Friday, March 30, 2012

C'est la Vie

Holy Toledo!  I don't know why it has been so hard for me to blog lately...I haven't felt like it for some reason!
Let me recap the highlights from our life lately:

*We took a trip down to St George about three weeks ago for some mtn biking with Dan's family.  It was so much fun!  We tried out 2 new trails, and got to do one of our favorites a few times.

Dan's upgrade from a hard tail.  6 inches of travel!

Bearclaw Poppy with Lorin and Sue

Just a view of Dan about to bomb down these hills


The views were so pretty as we biked Gooseberry Mesa!

Lorin and Jake stop for a pic as we started the last trail of the weekend, Barrel Roll.  (Saved the hardest for last! This trail was a real but kicker!)
 Ahh!  It's been almost a month since this biking trail, and just looking at the pictures makes me want to go back down again so badly!!  Anyways, more updates:

*We celebrated Bridgette's birthday by going to dinner at Texas Roadhouse with her and Brent.  Dan also helped Brent pick out her present-a new mtn bike!

"Yeehaw"  And a creepy waiter who really wanted to be in the picture!

Brent and Bridgette

Good company!

Bridgette getting birthday presents: a new bike and helmet


  *My sister Kelee got a job at the new SubZero in Spanish Fork, and they had a friends and family night, so Dan and I went down to support her.  I had never had their ice-cream before, and it was okay, but I would much rather go to cold stone (sorry Kelee lol).  But she looked like she was having fun, so I hope that SubZero does well down there!

All smiles so far!

Waiting in line for our turn!

Dan and I are definitely enjoying life, and staying busy! I finally have a bit of a tan line from being out in the warm sun, and can't wait for it to decide to stay permanently!  I hope life is treating you all well, and don't follow my bad blogging example--keep on blogging cause I love reading :)