Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

Tomorrow is my birthday and because I have such a wonderful husband he let me take the weekend "off" and I headed over to Ramstein for a weekend with Paige. No kids, just fun sister time. Here are a few photos from my fun, restful, awesome weekend. Enjoy:)

The boys had fun with their stuffed animals, they made a pyramid...

...then they stacked them up in a "movie theater" so they could watch a movie on the tv

OK, now for my weekend. We had some yummy food. This is the Korean we had on Saturday, we also enjoyed Italian and Indian during the course of the weekend

We saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D

The awesome 3D glasses look

Being silly in Kaiserslatern.

We got pedicures. What's a girls weekend without pedicures?

I also got some new clothes. Nothing like a funky skirt to make your 33rd birthday fun:)

Friday, March 19, 2010


This post is really to satisfy my sister Riann who is after me for not posting more often (even though she didn't post anything on her blog for 6 months!) But, I figure since I need to post something I would show you a little clip of Julian playing with the ring stacker. Watch his tongue as he concentrates, it's super cute:)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Winter Walk

Last week was just beautiful. All the snow melted in our yard and from our driveway. The boys came home from school and played outside in nothing but their sweaters. It was wonderful. Then Saturday came and we woke up to 5 inches of snow outside! I felt really bad for the pretty little white flowers that were just beginning to grow in our back yard. That was a pretty nasty trick mother nature pulled on us. I think we have had enough of Winter and I'm ready for Spring!!!

This being said, we did take advantage of the beautiful day on Sunday to go for a walk through the woods. I guess if it can't be warm and summery, at least it is clear and frosty:)

Julian's first ride in a baby back pack. He did really well, no complaints.

The Durtschi boys doing what they do best...hiking!

Beautiful sunshine, even if it was cold.

I love being with my family:)