Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I finally upgraded to a new full suspension bike! I love it! It has all the features and components I was looking for. It was sort of a miracle the way I found the bike (or maybe it found me lol)...I had been saving and looking for the right bike for months now, and hadn't found the right one yet. Well, there was a bike swap this weekend up in Park City, so we went up to there to check it out...we didn't find anything, and were kind of disappointed that we had driven all the way up there for nothing.  So to justify the trip we decided we might as well look at a few shops to see if they had any close out deals.  We hit up Cole sports, and one of the guys who works there had this bike on him. It was his wife's bike and he was just getting ready to take it down to the swap--we were just in time!  I rode around on it, fell in love, and bought it!  It's a 2010 Giant Cypher, and has all the same features as the 2012 I was saving up to buy with a way better price tag.  We played around at the trail side park (which is SWEET!) up in Park City for a while then took it down Benny Creek to try it out.  Man, I am amazed at how much of a difference expensive parts make!  The suspension, shifting, and braking was a night and day difference from my hardrock!

On Monday after work, we hit up a place in Alpine called Lambert Park.  It's a fun area with tons of different loops and trails.  We decided to take Yuki with us for the first time ever.  I was worried there would be a bunch of other riders there and she would be in the way, but that didn't happen at all.  Yuki did great and she loved being able to come with us and run around and explore!  She lasted a lot longer than I thought she would, and loved running behind me! 

Love, love love!

I got pretty muddy going down Benny!

Stud at Lambert Park

Yuki, leading the way

Taking a break in the shade

After a while Yuki was pretty tired so Dan put her in his back pack. 
Chilling in the shade while we strapped the bikes on the car.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Nephew "Fun"

Fun around our house can be kind of dangerous for a two year old.  We don't have your usual assortment of balls, cars, books or other toys. But we make do and always find a way to keep William entertained!  Every time before they come over I go around and "child proof" my house--I put the electronics up, any thing dangerous or important, but despite my efforts Will always seem to find something I missed!  He is so funny because every time I catch him playing with something he is not supposed to play with all I have to do is give him a look and he starts to smile and giggle and, of course, I think it's too cute not to just let him play with it and snap a picture!  That troublemaker!!  Luckily, Yuki keeps him pretty entertained.  I can't quite determine if he likes her or not, he calls her "malo perro" which means bad dog in Spanish lol.  BUT he always wants to be around her and play fetch with her.  Then again he also tries to pull her fur and hit her...

Will trying to pull Yuki's hair.  It's a real challenge trying to teach her not to bite, which she instinctively wants to do!

Example of an item I failed to put up during my child proofing

There's that troublemaker face I love!

And now, I just say "say cheese Will"

He LOVED driving the golf cart!  He would not let go of the steering wheel!

If dan had to turn a little bit to avoid hitting buildings Will would freak out, he did not want anyone else controlling this thing!

After saying "NO" so many times to things he tries to play with, I figured what harm could these plastic cones cause and just let him play with them!

The only way to get him to sit still was to give him string cheese...yes I admit I gave him three of them because I really liked sitting down lol!