Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Valentine

My Valentine is thoughtful.  He is romantic.  He is attractive.  He is respectful.  He is everything I could ask for in a Valentine.  I am so grateful for him. 
I wanted to show him just how much I love him by giving him a gift from my heart (sounds so corny, right??)  But it's true!!! 
I found an idea online called the "Date Jar".  (You can see it here:  I liked the idea of making him a "jar", but Dan and I go on dates almost every weekend, so I didn't think it would be special enough.  I changed the concept to be a "mountain biking jar."  Mountain biking is our newest passion, so I knew Dan would love it!  In it I put a bunch of trails around Utah that would be fun to bike, and told Dan we would pick one out every month and bike it.  I decorated the jar up all cutesy and Valentinesy (which was more for my sake than for Dan's--he wouldn't care if I had given him a paper sack with trails in it lol).  I came up with the little poem all myself :)   

The back

Each little paper container contains a trail.  They are so cute. The papervine lady is so creative!

The finished product. 

Long stemmed roses from Dan.  I got the vase at Taipan's a while ago.  It's one of my favorites.  It usually houses a fake plant, but real roses look so much better!  He also gave me white chocolate covered Oreo's.  He knows the way to my heart!

Yuki with her Valentines Chew toy

We ended the night at The Desert Star Theater where we saw: CSI: Provo.  It was a funny spoof with lots of jokes on mormons and the local culture. 

I'm so glad I get to be with Dan for all eternity, and not just one night!  We sure enjoyed our Valentine's Day, and I hope you all did too!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Time for an update!

February is proving to be a very busy month!  Life is go-go-go, but we are loving it!  So here is what is going on in our lives:

I am really enjoying my classes this semester.  I am taking: Group Psychotherapy and Counseling, another Stats class, and Social work policy and welfare.  Interestingly enough, my policy class is my favorite.  I was expecting it to be a bore, but it's very interesting.  I may have found my niche is social work where I least expected it.  It's really been fascinating and eye opening to learn about certain policies and laws we have in this country and figure out who they are really benefiting.  You have all tuned out, right??  Ha ha ok...on to more interesting things...

Dan is playing with some friends in a basketball league.  His games are on Wednesday nights, and that happens to be the night of my favorite Pilates class, so I don't make it to every game.  I feel like an un-supportive wife :(  But when I am there I am cheering him on and taking pictures :)  His team is pretty good.  I don't know their exact record, but they have won more games than lost.

Last Friday we celebrated my brother Derek's birthday.  He is 16 and has officially morphed into your typical teenager (you know...on his cell phone all night, uninterested in family, dating tons of girls at once...) It's pretty funny to watch.  We got him some new shirts so he can look stylish for his women ;)  We had a yummy dinner, then my sisters, mom and I danced in the kitchen all night. 

Derek in his new shirts

Last Saturday I went to a zumba party/fundraiser with Lindsey Taylor.  For those of you who don't know, she is a zumba celebrity lol....big deal!  She was an amazing teacher, and I think classes from her would be so much fun.  That being said, the event itself was not quite as much fun as I'd hoped.  They did not limit the amount of tickets they sold (it was a fundraiser, remember???) so the place was PACKED.  We got their 30 minutes early and were still clear in the back.  So I couldn't see anything half the time, and we were like a bunch of sardines in a tiny can that could hardly move, let alone get our zumba on.  They had a professional photographer who also happens to be a friend, so at least I got some cute pictures of the night!

My friend Ana and I before the dancing started

zumba friends!

A view of the whole audience.  See if you can spot me :) It will be like "Where's Waldo"

My sis Ximena and me

Posing with Lindsey, the main instructor of the night
More blog worthy news: my sister Kelee has been in hair school for over a year now, and I decided to let her do my hair.  I'll admit, I was pretty nervous about it, but she did a great job!  It was just what I wanted and I paid about a quarter of what I usually pay!  She also cut Dan's hair and did a great job.

Finished product
  Dan's turn in the chair

I know this post was very random, but that's what happens when you don't blog for over a month and a half!  Thanks for reading :)