Tuesday 30 March 2010

Reality check

I tried to come up with so many excuses why I didn't blog for so long.Busy!Oh well.Malaysia has been really hot.no kidding.Im sweating like a pig and of course the air conditioner is on for 24/7.Life pretty much the same.Contented.Reality has hit me today.I just realised I am back in Malaysia for 4 weeks=)

I love lingering around dad and mum often,watching tv together and of course hanging out -3 of us.Anyways,I managed to *bodek* daddy to buy me new d3000 after trembling his pocket to buy me LV.Recently my cam had problem with shutter.So I took the opportunity to ask him for a new cam.Haha.Mum is going for outstation this friday, so I'll be at home with daddy only.Great,just great.In another words I have to prepare food for him.*flip hair*

Relationship?Everyone has been asking me.Well,lets keep it simple,truth that hurts.I am glad I still have strength inside me to deal with everything.Regardless what happen,life must go on isn't it?Trust me,been betrayed is sucks big time.
