yesterday Miss Ethel did not get any action...i am quite sure there are a few of us that feel like that these days...("what's that you say?"...) good question dear readers...i shall tell you why Miss Ethel lay idle, after all i have three minutes and twenty seconds left before my tea break is officially over. of course saying that i have never managed to post on my little blog in three minutes and twenty seconds, so it looks like i will be eating into my 'lunch break' minutes and let's be honest here, my afternoon tea break minutes as well...but i think it worth it just to spend a little 'quality' time with you.
and so the story i must tell goes back beyond yesterday (for anyone confused who's on what day, we are talking 'thursday' for 'yesterday').
yes dear readers, we must turn the clock way back to 'tuesday'...(i understand if this causes distress for some, trying to remember a full two, ney possibly three days prior is a tough one).
tuesday evening saw me and our #4 standing in the pet store peering into a tank of around 30 'mieces'...all looking happy and contented totally unaware that they were destined for a tragic end with a hungry snake...
we had the chance to mess with fate and change the life of one little mousey...but how to choose which one to save...
after a lot of 'umming' and 'ahhing', 'Noodle' came home with us...this is the time to shout out loud "are you insane much did it cost to send Samuel Whiskers and his posse on their way?" and "haven't you noticed the three cats living in mossy shed?" and yes, you are quite right as usual.
but having loved and lost
a little mouse a wee while ago (who is still in the freezer awaiting a decent burial) it seemed to be the right time to make friends with a new mouse...
wednesday morning (some god awful early hour) found 'Noodle' settling in and our #4 mentioning how lonely 'Noodle' looked.
"he's just fine, nothing greater than one boy and one mouse...haven't you heard 'two's company, three's a crowd'..." i quipped
wednesday evening (after some god awful dinner) found 'Noodle' looking like he had landed the jackpot and our #4 once again mentioning how lonely 'Noodle' looked.
"why don't we just get 'Snoopy' out of the deep freeze and practise some taxidermy...then place him in with 'Noodle' as a companion?" (let's just say the 'horrors' of cooking dinner can sometimes lead me to say 'unforgivable' things)
and me cutting in with "don't even go there"...
and the rest of Thursday found me sitting in a traffic jam due to every road in the near and far vicinity requiring 'digging up' but do not worry, i had company in the shape of a little box on my lap containing 'Doodle'...
"oh" said the young girl at the pet store "it's so nice to see a mouse being bought as a pet and not food, that's our second this week"...
"aah, yes" said i "that would be me...saving one mouse at a time"...
of course 'the day away from my machine' was all worth it when our #4 came home from school to find 'Noodle' was no longer 'lonely'...
whilst 'Noodle' and 'Doodle' settle into their new life at the shed, (and the kitties are driven nuts by the waft of 'mousey' in the air) i am off to take a spin on Miss Ethel...
she's wishing you a weekend of 'happy events' and 'good things' ~ Tif