Monday, June 27, 2011


Bonfires are what summer is all about. We had our first one of the summer Saturday night up Hobblecreek canyon with some friends. We ate weenies and smores, and had a great time catching up. Casey played his guitar and sang for us. I guess he is really shy in that way, and doesn't like to share his talent with many people, which is strange because he is very talented! I got to play with some kiddoes that I don't see very often, and they were so cute! Yuki came up with us, and got to play with Corina and Jordan's dog, Ari. At first she wasn't so sure what to think of Ari, but they soon became friends and were chasing each other all over the place. Yuki ended up getting sticky marshmallows all over her fur which resulted in the second bath of the day...(the first came after she decided to roll all over another dog's poop at the park while Dan and I played tennis. Dan was this close to leaving her at the park!!)

Anyway, here are some pics of the fun. (Sorry Jana and Kristi for not getting pics of your had left by the time I started getting pics of everyone.)

The guys enjoying Casey's guitar playing skills

Jordan and Corinna

Tyson and Court with their cuties

Kristi and me

our family :)

Next time lets not wait so long to get together again guys :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fun in the Sun with Jessie & Will

Today Dan and I picked my sister Jessie and my nephew William up and went to the park for lunch. We don't get to see them very often, so when we do I pretty much maul William to death with hugs and kisses! He is getting so big! He is crawling all over the place. He can walk with help, but not quite on his own yet. He can babble and I heard him saying mama a lot...I tried getting him to say "Savannah"...yeah right. Most babies call me "banana" until they are four because my name is just too hard to say! Will is such a shy and quiet baby, and such a tender baby. He just sat and cuddled me forever!!! I love being an aunt. Here are some pictures of our fun at the park.

Eating subway

In hind sight, Doritos might not be the best snack for a baby because they are so messy! He had nacho cheese all over his shirt, hands, and mouth.

He loved sticking the whole water bottle in his mouth

Such a cutie!

He loved running his hands through Dan's hair. Dan didn't mind the free massage either :)

He was so cute on the swings!

Airplane! He was smiling and giggling, but as soon as we pulled out the camera he got shy!

We caught a few smiles though!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feliz Cumpleanos

My mom's birthday was June 3rd, but Dan and I just got around to celebrating it with her today. I learned a long time ago that you are not supposed to reveal your parents real I won't.

To celebrate I decided to have everyone come over to my place so that my mom wouldn't have to cook or clean or do any of the work. We ate pizza, watched "Gnomio and Juliette" (so cute and funny btw!) and ate chocolate birthday pie made by yours truly. I love birthdays!

Opening presents:

She got lotion, new workout clothes, and some money to buy a zumba pass. I'm just doing what I can to spread the zumba love :)

My bro Jordan, Mom and sis Ximena

Jordan, mom and me

The dessert: one triple layer chocolate pie, and one score bar chocolate pie. Both delicious and super easy!

The family, minus Dan who was the photographer.

Happy 25th Birthday Mom! :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wild, Wild West

Spanish Fork decided to put together Wild West days this year. Dan's parents were nice enough to buy us tickets, so we went to the show as a family. We got there about an hour early to walk around the fairgrounds before the show started. There was some neat stuff--an exhibit of covered wagons used back in the day, a mechanical bull, old western photo booth, some yummy food booths, and some local country/blues singers. I also saw face painting and some sort of show for kids. The actual Wild West show was any thing but wild. It was the first year, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the last year because it was pretty boring. We saw the same covered wagon ride around the arena about ten times. Different wild west characters came out and rode around the arena on horses, but it was slow, and the announcer was anything but animated and lively. My favorite part of the show was a clogging number (not exactly anything to do with the wild west lol). But we did have fun visiting with family, and we did get a picture or two :)

Dan wouldn't get up on the wagon with me because he was afraid he would break it!


Did anyone else go to the show? If so, was it just me, or was it a little disappointing?