

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Two Days of Rain

And still it pours. We have heavy rain, solid and unrelenting. I didn't have a chance to check my rain gauge, but I bet we've had at least three inches in the last twenty-four hours.

Here's the thing - we need it. Florida has been in a drought for years. Lakes and small ponds have disappeared, salt water intrusion has the local government drilling new deeper wells into the aquifer. Bad stuff.

As I write it's dark out, comforting. A little Green Tree frog sings to me and my coffee is hot. The sound of the rain has almost lulled me to sleep....but, I've work and errands to run today.

One of those errands, I've decided, is to visit, if for only a few minutes, my Little Bit. This is her last full day of school.  I shall take Birth Mother with me. Little Bit needs to know her mother hasn't left, again. She needs to know we still love her and haven't forgotten her. She needs to know - Papa, has fight left in him and I'm locked and loaded for battle. Mine enemies are within sight, and I'm pissed.

Change of subject.....yesterday my friend, DFW, dropped by the shop for a visit and she bore a gift of shrimp...fresh and tasty little morsels from Heaven. We had a fine visit. I'm ashamed to report I did not have a pot of coffee in wait, business don't 'ya know. (Hangs head.) Tell 'ya what guys, she's cute as a button. I asked her back into the lair, office, and we talked for at least half an hour. We have much in common. Her husband owns a business just down the street. They're good people.

She hadn't been gone long when Duke walked in and demanded I wash his coffee cup. By the time he left I was laughing my butt off. He always lifts my spirits.

Friends. What would we do without them.

Yesterday a customer came in and asked if I'd like to purchase his little Detonics Pocket 9 pistol. Said, "Sure, bring it inside."

"Oh, I wanted to ask first. It's at home."

Anyway, these are fairly rare handguns. They were manufactured for only one year back in 1985. Some folks, for odd reasons, collect them. His Detonics belonged to a long departed uncle. The seller is not a gunny. Said it's only been fired a couple of times. I'll let you know if he returns with the pocket popper.

Jerry Ahern smiles.



Wednesday, June 6, 2012

One Dirty Glock

People ask why I like Glock handguns. See for yourself.

Any questions.


One Year

Today, one year ago, I wrote my first words on this humble blog. Hard to believe. This blog was and is intended as a chronicle for my grandchild. It's been a fair success.

As of today the blog has one hundred and seventy-six followers and over one hundred sixty-five thousand hits. Not bad for a one year.

And, its all because of you, my kind and generous readers.

Thank you.


Good Morning

The coffee is strong and hot and the jazz is smooth and the day is beautiful and bright. What more could a fella ask of the world.

Our meeting with the attorney was long, and I must confess, confusing. As soon as we were seated she made it clear our objectives might not work as planned. She didn't want to paint a pretty picture when the outcome of the case was so uncertain. Family law is complicated. The attorney did say in most cases the State prefers 'co-parenting,' but the complication of Birth Mother's absence of four years isn't good. She files today. Tell you one thing for sure and two for certain, she isn't cheap.

I expect a visit from my lovely friend, DFW, this morning. She's stalked and found my shop, which isn't hard since her nice husband owns a business just down the road from mine. I look forward to her visit and have taken the precaution of washing a coffee cup for her. I make Duke wash his own coffee mug. By the way you guys should head over to both their blogs and tell 'em I said hello.

Business calls. See you guys down the road.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cast Iron

If you like cast iron skillets, as I do, try this site. When you arrive at the site you'll notice a side bar on the left, hit the 'links' button and enjoy.

I do like my old cast iron. When it's filled with fried bacon I love it....


Bits & Pieces

Yesterday was none stop for me. I had a scheduled blood test and doctor visit. Spent hours, and I mean hours, on the road. Drove from one side of this city to the other, much of it in blistering heat.

Took two trips to the lab to finally get my blood work completed. I think every democrat in the city was in attendance; the waiting room was packed in a sea of liberals. Thank God I own a Kindle.

My blood work requires me to fast. My first meal came, yesterday, around 1300 - it consisted of a cup of coffee. Sixteen hours of fasting to face the end with a good dose of caffeine.

At the doctor's office I waited too. Not long, but it was a worried wait. This appointment was to find the end result of my nuke stress test. The nice nurse took me back to the exam room, performed her test, and said, "Good luck," and left.

I sat there with my Kindle. My left leg did a steady bounce. Guess I was a bit nervous. My cardiologist is a tall slim dude. Not very muscular, nice. He walks in and takes a seat and said, "It's the birthday man."  I smiled. Kept thinking, come on....out with it. The birthday reference was due to the fact I'd had my heart attack on my birthday. Nice of him to remember.

"How do you feel?"

I said, "Fine."

Then he gets down to business. "Excellent," then he smiled.

"Excellent, what?" He adjusted his chair, tapped on the keyboard, turned and pointed his finger at my heart. "Your stress test. You passed with flying colors. No other blockages can be found. If there was any heart damage its too slight for us to find. Whatever you're doing, keep it up."

Whew. I wanted to scream with joy. But, that's not a manly reaction. I just grinned. He asked me to take a place on the exam table, pushed me back, and that's when my cover shirt slipped and my carry piece was exposed. Pin drop...

Then, "Oh, you wear a gun." Not a question. I just nodded my head, and replied, "Yep. Never know when I'll need to shoot a surgeon."

He just laughed. Guess he'll make a good cardiologist. I return in seven months. Your prayers worked. Thank you.

We have an appointment with our new attorney today at 1400...and so it begins. I'll let you know of the outcome. Supposedly this new lawyer is known as the Barracuda of family law. I shall gently probe and push and demand some kind of unsupervised visitation for Birth Mother of our Little Bit. Standby.

Yesterday when I arrived home from my heavy morning of appointments I hit the yard at a dead run. I must have picked up two tons of Spanish Moss. I filled six old trash cans with pine cones and  broken limbs and moss.  By the time I was finished I was soaked in sweat. Felt good to hit the shower. All this to say, more storms are headed our way today. The weather critter said we're to have a stormy week. Seventy percent chance of rain and thunderstorms now through Friday. Fine with me. Should be fun.

Gotta run.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday With a Book

As you know I work Saturdays. After I close the shop it's home to more work. Yesterday, and most of this morning, it was yard cleanup from last weeks storm.

This afternoon I hope, really hope, to relax and read. I've a stack of books that need attention. Later today I might just prepare a meal, not sure. Kinda feel lazy.

Don't expect much out of me today. I will spend a few hours, now, and read your nice blogs. See you guys and gals later.
