- failed in an attempt to undermine his coalition's candidate in the first round of presidential elections
- failed in an attempt to sabotage the second round of presidential elections through a silent boycott
- used the Kosovo conflict as cover to sell off large parts of the domestic energy industry to foreign companies for a fraction of their value in a non-competitive process
- engaged a media and parliamentary campaign to shift the country from near-candidate status for the EU to enemy of the EU
- revived the mobilisation techniques of the late 1980s to provoke large-scale violence which included looting, arson and at least one unnecessary death
- failed in an effort to preserve his rule indefinitely by forcing a state of emergency
- failed in an effort to coordinate a silent coup with his allies in the Serbian Radical Party
Is the resignation of the government a crisis? No, it has needed to go for a while already, and if Mr Koštunica had any sense he would have resigned immediately after the presidential election. The new elections, however, do mean some uncertainty. There are a couple of possible positive outcomes, which would include:
- the orientation of the majority of citizens as expressed in the presidential elections could be confirmed
- Koštunica could be marginalised from political life and a government formed without his party, which at this point will be lucky to make it into the parliament at all
- a populist wave brings SRS to power
- Koštunica could finally go the direction he has been hinting for years, from his grey-black coalition with SRS, and complete the restoration of the Milošević regime
In the long term, Koštunica and his allies have no political future. Serbia is not a political scene in which several options are competing but a polarised society, as it has been for two decades. There are only two political options. The effort of politicians like Koštunica to stake out a "middle ground" between the two is hopeless from the start. One of these options is going to have to win. I am not willing to predict just yet which one it is likely to be.