't cost anything . . . many physically disabled kids need very little help at all."

The second article explored the link between disability and poverty.

One of the challenges, here, is to get accurate information about the number of people who experience a disability. This is particularly difficult because disabilities are defined differently from one culture to the next.

"The way you define disability, how you collect the data, has a big impact on what sort of percentage, what sort of number you get," said Daniel Mont, a social protection specialist with the Disability and Development group at the World Bank.


"Unleashing Hidden Talents" (World Bank Group)
"Breaking the Cycle" (World Bank Group)
"The World Bank and Disability" (World Bank Group)


From Inclusion Daily Express -- international disability rights news service
Web site address:

Wed, 28 Jul 2004 01:36 PM

FW: Progress in access for the disabled

Roger A. Margulies (2004) "Progress in access for the disabled," The
Philadelphia Inquirer, Wed, Jul. 28, 2004.It has been 14 years this week
since the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law by
President George H.W. Bush. That was a historic day for citizens with
disabilities. For the first time, the phrase "all men are created equal" in
the Constitution included people with disabilities.
The full article will be available on the Web for a limited time:

Monday, July 26, 2004

Bloglines - Access Board Issues New Guidelines for Accessible Design

Bloglines user has sent this item to you.

Rolling Rains Report:
Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design
Updated: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 12:57 PM

Access Board Issues New Guidelines for Accessible Design

By rollingrains on News

The U.S. Access Board announces the release of new design guidelines that cover access for people with disabilities under the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The guidelines update access requirements for a wide range of facilities in the public and private sectors covered by the law. "These guidelines are our guarantee that when a building is built or renovated anywhere in the nation, its doors are wide open to our citizens with disabilities," noted Jan Tuck, Vice Chair of the Board. It is estimated that 54 million Americans have some type of disability.

The Board's guidelines detail how accessibility is to be achieved in new construction and alterations and provide specifications for various building elements and spaces, including entrances, ramps, parking, restrooms, and telephones, among others. The new design document is the culmination of a comprehensive, decade-long review and update of the Board's ADA Accessibility Guidelines, which were first published in 1991. Revisions have been made so that the guidelines continue to meet the needs of people with disabilities and keep pace with technological innovations. For example, new provisions for ATMs specify audible output so that people with vision impairments are provided equal access, and reach ranges have been lowered to better serve people who use wheelchairs and persons of short stature. The guidelines also feature a new format and organization and have been extensively edited for greater clarity. "This new version of the guidelines will not only improve access, but will also enhance compliance by making it easier to achieve," said Tuck.

As part of this update, the Board has made its guidelines more consistent with model building codes, such as the International Building Code (IBC), and industry standards. It coordinated extensively with model code groups and standard-setting bodies throughout the process so that differences could be reconciled. As a result, a historic level of harmonization has been achieved which has brought about improvements to the guidelines as well as to counterpart provisions in the IBC and key industry standards, including those for accessible facilities issued through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The Board believes that this achievement will greatly facilitate compliance.

The updated guidelines are based largely on recommendations from an advisory committee the Board established for this purpose. The ADAAG Review Advisory Committee represented a cross section of stakeholders, including representatives from disability groups, the design profession, and building codes organizations. The final version was further shaped by input received from the public, including over 2,500 comments received in response to a previously published draft.

As part of this update, the Board also revised its guidelines for Federal buildings under the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) of 1968. The ABA requires access to facilities designed, built, altered, or leased with Federal funds. Under the new guidelines, a more consistent level of access is specified under both the ADA and the ABA.

The Board's guidelines serve as the baseline for standards used to enforce the ADA and the ABA. These standards, which are maintained by other Federal agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Justice under the ADA, will be updated according to the new guidelines. It is these standards, not the Board's guidelines, that the public must follow.

Copies of the new ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines and other information are available on the Board's website at

Fri, 23 Jul 2004 12:17 PM

Friday, July 23, 2004

Aug 11: Edu-Tourism and Developmental Disabilities in Jamaica

Dear Colleagues:

Dr. Germaine Edwards, Mary Jane Lovett and I will be presenting an Institute
on Disabilities brown bag lunch on Wednesday, August 11 (12 noon to 1:15
pm). LOCATION: 303 Ritter Hall. The topic will be the initiatives of the
Philadelphia-based NGO Edu-Tourism in rural Jamaica, focusing on our
involvement with 3D Projects (Community Based Rehabilitation Services for
Persons with Disabilities) in Morant Bay. We invite you to bring your lunch
and participate in the discussion.

For basic information on Edu-Tourism, visit



Mike Dorn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in the Urban Education Program; Coordinator of
Disability Studies
Institute on Disabilities
423 Ritter Annex
1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave.
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Tel. 215 204-3373
Fax. 215 204-6336

Check out the Edu-Tourism Weblog for the latest news!

Position Available/Coord. of Research & Eval. Institute on Disabilities

Coordinator of Research and Evaluation
Institute on Disabilities
College of Education
Temple University

The Institute on Disabilities at Temple University -- Pennsylvania's
University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education,
Research, and Service -- is recruiting a Coordinator of Research and
Evaluation. The Institute on Disabilities is funded by the Administration
on Developmental Disabilities under the Developmental Disabilities Act and
its amendments. The purpose of a Center for Excellence in Developmental
Disabilities is to provide university and community training, innovative
services and supports, technical assistance, research, and dissemination to
support people with disabilities in their pursuit of independence,
productivity, community inclusion, and overall quality of life.

Duties: The Coordinator of Research and Evaluation will be responsible for
developing and implementing a research and evaluation plan for the Institute
on Disabilities. Responsibilities include (1) annual evaluation of the
Institutes accomplishments and impacts, (2) ensuring that all projects have
an effective evaluation plan; (3) establishing an annual research agenda and
encouraging research initiatives of all faculty, staff, and students; (4)
ensuring that all research (both quantitative and qualitative) conducted by
staff and students is constituency-oriented; (5) (co-) teaching a course in
Constituency-Oriented Research and Dissemination; (6) securing funding
through grants and contracts to sustain and expand the research and
evaluation activities of the Institute on Disabilities; and (7)
participation in the conduct of actual research and evaluation of programs
of the Institute on Disabilities. Finally, the Coordinator of Research and
Evaluation, who will report directly to the Executive Director, will
supervise staff and students within the core area of research and evaluation
and will be a member of the Institute on DisabilitiesÂ’ management committee.

Qualifications: (1) MasterÂ’s Degree in a human service or behavioral
science field with an emphasis on applied research and evaluation; (2)
knowledge of the field of disabilities, especially federal, state and local
policies and services concerning people with disabilities; (3) active
research (both qualitative and quantitative, publishing, and grant
development in disabilities; and (4) ability to work collaboratively as part
of a team and with other agencies. Statewide travel is required.
Experience teaching in Disability Studies is preferred.

The Institute on Disabilities at Temple University is an equal opportunity
employer and encourages applications from qualified minorities and persons
with disabilities.

Expected start date is July 1, 2004

We offer an excellent salary and benefits program including 100% prepaid
tuition. Interested applicants should contact:

Dr. Diane Nelson Bryen, Executive Director, Institute on Disabilities,
Ritter Annex 440, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122; (215) 204-1356
(voice & tty); (215) 204-6336 (fax); e-mail: dianeb@
Visit our Web Site at

Thursday, July 22, 2004

FW: Rebroadcast of "Refrigerator Mothers"

Below is information on a re-broadcast of a very important documentary that aired earlier this year.  If you didn't see it the first time, I highly recommend it. One of the moms interviewed is from Montgomery County.

Sandi McNally
Assistive Technology Activities Coordinator
Institute on Disabilities
Temple University
1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave., 423 Ritter Annex
Philadelphia, PA  19122
"Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence"

* * * * * * * * *

From ASA-Net, The Autism Society of America's e-Newsletter
"Refrigerator Mothers" Documentary To Re-Air July 27 On PBS
The award-winning documentary film "Refrigerator Mothers" is set to air again on PBS on July 27, 2004. The film, which was developed by J.J. Hanley, the parent of a child with autism, "explores the legacy of blame, guilt and self-doubt suffered by a generation of mothers," who during the 1950s were blamed for their children's autism and labeled "refrigerator mothers."

The captivating documentary tells the story the story of autism from the early years to the present time and includes archival footage from old training films, interviews with ASA leaders, such as founder Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., and interviews with several parents of children who attended the school created by Bruno Bettleheim, the self-proclaimed psychoanalyst who popularized the "mother blame" theory.

Since it first aired in 2002, "Refrigerator Mothers" has won numerous awards, including Best Documentary at the 2002 Sedona International Film Festival, Best of Show at the 2002 Indiana Film Festival, Grand Jury Prize at the 2002 Florida Film Festival, and ASA's Media Award in 2003.

"Refrigerator Mothers" was directed and produced by David Simpson, Gordon Quinn, and J.J. Hanley, and funded and supported by a variety of organizations, including the Independent Television Service (ITVS), the National Endowment for the Arts, Kartemquin Films, among others. It is set to be re-broadcast on July 27 at 10pm (EST) on PBS; however, check your local listings for exact times.

For more information about "Refrigerator Mothers," including information about participating in discussion groups and information on how to find your local PBS station, click here, or go to

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

ADAPT Scores Resolution Intro by PA Gov. Rendell at NGA Summer Meeting

Governors Grapple with Aging of America - Associated Press , Sunday, July
18, 2004

"As U.S. governors spent their summer meeting examining ways to help the
elderly, hundreds of disabled protesters in wheelchairs shut down local
traffic Sunday, seeking support to force Medicaid to more quickly turn to
home-based long-term care, rather than relying on institutions."

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 4:28 PM
Subject: [NConSD_News] Fwd: ADAPT Scores Resolution Intro by PA Gov.
Rendell at NGA Summer Meeting

In a message dated 7/19/2004 1:57:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
For Immediate Release

July 19, 2004

For Information Contact;

Bob Kafka 512/431-4085

Marsha Katz 406/544-9504

Joelle Brouner 206/322-4856

ADAPT Scores Resolution Intro by PA Gov. Rendell at NGA Summer Meeting

Seattle--- ADAPT blocked intersections around the Westin Hotel
headquarters of the National Governors Association (NGA) summer meeting in
Seattle for five hours before Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell agreed
to introduce ADAPT's long term care resolution to the NGA membership. The
resolution calls for reform of the Medicaid long term care system, so
persons with disabilities, old and young, would have the choice to receive
services and supports in their own homes instead of nursing homes and
other institutions.

Gov. Rendell's commitment to read the resolution to the NGA
membership today, and begin a formal process to move it forward, not only
prevented imminent arrest of up to 200 ADAPT activists, but it set the
stage for a vote on the resolution by the NGA membership at their February
meeting. Rendell delivered his promise in person to the 500 ADAPT

"I was so proud of my Governor today", said Nancy Salandra, an
ADAPT Organizer from Philadelphia. "It's my birthday, and Governor Rendell
gave me the best possible present when he came out of the Westin hotel to
join us in the street and tell us that our resolution is an idea whose
time has come, and that a lot of governors agree with us."

Rendells public meeting with ADAPT bucked the party line put out
by NGA staff before the summer meeting. That party line was contained in a
written statement that, among other things said NGA would work to minimize
media coverage generated by protests and would not arrange meetings with
Governors for representatives of ADAPT Additionally, Rendell sent Director
of the Pennsylvania Office of Health Care Reform, Rosemarie Greco, to
speak at the ADAPT kick-off rally at Victor Steinbrueck Park on Saturday.

Some of the other Governors who chose to communicate with their
constituents in Seattle include Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour who
arranged to meet personally with Mississipians from ADAPT and committed to
a follow-up meeting on July 23 back home; Kansas Governor Kathleen
Sibelius who called personally during the rally, asked to have the ADAPT
resolution faxed to her, and sent constituents a box of fruit; Montana
Governor Judy Martz who, although ill herself, had her Communications
Director Chuck Butler meet with constituents after Gov. Rendells meeting
with ADAPT.

Sundays blocking of streets around the Westin was a response to an
early morning appearance at the ADAPT hotel by NGA Health and Human
Services Committee Director Matt Salo. Salo called to arrange the meeting,
only to arrive and tell the assembled 500 people that he had no power to
do anything. He also stated to the TV cameras present that he would not
even take the ADAPT resolution back to the committee. He quickly left amid
loud booing from ADAPT.

"I don't get it", said Mark Johnson, a Georgia ADAPT Organizer. "Is
the NGA leadership in touch with its own members? When we arrived in
Seattle we read the NGA staff propaganda about not covering or
communicating with us, but individual Governors have been very responsive.
They seem to understand that we share their concern about long term care
reform, and we want to partner with them to be part of the solution. After
all, having fought for and used home and community based services for
years, we are the real experts, and we are ready and willing to share that
expertise. Our very lives depend on it".

FOR MORE INFORMATION on ADAPT visit our website at

Donna Martinez
"The world is dangerous not because of those who do harm, but because of
those who look at it without doing anything." - Albert Einstein

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

- Disability Studies Publicity List -
... for information on Disability Studies events of interest to students,
scholars and activists in the Philadelpia metropolitan area. Please contact
Mike Dorn with suggestions for posts or other matters pertaining to the

journal issue deadline extended

Thanks to Kim Cordingly for passing on information on this interesting
publication outlet for Disability Studies work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Cordingly []
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 8:00 AM
Subject: FWD - UPDATE: Disability (8/15/04; journal issue

Thought this might of interest to the group.
-Kim Cordingly

UPDATE: Disability (8/15/04; journal issue deadline extended)

Atenea, a multidisciplinary bilingual journal on the humanities and social
sciences, features essays, books reviews, and some fiction and poetry.

The editorial board invites submissions for publication for a special
edition (June 2005) on disability issues. Essays may address a wide variety
of topics such as the issues of disability studies as a field;
representations of disability in literature, film, popular culture, the
media; the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, politics and

Atenea is published by the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, which
sponsored "The Discourse of Disability/Congreso Otras Habilidades," the
first conference devoted to disability and the arts, in March 1993.
The conference program may be viewed at this site:

Submissions in either English or Spanish are welcome (see the guidelines

Deadline for submission for this issue: 15 August 2004.
1. Essays (4000-5000 words) and book reviews (500-900 words) should follow
MLA format and be accompanied by a brief abstract (250 words) on a separate
2. Poetry and fiction should not exceed 8 pages.
3. The author's name should only appear on a separate title page, which also
provides his or her postal and email addresses, phone and fax numbers, and
institutional affiliation.
4. Email enquiries are welcome (, but electronic submissions
are not considered. If the submitted piece is accepted, the author will be
asked to provide a copy in MS Word format.
5. All submissions should be mailed in triplicate to the editor.

Postal address:

Nandita Batra
Editor, Revista Atenea
Department of English - Box 9265
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00681

Address for Fed Ex, UPS, and other courier services:

Nandita Batra
Editor, Revista Atenea
Department of English
Chardon 323
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00680

Antes ahora y siempre COLEGIO
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

Monday, July 12, 2004

FW: my studies blog

Thanks to Peter for sharing information on his weblogs.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Timusk []
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 7:44 AM
To: Mike Dorn
Subject: my studies blog

Hi Mike,
I have been subscribed to the geography and disabilities email list for years now. I have just started to read books you have written. I have been having a study blog for more than half a year now. Please read about my studies at

I also keep a blog about my struggles recovering from schizophrenia right here feel free to share this and have a look.


Peter Timusk, B.Math, just trying to stay linear.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Bloglines - Update 1: Call for Papers - RDS

Bloglines user has sent this item to you.

Rolling Rains Report:
Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design
Updated: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 03:56 PM

Update 1: Call for Papers - RDS

By rollingrains on Review of Disability Studies

The goal of this forum is to publish a scholarly volume that inserts the current dialogue on inclusive travel into the field of Disability Studies and provides foundational argumentation for ongoing study of the phenomenon. It also seeks to provide a multilingual review of the existing literature.

This forum singles out four areas for exploration that are of interest from a disability studies perspective:

  • The history of inclusive travel (travel accommodating those with disabilities)

  • The impact of travel on self-identity and disability culture(s)

  • The representation of travelers with disabilities in the myth and practice of the travel and hospitality industry

  • The place of Universal Design in the sustainability of inclusive travel
  • These areas might be broken down as follows:

    1) Examine the theme historically.

  • A historical sketch of successes in promoting inclusive travel worldwide - key players, legislation, successful businesses and their models.
  • This would be a first published attempt at such documentation.

    2) Observe disability culture and identity issues through the lens of travel.

    An exploration of identity and social participation as traveler, tourist, or visitor. The opportunity for temporary/alternative/transformative identity for the traveler with a disability. The roles made available by the tourism industry to residents with disabilities in the tourism destination and a critique from Disability Studies.

    Can we use travel as a laboratory to illuminate cross-cultural interactions that include disability culture(s) and aging?

    3) Document and critique the portrayal of disability and aging in the mythology and media of travel.

    Observations on the problematic presence of difference in travelers. Critical analysis of the presence (or absence) of people with disabilities & their experience in travel guides, travel products, travel marketing and reporting. Travelers with disabilities in their own voice as counterpoint - literary or other media productions of our own experience of travel.

    I see a lively multi-lingual, community critiquing portrayal of nations or ethnicities, but not disability, in the literature of travel. This would be a piece to insert Disability Studies into that dialogue.

    4) Is inclusive travel acjievable? Sustainable?

    Universal design as a tool for enabling inclusive travel. Its products as mainstream culture's dialogue with disability culture.

    My position is that Universal Design currently represents the leading edge of advancement and innovation for inclusive travel and literally creates the infrastructure for its sustainability.

    This would be a first published work to gather examples of universal design in travel around this theme.

    Sun, 11 Jul 2004 03:53 PM

    Bloglines - Disability Studies Forum on Travel & Disability

    Bloglines user has sent this item to you.

    Rolling Rains Report:
    Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design
    Updated: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 03:56 PM

    Disability Studies Forum on Travel & Disability

    By rollingrains on Event

    Travel & Disability Forum -- Review of Disability Studies -- Spring 2005

    I am pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the scholarly forum "Travel and Disability."

    Papers are sought in one of four categories:

  • The history of inclusive travel (travel accommodating those with disabilities)

  • The impact of travel on self-identity and disability culture(s)

  • The representation of travelers with disabilities in the myth and practice of the travel and hospitality industry

  • The place of Universal Design in the sustainability of inclusive travel
  • In addition, freestanding bibliographies from reviews of the literature will be accepted in any language and the maximum breadth of language representation is sought.

    The forum will appear in the Review of Disability Studies Spring 2005 issue. The format is approximately 50 pages double-spaced. Article proposals are requested by August 15, 2004. Send them to Dr. Scott Rains at

    The first round submission deadline for completed articles is November 15, 2004.

    The language of publication is English. The editors are committed to working with new authors and those unable to submit in English. Joint authorship is encouraged, when appropriate, to insure a diversity of geographic representation in the volume.

    Further information on the Review of Disability Studies is available at:
    Submission guidelines:
    Updates will be posted on the Rolling Rains Report.
    Search under the keyword "RDS" or the blog's category "Review of Disability Studies".

    Dr. Scott Rains

    Resident Scholar
    UC Santa Cruz, Oakes College, Center for Cultural Studies

    Sat, 10 Jul 2004 10:13 PM

    Bloglines - Access Board to Publish ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines

    Bloglines user has sent this item to you.

    Rolling Rains Report:
    Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design
    Updated: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 03:56 PM

    Access Board to Publish ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines

    By rollingrains on Event

    On July 23rd, the U.S. Access Board will publish long-awaited guidelines for facilities covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA). The new guidelines feature updated provisions and various revisions that will improve access in new construction and alterations while facilitating compliance. They will replace the Board's ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), which were first published in 1991, and earlier guidelines issued under the ABA for federally funded facilities.

    The guidelines will be printed in the Federal Register, a government periodical used to publicize new regulations, and will be posted on the Board's website on the publication date. The Board will also distribute print copies and provide copies on CD and in various alternate formats.

    The Board plans to hold a press conference on the new guidelines from 10:30 to 12:00 on the same day at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The Board will provide a briefing and field questions on the guidelines at this event, which will be open to the press and to the general public as well. Members of the press and others with an interest in the guidelines are encouraged to attend. The National Press Club is located at 529 14th Street, N.W., 13th Floor, in downtown D.C., near the Board's offices.

    For further information, contact the Board at (202) 272-0026 (v), (202) 272-0082 (TTY) or

    Dave Yanchulis
    The Access Board
    (202) 272-0026 (v); (202) 272-0082 (TTY)

    Sat, 10 Jul 2004 10:54 AM
    Updated Sun, 11 Jul 2004 01:56 PM

    Thursday, July 08, 2004

    FW: Looking for Room to Rent

    Dear Disability Studies crew ... I am passing along the following message
    concerning a new graduate assistant at the Institute on Disabilities who is
    looking for a room to rent. Feel free to contact him directly if you have
    any advice or leads.



    - Disability Studies Publicity List -
    ... for information on Disability Studies events of interest to students,
    scholars and activists in the Philadelpia metropolitan area. Please contact
    Mike Dorn with suggestions for posts or other matters pertaining to the

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Institute on Disabilities/UAP
    [mailto:INST-DISA-L@LISTSERV.TEMPLE.EDU]On Behalf Of Ann Dolloff
    Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 11:32 AM
    Subject: Looking for Room to Rent

    Hi everyone!

    Terry Beitzel, the new graduate student working with me in I&R, is
    currently commuting from Lancaster, where he and his wife reside. He will
    be starting f/t studies in the Department of Therapeutic Recreation in

    He needs your help! Terry is looking for a room to rent for 3-4 nights a
    week, while he works at the Institute and attends classes. Because he will
    be commuting home every weekend, he really doesn't want the cost of an

    Does anyone have a room to let, know of someone looking for a roommate, or
    have any other leads or suggestions? He is also looking around campus at
    posted flyers, with the graduate school and with other resources, but I
    thought our colleagues would be the best place to go first! If you have
    any suggestions, please contact Terry at 717-951-6642 or at Any help will be greatly appreciated!


    Ann E. Dolloff, C.T.R.S, M.Ed.
    Information & Referral/Special Projects Coordinator
    PA's Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT)
    Institute on Disabilities at Temple University
    423 Ritter Annex
    Philadelphia, PA 19122

    Bloglines - Smithsonian Project on Disability

    Bloglines user has sent this item to you.

    Rolling Rains Report:
    Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design
    Updated: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 03:58 AM

    Smithsonian Project on Disability

    By rollingrains on News

    The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History is preparing an exhibit on the history of polio. The approach involves developing a computer game that simulates mobility issues that have occurred across time as described in the invitation to participate below.


    I am an intern at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History and am working with curator Katherine Ott on an upcoming exhibit on the history of polio. In order to illustrate how architectural barriers and access have changed over time, we are developing an activity for the website, based upon real life scenarios. We intend to focus upon mobility situations about people using wheelchairs (manual, power, or scooters), wearing braces, using crutches-the basic polio-related impairments-at different times in the 20th century.

    We'd appreciate hearing true stories about navigation and access problems and how they were resolved (or not). We are looking for anecdotes about such things as grocery shopping, school attendance, getting to work, driving a car, taking the subway or a plane, dating, other life experiences. Please include the year (or decade), describe the situation, options you had, the choice you made, and as much of the reasoning process behind your choice as you can remember, and explain the consequences.

    Since this will be a history-based educational activity, childhood memories are just as important as more recent, post-ADA events as are events related to court cases and legislation. For example, it is 1975 and there is no curb cut so you try to jump the curb and get a stress fracture in the wheelchair frame, or you tumble and are hospitalized for eight weeks.

    The educational goal of the game is to teach about the history of environmental barriers through the experiences of people with mobility disabilities.

    If you would like to participate in this project, please send me your story before July 30 at In addition, if you have [computer] game writing experience and would like to help with developing the activity, let me know that, too.

    Thank you,
    Monica Swinney

    Wed, 7 Jul 2004 11:34 PM

    Bloglines - Special Issue of Prose Studies: Disability and/in Prose

    Bloglines user has sent this item to you.

    Rolling Rains Report:
    Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design
    Updated: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 03:58 AM

    Special Issue of Prose Studies: Disability and/in Prose

    By rollingrains on News

    Contributions are invited for a forthcoming special issue of Prose Studies entitled "Disability and/in Prose."

    Maybe there's a place here for a reading of travel guides and other tourism literature. See

    We are seeking historical, theoretical, critical work about disability and/in prose.

    Please send complete 15-25 page (double-spaced) papers to Brenda Brueggemann, The Ohio State University, at

    Deadline: September 30, 2003. For initial queries contact guest editor, Brenda Brueggemann, at

    Fri, 2 Jul 2004 01:17 AM

    Wednesday, July 07, 2004

    Bloglines - A Disability Studies Academic Community

    Rolling Rains Report:
    Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design
    Updated: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 01:56 AM

    A Disability Studies Academic Community

    By rollingrains on Career & Continuing Education

    A Disability Studies Academic Community DISC offers the opportunity for exchanging and locating information about research, teaching, resources, texts, program and syllabi development, professional opportunities, funding sources, and access guidelines.

    From the web site:

    It serves, too, as a digital repository for multidisciplinary syllabi, an interdisciplinary bibliography, archives of conference presentations, listserv discussions, and exhibits focusing on disability studies. DISC primarily serves scholars, teachers, students, librarians, and/or program administrators in higher education who are interested in or practice disability studies in a humanities context. Taken together, its contents answer fully the question of what the new field of disability studies in the humanities does.

    The field of disability studies is circumscribed by the limitations of physical variations as well as location in time and space. DISC is not a substitute for physical communal interchange, rather it augments and facilitates such material communal activities. DISC makes isolated and uncoordinated, often inaccessible, events into an integrated, connected, and open community fully accessible to everyone who wishes to participate. DISC is the glue that holds together, supports, and launches the knowledge generated at such diffuse, multiple learning sites as classrooms, professional conferences, collegial gatherings, museums, locations of individual and group research, and other academic locations concerned with disability.

    Mon, 21 Jun 2004 02:27 PM

    Bloglines - Disability Studies in the Humanities

    Bloglines user has sent this item to you.

    Rolling Rains Report:
    Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design
    Updated: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 01:56 AM

    Disability Studies in the Humanities

    By rollingrains on Career & Continuing Education

    The Disability Studies in the Humanities list serve and collection of online resources is an excellent resource for information sharing.

    Wed, 23 Jun 2004 02:19 PM

    Bloglines - Society for Disability Studies

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    Rolling Rains Report:
    Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design
    Updated: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 01:56 AM

    Society for Disability Studies

    By rollingrains on Career & Continuing Education

    The Society for Disability Studies (SDS) is the only scholarly society devoted to disability studies as a field.

    From the SDS website: About SDS

    Mission Statement

    The Society for Disability Studies (SDS) is an international non-profit organization that promotes the exploration of disability through research, artistic production, and teaching. Disability Studies encourages perspectives that place disability in social, cultural, and political contexts. Through our work we seek to augment understanding of disability in all cultures and historical periods, to promote greater awareness of the experiences of disabled people, and to contribute to social change.

    History and Founders of SDS

    Founded in 1982 as the Section for the Study of Chronic Illness, Impairment, and Disability (SSCIID), the organization was renamed the Society for Disability Studies in 1986. The Society maintains affiliation status with the Western Social Science Association (WSSA) through its Chronic Disease and Disability Section. SDS currently has several hundred members from the United States and other countries.

    Media Coverage

    1. "Disability as Field of Study?" by Anthony Ramirez, New York Times , December 21, 1997
    2. "Pioneering Field of Disability Studies Challenges Established Approaches and Attitudes" by Peter Monaghan, Chronicle of Higher Education , January 23, 1998

    General Guidelines for Disability Studies Program

    In 2004, the Board of Directors asked the SDS Policy Committee to draft a list of guidelines for emerging programs in Disability Studies. The Policy Committee submitted these guidelines to the SDS membership listserv for review and feedback. Incorporating input from the membership, the Policy Committee submitted the following guidelines to a vote at the Business Meeting held at the SDS conference in St. Louis. These preliminary guidelines were approved by a majority of the membership in attendance at that meeting on June 5, 2004. For further information about the guidelines or the approval process please contact Policy Committee Chair, Catherine Kudlick at

    Print these Guidelines (MS-Word file)

    Guidelines for Disability Studies

    The Society for Disability Studies (SDS) invites scholars from a variety of disciplines to bring their talents and concerns to the study of disability as a key aspect of human experience on a par with race, class, gender, sex, and sexual orientation. As a group of committed activists, academics, artists, practitioners, and various combinations of these, we believe that the study of disability has important political, social, and economic import for society as a whole, including both disabled and non-disabled people. Not only can this work help elevate the place of disabled people within society, but it can also add valuable perspective on a broad range of ideas, issues, and policies beyond the disability community, and beyond the study of service provision or the training of providers. Accordingly, we offer the following working guidelines for any program that describes itself as "Disability Studies":

  • It should be interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary. Disability sits at the center of many overlapping disciplines in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Programs in Disability Studies should encourage a curriculum that allows students, activists, teachers, artists, practitioners, and researchers to engage the subject matter from various disciplinary perspectives.
  • It should challenge the view of disability as an individual deficit or defect that can be remedied solely through medical intervention or rehabilitation by "experts" and other service providers. Rather, a program in Disability Studies should explore models and theories that examine social, political, cultural, and economic factors that define disability and help determine personal and collective responses to difference. At the same time, DS should work to de-stigmatize disease, illness, and impairment, including those that cannot be measured or explained by biological science. Finally, while acknowledging that medical research and intervention can be useful, Disability Studies should interrogate the connections between medical practice and stigmatizing disability.
  • It should study national and international perspectives, policies, literature, culture, and history with an aim of placing current ideas of disability within their broadest possible context. Since attitudes toward disability have not been the same across times and places, much can be gained by learning from these other experiences.
  • It should actively encourage participation by disabled students and faculty, and should ensure physical and intellectual access.
  • It should make it a priority to have leadership positions held by disabled people; at the same time it is important to create an environment where contributions from anyone who shares the above goals are welcome.

  • Sun, 27 Jun 2004 01:46 PM

    Bloglines - In next round, will disability rights be broadened further?

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    International Disability News Ticker   International Disability News Ticker presents the International Disability News Ticker. A digest of hand-picked Disability-themed news stories from around the world. See more recent and archived news stories organized by continent at The site also features links, employment resources and discussion.
    Updated: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 09:36 AM

    In next round, will disability rights be broadened further?

    Christian Science Monitor (USA) - May 28, 2004: The Supreme Court sends six cases back to lower courts after its key decision last week favoring a man in a wheelchair.

    Sun, 30 May 2004 10:23 PM

    Bloglines - Quote of the Year

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    Library Stuff
    The library weblog dedicated to resources for keeping current and professional development
    Updated: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 02:03 PM

    Quote of the Year

    By Steven M. Cohen

    Mark Fletcher on the new Bloglines release:

    "'Search portals are rooted in the past, and are ill-prepared to handle the tsunami of rich syndicated content that is now crashing onto the web,' he said. 'For many people, Bloglines is replacing traditional sites like Yahoo! and Google as their home page of choice because we do a better job of keeping them up to the minute on the topics they care about."

    I don't use Bloglines anymore because I wanted my aggie to be on my own server (Thank goodness for Feed on Feeds), but Mark is on the ball with his quote. My home page is my Feed on Feeds aggregator. It's as personalized as I can get these days.

    Read more about the Bloglines upgrade

    Wed, 7 Jul 2004 01:41 PM

    He can't play

    The following appeared on
    Headline: He can't play
    Date: June 28, 2004

    "FALMOUTH, Maine -- Nine-year-old Jan Rankowski became suspicious
    when a teacher's aide began following him around with a clipboard at
    this small town's only public playground."
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