Bonfires are what summer is all about. We had our first one of the summer Saturday night up Hobblecreek canyon with some friends. We ate weenies and smores, and had a great time catching up. Casey played his guitar and sang for us. I guess he is really shy in that way, and doesn't like to share his talent with many people, which is strange because he is very talented! I got to play with some kiddoes that I don't see very often, and they were so cute! Yuki came up with us, and got to play with Corina and Jordan's dog, Ari. At first she wasn't so sure what to think of Ari, but they soon became friends and were chasing each other all over the place. Yuki ended up getting sticky marshmallows all over her fur which resulted in the second bath of the day...(the first came after she decided to roll all over another dog's poop at the park while Dan and I played tennis. Dan was this close to leaving her at the park!!)
Anyway, here are some pics of the fun. (Sorry Jana and Kristi for not getting pics of your had left by the time I started getting pics of everyone.)
Next time lets not wait so long to get together again guys :)