Saturday, May 30, 2009

First time for everything

So...I was bound to give in sometime or another. Especially with Daniel as my husband, and almost two years to the date after our marriage it did. He dragged me, practically kicking and screaming, all the way down to Gladstan. I am not sure why I had such an anti golf attitude, maybe because of how BORING it is to watch on tv, or how EXPENSIVE of a hobby it can be, or how I hated the idea of WALKING a few miles with a heavy set of clubs tied to my side....BUT all my complaining was to no avail...Dan had forced my hand, and I finally gave in.

In all actuality my first time golfing was not that bad, it was really pretty fun. I never made par, but I did bogie once. We only played nine holes, and to make my first time more enjoyable we even got a cart! I borrowed clubs from my cousin Misty, and they made things a lot easier because they were actually my size! Putting my pride aside (seriously, Dan is going to die when he reads this...I gave him a lot of crap about him golfing so much) I have decided golf is something I want to learn and get better if any of you ladies golf hit me up!

Girls night

Saturday night I left my hubby behind (in pain, soaking in the bath tub, mind you...cruel I know) to go get some yummy food and visit with the girls in the family. Matt and Adam were at father's and sons, so Misty/Mandy decided it would be a good time for a gno. We met up at Wingers and ate, then got desert at Cold Stone. It was a fun night full of laughter, mostly at Kelee's expence ( and I quote) "You know what's weird is I only get claustrophobic in small spaces." -Kelee Malan I am pretty sure I didn't go through that bad of a ditzy stage in my life lol... jk Kel, I love you and I always end up getting a pretty good ab workout when you're around :)

Kelee, Misty, Amy, Me, Cathy

Everyone else, and Mandy

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day

Memorial Day was a lot of fun for us! We started off the day by going up to Dan's grandparents house for his traditional memorial day breakfast, which btw was delisiouso! Thanks gpa! After we ate we visited with the cousins and played scum, I was scum or butt maggot mostly every hand, but ended up being the king the very last hand! Dan and I then headed down to Payson and hit the driving range with his family....little did I know I was actually pretty good ( or so I like to tell myself). We spent the rest of the afternoon playing volleyball, which can get pretty heated when you throw Dan's highly competative family in the mix :) but we all had a lot of fun! I got some sun, which I am excited about! A freakin good BBQ ended the night for us... ribs and potatoe salad, yum. Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday as well!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another puppy post :)

I am pretty sure no one wants to read another post about us playing at the park with Yuki, and it's nothing new and exciting for us either (we do it on almost a daily basis) BUT it's not every day that I get some sweet pics while we are there, so, unfortunately, for my few select readers, you do get to see some more pics of my cute puppy at the park :) Afterall, this is really only for me and my posterity to look back on one day and enjoy, right?? Oh, and last night we went and saw Angels and Demons... I have read the book, and even though the movie told things a bit different that they were written in the book, it was still exciting and overall a good show. I recommend it to you all.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's That Time Again

Softball season has started again. Dan is playing on two teams, Monday nights with Brick Sports, and Wednesday nights with On Track. He is really excited! Both teams will be championship contenders :) He bought himself a new bat...and if you ask me is a little obsessed with the thing...seriously, after every game he brings it home and cleans it, then just sits there cuddling with it for a minute. ( He thought I hadn't noticed). But at least he is taken care of such an expensive commodity. If you ask me, he is the hottest player, on both teams, and looks mighty fine in those basketball shorts, and long baseball socks; although they didn't offer much protection to Dan's leg last week. It seems like almost everybody who does/has ever lived in Payson somehow or another ends up down at the ballfield, so hopefully we will run in to some of you this summer! All in all, this softball season looks to be promising and filled with action!