Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pillow mania

I decided my living room was so blah...and it needed some color...I went looking for some pillows for the couches, and everything was so expensive! I decided to make my own...I paid $9 for the fabric, and $5 for the batting...i was able to make three pillows for $14! I love them, and plan on making three more red and two more brown for our other couch. I didn't make the brown ones, shown, but will be making the other two just like them!

Dan chillaxin'

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dinner with the gals honor of Amanda's fast approaching wedding, us girls went to Olive Garden. Prob not the best idea on a Friday night (we waited for about an hour to get seated), but it gave us more time to chat and catch up....Amanda, Jaci, and I were so close in high school (kareoke, lifetime original movies, shopping, oh the memories!) but now we are all married and just living different lives. It's hard to find time to get away from the hubby's but once ya do it's so worth it! We had a blast laughing and reminiscing about the good ol' days. I had forgotten just how funny Mcall and Jaci can be together! The food was delicious, but that's no surprise. Congrats Amanda, marriage is the best!

The long wait

Me, Jaci
Amanda, Mcall, Jaci, me

I'm a Lambog... blah blah blah

I'm a Lamborghini Murcielago!

You're not subtle, but you don't want to be. Fast, loud, and dramatic, you want people to notice you, and then get out of the way. In a world full of sheep, you're a raging bull.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

My aunt had this on her blog so I thought I would see which car I was....this might be more accurate if I actually had the car :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Love is in the Air. . .

Our Valentine's day was so much fun! It was the best one yet. We started off the day by going out to breakfast at Denny's, yum! Then we went last-minute gift shopping, lounged around, and just enjoyed our day together. Later that night, we went to The Dessert Star Theater to see "Home School Musical"; we were on the very front row, close enough that at times I felt I was a part of the show, and wanted to belt out the songs right along with them "you gotta get ya get ya get ya head in the game" luckily, for all those in attendance, I refrained. (Misty, now that I have seen it, we definitely need to talk and laugh about it together!) Even Dan enjoyed it...and he was very skeptical! Our present to each other is a gym pass at Orem Rec to get back into shape, but he had to go above and beyond, and got me an MP3 player so I can jam while working out! Let's just say I returned the gift later that night :)
Flowers, of course! Three for our three valentines we have spent together.

Dan, I love you. You are such a blessing in my life, and I can't even imagine not having you there. You make me so happy, and I appreciate all you do for me. Thanks for a great day hun!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekend Fun

This past weekend was sure booked, but it was a lot of fun! Friday night I went out to dinner with my buddy Kenya, she is leaving on a miss soon, and so we had a gno to talk and celebrate her leaving! I am really proud of Kenya for all she has overcame and she will be a great missionary...assuming a handsome young man doesn't sweep her off her feet in the next two weeks. We had some great talks, and boy did we have quite a bit to catch up on! My seafood alfredo from The Olive Garden was delicious, as always.

Saturday Morning I went to Amanda Page's bridal shower. She finally jumped on the marriage band wagon like the rest of us! She played the game where you answer questions about your fiance and if you get them wrong you have to stick a marshmallow (or sometimes a piece of gum) in your mouth...she did pretty good, but still got stuck with quite a mouthful! It was fun to see and visit with her and her family though because we don't really any more.

Who else looks this good with a mouthful of jumbo marshmallows?!

Saturday night we had a surprise birthday party for my sisters Jessie and Alisa, they were genuinly surprised, and we all had a lot of fun. Sunday...not quite as much fun. I was sick for the most part of the day, but am feeling much better today, and very much looking forward to this weekend as well!

Singing happy birthday to Alisa

Jess blowing out her candles