Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Preschool Farm Trip

 Today we had the chance to take our preschoolers to the Hafen Farm.  It was soo much fun!  The kids loved every smelly second of it!
 Awwww, I love this shot of their bums! They were checking out the chickens!
 Piper, Addison and Makayla.  You can see just a bit of Tucker too!
 I felt so bad because Piper only got to stay for about 1/3rd of it.  She had to go to dance class.  But she had fun while she was there.
 See the cute boy in this picture.  It's Cohen.  It's Pipers newest love interest.
 Here are Teacher Shelley and I with most of our kiddo's.  There are a few missing.
This guy was my friend.  He tried to nuzzle me throught the fence.  True Story!

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