Monday, April 27, 2009

If you like Pina Coladas...

Tonight was our little family night...we had a Hawaiian Luau...ghetto style. No, there was no roasting pit in the back yard with a pig churning over the open flames, but we managed to make freaking good Hawaiian haystacks and Pina Coladas. Tacy and Benny came over to party with us and watch the Jazz game. We got some small tiki lamps thinking they would be a fun replacement for "candlelight", instead they almost torched our house down, and sent the tenants running with a loud fire alarm. So we decided it was probably not the best idea to light them during dinner. It was a fun night with friends!The table, Walmart has such fun "tiki" decore.

Benny and Tacy...still stuck in that "cutesy, silly" dating phase :)


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend

Dan and I had a fun Easter weekend. Saturday morning Dan played in a softball tournament, which he ended up not being able to finish due to the rain....can't say I was too upset about that :) Not that it wasn't fun watching him, but it was WET. That night we had a surprise birthday party for my sister Kelee. She is now 16! I am five years older, and about three inches sad. Easter day was a nice relaxing day. The Easter bunny brought us a few treats, and then we went to visit and eat dinner with Dan's grandparents and his Aunt Debbie and family. Then we spent the afternoon playing hand and foot... which almost started WWIII then quickly had every one laughing so hard (at how silly Gpa Jensen was being with the "rules"). I'm sure someone peed their pants *cough*. Wasn't me. Anyways, Happy Easter everyone.

Kelee walking in to us yelling "Surprise!"

Easter baskets and gifts, Dan got a new phone, and I got a purse.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yummy, yummy, yummy!

Yummy weather, yummy food, who could ask for more?! Dan had to pay some softball dues to a friend down in Spanish Fork, so we decided to get some KFC and have a picnic at Canyon View Park while we were down there. We played catch, and hit a few balls. We also played fetch with Yuki. I LOVED this sunny day!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Co-ed Volleyball

Dan and I are playing with the family on a co-ed volleyball team. The players are : Fronk, Sammy, DJ, Amy, Casey Gordon, Marie (Sammy's mom), Daniel, and me. Most of our team has not played volleyball on an actual team before, so it is a learning experience, but we are having fun! Here are some pictures of the action!

me bumping it over

Daniel serving

Amy out folks!

Dan looks like he might have jumped a bit too late

Fronk Serving

DJ diving...on our team we expect you to sacrifice your body :)