First let me say what I am about to tell you is the truth...the honest to God truth...
so, here I am in the backyard...weeding the flower garden under the delightful shade of an oak tree on a very hot and humid morning...lost in thought...thinking about how much I missed Winslow Homer and how I sure could use his help keeping the local critters at bay...
then, I was completely caught off guard.. I heard this noise...a noise that I recognized but one that I had not heard for quite some time...not here at Dog Trot Farm anyway...I slowly rose from my knees... looked around half expecting to see the rooster who had just let out a "cock-a-doodle-do"...I saw nothing but the bewildered look on my hens faces...I stood there for a moment...questioning myself..had the humidity gotten to me or did I really hear what I think I heard... I saw no rooster... I walked over to the coop and upon inspection
this five year old blue egg laying beauty... Pearly Mae...suddenly let out a deep, low, loud and clear "cock-a-doodle-do"..I was dumbfounded...stunned actually... had I not seen her in action with my own eyes I never would have believed wonderful knowledgeable chicken keepers...please tell me have you ever experienced anything like my gal trans gender? I just don't know what to make of this...I would love to hear your input...I fear I made need a chicken