A few months ago Hyrum scheduled to take leave the Thursday and Friday right before school started. The idea was to have one last vacation as a family before our lives got too crazy with school and the routine that sets in after school starts. Our initial idea was to head to the North Sea where we could relax on the beach for a few days but after looking at the very cool and rainy weather forecast we switched our plans and headed to Berlin for the four days. In big cities it doesn't matter if it's cold and rainy because there are so many neat museums to explore.
Before we went on our trip we decided to try something new to get the boys more involved and hopefully more excited about the things to do in Berlin. Hyrum printed off about 20 photos of sites to see in Berlin and then we each chose the 3 that looked most interesting to us and we did just those things. The boys thought it was cool that they got to choose some of our activities and I think it helped in the overall enjoyment of the trip.
I'm so happy that we chose Berlin. We had such a great time exploring that city. We took the metro everywhere, we ate some yummy Berlin curry sausage, we found about 20 "Berlin Bears" (see photo below) and we had fun at a bunch of playgrounds.
We left early Thursday morning and reached Berlin (after stopping at McDonalds for lunch) around 1:00. We decided to hit a few museums before checking into our apartment. The first stop was the Spectrum Science Center. There were three floors of child friendly hands on science exhibits. The boys loved the exhibits on high voltage (go figure!)
Attached to the Science Center was a Technical Museum. They had exhibits of boats and airplanes and a really fun children's area where the boys could build things out of blocks and play with magnets. This photo was taken in front of a WWII German airplane that was shot down. You can't really tell from the photo but the wings on this plane were full of holes and the fuselage was just torn to bits.
After the Technical Museum we headed to our apartment and got settled in for the night. We were glad to be in such a cozy comfortable apartment with the rain and wind blowing outside.
Our first stop on Friday was the Reichstag. The German parliament meets here and there is a really cool dome you can walk around. You can see in this photo how they combined the old stone building with a new modern dome to signify the merging of ancient and present.
This is me and the boys inside the dome. You can walk all the way to the top of the dome on a ramp that circles around the glass wall of the dome. It really gives you a spectacular view of Berlin.
Our next stop was the Pergamon Museum. This museum was great because it has very few exhibits but the ones they have are massive and really interesting for the boys to see. This is the Pergamon alter from Greece built around 165 BC)
Also in the Pergamon is the Ishtar Gate. Built around 600 BC it was one of the gates you would go through to enter Babylon during the reign of King Nebuchanezzar. The colors on this thing were simply amazing.
It is sort of hard to see what we are all doing standing around the center of a plaza looking at the ground. This was actually the famous Bebelplatz where Hitler had 20,000 books burned in 1933. Under a piece of glass in the center of this square is a sort of memorial. You can see a room with bookshelves lining the walls but there are no books on any of the shelves. It is a kind of foretelling of what the future would hold if we were not allowed to explore and gain knowledge on our own through reading.
Emerson standing in Gendarmenmarkt. Yet another beautiful and stunning piece of architecture.
Now, this is MY kind of shopping!
Here are the boys in front of one of the many "Berlin Bears" we spotted. These bears are placed randomly throughout the city and they are all uniquely decorated. It was actually kind of fun on long bus trips to keep the boys entertained by having them try and spot Berlin Bears.
Checkpoint Charlie was the crossing point between East and West Berlin. Here Hyrum and the boys are standing in front of the Checkpoint Charlie museum (which we didn't go into) with a big chunk of the Berlin wall behind them.
The best way to view the Berlin wall is by walking down the Eastside Gallery. 1300 meters of the wall has been preserved as an open air art gallery with artists getting about 10 meter chunks of the wall to decorate. It was really neat just to see the wide variety of artwork along the walk.
My boys in front of a more crazy art piece along the Eastside Gallery.
Hyrum and Townsend posing along Unter den Linden. This street was originally planted with Linden trees about 200 years ago for the prince to have a beautiful drive from his palace to his hunting grounds. Why are the trees so small then? Well when Hitler came to power he decided to cut down all the trees and have Nazi flags line this street. The people were so outraged by this that he decided to replant the trees but they are still sort of puny when you imagine what they could have been.
At the end of Unter den Linden is the Brandenburg Gate. It was really amazing to stand in front of such a historic icon.
Here are my boys being really respectful at the Jewish memorial...ummm oh well, at least all the kids were jumping around on these big stone slabs.
Julian loved jumping, running around and exploring the maze which makes up this memorial.
We headed home ready for a good sleep after a long day. More to come!