Saturday 7 February 2015

Son of a Gun !

well, Orange Wednesdays are coming to an end, so no more free Wednesday night flicks for me with my ma any more 
(but I've heard that another great movie deal will be coming)

so the countdown is on and I saw my 3rd last movie the other day - I had long awaited it's arrival...

why, ofcourse I did - check out the crush above!!!

Aussie made movie - Son of A Gun

with Ewan McGregor, Ex-Machina and a honey called Brenton Thwaites!

We both thoroughly enjoyed it!
It was fast paced, gritty, fun and ofcourse Australian, and since I'm a true-blue Aussie it was nice to see a bit of home again, even if it was just the gold and dirt from Kalgoorlie...

however, truth be told - the real reason I was riveted to the big screen was because of the spell binding allure of Aussie dish Brenton Thwaites!

omg!! what a handsome boy that one is!? and I must say, the director cast perfectly because he took up alot of screen time. 
Yup, Alot!
Thank Goodness! :)

this is one nice bad boy for sure!
-does a life of crime pay then?

I shall be getting this flick on dvd. Ofcourse. 

and it was a touching love story too! 
a tough boy with heart, so that's twice as nice :)

it's always great to see a decent heist movie
the last brilliant one I watched was Ben Affleck's The Town
omg! not seen it yet?! 
well, if you love your movies fast paced and awesome - you gotta see that one for sure! infact it's a double heist flick!
and Ben is all muscled up in it 

I reckon this lad Brenton will be going big places for sure
son of a gun! such drop dead gorgeous looks and perfect acting
~star material this one~
and his Aussie accent is heart melting, aaah

okay, here's another (loaded) gun....

likin' that song big time!  From a Gun

it's written and sung by my very talented gym mate Jack Rowberry

yup - he trains in the same gym as me and I've spotted for him - made him sweat real hard on the inclines ;) haha
(it's never holiday time when I spot for anyone!)

and as usual my xmas presents the other month were jsut the things I ordered from Santa 

- a huge stack of old Commando comics!  

been making my way thru them slowly
love the stories so much! so exciting!

and ofcourse more War stuffs - some not-new books of tanks and soldiers and all that military hardware that makes me drool and sigh and just totally bliss out
plus a book on the discovery of longitude!

last month I made my first baby Army hare with wings!

adorable or what?

yeah - adorable! :)

so one last time - another pic of Brenton 

this time showing off his big guns :)  lol  

such a handsome boy!
