Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My entertainment of the night...

...Was a police standoff. It was literally on our curbside. From what we heard the cops talking about, the blue van was refusing to cooperate arrest (not sure why he was pulled over in the first place), and he had a pipe bomb inside. The swat team came into our facility and made the tenants who were back there stay back there, and they shut down our entire road west of the freeway. I am probably the nosiest person alive, and Dan kept warning me to get back in case an explosion caused our windows to burst, but hey, I got a few cool pics. I'm sure in an hour or so we will hear the details on KSL, but until then you can read about it first here :)

One of the officers on our lawn

The driver refused to get out, how scary would it be for both parties!

They brought in this bomb defusing device robot

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Last night Dan and I had an AMAZING opportunity to go the the 2009 Lord's and Ladies Masquerade ball. It was hosted at by our boss at his huge property in Lindon. His property is AMAZING... it is a full blown park with a huge Castle in the backyard. It was a charity event, and all the proceeds go to their charity "In Our Own Quiet Way" to build an orphan feeding center in Kenya. We spent about nine hours helping to set up for the event, most of which was spent draping the pavilion ceiling. But it looked AMAZING!

The night started off with a delicious dinner from Carabas. It was some kind of chicken with mushrooms, and it was AMAZING. My new favorite restaurant is going to be Carabas :) Then we had a live auction (Dan and I are way too poor to bid on anything that was up for sale, and it was too bad because they had a river rafting trip, and some really nice paintings that I wanted lol)! Then it was outside for an array of festivities. They had belly dancers, various different dance performers, a fencing demo, your own professional portrait, fire and knife jugglers, and of course a live band with tons of dancing. This entire event was AMAZING! You should all come next year! I wish I had been able to get more pictures of his property/all the events, but, of course, my camera died early on in the night.

P.S. No, amazing is not the only adjective I know, it's just the only one I wanted to use at the moment :)

Waiting for dinner to be served

oh la la

these were live human statues

this entire background is only a portion of the property

fencers, notice the pavilion celing lol

some ballroom dancers

a few of the belly dancers

inside the castle, this is also where our professional pic was taken, I can't wait to get it back, it should be pretty funny!