Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Artsy stuff

So, Sunday after church I went to a live ATC trade at Phoenix Art Supply. Pretty cool store. At the trade they had some of their items set up so we could test them. Had a ball, made some cool marbled ATC backgrounds and some other stuff. They also had quite a selection of handmade papers which were moderately priced. I think I will be going next month to trade.

Here are some of my recent creations, some for Valentines (live trade) others for my ATC's For All group trades.

Monday, February 8, 2010


It's been a few days...

Today, I made these little inchies for a trade. They are going out in the mail tomorrow.

Not much else going on except my Mom's best friend (her doggie Mattie) is very ill. Not much to be done about it and my Mom is very sad.


That's it for now. I can't think of anything else to write about..

Friday, January 29, 2010


Okay so I have been working on ATC's but also tried my hand at inchies... As the name implies, they are tiny 1 x 1 inch works of art. I tend to do collage since my drawing abilities are rudimentary at best - stick figures are my forte.... Anyway, I thought, I have always had an interest in miniatures, I'll give this a try.

So, I joined a swap and here are my first 6 inchies... Let me know what you think :o)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rainy Day Blues

Well, a big clap of thunder and the rain pours down....

Started my list of potential clients yesterday and hope to find more soon (once it stops raining!).

Didn't work alot on the ATC's yesterday but made one last night for a one-on-one trade. His name is CowBOY. I will also post the mermaid that I made for another 1/1 trade, but she's already swimming her way to her new owner...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Okay, so I DID make a commitment to blog as often as I can. My Hubby has had 3 days off in a row so I've been spending time with him as lately he's been working for days on end.

So, now he's back to work today and I have time again for things I put off...

Over the weekend we acquired a really old Mah Jongg game, including instructions, at our Church Freecycle event. The instructions are pretty funny, written in botched English, so Tracy had to go online and get instructions that we could actually read.. HE HE..

We attended a Prosperity seminar last night, the innagural meeting of the Phoenix 2% club. Not sure what the 2% means, but I guess I will find out. Anyway, the seminar/meeting was based on a best selling book called the Millionaire Mind. Interesting stuff and the group itself is composed of a lot of business people so I have a good resource for networking my new business.

Today, I am hoping to work on my list of client contacts. I need to get my b*tt in gear and get this business rolling. It's quite daunting for me because I'm not sure I can handle it, all the paperwork and legal stuff on top of actually doing the thing, and all that is keeping me from even starting!!!!

So, trying to work through that fear and step off the cliff in faith that all will be well.

I will also be working on more ATC's today. Have a couple one on one trades and more group ones so that will be my fun time.

Gonna go for now. Thanks for reading.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wow 2 Posts in ONE DAY??

HE HE.. Just wanted to try and see if I can put up pic's of my latest ATC's, so let's see if I can...
These are for the "Gorgeous Geisha" swap.


OK.. Everyone tells me I should BLOG.. What IS that???
Anyway, here I am.

I'm sure whatever I type will be of HUGE interest to everyone, maybe I'll post my cure for cancer/the common cold/acne/abuse of governmental power, or maybe not....

You will have to keep up with me to see ;o)

Currently I am in the process of starting my own business in Home Staging. No takers yet and I'm a bit dissappointed, but I have just started and need to get my name out there so, here is the site

Now on to more fun-related things.

I am a Jill-of-all-trades and master of ... well, some of them, I hope.
I am a certified Small Animal Massage Practitioner, a certified Home Stager and Re-Designer and, well, just plain certifiable.

My interests are:

My Handsome Hubby
Making Jewelry
Paper Arts - scrapbooking, altered art, ATC's, card-making and all kinds of paper-related crafts
Dogs - I have 6
Cats - I have 2
Ratties - I have 2
Religious studies
Anything mystical or magical
UK in general
Ohhhhh, so much more, but my fingers are tired now.

I will be posting my current projects, both professional and crafty, here on my very own blog. YAY.

Thanks for visiting.