Sunday, November 22, 2015

Elise's 1st Halloween, 2015

Halloween is always a fun holiday for Dan and me!  We were so excited that it would be Elise's first Halloween because even though she is too young to even understand what's going on, we knew we'd have so much fun dressing her up and showing her off!

Every year we get together with the Jensen's and have a murder mystery dinner party.  Lorin and Sue hosted this year.  The theme of the party was "An evening of monsters and murder."  Each person was a character/monster.  I was a mummy, Dan was a Grimm reaper, and we dressed Elise up as a witch.  The party was fun, the food was as delicious as it was festive!  We played a few games throughout the evening, and one was a repeat from last year because we'd had so much fun last year, we wanted to do it again.  It's a rap battle!  We break into small teams, and we create a rap to a beat.  The tricky part (as if attempting to rap weren't tricky enough, lol) is that we get suggestions from each team on random words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, then each team is randomly given a few of these words and we must use them in our rap.  It makes it more challenging, but hilarious to hear what people come up with!  This rap battle has become a tradition!  The Jensen's don't do anything half- ***.  Each year I am blow away with the detail and creativity that is put into each person's costume, and this year was no different!  It's so fun to go all out!

"Werewolf" Chey with Elise

Chris and Whit, "Serial Killer" and"Pumpkin face"

Creepy graveyard dirt cups

Grandmpa Jensen, AKA Freddy Krugar

Mummy with her little witch

I think she was a little freaked out by me lol!

Female Dracula, Werewolf, and Dr Jekyl/Mr. Hyde

Swamp Monster (all homemade btw!!!) and zombie

Mummy turned ghost, as I was the victim in this murder mystery!

The entire group of monsters!

We dressed up a few more times this Halloween.  We hosted a small get-together at our house and ate dinner and played "Curses" with a few people.  I wasn't planning to dress up, but at the last minute I decided why the heck not, so I found some impromptu costumes using things we already had.

And lastly, we reused our 50's bowling shirts for another Halloween party with friends.  I thought it'd be cute to include Elise in our theme by making her the bowling ball.  It worked!

Steee-rike!  Yes, We're cheesy :)