Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Perfectionist Child

Oh my sweet JD.  It's hard to believe he's 9.  Where did the time go?  He's such a good kid.  A mom couldn't ask for a better kid.  He's super helpful, sweet, kind and just an all around good kid.  He's a huge help to me and I love him to pieces.

He is so serious.  About everything!  He's a bit of a perfectionist, which he may have inherited from his mom. I went to his SEP's tonight and I love his teacher.  He's got JD pegged and I'm hoping he can help him.  JD needs to loosen up a bit.  He is a black/white kid.  There is no gray area for him.  It's either right or it's wrong.  He gets really frustrated with others who don't always follow the rules.  He is super hard on himself and expects perfection.  100% all the time!  Poor kid, it must be exhausting.

I did learn that he reading  way ahead of his grade.  He's reading at a 6th grade level and Mr. Campbell said that Lord of the Rings is a 9th grade level and he is reading it and better yet, retaining it.  He's also way ahead in science and social studies.  His writing is exceptional for a boy and he's right on in math.  Towards the top of his class.

I knew he was bright.  They wanted me to test him for the gifted and talented class last year.  I don't want him to think that he is better than anyone else, but I also want him to own the fact that he is extremely bright.  My goodness, it's hard to believe I am so worried about him!  But I wish he would smile more and frown less.  Be a little bit nicer to himself.  Life is long and it's hard a lot of the time, but why should it be so hard for such a sweet kid?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Piper's Preschool Pictures

 I know it's weird, but I am putting Piper in a preschool in the afternoons.  She will still go to preschool with me 4 mornings a week, but she is also going 2 afternoons a week. It will give me 6 hours a week of me time.  Or preschool time!
 Oh my goodness, she is so cute!
She was so excited.  She's been dying to go to school ever since the boys started.
Geez, it's good she's cute!  I sure do love her!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back to School 2011

 Tyson is a first grader! Where did the time go?  He was so super nervous to go to school that he threw up, twice before school and once after he got there.  He only made it 20 minutes before I had to go and pick him up.  Poor kid!
 My big fourth grader.  Again, it seems like only yesterday that he was going to Kindergarten.  It makes me so sad to see how fast they grow.
 My cute boys!  I love them so much!
 J.D. and Bay are in the same class this year.  Lucky Mr. Campbell!  They were both super excited.  I told Madee that someday we are going to have to force this picture.  We've had one every year since Kindergarten! 
I ended up taking Tyson back to school at lunch time.  He was calmed down enough then to go back.  He has Mrs. Ruesch and he had a great day once we got his nerves calmed down!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


A few weeks ago we got a dog.  I said it would never happen, but it did.  More of a sanity saver for me.  But she is a good dog.  She is a 2-year-old mini-pincher, chihua mix.  I am so glad that I am not the object of Piper's affection.  Poor little dog.