The correct answers will be posted on on Dec 31, 2008.
1. Rachael is the head coach of the Rancho Bernardo High School boys volleyball program. This spring, she took her varsity team to tournaments following locations (select all that apply):
a. Honolulu, Hawaii
b. Redondo Beach, California
c. Tijuana, Mexico
d. Newport Beach, California
2. Jeremy is an active SCUBA diver. In 2008, he dove 20 times (so far), including the following San Diego area locations and dive buddies (select all that apply):
a. Scripps Canyon / Carl Robbins
b. La Jolla Cove / Paul Johnson, Matt Romney, and Mitt Romney
c. Wreck of the HMCS Yukon / Simon Prout and a guy named Ned
d. South Casa Beach / Benjamin Carter and Jeff Wagner
3. Miriam participated in her second season of soccer with the 4S Ranch Youth Soccer League. For her, the highlight of the season was (select only one):
a. Kicking the ball more than once during a single game
b. The end of season pizza party
c. Helping Jeremy make the ‘Killer Bees’ team banner
d. Dancing with Audrey Fisher during timeouts
e. Getting goals
4. In June, we bought a new house. The things we like about our new house include (select all that apply):
a. Jeremy’s 490 step commute
b. Miriam’s kindergarten class with 7 girls from her Sunday school class
c. Miriam asking EVERY SINGLE DAY if we can go swimming at the neighborhood pool
d. The garage big enough to park both cars and still have room for the other stuff
5. Jeremy was asked to be the 11-year-old boy scout leader for the troop sponsored by our church. This year, he took them camping and was able to perform the following forms of first aid for acquired injuries (select all that apply):
a. Heimlich maneuver, necessitated by an over-aggressive game of ‘chubby bunnies’
b. Ankle wrap; maybe we should have tested the rope inside one of the Arroyo Tapiado mud caves before we tried climbing it
c. Direct pressure to stop heavy bleeding. Whose idea was it to let 11-year-olds use an axe to prepare firewood?
d. Water rescue of an 11-year-old who is ‘a great swimmer’. As much as I enjoy camping at the beach . . .
6. This July, we attended a Dixon family reunion in Northern California. This trip did NOT include (select all that apply):
a. A bear sighting in Yosemite National Park
b. Driving across the Golden Gate Bridge
c. A ‘Dora the Explorer’ piƱata
d. The Monterrey Bay Aquarium
7. Jeremy’s maternal grandfather passed away in September. His funeral was attended by a large number of his direct descendents. How many of his children were in attendance?
a. 2
b. 6
c. 12
d. 388. Miriam’s baby brother was born on November 30, 2008. His name is (select only one):
a. Moses Grant Dixon
b. Isaac Jay Dixon
c. Talmage Jeremy Dixon
d. Simon James Dixon
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Check back in a week for the answers to the quiz . . .