Thursday, March 03, 2005

What color is your star?

Well, a lot of people have been comparing David Horowitz's fatwa against liberals in academia to McCarthyism. Now, one of Horowitz's followers made the connection for him.

Via JuliusBlog we learn about the latest incident involving a student inspired by Horowitz:
SRJC uproar over Republican protest:
Several instructors targeted by student's posting of red stars, state code on teaching of communism

Santa Rosa Junior College's oak-studded campus is aflame with controversy triggered by the anonymous posting of red stars and a reference to communist indoctrination on 10 faculty office doors.

Instructors quickly saw the action as a threat to academic freedom, but the student who claimed credit for the protest said it was about left-leaning bias in the lecture hall.

The stars, which unnerved some instructors, were accompanied by a copy of a state Education Code section prohibiting the teaching of communism with the "intent to indoctrinate" students.

"It makes me a little anxious," philosophy instructor Michael Aparicio said.

Ed Buckley, the college's vice president of academic affairs, weighed in with a defense of academic freedom, saying in an e-mail to SRJC faculty that it includes teaching "difficult and controversial material."

But political science major Molly McPherson of Rohnert Park said she had only intended to start a discussion about the personal politics of SRJC humanities instructors by posting the stars.

"It's a big issue," said McPherson, president of the SRJC Republicans, a campus club. "The opinion of the far left is presented as fact, with no alternative."

You can see the text of the law the student is citing here:
51530. No teacher giving instruction in any school, or on any property belonging to any agencies included in the public school system, shall advocate or teach communism with the intent to indoctrinate or to inculcate in the mind of any pupil a preference for communism.

In prohibiting the advocacy or teaching of communism with the intent of indoctrinating or inculcating a preference in the mind of any pupil for such doctrine, the Legislature does not intend to prevent the teaching of the facts about communism. Rather, the Legislature intends to prevent the advocacy of, or inculcation and indoctrination into, communism as is hereinafter defined, for the
purpose of undermining patriotism for, and the belief in, the government of the United States and of this state.

This law, as it happens, is a Cold War relic of McCarthyist agitation in California (of which Richard Nixon was only one of the leading figures) during the late 1940s and '50s. The laws passed at the time included not only these prohibitions, but a "loyalty oath" required for all faculty members at state schools. (For more on this, see Ellen Wolf Schrecker's excellent exploration of the anticommunist campaign's history and its effects on academia.)

And, then, of course, there's the matter of the red stars. Pinning stars on your enemies' doors, as Julius reminds us, has an even uglier history.

Horowitz must be so proud.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Two killers

These are composite drawings of the two chief suspects in the killing of the husband and mother of Judge Joan Lefkow in Chicago. The man on the left is a white male, age "mid 20s, 5-8 to 6-0, strawberry blonde hair, eyes unknown and medium build. Clothing unknown." The man on the right is a "white male, ages 50-60, hair unknown, eyes hazel and large build. Subject last seen wearing dark green coveralls, black watch cap and grayish/green coat."

According to the Sun-Times, these descriptions probably are derived from witnesses who saw two men lurking about the neighborhood:
Another mystery for detectives is a suspicious car parked outside a church on the Lefkows' block Monday morning.

At 8 a.m., the church administrator at North Shore Baptist Church saw two men sporting "military-style haircuts'' sitting in a red Ford Escort in a no-parking zone on the block, smoking and drinking Cokes, the police report said. The administrator said he asked the men to leave and they did, the report said.

The administrator was interviewed by detectives Tuesday. "It was a little unusual," he told the Sun-Times. "You just don't usually see a car parked there at that time of day."

There was another strange clue (or red herring) thrown in for good measure:
One puzzle is a series of phone calls the Lefkows received Sunday night. Caller ID suggested the calls came from inside a correctional facility, a police report said. When Joan Lefkow answered the first call, she heard nothing.

Investigators were seeking the source of those calls and were focusing on the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago, where white supremacist Matt Hale is being held, a source said.

Judge Lefkow also gave an interview to the Sun-Times, saying she feared it was connected to her work:
"I fear that to be true, and that's the great tragedy of it," Lefkow told the Chicago Sun-Times. "If someone was angry at me, they should go after me. It's not fair to go after my family."

The piece also gives us some insight into the pain the killers inflicted on all their victims:
She declined to discuss the details of the probe, but noted the cruelty of it. Her husband was slowed from Achilles' tendon surgery, and her 89-year-old mother used a walker.

"It's just so cruel," Lefkow said. "He was on crutches after some surgery, and they didn't have a chance. It was just cold-blooded. Who would do this? I'm just furious."

Lefkow is now in protective custody, something she said could continue for some time. She is preparing for the funerals, set for Saturday morning at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Evanston. The couple's four daughters have assembled in town. Michael Lefkow also has a fifth daughter from a previous relationship.

"They sob and they laugh about good things that happened and their dad's nutty behavior and various things," Lefkow said of their daughters. "But they're heartbroken. They're heartbroken."

Daughter Helena is to be married this summer, a ceremony Michael Lefkow was eagerly awaiting.

"He had gotten himself a tux to wear to the wedding, and was so looking forward to walking his daughter down the aisle," Lefkow said. "And now he won't be able to do that. The daughters cry and say, 'I never had a grandfather, and I wanted my children to have a grandfather.' "

I hate the phrase "the banality of evil." There is nothing banal about evil. Yes, it always comes wearing the mask of normalcy. That, tragically, is how it slips into our basements. But there is nothing banal about what happens next.

And I notice that no one has gotten around to calling these killers "terrorists" yet. I wonder if they ever will.

What, me divisive?

Update on the eliminationism front:

Ed Schultz was teeing off on Air America today regarding U.S. Rep. Jim Gibbons' recent remarks concerning liberals who opposed the invasion of Iraq.

Nevada Democrats are decrying remarks Gibbons made at a Lincoln Day dinner in Elko, apparently warming up the faithful by doing a little liberal-bashing -- and suggesting we start shipping them off to Iraq to serve as "human shields":
While praising the efforts of American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, Gibbons accused liberals, movie stars and song makers of "trying to divide this country."

"I say we tell those liberal, tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippie, tie-dyed liberals to go make their movies and their music and whine somewhere else," he told the crowd, according to the Elko Daily Free Press.

He then said it was "too damn bad we didn't buy them a ticket" to become human shields in Iraq.

His comments came a week after he apologized for calling those who oppose corporate donations for President Bush's inaugural parties "communists."

We also get a view of why liberals have earned his wrath:
Gibbons, a combat pilot veteran of the Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars, said "Hollywood established a climate that made our returning troops feel ostracized" during the Vietnam War.

"I see similar actions on the part of some members of the entertainment community today," he said. "Today, such efforts to break our resolve in Iraq are also used to inspire the insurgents to continue their assault."

Ah, yes. Liberals are on the side of the enemy, trying to break our resolve. We've heard that particular tune a lot the past few years, dating back at least to Ann Coulter's and Sean Hannity's books equating liberalism with traitors and terrorists. (This, despite the converse being historically true of conservatives, including many of those currently in power.)

But it's obviously picking up volume on the right now. Witness especially David Horowitz's absurd graphics connecting Micheal Moore to Osama bin Laden (ably limned recently by Michael Bérubé).

Who exactly is trying to divide our country here?

It's also worth noting that Gibbons isn't just some Republican loose cannon. He was in line to take over for Porter Goss as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee (he was passed over for Peter Hoekstra) and chaired one of its subcommittees, and he's vice chair of the House Resources Committee.

Well, I've remarked previously about talk of eliminating liberals:
Perhaps I'm more sensitive to this kind of rhetoric than most, because I've been exposed to it for a long time. It is hardly different in nature from the kind of hate regularly spewed by the cross-burners at Aryan Nations, who of course hate mainstream liberals right alongside Jews, blacks, and every other permutation of their Other. One bleeds into the other for them -- and eventually, it does likewise for everyone else who partakes of this kind of talk. There is a special quality to eliminationist rhetoric, and it has the distinctive stench of burning flesh -- no matter where it emanates from.

If I thought for a moment that talk about committing violence against conservatives were as pervasive, especially in the public square, as it currently is against liberals, I do not doubt that I would do my best to attack it. But I almost never hear it from that sector now. For the past twenty or more years, I've been hearing it from the far right. And it deeply disturbs me when I begin hearing it from people who supposedly operate within the mainstream.

Of course, Gibbons will neither apologize nor back off the remarks. (Somehow, I'll wager, it will be all the fault of those nasty liberals, and produce another round of hand-wringing by Nick Kristof and Howard Kurtz about the decline of civility in our discourse.) Republican pundits and bloggers will flock to his defense. And the descent into the abyss will advance another notch.

But this will be noteworthy, marking by the day that eliminationist rhetoric became officially sanctioned.

Murderous hate

Even though there are reasons not to jump to assumptions about the murders of Judge Lefkow's husband and mother in Chicago this week, it frankly would be foolish, given the history, not to turn a big spotlight on white supremacists generally and the World Church of the Creator's remnants specifically in looking into the case.

Certainly that's the view of the neighbors, as well as experts. According to a Washington Post report:
Because of the notoriety of the Hale assassination plot, few seemed to believe the killings could be a coincidence. In the upscale, tree-lined Edgewater neighborhood where Lefkow lives, Eddy McDonough said he had seen squad cars parked outside the judge's house in the past. He considered it a targeted attack.

"This is a hit," McDonough said. "Most people living here don't feel threatened, since this wasn't aimed at them, but we're in shock."

On average, about 700 threats are made against court officers each year, according to the Marshals Service, which secures federal courthouses across the country. In 2003, marshals managed special security for 20 federal judges and prosecutors.

If the Chicago killings are eventually connected to Lefkow's work on the bench, it will be the first time that relatives of a federal judge have been killed. Three judges have been assassinated.

Mark Potok, chief of the hate group monitoring project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, said he believes it is "highly likely that a follower or sympathizer of Matt Hale is responsible. This is a group with a really remarkable record of criminal violence. The members of this group have been involved in murder, bank robbery, innumerable beatings and aggravated assaults."

And it's not as if Hale's supporters are recoiling in horror over the murders. Indeed, according to the last graf of the New York Times report:
Sympathizers abound. "Everyone associated with the Matt Hale trial has deserved assassination for a long time," read an Internet essay posted Tuesday by Bill White, editor of The Libertarian Socialist News. "I don't feel bad that Judge Lefkow's family was murdered today. In fact, when I heard the story, I laughed."

Getting a clearer picture of this involves wading into the white-supremacist swamp. (Click on the following links only if you're prepared to take a nice long shower afterward.)

The National Alliance online magazine National Vanguard [warning: hate site] ran a version of the story ran a photo of Lefkowitz, while its story noted that the judge is "still unharmed."

Meanwhile, over at the Liberty Forum ("Powered by Reason and Principle"), which specializes in far-right causes, the posts are even more specific:
What this incident shows is that:

The American people will not stand by while their country, their rights and their economic livelihood is stolen from them for Bush's sick anti-American policies.

As the famous saying has it: Whatever happens to the Americans will happen to you.


Because the police state and the Jew monopoly media want to create the impression that Admiralty-Maritime tribunal administrators (judges) are important in the minds of the sheople.

The same way they indoctrinate the sheople to believe politicians, and presidents are important, and that the Jew monopoly media is a respected, credible source of information.


So an attorney and a judge's blood-sucking mother are axed. Big whoop! Good riddance. May they be eternally tormented. Too bad the judged wasn't axed as well.

Maybe next time

More judges need to be shot!

You want your freedom? Retribution is the key.

Also at Liberty Forum, Hal Turner gives the story the full-fledged paranoia treatment, warning "white nationalists" that they should expect to be targeted by authorities, and to clean up their acts:
Believe me when I tell you, the next few days and weeks will be like nothing we've seen in the WN movement so far. EVERY one of us should expect an abrupt visit from the feds. When they come knocking, it won't be friendly. It will be ruthless, arrogant and abusive. They will be looking to incite some type of reaction worthy of arrest from every single one of us. They want us ALL in jail. . . . . yesterday. Whatever it takes to achieve that, they will do.

So now's the time to get things in order and prepare. Right now. Not later, not tomorrow or this weekend. Right now.

No doubt they'll be oiling their guns this weekend.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Totoro and the culture of fear

The past week or so, I've been enjoying the recent American releases of two of anime master Hayao Miyazaki's earlier films, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and Porco Rosso.

Like all of his work, they're both wonders to watch. Nausicaa, his first film, is a worthy variation on Dune as a kind of biological fable, while Porco Rosso is an amazing piece of work for those (like me) who have a love of well-crafted flying sequences. It also has a line for the ages: "I'd rather be a pig than a fascist."

There is, unfortunately, a cloud over these releases -- one that speaks to the climate of fearfulness that is beginning to pervade our cultural climate. It's not a fear of terrorism or war, but a fear of ourselves.

These two films were originally scheduled to be part of a troika of Miyazaki masterpiece releases this spring. The third -- the one that didn't make it -- is probably the most anticipated of all: My Neighbor Totoro.

If you haven't seen it, you should, whether you have kids or not: It's not just one of the best children's films ever made, it is one of the finest Japanese films of any kind, anime or otherwise. (Kurosawa was a fan of this film, and stole some shots from it for Rhapsody in August.)

You can still get the Fox version of Totoro on DVD, at least while the stock lasts. It's a mediocre pan-and-scan version (with a pretty good vocal cast, actually). Fans have been awaiting a proper wide-screen release with a quality dubbing job (as well as Japanese w/subtitles as an option) for a long time.

But, inexplicably, Disney -- which is releasing all these films under its label and distribution network -- yanked Totoro from the announced releases and substituted for it The Cat Returns, a pleasant enough Studio Ghibli release that can't help being inferior.

Actually, it may not be all that inexplicable. Because, even though Totoro is globally a phenomenon -- it holds the title as the most popular children's film ever made outside of the U.S. -- it has one little problem when it comes to the guardians of our prurience in the good ol' USA.

Early in the film there's a brief scene where the two main characters -- 9-year-old Satsuki and her 5-year-old sister Mei -- take a traditional family bath with their father (a thirtysomething anthropologist named Kusukabe) at the end of their first day in their new home in the country. The wind is howling outside, and the girls are frightened by noises they hear, so their dad breaks up the tension by getting the three of them to laugh out loud boisterously, splashing in the tub as they do so.

Now, in a cultural context, the scene is harmless. But dirty minds see dirty things where they want to see them. And Disney, it's feared, is succumbing to the new torch-bearing moral purists who have been on the March since Janet Jackson bared her boob.

Daniel Thomas (who has reviews of the films as well) remarks on this:
Let's use the Janet Jackson fiasco as a starting point. The infamous Super Bowl Halftime Show incident sparked another one of those moralizing crusades from the Religious Right, who yell and bellow at the sight of a woman's breast as a sign of the Apocalypse. Before anyone could say, "where are the WMD's?," the Bush administration and the FCC have swarmed in and taken over.

Add in some threats, add in some fines, and then start looking for other targets. Howard Stern found himself under fire from the government. Some 30 ABC affiliates refused to broadcast Saving Private Ryan because of its profanity and violence (as opposed to the current war you never see). Recently, James Dobson turned his guns on Spongebob Squarepants, because the cartoon character appeared in a video promoting tolerance, and PBS was attacked by the Education Secretary for a cartoon that depicted two mommies.

The broadcasters are scared. Disney, we remember, owns ABC, which means they've been on the hot seat since the beginning. They're worried, and the last thing they need is another target painted on their backs.

What does this have to do with Totoro? Plenty. The movie is based in 1950's rural Japan, and includes a scene where the family - father and two daughers - are in the bathtub together. This is purely a cultural thing, but it's dynamite in the hands of the culture warriors.

The Michael Jackson trial is about to start, and then we'll hear Dobson, Fallwell, and Robertson, accusing Disney of peddling child pornography. Why, they'll screech, they have a cartoon that shows a grown man in a bathtub with two naked girls! Imagine that scenario playing out.

At this point, all this is still speculation. (I have a call in to the Disney publicists seeking comment, and will report back.) But in the current milieu, the suspicions that Disney got cold feet are well justified. However, they probably have not reckoned with the international backlash if they do hold back Totoro, because they will look incredibly blind and, frankly, stupid.

This is all occurring within a backdrop of Disney generally mishandling the release of all of Miyazaki's films in the United States. As Thomas notes:
We have to understand something important here: Studio Ghibli is a competitor. Ever since Nausicaa, Miyazaki and Takahata have created one masterpiece after another; they've managed to revolutionize animation as an art form, stretching it and growing it. Disney hasn't released anything in my lifetime, except for probably the Destino short, that even comes close. Even the early '90s string of box-office hits, Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King being their best, are stuck in a simple-minded rut of cutesy melodrama, banal sing-alongs, and good-versus-evil cliches.

My 3-year-old daughter loves the Disney films, some better than others. But Totoro is her cherry-on-top favorite. A stuffed Totoro and Catbus are perched on her bed. She thumbs through the manga version I bought her. Of course, it helps that Daddy prefers watching Totoro to any of the Disney dreck, especially the gawdawful Princess crapola laden with messages I don't really want her to be getting. Totoro's relative sanity -- it's nearly devoid of trauma and there are no villains -- is like breathing oxygen after being drowned in treacle.

The idea that there is anything wrong with exposing children to this piece of art is not just profoundly dumb. It's outrageous. And so far, no one has come out and said that.

But they don't have to. The examples have been made. Everyone else is on warning. Including, it seems, gigantic, fuzzy forest kings.

UPDATE: A couple of readers have directed me to the following at the Miyazaki Web site:
The DVD for My Neighbor Totoro was replaced by The Cat Returns, due to technical problems with the DVD transfer. BVHE wanted to make certain to put out the best quality product, so delaying Totoro made the most sense.

There's still no date set for release. This certainly alleviates the concern for now, but if the release keeps getting put back, look for these questions to be raised again.

An ominous tragedy

Following up on last night's report of the horrifying murders of family members of a judge who had been previously targeted by white supremacists, it's clear that authorities are working hard to track this one down. formed a task force to look into the case.

Most of the details that have emerged so far -- they were killed by multiple gunshot wounds in the basement of their home -- have not given any clue that the killings were payback for the conviction of white supremacist Matthew Hale for soliciting Lefkow's murder, but the circumstances certainly point in that direction.

Chicago Tribune reporter Eric Zorn hits the notes just about right at his blog:
Tempting though it is, I’m not going to leap to the conclusion that Monday's murder of U.S. Judge Joan H. Lefkow's husband and mother in her family's North Side home was an act of revenge against Judge Lefkow for her role in white supremacist Matthew Hale's legal troubles.

At this writing I know of no evidence that links Hale's followers to the horrifying crime other than that he was convicted in April of soliciting Lefkow's murder.

While that fact plainly raises suspicion, it's important for observers and police alike to remain open to the possibility that Michael F. Lefkow and Donna Humphrey were the victims of a random home invasion gone bad, a grudge killing unrelated to Judge Lefkow's work or even a grudge killing related to her work on a different case.

That said, however, these murders, if they turn out to have been committed by white supremacists loyal to or working for Matthew Hale, would be among the most ominous in the recent history of this nation.

We have more than our share of mayhem here —- random, predatory, twisted, senseless. But assassinations of public authority figures or, even worse, their relatives, have been mostly a third-world phenomenon for nearly a quarter of a century.

Meanwhile, some of the speculation from white supremacists about the killings is well worth noting:
White supremacist discussion forums on the Internet are abuzz today with the news that the husband and mother of a federal judge have been slain.

Posters debated whether the shooting deaths of 64-year-old Michael Lefkow and 89-year-old Donna Humphrey are good or bad for their movement.

Some posts predict a crackdown on the white nationalist groups. Others theorize the slayings were the work of federal agents who want a severe sentence for white supremacist Matthew Hale.

They never miss a chance, do they?

[Hat tip to David Finley for the WQAD link.]

Drip, drip, drip

You can now add Davis to the growing list of California locales dealing with a growing tide of hate crimes and white-supremacist activity, mostly among young people.

According to a Sacramento Bee report [registration req'd], a longstanding problem was only dealt with cosmetically, and now it's coming home to roost:
Swastikas, racist graffiti and satanic messages were spray-painted on two schools and a church near Davis early Monday morning, stunning members of the liberal college town and sparking a multiagency hate-crimes investigation.

Another church near Davis' western border also was severely vandalized. No graffiti was sprayed on that church.

"I'm just so sickened by what's happened," said Mayor Ruth Asmundson. "I think it's important that everybody in Davis know of this, so we can clean up the mess and make sure this doesn't happen again."

The vandalism occurred less than two years after the city and its school district held a series of emotional public meetings concerning hate crimes committed by a few of the city's youths. At the meetings, dozens of students and local residents described acts of bigotry and racism in the community that they believed were being ignored by local officials.
The school district later adopted new protocols to address bullying and racism on campus and the Police Department assigned a full-time officer to investigate hate crimes.

But several community members said Monday that they believe problems of racism in the city still are not being adequately addressed.

They criticized the school district for not informing parents in a timely manner that racist graffiti had been spray-painted at the high school two months ago and that racist literature had been distributed there last week.

"By covering that up and not publicizing it, it encouraged the people to do it again and this time they did it all over the city," said the Rev. Tim Malone, a member of the Davis-based Blacks for Effective Community Action and a parent of two children in city schools.

"Davis is like that," Malone said. "The people think if you ignore it long enough, it will go away."

As I've explained numerous times, ignoring these crimes or only issuing wrist slaps is a dangerous thing to do. The mentality of haters is such that they take such signals as tacit approval, a kind of confirmation. The result, always, is escalation. Shining light on these dark corners is the only way of making their occupants scatter.

Monday, February 28, 2005

The scourge of hate

Terrible news tonight out of Chicago:
Judge's husband, mother found dead

The federal judge whom white supremacist Matthew Hale attempted to have murdered found her husband and mother lying dead in her house when she returned home Monday night, police said.

Judge Joan H. Lefkow returned to her house in the 5200 block of North Lakewood Avenue after work and found the bodies of her husband, attorney Michael F. Lefkow and her mother, Donna Humphrey, lying in blood in the house, police said.

Detectives, U.S. Marshals and FBI agents rushed to the scene and were investigating the deaths as a "death investigation," police said. Other family members may also have been present when the bodies were discovered, neighbors said.

Police sources were cautious about describing the deaths Monday night, and said it was too early to say how the victims were killed.

As the story explains, Matt Hale remains in prison after bring convicted for attempting to hire someone to kill Judge Lefkow. He's scheduled to be sentenced in April.

I've posted quite a bit about Hale's saga, including a note when he was first arrested here. What's been noteworthy, of course, is that even before his arrest -- but especially in its wake -- his little World Church of the Creator fiefdom has been crumbling dramatically.

However, as I've also pointed out, these groups can remain lethal even in their death throes. Sadly, this appears to have been the case with Judge Lefkow's family.

Masters of war

So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world.

I couldn't help but utter a low mordant chuckle when I heard George W. Bush speak these words in his inauguration speech, and repeat the call for "ending tyranny in our world" in his State of the Union address.

Because the history of the Bush family -- including the current White House occupants, and the power cadre they have gathered -- tells us a little about just how W. defines "tyranny." It's all in the eye of the beholder.

This was driven home recently by news of the recent war-related windfall that just happened to befall W's own Uncle Bucky Bush:
William H.T. "Bucky" Bush, uncle of the president and youngest brother of former President George H.W. Bush, cashed in ESSI stock options last month with a net value of nearly half a million dollars.

"Uncle Bucky," as he is known to the president, is on the board of the company, which supplies armor and other materials to U.S. troops. The company's stock prices have soared to record heights since before the invasion, benefiting in part from contracts to rapidly refit fleets of military vehicles with extra armor.

William Bush exercised options on 8,438 shares of company stock Jan. 18, according to reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. He acknowledged in an interview that the transaction was worth about $450,000.

In an earnings report issued Tuesday, the firm disclosed that net earnings for the first quarter ending Jan. 31 reached a record $20.6 million, while quarterly revenue hit $233.5 million, up 20% from a year ago. As a result, the company boosted its projected annual revenue to between $990 million and $1 billion.

None of this should come as a surprise, really. This is the world of the Bush family, after all.

The Bush family fortune, you see, was built on making steel castings, primarily for two of the linchpins of industrial society: railroads and armaments. Bush's grandfather, Samuel Prescott Bush, ran an Ohio manufacturing firm called Buckeye Steel Castings. The Bushes had many business and family connections to other giants of industry who were often business partners, including the Harriman family of Union Pacific Railroad, and the arms-making Remington family. Sam Bush was also director of small armaments and ammunition on the federal War Industries Board board between 1918 and 1924, which made him responsible for government assistance to arms makers like Remington, whose owner, Frank Rockefeller, was a former Buckeye Steel company president. Bush also oversaw the takeover of numerous small arms manufacturers and the cartelization of the industry.

As I've described in detail previously, the Bushes -- Samuel Bush as well as his son Prescott -- had little compunction about doing business with tyrants, particularly the rapidly rising Nazi regime of Germany in the 1930s. Indeed, Prescott Bush appears to have continued doing business with the Nazis, for a while at least, even after America went to war with them.

The problem with all this, as I explained then, is not that the Bush family has Nazi ties (it doesn't) or that the family fortune is built with Nazi money (which is arguable). The problem is that this way of running the world -- of doing business with and propping up murderers and tyrants so long as they're "on our side" -- has remained with us, and plagues us, to this day:
This really is why the questions around the Bush family's connections to the Nazi regime are relevant today. The episode does not point to some secret ideological affinity for fascism so much as it reveals a willingness to empower them if it furthers their ends. The really interesting question raised by the "Bush-Nazi connection" is not so much a hidden skeleton in the family closet as what the episode says about American society's willingness to ignore inconvenient truths of history, and how that affects the ethos of current public policy.

Cecil Adams, in his attempt to debunk the connection, alludes to this when he argues:

So, did Bush and his firm finance the Nazis and enable Germany to rearm? Indirectly, yes. But they had a lot of company. Some of the most distinguished names in American business had investments or subsidiaries in prewar Germany, including Standard Oil and General Motors. Critics have argued for years that without U.S. money, the Nazis could never have waged war.

While this is quite accurate as far it goes, for some reason, Adams considers this an excuse of some kind: "Hey, everybody did it, and we still do it." This elides the larger question of the real moral culpability that exists for aiding and abetting not just the Nazi nightmare, but violent totalitarian regimes through succeeding years. While it is true that certain American figures -- notably Henry Ford -- faced even greater degrees of culpability for their overt support of fascism, the people who gladly profited from providing essential cogs to the Nazi war machine cannot escape accountability by merely claiming that it was "just business." This defense for all kinds of atrocities is common among American capitalists, and it is at base corrupt and amoral. Indeed, it continues to serve as a handy excuse for the kind of foreign policy that has been practiced ever since the war, and which was specifically shaped by the same self-interested forces that gave way to the Holocaust.

Two other texts -- both balanced, accurate and reliable -- have tackled the larger issue of the role of corporate America's investment in and financial and logistical support for the Nazis, both in their nascent and military-building phases: New York Times reporter Charles Higham's groundbreaking 1983 book, Trading With The Enemy; The Nazi American Money Plot 1933-1949, and Christopher Simpson's 1993 The Splendid Blond Beast: Money Law and Genocide in the Twentieth Century.

Both books -- which deal at least tangentially with the Harriman-Bush connections -- focused on the question of why these captains of industry never had to confront their culpability in the Nazi nightmare. According to Higham, investigations were begun by international tribunals to look into this matter but "the government smothered everything during and even after the war." Higham contended that government officials believed "a public scandal ... would have drastically affected public morale, caused widespread strikes and perhaps provoked mutinies in the armed services," and thought "their trial and imprisonment would have made it impossible for the corporate boards to help the American war effort."

Simpson delves even deeper into this point and ultimately concludes that when it came time for accountability in the mass genocide sponsored by corporatists, international tribunals were stymied by the same machinations of privilege and power that were in fact responsible for the problem. The elites whose fortunes were at stake found that the structure of international law was weak and easily manipulated so that they could simply "get on with business."

In a followup post, I discussed this point further:
This legacy has two dimensions that that need reckoning: domestic and international.

-- The willingness of elite capitalists to sponsor the activities of the thuggish elements that are intrinsically a major component of fascism as a bulwark against "leftists" has never left us entirely. Indeed, it has been occurring with renewed vigor since the early 1990s, when the conservative-movement dogmatists decided that Bill Clinton was a major threat to their drive for power, and began forming alliances with proto-fascist elements, specifically transmitting their ideas and agendas into mainstream conservatism. (This is, of course, the primary subject of "Rush, Newspeak and Fascism.")

That propensity has been rising to the surface in increasing numbers with the George W. Bush regime, which deployed thuggish elements in the Florida debacle in 2000 and turned them loose against antiwar protesters in 2002-03. The levels of violence and thuggery have remained subdued so far, but a serious challenge to Bush's power in the 2004 elections may well raise it another notch. In any event, the willingness to form these alliances dates can be traced directly back to the behavior of such capitalists as Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker in the 1930s.

-- The willingness to do business with, and indeed sponsor and arm, brutish thugs, dictators and continues to affect us today. After all, Iraq's Saddam Hussein was precisely the kind of dictator that America has historically armed and backed as an "enemy of our enemies" over the years since World War II, only to have them turn on us as a genuine threat themselves. For that matter, the terrorists who now operate Al Qaeda were originally sponsored by Americans in Afghanistan as part of our effort to undermine the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

Not that we have ever learned anything from this: Today, in the name of defeating Al Qaeda and Saddam in the "war on terror," we have allied ourselves with all kinds of reprehensible thugs and authoritarian regimes, including those in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China, and Malaysia.

A couple of weeks ago, Parade Magazine -- not exactly a hotbed of liberalism -- ran a feature titled "The World's 10 Worst Dictators". It apparently was predicated on taking seriously Mr. Bush's charge for ridding the world of tyranny in our time. But it was a very interesting list, since it included some of our chief allies in the "war on terror," as well as governments with whom we have remained at least somewhat cozy.

Included on the list:

-- Than Shwe of Burma. Burma: Even though the brutal military dictatorship of Myanmar has come under more scrutiny and criticism from the Bush administration recently, it was worth noting that Bush's Justice Department undertook a legal effort supporting Unocal's campaign to avoid legal and fiduciary consequences for underwriting and encouraging government brutality -- including murder and concentration camps -- to get a pipeline built in Myanmar.

-- Hu Jintao of China. Hu is only the leading figure of a government by cabal that has held the largest number of people in the grasp of tyranny for the longest period of time in history. As I've argued previously, China's government fits the definition of a threat as well as any nation on the planet: they have weapons of mass destruction; they torture and brutalize their own people, oppressing them through police-state tactics; they invade their neighbors and are a regional military threat; and they have engaged in military confrontations with American forces. But we do billions of dollars in business with China every year, and they are proclaimed a valued ally in the "war on terror" (which China has used, of course, as a pretext for suppressing regional dissent).

-- Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The connections between the Saudis and the Bush family are almost too numerous to catalog, but Craig Unger's remarkable work in House of Bush, House of Saud is a good place to start.

-- Pervez Musharaff of Pakistan. Of course, Musharaff is now one of our prominent allies in the "war on terror," though it's hard to say why. After all, our own State Department reported before 9/11 on Musharaff's many connections to various terrorist factions, including Al Qaeda. Most significant were the many connections within the Pakistani intelligence agency (ISI) to Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

-- Saparmurat Niyazov, Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan is also an ally in the "war on terror." The Bush administration turned down multiple pleas (including a recommendation by a federal commission) to designate both Turkmenistan and Saudi Arabia as "countries of particular concern" regarding their handling of religious freedoms and human rights. That couldn't have had anything to do, I'm sure, with that pipeline they're planning to build through Turkmenistan. Nah.

So how, exactly, are we going to "end tyranny in our world" when some of the biggest tyrants are some of this administration's closest allies? How can we take such talk seriously when it's clear there are a lot hidden agendas involved in deciding just who is the tyrant du jour?

And if anyone has been deluded into thinking it's peace that this administration wants, they should think, for just a moment, on how people like "Uncle Bucky" make their fortunes in this world. Because those folks are running the show now.

[Originally published Sunday at The American Street.]

Hate hath no bounds

A trend I've increasingly been reporting on is the seemingly emboldened white supremacist movement, particularly the way it is targeting teens for recruitment.

One of the predictable corollaries of this trend is that, increasingly, minority youngsters will be the targets of these haters.

Two reports out of California make clear that white-power hate groups have no boundaries when it comes to who they'll target. Even little kids. Of course, I've known this for some time; I remember how Keith Gilbert of the Aryan Nations used to harass a mixed-race family in Coeur d'Alene.

The most recent report involved threats against Indian teens on the Paiute Reservation in northeastern California, as Indian Country Today reported:
BISHOP, Calif. - Shock, fear and anger rocked the Bishop Paiute reservation recently when letters left at the tribe's education complex threatened to "kidnap, rape and dismember" young Paiute girls, aged 5 to 9.

Three original letters, typed in red ink with a cover sheet signed ''KKK,'' were left at the tribe's gymnasium and on the baseball field adjacent to the tribe's Head Start program and daycare center. Other copies were tossed on nearby roadsides, according to the tribe's chief of law enforcement services, Cal Stafford.

The letters sparked a firestorm of outrage and anxiety on the reservation and in the surrounding city of Bishop, a small rustic town in the Sierra Nevadas.

Addressed to the Paiute tribe, the letters promised retaliation for ''your half-witted bucks taking another white life'' and alluded to crimes involving tribal members dating back a decade. The letters were turned over to the Inyo County Sheriff's office, which notified the FBI.

"This is a terrorist threat," said Bishop Paiute Vice Chairman Sandra Warlie, who spearheaded efforts to inform and protect tribal members. "Whoever did this meant to put fear in our hearts by targeting our children. We are stepping up security measures and we will do everything we can to protect our people."

The threats are believed to be retribution for the death of a white liquor store manager, Dave Pettet, 48, who was allegedly shot by tribal member Wayne Bengochia in an alcohol-related incident four days before the letters were found. Begochia, 48, was charged with homicide and is awaiting trial.

The problem is that these events are not "isolated incidents" that are occurring in a vacuum. They're occurring in a context in which open hostility to Native Americans -- embodied in Gov. Arnold Schwarzengger's remarks that Indians were "ripping us off" -- are becoming part of the public dialogue. As Indian Country Today's editors put it:
Radio's hate-talkers agitate the masses with euphemistic language, charging at the ''multi-culturalists'' (or as Rush Limbaugh puts it, the ''diversity crowd'') when they really mean the non-mainstream, when their anger is actually directed at the non-white (and white) people who still understand the nature of racism. In some cases, politicians join in the game by chastising whole groups while attacking on a given issue. (Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's infamous characterization of Indians as thieves in his perhaps careless phrase ''The Indians are ripping us off'' is a case in point.) The intent of this hardball game is, of course, to score on the opponent, to pound the other guy into submission.

It is mostly just a game for Schwarzenegger and for most media hounds and politicians who play it, but it is a game that can have serious consequences for communities.

Meanwhile, in the Santa Clarita Valley, haters are targeting little kids too:
The valley has been roiled over the last few months by claims from at least half a dozen African American families that their children have been targets of intolerant, even racist, behavior from their white peers. They say the white teens have continually bullied, harassed and attacked their children at school and off campus for no apparent reason, other than the color of their skin.

The attacks, they said, occurred when youths were walking home from school, going to the park or visiting friends. The incidents have shaken the community because the alleged assailants are not skin-head outsiders but other teenagers who live among them in the pricey subdivisions.

"I need to be making college plans for my kids, and instead I'm fighting this mess," said Valencia resident Robin Williams-Nohara, who says her three sons have been harassed and beaten by white teenagers. "I can't believe this is happening in L.A. County in 2005. No way."

Williams-Nohara is African American and works as an infant-care specialist in West Los Angeles. Her Japanese American husband, Seiji Nohara, is a customer service representative for United Airlines. They moved to Valencia from Monterey Park four years ago, hoping the good schools and suburban environment would help their children excel and go on to college.

At some point, California's political leadership is going to have to step to the forefront and take an aggressive stance against these crimes. The fact that they have not so far, in fact, may speak even more loudly.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Support your local orca

I've now compiled and edited "The Rise of Pseudo Fascism" -- my seven-part essay that ran from September to November of last year, and which recently won a 2004 Koufax Award for Best Series -- into a single document available on PDF.

This version has been edited somewhat, particularly in Part 7, to reflect the exigencies of the post-election environment, as I was writing it just as the election was about to take place. I've also added a brief, two-page Introduction.

You can obtain it by clicking here or on the link in the upper left-hand corner of the blog, right under the shot of the orca. I've also attached, underneath that, a PayPal button.

This is, you see, my sorta annual fund-raiser. I don't like holding out a tin cup, but I am happy to ask people to pitch in to support my work if I can offer them something in exchange. So download the PDF to your heart's content, and if you like what you read, pitch $5 -- or whatever you like -- into the kitty.

I promise not to head for the sticks like, ahem, certain bloggers we could name, a few months after this. I will keep Orcinus an ad-free environment -- not that this makes me purer or anything like that, but just because it simplifies things for me a great deal, especially from an ethical standpoint; my old-fashioned newsroom church-state separation instinct, I'll admit, plays a role in this.

It's also important that the blog not become too entangling, or then it won't be worth it for me personally. Still, I think Orcinus has real continuing value in keeping track of some of the darker impulses at play in our current landscape, and more importantly, getting the information circulated and examined. But I have another book-writing project coming up this summer (I'll blog about it as it gets closer), with a great deal of time spent on research, so I need to see what I can do to make sure the blog pays for the quantity of my time it will be consuming.

In that sense, consider this fund-raiser a chance to support independent journalism. Think of it, if you like, as a subscription of sorts, and donate accordingly.

I'm operating largely on my own these days, and the freedom to publish material like "Pseudo Fascism" or "Rush, Newspeak and Fascism" is in the end utterly dependent on your support. I remain pretty certain I could not have published these in anything approaching a "respectable" printed publication, though I'm grateful for the support of folks like those at Cursor who continue to support my work.

All of you have my thanks just for showing up. I'm flattered and honored to get as many visitors as I do daily. I'm hoping to keep up the quality of work you've become accustomed to (though I can't promise any more Koufaxes). Do what you can to pitch in.

Many thanks to Real Genius for doing all the PDF and footnoting work.

[For those who want to donate by snail mail, my address is: P.O. Box 17872, Seattle, WA, 98107.]

Blogging about

From hither and yon ...

Liberals in the Northwest have been behind the game in getting their mutual-support act together (yours truly is notably slow on this particular uptake), but the appearance of Pacific Northwest Portal is decidedly a step in the right, er, left direction. (Note that Orcinus is a regularly syndicated feature on the portal's Washington blogs page. I've also added a button at the bottom of my blogroll for easy access.)

Gil Smart weighs in on hateful right-wing rhetoric and the response by "reasonable" conservatives.

My old friend John McKay of archy has put together a great little project titled Carnival of Bad History, which sounds like a great opportunity for friends and readers from Is That Legal? and Cliopatra to pitch in.

Oh, yes: I have a post up at The American Street on our Masters of War. Enjoy.

Corrections Department

Two corrections worth noting from last week's post on the Washington state elections:

First, the paragraph I cited from the study by Carla at Preemptive Karma and Torrid Joe at Also Also indicating a higher rate of error in Spokane County was incorrect: Here is their correction. It's worth noting, though, that even though this particular piece of evidence was off, the thrust of their findings -- which was that the rate of error rises exponentially with population -- remains rock-solid.

Second, I incorrectly reported that both Carla and TJ had been banned from Sound Politics by Stefan Sharkansky, but Carla has never been banned there. I also reported that links to their sites had been banned, but that appears to be at least partly incorrect; I've spoken to three different people who said their links to Also Also were rejected in SP's comments, but if that policy was in place at one time, it seems to have been lifted; Sharkansky himself has linked to them in his response, and I've also been able to link to Also Also in SP's comments.

More commentary on this may be forthcoming.

Something to die for

Max Blumenthal has an excellent new piece up at Media Transparency titled "Air Jesus: With The Evangelical Air Force", describing the wonderful time he had covering the National Religious Broadcasters' convention in Anaheim.

The best part is near the end, when he describes an appearance by James Dobson of Focus on the Family. Dobson in fact makes a point rather similar to mine about the whole SpongeBob controversy:
One of few times Dobson spoke out of turn was to make a clarification he had apparently wanted to issue for some time. "I did not say SpongeBob was gay," Dobson told the crowd, responding to media ridicule of his attack on the popular cartoon character:

"All I said was he was part of a video produced by a group with strong linkages to the homosexual community that's teaching things like tolerance and diversity. And you can see where they're going with that. They're teaching kids to think different about homosexuality."

Yes, indeed they are. They're now teaching them that being a "faggot" isn't a license for getting beaten up. The horrors.

Equally interesting were the remarks by Dobson's heir-apparent, his son Ryan:
Like everything else about Dobson, his passive attitude was calculated. The evening was to belong to Ryan, who dominated the discussion with long, blustery yarns about everything from his passion for skateboarding to his views on abortion. With close-cropped hair, gauge earrings and a handlebar mustache reminiscent of the biker from the Village People, Ryan had studiously cast himself as a rebel for Christ. But behind his bad-boy veneer, he is being groomed as the heir to his dad's political empire. Adopted by his parents when he was six months old, Ryan interned for a year at Washington's premier right-wing Christian think tank, the Family Research Council (website), which his father founded, and today is dispatched across the country for speaking engagements before evangelical youth groups, which his father promotes.

While at the NRB, Ryan explained the logic behind his latest book, 2Die4, a sequel to his other ghostwritten masterpiece, Be Intolerant: Because Some Things Are Just Stupid. "Kids today are looking for something to die for, they're looking for a cause," Ryan said. "If you give them something to die for, they'll go to the edge of the earth for you. Kids like that give me hope for revolution in America."

They needn't worry. These folks will always plenty of causes for young Christian soldiers to die for.

See, for instance, the young Christian soldiers currently marching off to war in Iraq. Hey, it sure is going swell there since the election, isn't it?

Friday, February 25, 2005

The fascination with fascism

I suppose that, after winning a couple of way-cool Koufaxes for two different essays involving fascism, it'd be fair for people to ask if I have kind of a, you know, thing about the subject.

Well: yeah, I do. Pretty obviously. After all, besides the two essays, my first book (In God's Country) was explicitly about the proto-fascist element in America; and both Death on the Fourth of July and Strawberry Days are varying explorations of the fascist impulse in America.

Though I've often been accused of being "obsessed" with the subject, there's also a perfectly rational reason for my interest: Beginning in the late 1970s, as a fourth-generation Idahoan working in the northern Panhandle, I was confronted with the presence of genuine American fascists in my own back yard. And dealing with them in real life is a lot different than what it's like in the movies. Eventually, you also have to confront their humanity.

In the movies, white supremacists are pretty easily identifiable. They have shaven heads, wear lots of leather and tatoos, and preferably have a few chains hanging from various clothing and body parts. They are barely able to speak, other than flinging hateful verbal turds at everyone in their general vicinity. They have a crazed, skittering gleam in the one eye that doesn't wander. In other words, they are demons.

In real life, they are humans. There are a few skinheads who dress and act like the stereotype, but only a few. Most white supremacists dress like normal people. They hold normal jobs. They live in normal neighborhoods, and have seemingly normal kids. The only way you'll ever know they're not normal is if you get close enough to them that they open up, or they somehow otherwise let slip the nature of their beliefs.

Harmon Leon at SF Weekly recently discovered this, in an amusingly on-target piece in which he went undercover and posed as a potential recruit for a white-power outfit:
"Right this way," she answers with a perky smile, not taking my meaning and leading me past dining, joyful families right to the table of three white supremacists -- and a baby. I'm actually taken aback. They look normal: a guy with short hair and a button-down shirt; his wife, who wears glasses and looks like a soccer mom; their baby; and a dumpy blond college girl. The white supremacists are already eating their appetizers; they have frowns on their faces.

"Glad to see that you made it," says unsmiling Kevin, a guy who works as a computer software technician. The normality isn't just dumbfounding; it's disturbing. Maybe the joke's on me. Maybe they're not as extreme as I imagined!

I find myself apologizing to the haters.

"There's nothing I hate more than traffic," I present as an excuse. "Except, of course, the Jews." Surprisingly (or not surprisingly), they agree.

There's initial nervousness all around; they try to feel me out, yet, at the same time, they also try to impress me with the merits of their hate group. I, meanwhile, ponder whether my fork will work as a weapon in a situation of self-defense.

"Can we get a menu?" the white supremacist soccer mom asks the bubbly waiter.

... Now I see it. This is what happens to skinheads when they grow up, have kids, and move to the suburbs. They become fatherly, respectable, racist white supremacists, the kind you'd wave to at the company picnic.

"What were you expecting?' asks Kevin about my preconception of the evening.

I ponder for a moment. I was looking for depth, and this is all I got, and this is very simple: Hate groups hate. That's exactly what they do, in a cultlike way, expanding their ranks by preying on the lonely and isolated. There's no great intellectual explanation for it.

"This was different, a lot different than I was expecting," I say.

Fascism does not come with brownshirts, stormtroopers and grandiloquent displays of power. Those are what happens when it's too late.

It comes with a job and a home in the suburbs. It disguises itself in a surface reasonableness that's easily scratched to find the festering hatred and fear boiling beneath. I was struck, in fact, by how much the white supremacists I met and interviewed and dealt with were like people I grew up around: proud, hard-working, but not very succesful; a little ignorant, a little gullible, but sincere in believing they were doing the right thing. Primed, in other words, for an appeal based in the politics of resentment.

Faced with this reality, it became a point of interest to me to understand fascism itself and its underlying psychology. It is not a typical "ism" in that its ideology is indistinct at best; it is, as I've often discussed, better understood as a cultural and political pathology, which like psychological pathologies comprises not a single core principle but a constellation of traits, beliefs, and behaviors. Fascism happens first on a personal level. Followers are not "brainwashed" -- they join avidly, of their own accord.

Fascists have always been with us in America, at least since the days of the old Klan. But they have only briefly ever threatened to take political control of the nation. Mostly they have been relegated to the fringes. The danger comes when conditions create enough people susceptible to their appeal. Those conditions are in turn created by the behavior of both political leaders and the mass media in promulgating in the mainstream ideas, motifs, and symbols that originated with fascist extremists.

Seeing the "normal" face of fascism, and studying its historical antecedents, made me realize how easily it can insinuate itself in a democratic society, especially one facing a crisis. This was driven home for me, incidentally, by a visit to the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, which was as emotional an experience as I've ever had at a museum. A portion of the displays emphasized the roles of ordinary people, everyday Germans, in making mass genocide possible. Comparing these Germans to my everyday Idaho fascists, I realized how few steps are involved, in fact, in making these little monsters, in shifting from resentful conservatism to eliminationist fascism.

This is largely a product of the everyday nature of so many of the traits that form stars in the constellation of fascist pathology -- that, and the fact that fascism always clothes itself in the colors and iconography of the "true" national identity it claims to genuinely represent. Fascism always looks normal on the surface, even though its essentially totalitarian stench can never be disguised.

I've been arguing that as the conservative movement morphed into a discrete force consumed with the acquisition of power by any means necessary, it has, almost by virtue of the very forces into which it has begun tapping, taken on increasingly fascist traits. The result has been a movement that replicates the appearance of fascism but lacks its black core of violence -- a simulacrum, if you will, of fascism.

It seems that I haven't been alone in recognizing the acquisition of these traits. In recent weeks, a number of traditional conservatives and libertarians have been chiming in from different quarters, observing some of the same similarities.

The problem is that some of them are wrong, at least in the conclusions they draw. In some cases, their bad analysis only creates a gross misunderstanding of the dynamic currently in play. And some of them, frankly, are not in the best positions to be accusing others of cozying up to fascists.

Interestingly enough, the charges seem primarily to be coming from the self-described "paleo-conservatives" -- a faction of the conservative movement constituted both of genuinely traditional conservatives and some of its more ideologically extreme characters.

The first salvo, from Paul Craig Roberts, was reasonable enough, picking primarily on how far from genuine conservatism the Bush administration has wandered, particularly on its adventurist foreign policy and its profligate deficit spending, and noting that Bush's army of defenders had developed a decidedly vicious nature:
There is nothing conservative about these positions. To label them conservative is to make the same error as labeling the 1930s German Brownshirts conservative.

American liberals called the Brownshirts "conservative," because the Brownshirts were obviously not liberal. They were ignorant, violent, delusional, and they worshipped a man of no known distinction. Brownshirts’ delusions were protected by an emotional force field. Adulation of power and force prevented Brownshirts from recognizing implications for their country of their reckless doctrines.

Like Brownshirts, the new conservatives take personally any criticism of their leader and his policies. To be a critic is to be an enemy. I went overnight from being an object of conservative adulation to one of derision when I wrote that the US invasion of Iraq was a "strategic blunder."

Roberts, it's worth noting, does not conclude that Bush or the neoconservatives are fascist; a careful reading reveals that he only observes the familial likenesses inherent in the landscape -- that is, among the rank and file, the ordinary "movement conservatives" whose adulation is being stoked by those at the top.

Instead, that conclusion was voiced by Lew Rockwell in his piece, "The Reality of Red-State Fascism," which offers the following take:
I'm actually not surprised at this. It has been building for some time. If you follow hate-filled sites such as Free Republic, you know that the populist right in this country has been advocating nuclear holocaust and mass bloodshed for more than a year now. The militarism and nationalism dwarfs anything I saw at any point during the Cold War. It celebrates the shedding of blood, and exhibits a maniacal love of the state. The new ideology of the red-state bourgeoisie seems to actually believe that the US is God marching on earth – not just godlike, but really serving as a proxy for God himself.

... In short, what we have alive in the US is an updated and Americanized fascism. Why fascist? Because it is not leftist in the sense of egalitarian or redistributionist. It has no real beef with business. It doesn't sympathize with the downtrodden, labor, or the poor. It is for all the core institutions of bourgeois life in America: family, faith, and flag. But it sees the state as the central organizing principle of society, views public institutions as the most essential means by which all these institutions are protected and advanced, and adores the head of state as a godlike figure who knows better than anyone else what the country and world's needs, and has a special connection to the Creator that permits him to discern the best means to bring it about.

The American right today has managed to be solidly anti-leftist while adopting an ideology – even without knowing it or being entirely conscious of the change – that is also frighteningly anti-liberty. This reality turns out to be very difficult for libertarians to understand or accept. For a long time, we've tended to see the primary threat to liberty as coming from the left, from the socialists who sought to control the economy from the center. But we must also remember that the sweep of history shows that there are two main dangers to liberty, one that comes from the left and the other that comes from the right. Europe and Latin America have long faced the latter threat, but its reality is only now hitting us fully.

Rockwell's argument is compelling, if for no other reason than that he limns the aspects of the modern conservative movement that most strikingly resemble classic fascism. However, he fails to take into account the differences between classic fascists and today's conservatives, and for the time being they are substantial enough to at least seriously undermine the argument. There are, as I explained in "The Rise of Pseudo Fascism," many such differences, but the most obvious of these is the lack of the dark heart of fascism: an overt aesthetic of violence, as well as the widespread use of violence and intimidation as a political tactic.

Following shortly in Rockwell's footsteps was "libertarian" Justin Raimondo of, who weighed in with a piece titled, "Today's Conservatives are Fascists," which carries Rockwell's identification of the neoconservatives particularly as "fascist" even further, though Raimondo seems to have only a tenuous grasp of the concept, other than that it's a kind of catch-all term for totalitarianism. See, for instance, this passage:
Casting aside all that Frankfurt School Marxist nonsense about fascism as the "enraged bourgeoisie," and rejecting the terminological prissiness of those who insist on fascism as a very specific mode of economic organization, I would build on the definition of Communism proffered by the late Susan Sontag, who famously called the Soviet system "fascism with a human face."

Surely "fascism with a 'democratic' face" sums up the Bushian "global democratic revolution" just as accurately and succinctly ...

Raimondo seems to be defining fascism according to another definition that hinges on an unclear conception of the term itself; it becomes, in essence, a vague circular definition that gets commingled with Soviet Stalinism. Not exactly coherent logic.

But then, this doesn't surprise me. Raimondo has a history of incoherence and, more importantly, a taste for conspiracism. Back when Bill Clinton was president, Raimondo established a track record of promoting apocalyptic pre-Y2K New World Order conspiracy theories that were very similar in nature to what we were seeing promoted by far-right militiamen and Freemen, as well as white supremacists.

Then, when he and his allies were called out on this, Raimondo responded by attacking anti-fascist organizations, something he continues to do today.

In reality, many members of the so-called "paleo-conservative" faction that is now eager to label neoconservatives "fascists" were themselves closely aligned, both ideologically and financially, with the most active strain of genuine proto-fascism active in America today. Many of these same critics were eager, in the 1990s, to attack efforts to rein in the anti-government extremism that ran rampant in the "Patriot"/militia movement, and were quick defend extremists like the Montana Freemen. Even Rockwell, in his essay, noted this:
The 1994 revolution failed of course, in part because the anti-government opposition was intimidated into silence by the Oklahoma City bombing of April 1995. The establishment somehow managed to pin the violent act of an ex-military man on the right-wing libertarianism of the American bourgeoisie. It was said by every important public official at that time that to be anti-government was to give aid and support to militias, secessionists, and other domestic terrorists. It was a classic intimidation campaign but, combined with a GOP leadership that never had any intention to change DC, it worked to shut down the opposition.

This is, of course, pure balderdash. No one was accused of being an extremist supporter of militias merely for being anti-government; hell, half of today's conservative pundit class comprises people who made careers by being "anti-government" in the 1990s (calling Rush Limbaugh). The only serious accusations of such support were accompanied by actual evidence.

People like Rockwell and Raimondo were criticized, justifiably, for trading in far-right "New World Order" and various anti-Clinton conspiracy theories. Perhaps they're sore -- again, justifiably -- for being singled out, since by the time the impeachment drama had played out, a whole cable division of allegedly mainstream conservative pundits had repeated the same theories for national consumption, with scarcely an eyebrow raised. Still, it's hard to have much sympathy for people who supported the work of "thinkers" like the late Sam Francis, the late neo-Confederate who had a habit of writing for white-supremacist organs like the Occidental Review. It's similarly hard to take seriously their cries of "fascist."

The same is true of another key "paleo-con" figure, Patrick Buchanan. His dalliances with extremists have ranged from his work in the 1980s as a former Nixon operative helping a Nazi-riddled "special interest" group attack the efforts of the Office of Special Intelligence to bring old Nazis to justice to his long association with Larry Pratt, one of the first advocates of the militia movement.

Still, the most sensible iteration of the paleo-conservative concern about the seemingly fascist proclivities of the conservative movement came in a Scott McConnell piece in Buchanan's American Conservative magazine titled "Hunger for Dictatorship", which touches on many of the same points I've discussed here:
But Rockwell (and Roberts and Raimondo) is correct in drawing attention to a mood among some conservatives that is at least latently fascist. Rockwell describes a populist Right website that originally rallied for the impeachment of Bill Clinton as "hate-filled ... advocating nuclear holocaust and mass bloodshed for more than a year now." One of the biggest right-wing talk-radio hosts regularly calls for the mass destruction of Arab cities. Letters that come to this magazine from the pro-war Right leave no doubt that their writers would welcome the jailing of dissidents. And of course it's not just us. When USA Today founder Al Neuharth wrote a column suggesting that American troops be brought home sooner rather than later, he was blown away by letters comparing him to Tokyo Rose and demanding that he be tried as a traitor. That mood, Rockwell notes, dwarfs anything that existed during the Cold War. "It celebrates the shedding of blood, and exhibits a maniacal love of the state. The new ideology of the red-state bourgeoisie seems to actually believe that the US is God marching on earth—not just godlike, but really serving as a proxy for God himself."

McConnell goes on to draw extensively from remarks by the famed scholar Fritz Stern (whose remarks I've likewise noted carefully). But he draws, I think, some important lines, and realizes some important distinctions:
Secondly, it is necessary to distinguish between a sudden proliferation of fascist tendencies and an imminent danger. There may be, among some neocons and some more populist right-wingers, unmistakable antidemocratic tendencies. But America hasn’t yet experienced organized street violence against dissenters or a state that is willing—in an unambiguous fashion—to jail its critics. The administration certainly has its far Right ideologues—the Washington Post’s recent profile of Alberto Gonzales, whose memos are literally written for him by Cheney aide David Addington, provides striking evidence. But the Bush administration still seems more embarrassed than proud of its most authoritarian aspects. Gonzales takes some pains to present himself as an opponent of torture; hypocrisy in this realm is perhaps preferable to open contempt for international law and the Bill of Rights.

McConnell identifies exactly what is wrong with the arguments of Rockwell and Raimondo that Bush and the neoconservatives are themselves fascists. They mistake a proliferation of traits for an actual manifestation, without taking into account the key differences.

What all of them miss, importantly, is the role of movement leaders -- particularly Bush, Cheney, Karl Rove, and the neocons -- in encouraging these proto-fascist traits. There is no evidence that they're doing so because they themselves are actually proto-fascists; rather, I think it remains clear that these people are pro-corporate crony capitalists, and the evidence strongly suggests that they're indulging this style of politics for the sake of shoring up their numbers and securing their political base. The strongest evidence for this is the ongoing minuet the Bush administration dances with the neo-Confederate faction that now rules the South.

In other words, "movement conservatives" are being molded into a mindset that increasingly resembles classic fascism, but it's being done by leaders who mostly find this mindset convenient and readily manipulable. Unfortunately, the history of fascism is such that the arrogant corporatist belief that they contain these forces is not well grounded.

What's important to understand is the real dynamic: A growing populist "movement" is being encouraged increasingly to adopt attitudes that, taken together, become increasingly fascist. Greater numbers of individuals are being conditioned to think alike, and more importantly, to accept an increasingly vicious response to dissent. This does not mean that genuine fascism has arrived as a real political force in America; but it does mean the groundwork is being created for just such a nightmare, by irresponsible politicians tapping into terrible forces beyond their ability to control.

If even "paleo-conservatives" can see this, there's hope of stopping it. But I think we need to begin with a clear understanding of who, what, and why the fascists are.

The latent fascists who are the biggest problem right now are not Republican leaders. It is their oxyconned, Foxcized, Freeped-out, fanatic army of followers, comprising ordinary people, who pose the long-term problem. Drawing them back from the abyss is the real challenge that confronts us.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Minutemen indeed

Looks like those mighty militiamen planning to organize a group of "Minutemen" to patrol the U.S. border with Mexico may turn out to be a classic right-wing case of all hate, no cattle.

According to a report by Michael Marizco at the Arizona Daily Star, the actual level of threat they pose, in terms of actually attracting the promised 550-man force, is not exactly dire:
Organizers of the Minuteman Project say the scenario will become reality on April 1.

But those organizers have made similar statements in the past, generating a steady barrage of newspaper and television stories. Meanwhile, law enforcement officials and other experts say they have failed to produce substantive results.

And some wonder if anything will be different this time, especially since the organizers have failed to provide any proof of the involvement of 550 people they say have volunteered already.

"Obviously, this is driven by a desire for publicity as opposed to a desire for results," Gov. Janet Napolitano said when asked about the project at a press conference recently.

The last "call to arms" issued by one of the Minuteman Project founders resulted in a handful of volunteers and unproven contentions that they had detained more than 4,000 illegal entrants. The irony is that the same media that have reported the membership numbers without verification could fuel the hype and incite a mob to head to the border this time around, officials say.

Whether anybody other than newspaper and television crews will show up this time is dubious, some say, given the organizers' history.


-- In November 2002, Minuteman Project founder Chris Simcox said dozens of people would come out for his much-debated Civil Homeland Defense, the Tombstone-based group that was supposed to patrol the border, gather up illegal entrants, turn them over to the U.S. Border Patrol and show up the federal government for not doing its job.

The group has seized about 150 illegal entrants, a far cry from the 4,000 Simcox contends have been apprehended since he started two years ago, according to Miguel Escobar, Mexican consul in Douglas. The consulate responds to every citizen's encounter.

By contrast, Escobar has tracked at least 65 incidents in which citizens stopped entrants since 1999, when groups and individuals such as Cochise rancher Roger Barnett, American Border Patrol and Ranch Rescue began apprehensions in Cochise County.

-- The Border Patrol has had three to five instances in which citizens were standing with a captured group of illegal entrants in the past year, said Tucson Sector spokesman Andy Adame. By contrast, the agency receives 300 to 500 anonymous calls from other civilians each month, he said. The agency has adopted a "wait and see" attitude toward the Minuteman Project.

-- A handful of people showed up at the first organizational meeting of the Civil Homeland Defense on Dec. 7, 2002. Fifty were expected.

-- On Jan. 1, 2003, two volunteers showed up for the first training session. Four reporters were there to greet them.

Now, those of us tracking these border extremists have been aware of Simcox's "Minutemen Project" for awhile now. Back in late October 2004, the following was posted at Free Republic (at this link, since taken down), essentially advertising the project:
Dear Americans,
The MinuteMan Project currently has 19 volunteers from the following 10 states:

Arizona 4; California 4; Colorado 1; Florida 1; Massachusetts 2; Oklahoma 1; Oregon 2; Texas 2; Virginia 1; Wyoming 1

If YOU, or someone you know, would like to be a participant in The Minuteman Project, please read the recruiting poster below and respond accordingly. * * * * * *

To Citizens of the Republic of the United States of America:

Anyone interested in spending up to 30 days manning the Arizona border as a blocking force against entry into the U.S. by illegal aliens early next spring?

I invite you to join me in Tombstone, Arizona in early spring of 2005 to protect our country from a 40-year-long invasion across our southern border with Mexico.

Chris Simcox of Civil Homeland Defense, and the publisher of the Tombstone Tumbleweed newspaper in Tombstone, Arizona has been protecting our borders for five years with only a handful of patriotic volunteers. It is time we provided him with reinforcements.

I am recruiting volunteers to converge on the southern border of Arizona for the purpose of aiding the U.S. Border Patrol in "spotting" intruders entering the U.S. illegally.

This is strictly a volunteer project. No financial subsidies are available. And, you will probably need a tent, sleeping bag etc. You will be responsible for all costs associated with your participation.

Currently, about 5,000 illegal aliens enter the US/Arizona border DAILY. Another 5.000 invade the U.S. from the Texas, California and New Mexico borders...DAILY. That's 10,000 per day - 300,000 per month. Over 3,000,000 (three million) per year!

Our objective will be to spot these intruders by eyesight, or with the aid of binoculars - telescopes, and inform the U.S. Border Patrol of the location of the trespassers so that border patrol agents can intercept and detain them. Generally, we will not be confronting the illegal aliens. The tentative area of observation will be a 10-mile stretch of forested highlands, and lowlands along the San Pedro River.

I hope to bring serious media attention to this event, which will tune the American people into the shameful fact that 21st century minutemen/women have to secure US borders because the US government REFUSES to do so.

I estimate the cost per person (for 30 days) could be as high as $3,500, depending on your travel, meal and lodging arrangements. I will be visiting the Tombstone area in mid December or early January to meet with Chris Simcox regarding the availability of facilities for those who do not want to use tents or travel trailers. I intend to stay the entire 30 days of this mission, however, that length of time is not a requirement to volunteer.

I will try to negotiate substantially discounted rates for lodging, especially if we are bringing 200 - 300, or more "vacationing guests" into Tombstone all at once.

The Tombstone area parks also offer some interesting hunting, hiking, mountain climbing and fishing opportunities for avid outdoorsmen/women.

I will be acting as an interim coordinator of The MinuteMan Project. My immediate purpose is to recruit as many volunteers as possible.

If YOU are interested in participating in this unprecedented event, please contact me via email at:

Please provide me with a brief history of yourself, for example, your vocation, any military background, outdoors (outback) experience, etc. There are no written prerequisites for joining this mission, however, I would appreciate knowing something about the experiences of those responding to this invitation.

Please INCLUDE the following information in your email response:

1. Name

2. Address

3. Telephone number and best time to call

4. Brief statement why you want to participate in this project

5. Brief history of any experiences related to the mission of The MinuteMan Project.

6. Amount of time (1 - 30 days) you desire to participate.

7. Any physical ailments or disabilities that might limit the "type" of participation, i.e., limited to deskwork only, confined to a wheel chair, etc.

The MinuteMan Project is in its embryo stage, therefore, information about all aspects of the project is not yet readily available. More information will follow as this plan comes together.


Cheers, An American Without A Country

James W. Gilchrist, BAJ, BSBA, MBA (Taxation), CPA (Ca.) - retired Aliso Viejo, California.

Educate the Public. Please add to your emails:

"Government must defend us against INVASION by others" -U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing." -Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

"It is a sad day in America when the law-makers side with the law-breakers against the law-abiding citizens." -Ezola Foster

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a brave and scarce man, hated and scorned. When the cause succeeds, however, the timid join him...for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." -Mark Twain

"While we slept, the United States was stolen." - author unknown

This is starting to sound more and more like the great militia summit that was planned for central Montana (near Lewistown, to be exact) around the time of the Freemen standoff, which was advertised as a chance for all the region's Patriots to come together to talk strategy in the event of "another Ruby Ridge" in Jordan.

Eight militiamen showed. They were outnumbered by the 15 reporters at the summit.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Koufaxed again

I'm proud and honored to announce that I've won this year's 2004 Koufax Award for Best Series, the second year running that Orcinus has won in that category. It's for the series, "The Rise of Pseudo Fascism," which ran between mid-September and mid-November of this year. (A full set of links is available in the upper left corner of the blog.)

I'm a little lucky, since the balloting actually finished in a tie this year, with Bill in Portland, Maine, for his marvelous "Cheers and Jeers" series, which you ought to go read. And I have to admit to being astonished that we finished ahead of Eric Muller and Greg Robinson's series responding to Michelle Malkin.

Congratulations to all the winners, and for that matter all the finalists.

And while you're there, be sure to drop by and plug a few nickels into their donation jar. Wampum recently ran into server trouble because of all the Koufax traffic; it'd be nice to put them far enough over the hump that it doesn't happen again.

I'm in the final editing stages of a nice PDF version of "The Rise of Pseudo Fascism," which will include a new introduction. I'll be making it available in a couple of days as part of a fund-raising drive I'm planning.

Monday, February 21, 2005

The voice of extremism

No sooner do we mention Glenn Spencer than he pops up, unsurprisingly, in an ABC News report on the formation of a 500-person volunteer army of "Minutemen" who are pledged to patrolling the border with Mexico:
Civilian patrols are nothing new along the southern border, where crossing the international line is sometimes as easy as stepping over a few rusty strands of barbed wire. But they usually are limited to small, informal groups, leaving organizers to believe the Minuteman Project is the largest of its kind on the southern border.

It may also prove to be a magnet for what Glenn Spencer, president of the private American Border Patrol, described as camouflage-wearing, weapons-toting hard-liners who might get a little carried away with their assignments.

"How are they going to keep the nutcases out of there? They can't control that," said Spencer, whose 40-volunteer group, based in Hereford, Ariz., has used unmanned aerial vehicles and other high-tech equipment to track and report the number of border crossings for more than two years.

"There's a storm gathering here on the border, and there are conditions ripe for some difficulty," he said.

What's strange about this account is that it almost paints Spencer as the voice of reason in all this. In fact, he's been responsible for stirring this particular pot for some time now. Sounds like he must not be getting a piece of the action.

Though you certainly could say that his concern about attracting kooks is based in experience.


It doesn't take long for that right-wing transmission belt to kick in. Hardly had we noted a fresh iteration of the old "immigrants are vermin" themes common to nativist agitation of the past -- the promotion of the notion that immigrants are disease carriers by the Washington Times and its attendant right-wing ideologues, notably Michelle Malkin -- than we get a fresh example of how the meme is spread on the ground.

In Colorado, health officials are being swamped with inquiries regarding spreading a rumor that immigrants were bringing the Ebola virus -- you know, the source of an often-fatal hemmorrhagic fever -- across the border:
Coroner Mark Young has been swamped by calls stemming from a report on an anti- immigrant Web site that posted erroneous information about a man's death at Montrose Memorial Hospital.

The Web site, citing a "reliable source," posted an item Wednesday that said a Mexican man had died at the hospital and suggested Ebola virus was to blame.

However, it wasn't Ebola at all. It was a strep bacteria that is "not contagious and extremely rare."

Who was behind this false and extraordinarily irresponsible rumor?
[Young] said he was further disturbed that the Web site, which Young called "anti-Mexican, didn't even check before putting it out. The Mexican consulate is upset, so are a lot of people, and it just isn't true," Young said. "All they had to do was call and ask."

He noted his office had faxed results of the autopsy to area news media on Feb. 10.

The sponsors of the Web site made no effort to determine if the "reliable source" was accurate, according to a man who answered the Web site's telephone Thursday and identified himself as Glenn Spencer of Sierra Vista, Ariz.

"We put up rumors from people we believe to be reliable," Spencer said. "That's why we call them rumors."

You can see the item here -- including a later correction that neglects to note that the disease was non-contagious.

Spencer is a bona fide right-wing extremist, one of the leaders involved in organizing "border militias," as well as a variety of other nakeedly bigoted anti-immigrant agitation. Spencer's organization has been designated a "hate group" by the SPLC.

Spencer is also one of the people who originated the meme that MEChA is a "racist" organization -- a notion later endorsed by the likes of Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds, and Powerline. None of these folks list American Patrol on their blogrolls, but they do link approvingly to Spencer's allies at VDare, including Steve Sailer. But then, that's how the transmission belt works.

Or maybe comparing it to a disease vector would be more appropriate.