This is pretty deep for a blog entry, but this blog serves as a journal for my family and this is something I want my family to know.
I had a chance to go to Time Out For Women this weekend! What a great opportunity to be spiritually fed and to have my bucket filled. I left with the desire to be a better wife, mother, friend, sister and daughter of God.
The theme this year was Sweet Assurance, The certainty that comes when you know life's truths. What a beautiful thought. They gave each of us a card and asked us to write down some of the truths that we knew. Things that we would want our family to know, to remember. I thought about that all through out the day on Saturday and this is what I know:
I know that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father and He loves me. He has given me proof in so many way's. He has given us the gift of repentance and the atonement. That alone is proof enough that He loves us all.
I know that I love my husband passionately and I know that we can be eternal companions. I know that our family is eternal. That our beautiful, sweet children will be with us forever, if they choose to follow the path that Heavenly Father has given to us.
I know that being a mom is hard. It's the hardest thing I've ever done, but it is also the best thing that I have ever done. I know that I love my children fiercely, so I can only imagine how Heavenly Father loves all of us. I know that being a mother was a calling I accepted in the premortal life and I know that it is the most important thing that I could do with my life.
I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God. I have no doubt of that in my mind. I know that as surely as I know how to breathe. I know that the Book of Mormon came from God and that it was written and preserved to help those of us who live in these last day's. I know that answere can be found by reading from it's pages.
I know that good friends are hard to find. And I know that when you find a friend, you should keep them forever. Thanks girls for hanging out and spending the day being uplifted with me! I am so blessed to have so many wonderful women in my life to love me and to inspire me!