Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Fascism redux

Christopher Skinner, who was responsible for much of the material in my recent addendum on fascism, sends in some of his own thoughts, including a nice, succinct survey of Roger Griffin's work in the field:
The most comprehensive attempt to synthesize new developmental models of fascism into a single, universalist description has been Roger Griffin's The Nature of Fascism. Published in 1991, Griffin's book attempted to respond to the theoretical fragmentation that began in the 1970s and continued into the 1980s.

In particular, Griffin responded to two stimuli. One was the growing concern on the part of some scholars that fascism was "nothing," an inchoate mass of competing definitions and programs that could not be used as a descriptor. The other was the plaintive sense that theoretical and comparative rigor had given way to a forest of specialized studies that threatened to ghettoize historians interested in fascism. The book begins with a thorough and useful review of the competing and complimentary definitions of fascism from the end of the war through the 1980s. Griffin does a useful job of sorting through the mass of literature and arguing for the need to come to a new consensus. He notes that Stanley Payne's tripartite definition of fascism (by looking at what a movement opposes, its ideology and goals, and its style and organization) "convincingly articulates much prevailing 'common sense' among non-Marxists on the nature of fascism." But Griffin criticizes this definition, as cumbersome, however, as it relies on 'style' and 'negations' as well as 'ideology' to define a movement as 'fascist'.

Griffin proposes, therefore, that generic fascism be best explained as a Weberian 'ideal type': Indeed, the 'conundrum' which fascism poses is largely solved once the deeper implications of the expression [ideal type] are appreciated. Max Weber coined the term 'ideal type' as a result of his sustained methodological musings on the special status acquired by a generic concept, which is made central to the investigation of processes and events concerning human beings. Once it is applied to phenomena outside Italy 'fascism' is just such a concept.

Griffin justifies the notion of the 'ideal type' because, if we can agree on an 'ideal type' of fascism, we can use that model to investigate specific (what Griffin calls idiographic) examples of fascist experience. Griffin's concludes that the generic term 'fascism' stems from the affinities Mussolini's movement had with other in the inter-war period.

This term cannot be precisely defined, because it is an ideal type, and no consensus concerning an appropriate model of 'fascism' has been reached by social scientists. Therefore, social science requires a new and more elegant theory of a 'fascist minimum.' In light of these conclusions, Griffin suggests a new 'ideal type' of fascism should describe a core of "fascist phenomena which can be treated as a definitional minimum," and 'clarify' this ideal type's relationship to other complex terms (e.g., 'the right,' 'imperialism,' 'totalitarianism').

Griffin acknowledges the objections that the 'fascist minimum' may not be generalizable among countries, and that to "concentrate on its ideology is to impose an artificially homogenous intellectual coherence on a rag-bag of third hand ideas and specious rationalizations." Moreover, that to concentrate on an 'ideal type' of generic fascism sanitizes the reality of the crimes and outrages of fascist states. To avoid the problems and pitfalls of previous scholars, Griffin presents a very specific definition of 'ideology.' The core of Griffin's definition lies in his insistence that all human thought has ideological components, all ideology is different when lived in practice from its theoretical premises and promises, and that all ideology is inherently irrational. Thus, suggesting that fascist ideology is an 'ideal type' is not to give it an 'elevated' gloss, nor will it give fascism historical legitimacy. Finally, this 'ideal type' will better illustrate the dangerous illusions of fascism's appeal than foregoing efforts at definition.

Griffin's new 'ideal type' of generic fascism is a political movement whose violent revolutionary style of politics defines its values as much as any theory it espouses. It is a utopian revolutionary movement that appeals to a heterogeneous following on the basis of "largely subliminal elective affinity," and one that cannot, because it depends on a conception of permanent revolution, ever achieve its utopian goals in power. Although it may appeal to facts, it is rooted in irrational myths, and because it competes in both ideological and non-ideological arenas for support, it cannot be seen as "reducible to the theories of policies of any one ideologue or leader."

Griffin takes pains to distinguish fascism as a 'political ideology ' from a 'political religion.' He argues that social scientists have misused concepts such as 'chiliasm' and 'millenarianism' when associating them with fascism. Fascism does not invoke religious belief systems in its revolutionary quest for national rebirth, and it is to the concept of rebirth that is the core of Griffin's 'ideal type' of fascism: "a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism." Palingenesis means "rebirth after a period of destruction." Griffin argues that the linkage between ultra-nationalistic conception of the state as an organism, and its rebirth as a utopia following the destruction of its decadent elements amounts to the 'fascist minimum' when adopted as the core ideology of a political movement. Griffin calls this adoption "the expression of an archetype of the human mythopoetic faculty in secular form," and argues that this 'fascist minimum' can be summarized as a myth: "the national community rising phoenix-like after a period of decadence that had all but destroyed it."

This characterization of the 'fascist minimum' means that fascism as a political system is doomed to fail from the outset. The notion of "rebirth" cannot be sustained, as there will be a point at which the movement can no longer fulfill its promises of renewal, even if it succeeds in seizing power. Also, the populism of its ultra-nationalism will not survive the elitist notions at the core of creating, through national rebirth, a "new fascist man." The two premises, of rebirth, and the creation of a fully integrated national community, are not only both unrealizable myths, but also are fundamentally incompatible. Griffin argues that, as generic fascism as a political movement is doomed to political marginalization, the rise of fascist regimes comes only as an outcome of massive structural crises.

Having suggested both the nature and the inviablity of generic fascism, Griffin gives this summary definition:
Fascism: a genus of political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism. The fascist mentality is conditioned by the sense of living through an imminent turning-point in contemporary history, when the dominance of the allegedly bankrupt or degenerate forces of conservatism, individualistic liberalism and materialist socialism is finally to give way to a new era in which vitalistic nationalism will triumph.

Griffin argues that the ideological roots of fascism are not anti-modern, but rather, propose an alternative path of development besides that of "liberal" modernism. Fascism rejects the 'decadent' features of modernism, and seeks a new path based on the preceding definition. Thus, fascism is revolutionary. It is also "essentially racist [in that it seeks a palingenetic, homogenous national community], but not intrinsically anti-Semitic or genocidal, and it is nationalistic but not necessarily imperialistic." Finally Griffin embraces Sternhell's definition of fascism as a phenomenon "neither right nor left," and suggests that it be placed in a "category of its own."

Griffin's discussion of fascism in Italy and Germany is abbreviated. However, in the case of both countries, he attempts to trace the arc of fascism from its roots in the pre-war period through its ultimate failure and defeat. Griffin begins with Italy. He outlines the connections between syndicalism, nationalism, and violent action (squadrismo) familiar to readers of Gregor, and argues that Mussolini, in his shift from pacifism and socialism to interventionism and corporatism, was probably substantially more of a convert than an opportunist. Griffin rejects the notion that fascism must be seen as a movement. It can be a marginalized "publicistic and activistic phenomenon on the fringe of mainstream political culture and developments." This is precisely what Italian fascism was until the crises of the Italian liberal state fertilized it. Griffin characterizes the natural state of fascism as a "minute grouping on the fringe of politics."

Only the fear of left revolution in 1919-1920, the rise of the "trenchocracy" in Fascist cells, and the admiration that conservative elites had for the violence perpetrated by this trenchocracy in the form of squadrismo, allowed Mussolini to be at the head of a mass movement by 1922. And it was the desire of King Victor Emmanuel to stabilize that state that caused him to offer Mussolini the opportunity to form a government. The squadristi performed their largest ideological service to this uneasy coalition of Fascist and nationalist deputies by murdering "the reformist socialist Matteotti in June 1924." The removal of his chief critic, and the indecision of his opposition, allowed Mussolini to accept personal responsibility for the assassination, purge his own party of revolutionaries, and still retain control of his office and the state.

But Fascism "had now been metamorphosized . . . into an authoritarian regime exercising power in the name of a popular revolution." The regime's "chimeric nature" becomes apparent after Fascism fails to achieve much more than the seizure of power in terms of realizing its revolutionary goals. While it did achieve that initial milestone, the regime in power could not reconcile its ideology of rebirth with real policies and world. As Griffin says, "the esoteric visions of a heroic national community cultivated by [Fascist ideologues] remained alien to the vast mass of Italians because they were a myth projected on to contemporary history by a self-appointed and profoundly unrepresentative elite."

Since, alas, that elite did hold the power of the state, they were able to lead Italy into both the invasion of Ethiopia in 1936, and into the Second World War in 1941. The logic of the palingenetic myth made establishing continuing "revolutionary" situations a necessity, and war was a logical project of this kind. The failure of the regime to create the "new fascist man" in practice also helps to explain Mussolini's increasing willingness to embrace Nazi racial doctrine after 1938. Griffin notes, "however pathetic then squalid the Fascist regime turned out to be, its failures were not due to a lack of ideology. If anything the original movement had accommodated too many rival versions of what it stood for ideologically, all of which shared a core which could only produce a grotesque travesty of a reborn nation once translated into practice."

Griffin's treatment of Nazi Germany follows the same narrative arc as his discussion of Fascist Italy. Nazism has it roots in a tradition of völkish nationalism, which lacked the "ideological, structural, or tactical cohesion of a political grouping such as the Italian futurists." Rather, these nationalist ideas "were a diverse current with many nuclei of assorted organizations and publications." They tended to be centered on myth making about Germany's past and future with the Volk at the center a "nebulous abstraction." Sternhell illustrates the romantic and unpolitical nature of this culture in the Bayreuth Circle around Richard Wagner, and the Georgekreis, the "exclusively male" cluster of young "seer poets" that developed around the poet Stefan George. While the Bayreuth grouping was quite anti-Semitic, both groups were "esoteric" and passive. They were a "publicistic" group, along with anti-Semites such as Houston Chamberlain, and their writings had little impact on wider German society. Even völkish groups that had an associational purpose (such as the 'Cartel of Productive Estates') had little impact on the politics of the Second Reich. The Pan-Germanism inspired by the Boer War and World War One did not translate into revolutionary nationalism even as the Second Reich entered the third year of the latter conflict.

The crisis of defeat in World War One, however, created a new wave of radical völkish nationalism. The Frontlebnis (trench combat experience) returned to Germany a generation of men who were to shape things very differently for the future of their country. These men joined into veteran's bands that went by names such as Werwolf, and "preached hostility to the Weimar Republic in "unmistakably palingenetic terms." Groups of organized, angry, and armed young men were taking up the themes of the "publicistic" völkish fringe groups of the Second Reich. Griffin is quick to point out, however, that the largest such group, the German Völkish Defensive and Offensive League (DVSuTB) was paternalistic and authoritarian, seeking "influence in high places and mobilizing the masses at one remove."

The rise of Nazism, according to Griffin, was "to change all the rules" as to the nature of the right in Germany. Hitler, originally assigned by the army to spy on the German Workers Party (DAP), took it over in order to translate "völkish utopianism into political power." The French occupation of the Ruhr industrial region, and the subsequent hyper-inflationary spiral of the Deutschemark, made Hitler believe that a coup might be possible. However, the coup was quickly suppressed and Hitler was imprisoned, leaving his party, now the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) to flounder. Griffin argues that the party would have floundered even without Hitler's imprisonment, as Chancellor Stressemann guided the Republic out of its monetary crisis.

Nonetheless, when Hitler emerged from the Landsberg jail, he found the movement in disarray. It required the disciplined organizational skills of Hitler's deputy Gregor Strasser, and the crisis of the Great Depression to turn the movement from a "fringe" association of "palingenetic idealists" into a mass party. Even then, the way to power was opened only by the "key personal decisions" made at the highest political levels that allowed Hitler to form a government as Reich Chancellor. "However," Griffin points out, "Hitler would never have been in the position to demand the chancellorship had his party not become firmly associated with the message of radical change and the only vehicle by which it stood a chance of being implemented."

The Nazis harvested the seeds of "integral nationalism," sown since the 19th century, as "the depression started biting deep into Germany." According to Griffin, the movement offered a "genuine trans-class and trans-generational appeal." The public, and its conservative leadership, had 'fallen for' the "palingenetic appeal" of Nazism as outlined in its propaganda from Mein Kampf onward. According to Griffin, the leaders of the NSDAP had 'fallen for' palingenesis as well. They were not mere opportunists; they believed their goal was to "create mankind anew." Griffin argues that this conviction made the Nazi party far more able to quickly consolidate power in Germany than the Fascists had in Italy.Hitler was 'direct.' He was not 'aimless,' as Mussolini had been in 1922-1925.

After ruthlessly suppressing communist and socialist opposition, the NSDAP began to "coordinate" German society through steady infiltration of institutions. Wehrmacht officers, for example, were "Nazified" through oaths to Hitler, and schools and universities given "Aryan principles in every discipline." Workplaces and professional associations underwent similar upheavals. Griffin argues that none of this 'coordination' was "an end in itself," as he suggests the reorganization of Italian society was between 1925 and 1936. It was rather "the prelude to an unbroken sequence of dynamic events set in train by the new state that fully merit the concept of 'permanent revolution' with all its ultimately self defeating and unsustainable connotations." However, only in genocide did the regime ever fulfill its objectives. As in all fascist regimes, according to Griffin, Nazi Germany faced "the chasm that must yawn between what fascism promises and what it delivers." The drive to the East made war inevitable, and defeat as well, as Germany could not fight the entire Western world alone. That it would fall, Griffin argues, "was predictable a priori from its core myth of national rebirth."

This core myth is, for Griffin, the most disturbing thing about Nazism. Nazism was not a "cynical or gratuitous experiment," but rather a campaign against decadence that sought to rebuild after destroying. Griffin notes, however, "rarely has the need to destroy been made so central to the theory by which a political system legitimates itself as it was in Nazi thought, whether the ideologue is Hitler, Rosenberg, Darré, or some obscure party official writing in Nationalsozialiste Monatshefte." German fascism is not a unique phenomenon caused by a separate path of development (Sonderweg), nor by its biological racism, but it is for Griffin the 'fascist maximum,' the point at which the 'palingenetic core' of fascism was most fully played out.

In the rest of Europe, in which fascism remained at most "marginal" and usually "publicistic," Griffin notes that fascist movements met one of seven fates, ranging from dissolution through the despair of their own membership to collaboration with the Nazi regime during World War II. None achieved power, and none threatened the nations in which they developed. Griffin is at pains to differentiate the groups he sees as having a "palingenetic core" from what he calls the "radical" or "anti-conservative" right. Here Griffin includes the Parti Social Français, the Jeunesses Patriotes, and a host of others that "our taxonomy locates on the margins of fascism." Griffin uses the term "para-fascist" to describe many of these movements, in that they were really conservative elements masquerading in fascist fancy dress.

Frequently, authoritarian and conservative "para-fascism" destroyed or exploited authentically "palingenetic" movements, as in case of Hungary. Griffin lists many types of groups, from the RNF in Vichy to the BUF in England, because, he argues "the specialist studies and primary sources relating to [them] point to the presence of a core of palingenetic ultra-nationalism." Griffin concludes that all of these movements, including Nazism and Fascism, were an "abortive revolt against alleged national decadence." Sternhell, Griffin argues, is wrong to see the ideal type of fascism as a "synthesis of (revolutionary) nationalism and (non-materialist) socialism," for it leaves out the "palingenetic" component of Griffin's thesis. The real impetus to fascism, argues Griffin, was the "malaise and historical crisis" to which fascism seemed to offer a cure.

A. James Gregor, who sees fascism as a form of 'heretical Marxism,' blames the left for all excesses of the 20th century. He's an old-fashioned, hard-line cold warrior, an adherent of Goldwaterism. Many historians also have taken issue with Gregor's conclusion that Fascism can be understood as heretical Marxism. Roger Eatwell denies it without mentioning Gregor in his text, as does Alexander De Grand. Zeev Sternhell argues that Mussolini was influenced by the national syndicalist writings that Gregor delineates, but that these writers had long broken with any kind of recognizable Marxist position. Sternhell notes of revolutionary Marxists that "they [Lenin, Trotsky, and Martov] never deviated from the final objective: the destruction of capitalism by the proletariat. For them the revolution had never had any other purpose than to put an end, above all, to capitalist exploitation and the system of the market economy." To leap from the national socialist position taken by the Fascists of 1919 to the Bolshevik revolution under Lenin, as Gregor does, seems an ill-advised extrapolation. Even the Fascist program of 1921 made allowances for private property and investment, as Gregor himself notes. Gregor goes on to argue, however, that because Fascism favored state planning in its economic apparatus, it was anti-capitalist in character. But to argue that this fusion of capitalist and state-directed enterprise prefigured Stalin's industrial policy is an example of what Robert Paxton calls "comparison by juxtaposition."


The thing that interests me in Griffin with regard to your discussion is the notion that the NSDAP reaped the harvest sowed by a fusion of 19th century and early 20th century crises. I am not sure that we stand on the brink of an era of American Fascism, but I think that we ARE sowing the seeds of one. It may take ten years for the seeds to flower, and the lucky gardeners to reap their crop. It may take 50. I don't think we can yet say. But I do agree with Paxton, and his complete refutation of the 'anti-modern' thesis that fascism can only flourish in place in which democracy and political participation are shallowly rooted. This argument has been used many times, particularly by right wing historians such as Gregor, to inoculate right-wing elements in 'real' democracies (the U.S., England) against the charge that they have fascist tendencies, or to pooh-pooh the notion of the rise of fascism in one of their 'favored' or 'privileged' countries.

What's also crucial in this discussion is the neo-con view of history. Francis Fukayama and his ilk (I include here Wolfowitz, Perle, Abrams) really believed that the 'defeat' of the USSR would somehow stop the clock on history. What they ignore is that history is not a process. It is time itself, the 'fire in which we burn,' as Malcom McDowell so elegantly states in Generations. Since the neo-cons have discarded 'history,' they have discarded the past, the future, and all possible mutations or outcomes in systems that they find unpalatable. For these fellows, we live in the day of the endless now, with Darwinian free-market triumphalism and unilateral foreign policy saving democracy at every turn. They believe the lyrics to the Talking Heads' great song, Heaven":
When this kiss is over
It will start again
Never be any different
Be exactly the same.

What these neo-cons have either failed to grasp or have willfully blinded themselves to, is that there are numerous other passengers on their little Betway Bus, many of whom are fighting with them for control of the wheel. One large, and internally diverse group, the Christianist right, is fairly unappealing to these guys, but they need its general validation. The other group, the Rumsfeld-Cheney axis, are, in my opinion, out-and-out authoritarian corporatists, who would 'climb any mountain,' including Fat Tony Scalia's theocratic one, if they thought that it would achieve the desired result. The Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bolton crowd are NOT neo-cons, they are not-so-incipient fascists.

Back to the blog

Just returned from a very pleasant vacation in San Diego. A lovely time was had by all, especially The Princess, who had a grand time at the Zoo, Sea World, and Coronado Island.

Also met with my agent, Frank Scatoni, who is every bit as pleasant in person as he is on the phone and online. We began ironing out details in my forthcoming book deal, for a book titled Death on the Fourth of July: Hate Crimes and the American Landscape. I'll have details when the deal is final.

As it happened, I wound up being unable to log in to my ISP -- which was fine, since we were too busy having fun anyway. Thanks to everyone who kept visiting in the meanwhile.

I'll catch up on my mail and then get back to my old tricks soon.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

More 'prowar' thuggery

From the Weatherford Daily News in Weatherford, Okla. [Web site doesn’t show the whole story]:

Counter protestors show up in force
Peace rally draws few
Weatherford’s Coalition for the Promotion of Peace encountered a hostile crowd Saturday when a small group gathered for a peace rally in Centennial Park.

Approximately 300 bikers, military family members and other Weatherford residents showed up in full force to counter-protest the coalition’s actions.

Only Nina Kelso, Rachel Jackson and James Branum showed up for the coalition. A handful of its other members left as soon as they saw the angry crowd.

“I think these peace people bit off a little more than they could chew,” Veteran Les Guesby said. “I’ve never seen anything like this in Weatherford.

The counter protestors surrounded and backed the peace promoters up against a light pole. When the coalition tried to speak, its members were either silenced by chants of “USA, USA” or interrupted by shouts from angry biker, military mothers and veterans.

Other "pro-war" protests have seen a high turnout from the biker crowd as well.

[A tip o' the Hatlo Hat to Bruce Forst for the tip.]

Fighting back

Gil Smart, who fights the good fight out in Lancaster, Pa., and runs an excellent blog called Smart Remarks, writes in with his own thoughts on fascism:
The subject is one I've been thinking about and writing about lately, a subject which in fact was behind my opposition to the war in Iraq, now apparently won.

Having read extensively about Hitler's brand of fascism, in particular, I see similar sentiments at work in our country today, as do you. I make regular trips to the lion's den, places like Little Green Footballs, to argue with the ideologues there; the naked hatred often takes me aback.

I've also written on the issue for my newspaper, getting the sort of responses you might expect in small-town America, from people who say I'm lucky to live in a land where I can say such things and not get a bullet through my head. The insinuation being they wished I could get a bullet through my head, and in fact they might like to fire it.

I had hoped the war might be more difficult than it was not because I wanted more Americans or Iraqis to die, nor was I solely interested in proving the left's points. But I thought that if the war did not go off as planned, it might discredit what I can only describe as the fanatical, ideologically driven right. Instead, it was a quick and relatively bloodless victory, affirming -- at least in their own eyes -- everything they thought and believed.

So now, I fear, we will go further down this road. The attempts at intimidation will continue; may get worse. Frankly, I expect violence. I feel the country lurching in that direction, or at least being taken for the ride without too much of a protest.

And I fear, ultimately, that this road leads to certain disaster. But what to do about it?

Fight, head-on, verbal hook to verbal hook, physical blow for physical blow, if it comes to that? Sometimes I think that it all is going to come to violence, that those who oppose this sort of thing had better be ready to fight.

But what other way is there? Hoping people eventually see the light? In light of recent military triumphs and the ascendency of neoconservative ideology on the airwaves, how is that possible?

I don't know, I don't know. But I was glad to see others thinking about it; I hope you've made others consider what this movement might turn this country into: something that ultimately might make us as vicious as Hitler's Germany was. And something that I fear might lead to the destruction that ultimately befell that nation.

That's exactly correct. There has never been a fascist regime that did not meet a violent demise. Which will mean a lot of, um, "collateral damage."

Another reader recently offered similar thoughts, wondering if the antiwar crowd shouldn't take the offensive, nipping the incipient violence in the bud. As I answered then; I don't think descending to their level is anything but a recipe for escalation.

I think the answer is simply to respond firmly and, if need be, forcefully to attempts at invoking violence and disrupting the antiwar message. Most of the historic victims of fascist thuggery were unprepared for violence and incapable of meeting it effectively. Most of them failed to recognized the need to form alliances with law-enforcement and civic officials, as well as to be organized and prepared for violence. It will be vital that the antiwar movement does not make the same mistake.

Falangism, not fascism?

James R. MacLean offers an alternative way of looking at the discussion of fascism:
I think that there is a basic misunderstanding because we forget about a far more common variant of right-wing authoritarianism: falangism. "Falangism", the name of Gen. Francisco Franco's adopted party (he seems to have liked that it was ideologically amorphous and pliant, yet extreme and bitter); also, the name of an extreme party of the Lebanese Maronite community which advocated violence against the Palestinian exile community and its detachment from the Lebanese state.

Perhaps it would be helpful to explain the distinct between falangism and fascism. In North America (in particular), the political right is in favor of devolving power to states or to firms; we are all, I'm sure, familiar with conservative politicians insisting they are the party of freedom because they're opposed to federal control (except that that federal control they're opposed to is nearly always control over firms, or over states, controlling individuals).

In Europe, the extreme right is always in favor of centralizing control. The leftists -- e.g., Karl Marx and the Paris Commune -- actually wanted to see Europe run by cooperatives of cooperatives, not states. In the USA, in contrast, our own traditions of repressive violence have traditionally been checked by a strong federal government. This is not said to absolve the federal government of terrible crimes -- there have been many of them -- but it must be said that crimes such as the Indian genocide, the importation of Chinese as virtual indentured servants (and redneck violence against them), the entire episode of slavery and barbaric savagery against African Americans, pogroms against Latinos--these are usually "do-it-yourselfer" atrocities.

So fascism is a type of tyranny in which the state is at war with the nation; the state is militarized, and the elites (viz., the owners of capital) are sufficiently frightened of the masses that they are willing to cede control to a junta. The fascist state is a praetorian state which exacts a stiff price from the traditional elites for its protection.

Compare this to the falangist state of Gen. Franco (in Spain) and those of Latin America since 1930. The falangist state is in many respects very different from a fascist state, because the elites in a falangist state are much more self-confident and are prepared to administer repression directly. Society is not militarized under a falangist state because the elites simply hire recruits from an underclass.

Another distinction: under a fascist state, laws simply are in abeyance. If you ever get a chance to read about the trial of members of The White Rose (dissidents in Third Reich) it's very illuminating: the tribunal tries them without any reference to any legal framework at all. Nazi Germany was a society where laws, in a sense, were meaningless: the state excluded any theoretical bounds on its own power. Whereas under a falangiast state, such as the juntas of Latin America, there were laws and they did restrain the state; so the junta would have criminal gangs (or the elites would have criminal gangs) who murdered or assaulted people willy-nilly. My point is, the falangist would carry out ITS violence through selectively tolerated criminality. Falangism, in essence, is class warfare by a state which is assuredly devoted to a particular elite and which remains subordinated to that elite.

Now, there's a reason I'm explaining this: it's a distinction which I think is really worth noting. On the one hand, the current administration is horrible; but it's horrible in a way which is very different from the horrible-ness of the European fascist regimes. And it will be noted that sometimes people who accuse the administration of being fascist are tripped up by this distinction, because in many respects a society degenerating towards falangism does the opposite things from one plunging into the hell of fascism. Both are horrid, but apologists for American rightists--or ordinary skeptics--can point to the fact that the GOP's supporters defend the 2nd amendment , tax cuts, deregulation, devolution of power to the states and so forth. And they haven't quite "militarized the state," either.

My point is, since our problem is falangism (and not fascism) the GOP behavior described above DOES NOT refute the drift towards an authoritarian rightwing regime. But it is inconsistent with fascism.

I received this letter just before posting the most recent addition to the series. Afterward, Mr. MacLean wrote in with an addendum:
The reason I mentioned "falangism" in my previous email and the reason I thought it was relevent is that after reading about the "groupuscular" patriot movement I still feel that this movement doesn't really seem to threaten us with a fascist movement such as what was seen in Europe between the wars. On the other hand, I do think falangism is a far more urgent and likely risk; while it is not implicated in monstrosities such as Hitler's Final Solution, it is more ubiquitous and has been implicated in a large number of large-scale terrors. There are certain historical events which would have to happen before that occurred here: one is the fresh anguish of a really horrible war like WW1. Spain was neutral in that war and drifted into a bitter and bloody movement which was closer to being full-blown fascist than I have implied in "my" definition of falangism. But there was one core feature of the falangistas which I think is a crucial distinction, and which explained its ability to endure.

This distinction was that, while fascist regimes are characterized by a boundless praetorian state, falangist states are actually limited in scope and action; and they remain subordinated to a coalition of class interests. I don't mean by this to imply that fascist states are disinterested and non-ideological--but the fascist state really attempts to subordinate all classes and interests to a total state. Civil association outside of the state is impossible and there is no meaningful legal frame of reference. If the fascist state fails to achieve or sustain totalitarianism--not quite the same thing--then it is "doomed" to dissipate into falangism.

In contrast, the falangist state has the same rightist character, but there are associations outside of the state. There are elites who are above the state, enjoy the protection of its laws, and the ability at times to act separately from it. A fascinating case of this in Indonesia, where geography and demographics (and economics) probably prevent true fascism from emerging. I was interested in the fact that Indonesia was terribly violent, authoritarian, had an internal racism of its own, and had soldiers' associations routinely violating the law on behalf of the state (a "pro-state insurgency") There was a weird situation where some elements of law enforcement in the islands were trying to investigate the routine homicides of workers, and of course they were stymied by the very government they were working for. Indonesia's pro-state insurgencies are actually just an extreme example of the contorted violence of falangist states.

So why is this relevent to the US? Because I don't think the US is really vulnerable to fascism at this time. It's not because of our democratic traditions that I think this, but my sense of how the "patriot movement" abets business nationalists other comercial beneficiaries of the far right. And I think fascism is actually quite exotic--it's like a Category 6 storm, rather than a bunch of Category 4's accompanied by flooding and cholera (or falangism). And finally, the groupuscles are already useful to falangist interests whereas it would take stupendous consolidation of the "patriot groups" before they posed anything like shocktroops or a vanguard of fascism. Falangism can function just as efficiently when its practioners hate each other, and when they have mind-bendingly contradictory propaganda.

But there is another feature still. Falangism flourishes when there is right-wing distrust of the state, and scorn for the regime's laxness with crime. Groupuscles need no actual affiliation with the state; they can remain in hate with a state they regard as coddling "commies" or target ethnic groups. And falangism is very simpatico with technocratic administration of a stagnant economy.

At this point, I'll just say that Mr. MacLean makes some interesting points -- I'm not sure he's right, but he raises some worthwhile objections I'm hoping to eventually address.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

A little more about fascism

I've mentioned previously that "Rush, Newspeak and Fascism" was something of a work in progress (I'm not even sure that will be its final title, though I'm leaning that way). I think I mentioned early on that I intended Orcinus to be more in the way of a genuine journal, being a place to post my thoughts as well as source material, along with news stories that I think are important. (This may explain why my posts have been spotty lately; I'm embroiled in a couple of other work projects that require my focus, so the blog has taken a back seat.)

Of course, the beauty of blogging (as opposed to a traditional journal) is the remarkable level of input you get back, and the sort of democratic effect of it all. My readers have in many cases helped shape my own thinking, in no small part because I've been blessed with very high-quality correspondents who keep me on my toes. Certainly they've provided me with a wealth of fresh materials in this endeavor -- which is, ultimately, to assess the relevance of fascism to our current conditions.

Among these have been my friend John McKay, whose responding posts at his own blog, archy have been exemplary -- to the point that I mostly can only nod in complete agreement with nearly everything he says.

However, I'm not sure that we can discard the term "fascism", as he suggests, if we want to be accurate about the ongoing phenomenon. Certainly its widespread misuse and abuse has rendered it impotent to a degree; but if we start calling it, accurately, American Fascism, then I think that gets the point across simply and unmistakably.

The chief drawback to this approach is that this kind of catchphrase eventually is going to be flung by people who don't understand fascism. The people making the argument that a real wave of fascism may be about to hit us need to be rational and logical, but I don't think that's going to be possible. Liberals do love to browbeat their opponents with the Nazi label, and these arguments unfortunately may be used as just such a club.

Nonetheless, I think Robert O. Paxton has it right in his essay "The Five Stages of Fascism," which appeared in the March 1998 edition of The Journal of Modern History:
We cannot give up in the face of these difficulties. A real phenomenon exists. Indeed, fascism is the most original political novelty of the twentieth century, no less. … If we cannot examine fascism synthetically, we risk being unable to understand this century, or the next. We must have a word, and for lack of a better one, we must employ the word that Mussolini borrowed from the vocabulary of the Italian Left in 1919, before his movement had assumed its mature form. Obliged to use the term fascism, we ought to use it well.

This essay by Paxton (who is Mellon Professor of Social Sciences Emeritus at Columbia University), you may recall, was brought to my attention by Christopher Skinner:
Paxton's approach allows a certain degree of reconciliation among thinkers, particularly between those who see fascism as an ideology and those who see it as a mélange of uneasy alliances. Paxton admits that he was, until very recently, a firm believer in the notion that fascism was not an ideology. But by suggesting a dynamic model that "begins at the beginning," Paxton reminds us that fascism is not unlike an elementary particle to which we must apply Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. The more thoroughly we study a particular fascist movement at a given moment, the less likely we are to be able to judge the arc of its overall progress, and the more we study the ultimate impact of a movement, the less likely we are to examine its particulars. Many historians, for example, who study the "arc" of movements, have treated Nazi Germany as the touchstone for a "true" fascism. All other movements are seen as not fully "worked out," and therefore, not fully fascist.

Readers of the "Rush" series will recall that its exploration of the scholarly treatment of fascism more or less concludes with the views of Roger Griffin, whose insistence that fascism is an ideology is somewhat problematic in that it is a very static analysis, while fascism itself, as Mr. Skinner suggests, has behaved more like a mutagen, shifting shapes constantly while maintaining certain core animating impulses. Paxton's essay, however, comprises an important contribution to the literature, and offers a very useful model for moving beyond the swamp of merely defining fascism toward a practical understanding.

Paxton, as Christopher noted, offers a sort of middle pathway, identifying a central organizing principle -- "each national variant of fascism draws its legitimacy … not from some universal scripture but from what it considers the most authentic elements of its own community identity" -- that is closely akin to Griffin's "palingenetic populist ultranationalism", while at the same time constructing a five-step arc of motion for fascism that recognizes its essentially mutative nature.

Griffin, helpfully, does quote Pierre-André Taguieff: "Neither 'fascism' nor 'racism' will do us the favour of returning in such a way that we can recognise them easily." Paxton agrees:
… [O]ne can not identify a fascist regime by its plumage. George Orwell understood at once that fascism is not defined by its clothing. If, some day, an authentic fascism were to succeed in England, Orwell wrote as early as 1936, it would be more soberly clad than in Germany. The exotic black shirts of Sir Oswald Mosley are one explanation for the failure of the principal fascist movement in England, the British Union of Fascists. What if they had worn bowler hats and carried well-furled umbrellas. The adolescent skinheads who flaunt the swastika today in parts of Europe seem so alien and marginal that they constitute a law-and-order problem (serious though that may be) rather than a recurrence of authentic mass-based fascism, astutely decked out in the patriotic emblems of their own countries. Focusing on external symbols, which are subject to superficial imitation, adds to confusion about what may legitimately be considered fascist.

…[E]ach national variant of fascism draws its legitimacy, as we shall see, not from some universal scripture but from what it considers the most authentic elements of its own community identity. Religion, for example, would certainly play a much larger role in an authentic fascism in the United States than in the first European fascisms, which were pagan for contingent historical reasons.

… The great "isms" of nineteenth-century Europe -- conservatism, liberalism, socialism -- were associated with notable rule, characterized by deference to educated leaders, learned debates, and (even in some forms of socialism) limited popular authority. Fascism is a political practice appropriate to the mass politics of the twentieth century. Moreover, it bears a different relationship to thought than do the nineteenth-century "isms." Unlike them, fascism does not rest on formal philosophical positions with claims to universal validity. There was no "Fascist Manifesto," no founding fascist thinker. Although one can deduce from fascist language implicit Social Darwinist assumptions about human nature, the need for community and authority in human society, and the destiny of nations in history, fascism does not base its claims to validity on their truth. Fascists despise thought and reason, abandon intellectual positions casually, and cast aside many intellectual fellow-travelers. They subordinate thought and reason not to faith, as did the traditional Right, but to the promptings of the blood and the historic destiny of the group. Their only moral yardstick is the prowess of the race, of the nation, of the community. They claim legitimacy by no universal standard except a Darwinian triumph of the strongest community.

These last two sentences ring a particular bell in the current environment. Nothing could better describe the Bush administration's approach to governance, particularly to waging war, than as one in which "thought and reason are subordinated to faith." And the Bush Doctrine, boiled down, ultimately bases its morality on a belief in the superiority of American values, and argues for waging war essentially as a "triumph of the strongest community."

This is not to argue that the Bush Doctrine is fascist per se -- but rather, that it has enough elements in it to appeal strongly to the right-wing extremists who are increasingly becoming part of the mainstream GOP fold. It plays out in such manifestations as its utter disregard -- indeed, clear contempt -- for the United Nations and multilateralism generally, a stance that resonates deeply with the John Bircher crowd.

Likewise, the Bush administration and its supporters, particularly those in the "transmitter" crowd -- Rush Limbaugh and talk radio, Fox News, the Free Republic -- have begun deploying the very same "mobilizing passions" in recent weeks in countering antiwar protesters that Paxton identifies as comprising the animating forces behind fascism. Again, these kinds of appeal clearly resonate with the proto-fascist Patriot element that have been increasingly finding common cause with the Bush regime.
… Feelings propel fascism more than thought does. We might call them mobilizing passions, since they function in fascist movements to recruit followers in fascist movements to recruit followers and in fascist regimes to "weld" the fascist "tribe" to its leader. The following mobilizing passions are present in fascisms, though they may sometimes be articulated only implicitly:

1. The primacy of the group, toward which one has duties superior to every right, whether universal or individual.

2. The belief that one's group is a victim, a sentiment which justifies any action against the group's enemies, internal as well as external.

3. Dread of the group's decadence under the corrosive effect of individualistic and cosmopolitan liberalism.

4. Closer integration of the community within a brotherhood (fascio) whose unity and purity are forged by common conviction, if possible, or by exclusionary violence if necessary.

5. An enhanced sense of identity and belonging, in which the grandeur of the group reinforces individual self-esteem.

6. Authority of natural leaders (always male) throughout society, culminating in a national chieftain who alone is capable of incarnating the group's destiny.

7. The beauty of violence and of will, when they are devoted to the group's success in a Darwinian struggle.

Going through this list, it is fairly easy to identify these "passions" at play particularly in the debate over the Iraq war and the growing attacks on dissenters.
1. See, again, the Bush Doctrine. An extension of this sentiment is at play among those jingoes who argue that Americans may need to sacrifice some of their civil rights -- say, free speech -- during wartime.

2. This meme is clearly present in all the appeals to the victims of Sept. 11 as justifications for the war. It is present at nearly all levels of the debate: from the White House, from the media, even from the jingoist entertainment industry (see, e.g., the lyric of Darryl Worley's extraordinarily popular country-western hit, "Have You Forgotten?": "Some say this country's just out looking for a fight / Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right.").

3. This meme has been stock in trade of the talk-radio crowd since at least 1994 -- at one time it focused primarily on the person of Bill Clinton -- and has reached ferocious levels during the runup to the war and after it, during which antiwar leftists have regularly and remorselessly been accused of treason.

4 and 5 are, of course, among the primary purposes of the campaign to demonize liberals -- to simultaneously build a cohesive brotherhood of like-minded "conservatives" who might not agree on the details but are united in their loathing of all things liberal. It plays out in such localized manifestations as the KVI Radio 570th On-Air Cavalry, which has made a habit of deliberately invading antiwar protests with the express purpose of disrupting them and breaking them up. Sometimes, as they did recently in Bellingham, this is done with caravans of big trucks blaring their horns; and they are also accompanied by threatening rhetoric and acts of physical intimidation. They haven't yet bonded in violence, but they are rapidly headed in that direction.

6. Needs hardly any further explanation, except to note that George W. Bush is actually surprisingly uncharismatic for someone who inspires as much rabid loyalty as he does. But then, that is part of the purpose of Bush's PR campaign stressing that he receives "divine guidance" -- it assures in his supporters' mind the notion that he is carrying out God's destiny for the nation, and for the conservative movement in particular.

7. One again needs only turn to the voluminous jingoes of Fox News or the jubilant warbloggers to find abundant examples of celebrations of the virtues -- many of them evidently aesthetic -- of the just-completed war.

Again, the purpose of the above exercise is not to demonstrate that mainstream conservatism is necessarily becoming fascist (though that is a possibility), but rather to demonstrate how it is becoming hospitable to fascist motifs, especially as it resorts to strong-arm tactics from its footsoldiers to intimidate the political opposition. This underscores the real danger, which is the increasing empowerment of the extremist bloc, particularly as it blends into the mainstream GOP. The increasing nastiness of the debate over Bush's war-making program seems to be fertile territory for this trend.

More than anything, though, I think the exercise underscores just to what extent fascism itself is comprised of things that are very familiar to us, and in themselves seem relatively innocuous, perhaps even benign. More to the point, this very familiarity is what makes it possible. When they coalesce in such a crucible as wartime or a civil crisis, they become something beyond that simple reckoning.

Can fascism still happen in America? Paxton leaves little doubt that the answer to this must be affirmative:
… Fascism can appear wherever democracy is sufficiently implanted to have aroused disillusion. That suggests its spatial and temporal limits: no authentic fascism before the emergence of a massively enfranchised and politically active citizenry. In order to give birth to fascism, a society must have known political liberty -- for better or for worse.

Indeed, Paxton identifies perhaps the origins of fascism in America:
… [I]t is further back in American history that one comes upon the earliest phenomenon that seems functionally related to fascism: the Ku Klux Klan. Just after the Civil War, some Confederate officers, fearing the vote given to African Americans by the Radical Reconstructionists in 1867, set up a militia to restore an overturned social order. The Klan constituted an alternate civic authority, parallel to the legal state, which, in its founders' eyes, no longer defended their community's legitimate interests. In its adoption of a uniform (white robe and hood), as well as its techniques of intimidation and its conviction that violence was justified in the cause of the group's destiny, the first version of the Klan in the defeated American South was a remarkable preview of the way fascist movements were to function in interwar Europe.

I agree strongly with this. Adolph Hitler reportedly was a great admirer of the Ku Klux Klan, particularly its post-1915 edition, which was obviously modeled on the original as well, in its treatment of the races and glorification of the white race. Indeed, Hitler would mock American critics of his program against the Jews by pointing to this nation's own history of lynching and Klan activities.

The latter Klan was even more pronouncedly fascist in its character than the original, particularly in its claim to represent the true national character: "100 percent Americanism" was the organization's chief catchphrase. Its origins -- its first members were the mob that lynched Leo Frank -- were openly violent. Though this manifestation of the Klan -- which spread to every state, counted membership of up to 4 million, and elected seven governors, three U.S. senators, half the 1924 Indiana state legislature, and at one point controlled the political levers in Oregon as well -- petered out by the early 1930s, its spirit remained alive in such clearly proto-fascist organizations of the 1930s as the Silver Shirts of William Dudley Pelley.

It is this lineage, in fact, that helps us identify the Patriot/militia movement as proto-fascist in nature. Much of the political agenda, as well as the legal/political theories, espoused by the Patriots actually originated with the far-right Posse Comitatus, whose own originators themselves were former participants in both the 1920s Klan and Pelley's Silver Shirts. (The definitive text on this is Daniel Levitas' excellent The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right.)

It is worth remembering that before World War II, there were in fact active fascists openly at work in America, and they were not all German-American Bund members. Indeed, what's striking about groups like the Silver Shirts is just how ordinary-American their character seemed. (The similarities to the Patriot movement of the 1990s is also striking.) Pelley himself was a bit of an eccentric and slightly loopy, but the rank and file of his followers were often the same "100 percent Americanists" who had filled the ranks of the Klan a decade previously.

But fascism has always previously failed in America, and Paxton's analysis points with some precision to exactly why. Much of this has to do with the fact that fascism is an essentially mutative impulse for the acquisition of power -- it abandons positions as fresh opportunities for power present themselves. This is particularly true as it moves from its ideological roots into the halls of government. In the end, the resulting political power is often, as Griffin puts it, a "travesty" of its original ideology. Paxton describes it thus:
In power, what seems to count is less the faithful application of the party's initial ideology than the integrating function that espousing one official ideology performs, to the exclusion of any ideas deemed alien or divisive.

Paxton identifies five stages in fascism's arc of flight:

1. The initial creation of fascist movements
2. Their rooting as parties in a political system
3. The acquisition of power
4. The exercise of power
5. Radicalization or entropy

In the United States, as in France and elsewhere, fascism typically failed in the second stage, because it failed to become a cohesibve political entity, one capable of acquiring power (though as I just noted, there was even some danger of this in the 1920s as the Klan in fact obtained some short-lived political power):
The second stage -- rooting, in which a fascist movement becomes a party capable of acting decisively on the political scene -- happens relatively rarely. At this stage, comparison becomes rewarding: one can contrast successes with failures. Success depends on certain relatively precise conditions: the weakness of the liberal state, whose inadequacies seem to condemn the nation to disorder, decline, or humiliation; and political deadlock because the Right, the heir to power but unable to continue to wield it alone, refuses to accept a growing Left as a legitimate governing partner. Some fascist leaders, in their turn, are willing to reposition their movements in alliances with these frightened conservatives, a step that pays handsomely in political power, at the cost of disaffection among some of the early antibourgeois militants.

In the 1930s, the ascendant liberalism of FDR effectively squeezed the life out of the nascent fascist elements in the U.S. This was particularly true because FDR openly shared power with the Right, appointing noted Republicans to his Cabinet and maintaining a firm coalition with arch-conservative Southern Democrats. The mainstream right thus had no incentive to form a power-sharing coalition with fascism. At the same time, liberalism gained a significant power base in rural America through the many programs of the New Deal aimed at bolstering the agricultural sector. This too may have been a critical factor in fascism's failure.

Significantly, Paxton points out that fascism in Europe took root in a neglected agricultural sector -- something that did not happen in the United States in the 1930s. Indeed, it gained its second-stage power in the crucible of organized thuggery against liberals:
…[I]t was in the countryside that German Nazism and Italian Fascism first succeeded in becoming the representatives of an important social and economic interest. The comparison between the success of rural fascism in German and Italy and its relative failure in France seems to me a fruitful one.

… All three of these countries experience massive strikes of agricultural workers: east-Elbian Germany during the postwar crisis in 1919-23; the Po Valley and Apulia in Italy in 1920-21; and the big farms of northern France and the Paris Basin during the two summers of the Popular Front; in 1936 and 1937. The German strikes were broken by vigilantes, armed and abetted by the local army authorities, in cases in which the regular authorities were too conciliatory to suit the landowners. The Italian ones were broken by Mussolini's famous blackshirted squadristi, whose vigilantism filled the void left by the apparent inability of the liberal Italian state to enforce order. It was precisely in this direct action against farm-worker unions that second-stage fascism was born in Italy, and even launched on the path to power, to the dismay of the first Fascists, intellectual dissidents from national syndicalism.

Paxton compares this to France, where fascism likewise failed:
… It was the gendarmerie, even with Leon Blum in power, who put down the agricultural strikes in France. The French landowners did not need the chemises vertes. The authority of the state and the power of the conservative farmers' organizations left hardly any space in the French countryside for the rooting of fascist power.

Fascism as a political force suffered from the same sort of bad timing in the United States when it arose in the 1920s -- conservatives were in power and had no need of an alliance with fascism, and there was no great social crisis. When one arose in the 1930s, the ascendance of power-sharing liberalism that was as popular in rural areas as in urban, again left fascism little breathing room.

And in the 1990s, when proto-fascism re-emerged as popular movement in the form of the Patriots, conservatives once again enjoyed a considerable power base, having control of the Congress, and little incentive to share power. Moreover, the economy was booming -- except in rural America.

Unsurprisingly, that is where the Patriots built their popular base. And importantly, much of that base-building revolved around a motif that created a significant area of common interest with mainstream conservatives: hatred of Bill Clinton.

To right-wing extremists, Clinton embodied the totalitarian threat of the New World Order, a slimy leader in the conspiracy to enslave all mankind. To conservatives, he was simply an unanswerable political threat for whom no level of invective could be too vicious. Moreover, he was the last barrier to their complete control of every branch of the federal government. These interests coalesced as the far right became an echo chamber for attacks on Clinton that would then migrate into the mainstream, ultimately reaching their apex in Clinton's impeachment.

Possibly this commingling had a moderating effect on the extremists. But it was mainstream conservatism that underwent the most dramatic change in this cauldron: It seemed to increasingly view the Left as an unacceptable governing partner. Following the hectoring lead of Rush Limbaugh, it has become increasingly common for conservatives to openly reject any hint of liberalism, and to demonize liberals as a caustic and ultimately unacceptable force in society.

When Bill Clinton's presidency ended, these attacks stepped up another notch. First there was the ludicrous caricaturization of Al Gore during the 2000 election. Importantly, it was in this election that large numbers of former Patriots -- many of them disillusioned with the movement after the failure of the "Y2K scare" to materialize, but still maintaining their attitudes about government, liberalism and conspiracies, and disenfranchised by Pat Buchanan's presidential campaign -- turned to the politics of the Bush team, which made all the right gestures to make them feel welcome.

Thus, even though the Patriot movement never even came close to achieving any kind of actual power -- outside of a handful of legislators in a smattering of Western states -- the absorption of its followers into mainstream conservatism successfully brought a wide range of extremists together under the banner of Republican politics, embodied in the defense of the agenda of President Bush and in the hatred of all forms of liberalism.

Then, after Sept. 11, the attacks on liberalism became enmeshed with a virulent strain of jingoism that at first blamed liberals for the attacks, then accused them of treasonous behavior for questioning Bush's war plans. Now we're seeing a broad-based campaign of hatred against liberals -- particularly antiwar dissenters -- that serves two purposes: it commingles mainstream pro-Bush forces in direct contact, and open alliance with, a number of people with extremist beliefs; and it gives the extremist element of Patriot footsoldiers who turned Republican in 2000 an increasingly important role in the mainstream party. Namely, they are increasingly starting to look like the "enforcers" of the Bush agenda, intimidating and silencing any opposition. In the process, this element gains power and influence far beyond what it could have had as a separate proto-fascist element.

In a sense, this turns the scheme of Paxton's second stage of fascism on its head. That is, the proto-fascists of the Patriot movement, rather than obtaining power by the ascension of their own political faction in an alliance with conservatives, obtain power through absorption, from within conservatism. Forming alliances first in hatred of Clinton and Gore, and then in defense of Bush's war, the conservative movement has, perhaps unthinkingly, allowed itself to be transformed from within.

It's difficult to say whether this absorption has mitigated the extremist impulses of the former Patriot footsoldiers, though it probably has. Certainly it has had the predictable effect of making a travesty of the Patriots' original ideology: those who once were rabid anti-government activists have become equally rabid defenders of the government of the Bush regime.

More important is the effect that the absorption has had on the larger Republican Party. Just as the Southern Strategy changed the very nature of the GOP from within, so has this more recent absorption of an extremist element transformed its basic nature. Now, positions that at one time would have been considered unthinkable for Republicans -- unilateralist foreign policy, contempt for the United Nations and international law, a willingness to use war as a first resort, a visceral hatred of even the hint of liberalism -- are positions it touts prominently.

Now its agenda aligns with the base impulses Paxton identifies as fascist, and which drove the Patriot movement: national identity uber alles; a claim of victimization; hatred of liberalism; reigniting a sense of national destiny and a closely bonded community; an appreciation of the value of violence; and of course, all of this uniting under the divinely inspired banner of George W. Bush, the Frat Boy of Destiny.

I've said it previously, and I'll say it again: These are dangerous times.

The more conservatives bond with their proto-fascist element; the more they attack liberals and escalate the violence against antiwar protesters; and the more that corporations like Clear Channel with ties to the Bush administration, and the White House itself, encourages this kind of activity, then the greater the danger becomes.

In reviewing the text I've written so far for "Rush," it's become clear that there are a couple of areas I still need to address in detail. Two of them are contained in the paragraph from Paxton I bold-faced above: the claim to representing the genuine community values that is becoming central to the Right's attacks on liberalism; and the central role of fundamentalist Christianity in any genuine American fascism. Third, I'm also planning to write a more detailed exegesis on Newspeak and its role in the ongoing scene.

These should appear sporadically over the next couple of weeks. Then, when they're done, I'll try to cobble all the text together into a cohesive whole, zip it into a PDF file, and then make it available for easy downloading.

In the meantime, blogging may continue to be sporadic at best. I'm taking a vacation later this week and will only have occasional Web access. But I'll do my best to keep my ear to the ground, and post important material as it comes along.

P.S. For handy reference, here are the links to the Rush series:

[Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Postscript.]

Monday, April 14, 2003

Faith-based reconstruction

Following up on my recent post about putting fundamentalist proselytizers in charge of humanitarian work in Iraq, there's tonight's cover story in Salon, by Max Blumenthal:

Onward Christian soldiers [Premium content]
Officially, the Bush administration has taken no position on the campaign for converts. But foreign policy experts -- and even some moderate Christian groups -- are already warning that efforts by the conservative Christians to capitalize on the fall of Saddam could inject a decidedly religious tone into Bush's stated plan to democratize Iraq. And unless the administration takes a strong stand against that campaign, some say, the missionaries may provoke a deep, damaging backlash there and throughout the Muslim world.

Christian groups' proselytizing in Third World countries is nothing new, but critics of In Touch allege that the ultrapatriotic nature of Stanley's sermons render its plans to expand operations in Iraq dangerous and insensitive to the country's complex and fragile social fabric. Many Muslims worldwide have accused the U.S. of waging a "crusade" and consider the prospect of Christians proselytizing in Iraq a revelation of the U.S.'s nefarious agenda. In the past, anti-Islamic comments made by Southern Baptists allied with Stanley, like Jerry Falwell, have stoked the rage of the Muslim world and made life dangerous for Middle Eastern Christians and Western missionaries operating in the area. But Stanley and his compatriots remain fiercely committed to winning the souls of the Iraqi people, even if it undermines the work undertaken by U.S. troops and civilian administrators to win their hearts and minds.

It should be clear by now that "supporting our troops" is Newspeak for "supporting Bush's agenda" and little else.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

The crime of committing journalism

Here is a brilliant and frightening essay, from New York Magazine writer Michael Wolff, who had the temerity to ask a common-sense question at one of the Pentagon's blow-smoke-up-your-ass Centcom briefings:

I was only asking
So the Rush thing. First it was CNN that replayed my question - the CNN view was, more or less, the liberal media view: a certain hand wringing about whether the media was being used. Then it was Fox, with its extreme, love-it-or-leave-it, approach to the war, which took me apart: I was clearly a potential traitor.

And then it was Rush.

To his audience of 20 million - pro-war, military minded, Bush-centered, media-hating - lily white-Rush laid me out. I was not only a reporter, but one from New York magazine. "New York" resonated. It combined with "media" and suddenly, in the hands of Rush, I was as elitist and as pampered (fortunately nobody mentioned the Ritz) and as dismissive of the concerns of real Americans as, well, Rush's 20 million assume the media to be. Whereas Rush, that noted foot soldier, represented the military heartland.

What's more, according to Rush, that great defender of the rights of African-Americans, I was a racist. Duh. A white liberal challenging a black general. It's a binary world.

And Rush gave out my email address. Almost immediately, the 3,000 emails, full of righteous fury, started to come.

Almost as disturbing was the distinctly thuggish handling he subsequently received from White House staff:
Clearly marked as the rabble-rouser of the get-out-of-Doha movement, I was approached by some enforcer types. The first person was a version of a Graham Greene character. He represented the White House, he said. Wasn't of the military. Although, he said, he was embedded here ("sleeping with a lot of flatulent officers," he said). He was incredibly conspiratorial. Smooth but creepy: "If you had to write the memo about media relations, what would be your bullet points?"

The next person to buttonhole me was the Centcom uber-civilian, a thirty-ish Republican operative. He was more full-metal-jacket in his approach (although he was a civilian he was, inexplicably, in uniform - making him, I suppose a sort of para-military figure): "I have a brother who is in a Hummer at the front, so don't talk to me about too much fucking air-conditioning." And: "A lot of people don't like you." And then: "Don't fuck with things you don't understand." And too: "This is fucking war, asshole." And finally: "No more questions for you."

I had been warned.

Consider this piece essentially a supplement to the Rush, Newspeak and Fascism series. [More on that tomorrow, BTW.]

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Ann Coulter in Iraq

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." -- Le Coulter

There's a potential disaster brewing in the Bush administration's apparent attempt to deploy some sort of "faith based" relief strategy in Iraq.

'Spiritual warfare' looms
Washington is trying to portray its battle as one of liberation, not conquest, but Iraq is about to be invaded by thousands of U.S. evangelical missionaries who say they are bent on a "spiritual warfare" campaign to convert the country's Muslims to Christianity.

Among the largest aid groups preparing to provide humanitarian assistance to Iraqis ravaged by the war are a number of Christian charities based in the southern United States that make no secret of their desire to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and win over Muslim souls.

It's been clear for awhile that, although the Bush administration so far has done reasonably well at keeping the War on Terror from inflating into a global Islam-vs.-the-West conflict -- which of course has been Osama bin Laden's agenda all along -- Bush has no clear idea on how to handle the reconstruction of Iraq.

Currently the plans for handling postwar duties is for the Pentagon to take charge. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is engaging in a turf scrum with Secretary of State Colin Powell over the matter, and appears to be winning. And Rumsfeld's plan moreover evidently consists of handing it over mostly to a handful of Iraqi exiles whose popular support appears to be mostly nonexistent, and getting the hell out as soon as possible. And it appears that indeed there will be an emphasis on "faith based" humanitarian aid:

Occupation Struggle Pits Pentagon Against Powell, Europe
The Pentagon recently vetoed as many as eight current and former State Department officials for key posts in the occupation administration, according to the Washington Post. Excluded were a number of former ambassadors and high-level foreign service officers (FSOs) with expertise in the Arab world.

Some sources said they were vetoed because they were "run-of-the-mill" and not "doers," while others revealed they were opposed by Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith, who has supported Israel's Likud Party in the past and is said to consider some candidates to be too pro-Arab, a bias that neoconservatives believe is endemic to the State Department's Near East bureau.

Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld has also reportedly insisted that all relief and aid work come under the jurisdiction of ret. Army Gen. Jay Garner, the coordinator of the Pentagon's office of reconstruction and humanitarian assistance, who will report directly to the chief of the U.S. Central Command, Gen. Tommy Franks.

So far, they haven't even been close to being up to the job:

Post-War Iraq: Asking the Right Questions
The Pentagon's Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance, headed by retired U.S. General Jay Garner, is to run Iraq in the initial post-war occupation phase. Its missions encompass reconstituting basic services such as electricity, water, sanitation, and medical care; screening the remnants of the Iraqi civil service for individuals acceptable for retention under a new democratic government; and coordinating humanitarian aid programs run by the World Food Program (WFP), UNESCO, the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and private aid agencies.

Difficulties with this arrangement, which is not yet even in place, are already apparent. Despite the efforts of the British forces in Basra, distribution of relief supplies--a duty of an occupying power under international law--has been a shambles. Looting has been rampant. Without the cooperation of the Iraqi public, the number of British troops in-country simply are not enough to create and maintain physical security. And this is for a city of only 1.3 million; Baghdad, which will be the responsibility of the United States, has 5 million people. Euphoria may dampen appetites for a short time, but clean water and nourishing food will soon be demanded.

Not only are there serious questions about whether they are up to the task, but one has to wonder how well this kind of naive evangelism is going to mix in such a volatile environment. More than likely the situation is going to chew them up and spit them out. In the process, there may even be some incidents of violence.

And this, of course, will play directly into the hands of those who wish to see this become a global war. People like Osama bin Laden.

Friday, April 11, 2003

The other kind of terrorism

Whatever happened to the anthrax killer? You know, the man who terrorized the entire country for the better part of a month?

At least Scott Shane at the Baltimore Sun remembers:

Tests point to domestic source behind anthrax letter attacks
Army scientists have reproduced the anthrax powder used in the 2001 mail attacks and concluded that it was made using simple methods, inexpensive equipment and limited expertise, according to government sources familiar with the work.

The findings reinforce the theory that has guided the FBI's 18-month-old investigation - that the mailed anthrax was probably produced by renegade scientists and not a military program such as Iraq's.

I guess the anthrax attacks must be another one of those "isolated incidents."

[Thanks to Alice Marshall for the tip.]

Isolated Event Watch

If anyone needed evidence of the FBI's political leanings, consider the matter of "isolated events."

Whenever right-wing extremists become involved in terrorist activities, it is usually only a matter of time before an FBI official declares that each is an "isolated event."

When an FBI agent is involved in chicanery of some kind or another, it also is determined to be an "isolated event."

Translation: "We have no intention of looking to see if this event represents a deeper and more pervasive problem."

Contrast this to the rhetoric that arises whenever anyone from the left -- whether it's eco-radicals or a center-left president -- gets crosswise with the law. Then we are likely to hear all about how the agency is investigating the possibility of broad conspiracies and nationwide networks and perhaps even international spying and terrorism.

With that in mind, there's the continuing saga of the recent arrest of GOP activist Katrina Leung and an FBI agent, both of whom were are various times involved in drumming up scandals against President Clinton. Both, it turns out, allegedly were at the same time spying for China.

Today came the announcement of yet another FBI agent being implicated in the case. [Link via Atrios.]

Toward the bottom, there's this:
In congressional testimony Thursday, Mueller called the case "an isolated event" and that ongoing changes at the FBI would ensure better oversight and management of intelligence sources.


In case anyone else was paying attention, there was in fact a very similar case: Robert Hanssen, the FBI agent/Opus Dei member who was spying for the Russians.

Hanssen, you may recall, was also involved in ginning up scandals against Bill Clinton.

Now comes this case, where, once again, the agents were involved in concocting Clinton scandals (in this case, the phony "selling secrets to China" scandal).

But of course, there's no connection there, folks. Just move along. Nothing to see.

Lord knows the FBI will never get to the bottom of it.

Victory, sure, but not vindication

[Courtesy of the Propaganda Remix Project.]

It's no more a surprise that the prowar right is now in full gloat over the rather clear victory of American forces in Iraq, and the gleeful response of the Iraqi populace, than it is that these events occurred in the first place.

Anyone who didn't think the Americans would win was an idiot. Anyone who didn't think the Iraqis would be glad to rid themselves of Saddam likewise was not particularly astute.

Not, of course, that there is much evidence of any more than a tiny handful of such fools arguing for those positions before the war. So why does the prowar right now assume that the antiwar left held such beliefs? Perhaps because it makes a handy strawman?

Yet this assumption is really at the root of all the gloating that is spewing forth from the talk-radio airwaves and throughout the prowar blogosphere right now. It only goes to reveal how little they understood the mainstream liberal antiwar position, as well the utter vacuity of their own arguments.

Make no mistake: It's a wonderful thing that the Iraqi people are now free from Saddam's brutal reign. Indeed, I can argue that I and many others on the left have been fomenting for regime change in Iraq for considerably longer than those on the right who seem to be relatively recent converts to this cause. Indeed, it would not be unreasonable to ask where they've been all these years, while we argued that the Reagan and Bush regimes should stop underwriting their tyranny.

However, declaring war on a sovereign nation simply because we wish to oust the dictators in charge has, heretofore at least, never been the way Americans operated. If it were, we'd have gone to war many times over in Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe.

That was, however, before the advent of the Bush Doctrine. The essence of the new, post-9/11 American foreign policy is now: America is in charge of the world now, because we are stronger and more powerful than anyone else. If we decide you are a threat, or an obstacle to our foreign-policy goals, we will remove you. Violently. And our entire justification for doing so will rest on the Sept. 11 attacks.

Or as the voice of the new proto-fascist America, Darryl Worley, puts it: "Some say this country's just out looking for a fight / Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right."

When the prowar right is all done gloating, perhaps, it will be time to ask them: OK, what next?

If the justification for invading Iraq was to liberate its people, great. As it happens, there are a bunch of other countries living under perhaps even worse oppression. They too are ripe for "regime change." Do we go there next?

Indeed, some of these nations not only are under totalitarian regimes that cruelly oppress their own people, they also maintain ties to terrorists, and moreover, they also own weapons of mass destruction.

Consider, for instance, China and North Korea.

Both meet the criteria for which we went to war with Iraq, and worse. After all, we know they have nuclear weapons. There's no reason to believe they're not capable of selling these devices to Al Qaeda or other anti-American terrorists. And the barbarities these regimes visit upon their own people make Saddam look like Barney the Dinosaur.

Is there any reason these two -- instead of Syria and Iran, neither of which has demonstrated WMD capabilities -- shouldn't be next in line?

The fact that they're not clearly demonstrates, once again, that the war on Iraq was never about liberating its populace or bringing democracy to a benighted nation. It was never about weapons of mass destruction. It was never about its supposed ties to terrorism and the events of Sept. 11.

No, the Iraq war was always primarily about establishing the Bush Doctrine, which in turn was nothing less than making manifest the agenda of the Project for a New American Century. (There's been a great deal written in recent months about PNAC; for a quick, reasonably accurate summary about its role in the Iraq war, try this, from the CBC: Reality Check: A New American Century.)

Just in case the prowar right wasn't paying attention the first time around, let's reiterate: The mass of opposition to the war had nothing to do with whether we would win. Opposition was always about what kind of nation we are -- and what we will become -- as we combat terrorism.

The Bush Doctrine is hardly anything more than Darwinist "might makes right" bullying, clothing itself in the language of an aggrieved victim. Many Americans were capable of seeing that. And they have a more traditional, and certainly more enlightened, understanding of what global citizenship really is about. They made up the bulk of the people out there marching against Bush's war.

So Bush has won his cynical little war -- one it's clear he chose because he not only could win it, he could sell it. (North Korea -- the far more clear and present danger -- is however a different proposition on both counts.)

That does not, however, vindicate the Bush Doctrine. Before that happens, we're going to have view the long-term results.

To date, the PNAC's plans still appear to be nothing less than a megalomaniacal scheme to rule the world, and in doing so turn nearly every other citizen on the planet into an enemy of America. The cheers for American soldiers in Baghdad would suggest otherwise, but then, the seething hatred for our nation nearly everywhere else in the Arab and Muslim worlds has multiplied as well -- we just aren't hearing about that on Fox News.

Moreover, the majority of those of us opposed to this war continue to do so because it still represents a dangerous and ultimately illogical brand of new American imperialism. It's easy to see that it has certain short-term benefits, such as liberating a handful of nations from their former oppressors. Its long-term consequences, though, are only now being reckoned. Which nation shall we go a-liberating next? Another with vast oilfields, perhaps?

The real danger the Bush Doctrine represents -- of inspiring a fresh round, perhaps even generations, of even more lethal terrorism -- has hardly subsided with the fall of Baghdad.

The gloating of the jingoes may drown out those fears for a day or two. But they will return.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Strangling dissent

The violence level edges up another little notch, today in Forest Grove, Oregon -- against a kid from a military family:

The thoughtful debate on war continues
On April 2, Larson was reading "Great Expectations" after school in the high school commons when he was surrounded by a different group of students. They got in his face.

"This time, their position was I hate America, and I should get out," Larson said. "One of them started strangling me. He had his hands pretty firmly around my neck. I couldn't breathe for a minute or so. Then he hit me with his belt, twice on the legs. `

"The only thing he said was, 'George Bush is your daddy,' which seemed delightfully random."

Only one student, a friend of Larson's, tried to intervene. Two more groups of kids swung by to badger him before he escaped the commons, but no one else touched him. While all this happened 40 feet from the school office, no administrators were on the scene.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Threats are not protected speech

Bryan Pfaffenberger has a post worth reading:

Have right-wing shock jocks violated the law by threatening antiwar protesters?
When challenged about the legality of such statements, right-wing columnists and editorial writers state that these statements are only made in "jest" or as "political satire," and that the persons making such statements are exercising their free speech rights under the U.S. Constitution. But it's not so simple. Although the various states and US Circuit Courts use varying standards to judge whether a threat constitutes a "true threat," a threat that is not Constitutionally protected, the threat must be considered in its context -- and, as will be seen, there are solid grounds for arguing that some of these threatening statements are illegal.

Of course, local prosecutors have to be persuaded that this is the case too. But it may be time for antiwar organizers to visit such officials and sound them out.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

What needs saying

Paul Krugman says it:

The Last Refuge
For years to come, then, this country may be, in some sense, at war. And all that time, if Mr. Racicot and his party are allowed to set the ground rules, nobody will be allowed to criticize the president or call for his electoral defeat. You know what? If that happens, we will have lost the war, whatever happens on the battlefield.

No limits

A number of readers have written in to point out that yesterday's post about the Statue of Liberty wasn't exactly right.

Seems a number of right-wing wackaloons have in fact been agitating to return the Great Lady to the French.

One writes in to inform me that the topic has been a favorite of the Howie Carr show in Boston, on WRKO from 4-7 p.m. Reportedly, there were repeated calls last week.

Then there's this little site:


There was a story about this site on a Pittsburgh TV station awhile back. However, what's clear is that this is more in the vein of yet another way to scam conservative half-wits out of their money and wasting it on a futile gesture.

Notably, it includes a link for "those who want to send a protest to France but do not want to send 'Lady Liberty' back', taking them to a page describing how "GIVEITBACK.ORG has recently legally acquired an authentic piece of the Statue of Liberty, which was removed during her renovations in 1982-1992! We plan on sending this symbolic piece back to France in protest." This by way of alternative. Such a gesture would certainly devastate the French.

In any case, another reader informs me that "it later turned out that the entire purpose of the site was to raise the domain name's profile so the owner could flog it on eBay (it turned into an ad for the name after a few weeks)...which he did. I think he made a sizable profit. Which just goes to show again that it all goes back to the money."

Fools and their money are soon parted, as are jingoes and democratic institutions.

In any case, it appears I was wrong: There are no limits to the small-minded idiocy of jingoes.

Border patrol

Finally, someone is taking on the Arizona militia border patrols, who heretofore have been operating more or less at will without any apparent concern from officials:

State Asked To Investigate Militia Groups
The organization spent the past two months collection 2,000 signatures which it will present to Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard next Tuesday. The petitions ask Goddard to conduct an investigation of the militia groups and it they're breaking the law, they should be arrested and prosecuted.

"Arizona has an anti militia law," says Allen, "Which spells out when and how civilians can make arrests and from out interpretation of the law, vigilante groups, civilian groups don't have a right to make civilian arrests."

One can only hope Goddard follows through on this.

Monday, April 07, 2003

If conservatives were consistent ...


They'd be demanding we return this to the French, too.

But then, even small-minded jingoist idiocy has some limits.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Hypocrisy watch

In tut-tutting John Kerry for suggesting we need a "regime change," Thomas Oliphant opines thusly:
It's also misguided to use the word regime, with an antidemocratic connotation, about the United States. President Bush heads an administration, a government. Popular votes and Florida aside, his presidency is the result of constitutional process and it is legitimate. Regime implies otherwise. It is used for dictators and authoritarians, based on its Latin root that is all about ruling, not governing.

It is touching to see Mr. Oliphant's tender sensibilities about the appropriate way to refer to the President extend so deeply on Mr. Bush's behalf. One wonders if such considerations were conventionally applied to Bush's predecessor.

A quick Google reveals 2,100 hits for "Clinton regime" -- many of them from such supposedly respectable voices as the Cato Institute, CBS News, and various Republican members of Congress.

And a search of the Boston Globe's own archives reveals that the phrase has appeared no fewer than seven times in the paper's own pages.

Over Tom Oliphant's strenuous objections, I'm sure.

[]Via the Horse, of course.]

A note on fascism

Apropos of the last post, but also as a footnote of sorts to the series on fascism:

The hallmark of fascist bullying is the willingness of those devoted to violence to use it upon those unwilling or reluctant to revert to it. "Our contempt for weakness" was a Hitler catchphrase. One expects to hear a form of it pop up any day now.

One of the thinkers on fascism who explored this facet of it in depth was the Norwegian Harald Ofstad. Here's his quick summary:
Anti-semitism is not at the core of nazism. Its core is that the strong shall rule over the weak, and that the weak are contemptible because they let themselves be ruled. Nazism did not emerge in Germany in the 1930's and it did not disappear in 1945. It is an expression of deeply set emotions which are still there, within ourselves and in our environment.

[Note: I also recently obtained the Robert O. Paxton essay on fascism which Christopher Skinner recommended. I've given it a quick scan and it's brilliant. I'll be digesting it further over the next few days and will report back; it certainly will be an addition to the "Rush" series.]

Just one question

We're already starting to hear a line of defense being trotted out by conservatives in the blogosphere regarding the increasing thuggishness of the pro-war element, particularly in its confrontational invasions of antiwar rallies, as well as the increase of actual violence and death threats (for the latter, see this latest example from Oxblog, via Atrios).

It runs something like this: These prowar marchers are only voicing their own First Amendment rights. What are you trying to do, shut them up?

Answer: Of course not. The prowar side should feel free to express itself. And its solely pro-war rallies are clearly in the spirit of the best kind of robust civil debate.

But many of these so-called pro-war demonstrations, as I've mentioned, are in fact devoted primarily to invading pre-planned antiwar rallies, many of them merely quiet, 30-person gatherings. They are loud, they are intimidating, and the rhetoric used by the pro-war marchers is vicious in nature.

One wonders about their alleged patriotism, and their devotion to First Amendment free-speech values, when their speech is primarily devoted to shutting up, shutting down, and generally intimidating the opposition into silence.

One wonders about their devotion to the very basics of civil society when they engage in bullying tactics. This includes invading peace vigils with loud trucks and obscenity-shouting prowar marchers.

One also wonders why a number of these invasive "pro-war" (which should more correctly be labeled "anti-dissent") demonstrations are in fact egged on by talk radio -- in some cases, stations with unofficial ties to the Bush administration.

All this wondering leads me to one question: Exactly what do these people think would happen if a large group of antiwar demonstrators appeared at one of the now-numerous pro-war rallies with the explicit purpose of breaking up the demonstration and harassing marchers?

What drives them?

Regular reader and letter-writer TruthToPower sends this missive:
Why are the pro-war forces so angry? They have the president, congress and most of the public on their side and we are close to winning in Iraq. Why then do they resort to threats and violence? If my side was batting 1.000 you wouldn't hear one word of complaint from me.

I think these people are just angry. They are angry because they are ignored and exploited by our system. Unfortunately because we are led to believe that we have the best society on earth many of us don't know know how to respond when it becomes clear that the system doesn't work in the interest of the average person.

Enter Rush and company. They bring out the absolute worst in people like this, the "angry white men" who think that a few black people at U. Michigan are responsible for all their problems. I also don't think we should discount the after effects of the 2000 presidential election. It showed that might makes right. You don't have to really win. You bully your way to victory and dare anyone to speak up.

Of course Bush could care less about these people. They are being used by the most cynical administation in modern history. Unfortunately they will keep them angry and confused so that they can invade Iran, Syria or God only knows where.

These are very ugly times.

I couldn't agree more.

I think that what makes them angry is the mere existence of liberalism and anyone who qualifies as a liberal. And ultimately what drives them is the elimination of liberalism altogether.

Certainly, they will never be happy until liberalism is an extinct species, and everyone in America thinks exactly alike -- that is, like them.

And you are right -- the turning point was the 2000 election.

I've commented previously on Justice Scalia's justification, revealed last year in an article he wrote for First Things, for the Bush v. Gore decision and his clear contempt of democracy for its tendency to "obscure the divine authority behind government":
These passages from Romans represent the consensus of Western thought until very recent times. Not just of Christian or religious thought, but of secular thought regarding the powers of the state. That consensus has been upset, I think, by the emergence of democracy. It is easy to see the hand of the Almighty behind rulers whose forebears, in the dim mists of history, were supposedly anointed by God, or who at least obtained their thrones in awful and unpredictable battles whose outcome was determined by the Lord of Hosts, that is, the Lord of Armies. It is much more difficult to see the hand of God—or any higher moral authority—behind the fools and rogues (as the losers would have it) whom we ourselves elect to do our own will. How can their power to avenge—to vindicate the “public order”—be any greater than our own?"

... The mistaken tendency to believe that a democratic government, being nothing more than the composite will of its individual citizens, has no more moral power or authority than they do as individuals has adverse effects in other areas as well. It fosters civil disobedience, for example, which proceeds on the assumption that what the individual citizen considers an unjust law—even if it does not compel him to act unjustly—need not be obeyed. St. Paul would not agree. “Ye must needs be subject,” he said, “not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.” For conscience sake. The reaction of people of faith to this tendency of democracy to obscure the divine authority behind government should not be resignation to it, but the resolution to combat it as effectively as possible.

As Dave Johnson suggests, it is clear that Scalia views proper government not as a product of democratic processes, but rather as a contest of wills in which God chooses the stronger and leads him to victory.

In light of the 2000 election, it is clear that this is how Scalia justified a ruling that, conceptually speaking, ran counter to virtually every position he had ever taken, particularly with regard to both states' rights and 14th Amendment equal-protections provisions. For him, it was more an exercise of the raw power he held by virtue of holding a seat on the Supreme Court, all in the pursuit of seating the person whom Scalia believed to have been chosen by God.

This bodes extremely ill for the 2004 election. Should a Democrat threaten to win, it is clear that the gang currently in power sees itself as divinely empowered, and seems likely to seek a way to justify any means, even extra-constitutional ones (as it did in 2000), to hold onto that. This would include unleashing the thuggery of the extreme right on the rest of the populace.

And it is clear that someone like Scalia would approve enthusiastically.

Cancel the elections

Everyone commenting on the John Kerry debacle has so far focused on the fact that Kerry has fought back admirably against the Republican attacks against him. And when the Republicans have been castigated, it has, for good cause, focused on the fact that they questioned Kerry's patriotism.

But there is a deeply insidious aspect to the Republican attacks. Take, for instance, the press release from RNC chairman Marc Racicot:
"Senator Kerry crossed a grave line when he dared to suggest the replacement of America's commander-in-chief at a time when America is at war. Critical analysis offered in the best interests of the country is part of a healthy democracy. But this use of self-serving rhetoric designed to further Senator Kerry's political ambitions at a time when the lives of America's sons and daughters are at stake reflects a complete lack of judgment."

Oh really? Does Racicot then believe that the elections of 1972, 1968, 1964, 1944, 1918, and 1864 should have been canceled? Because in each of those elections, the nation was at war. And the replacement of America's commander-in-chief was an open question that no one would have dared to challenge.

It could not be more clear that Racicot is suggesting that "replacing the commander-in-chief" is an unacceptable proposition during wartime, and even talking of doing so is nearly treasonous.

Racicot really needs to explain his remarks. If America is at war in 2004 -- which is clearly a possiblity -- will Racicot and the GOP suggest that anyone daring to challenge Bush has "crossed a grave line"?

I used to chuckle at the left-wing worry warts who suggested paranoiacally that Republicans intended to cancel the next elections. Maybe I shouldn't have.