Common Loon (Gavia immer) in non-breeding feathers
If you've ever tried to photograph a hungry loon searching for small fish, you know they are agile divers and fast swimmers. This one was about to dive...but I clicked my shutter first.
In summer, I love hearing the eerie calls of Common Loons. But during the icy months, they leave Canada's remote northern lakes to spend time in coastal ocean water. On their way, many rest awhile in central and southern Ontario.
Common Loon
All loons spend most of their lives in water as they walk awkwardly on land. They cannot takeoff from land because they need about 30 to 50 metres of water to lift off.
Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica) in non-breeding feathers
Pacific Loons are actually more common worldwide than Common Loons. However around the Great Lakes, Pacific Loons are rather rare, so when one is spotted birders from miles around travel to see and photograph it. This one was hanging out with a flock of Common Loons, which made the Pacific Loon tricky to see and identify. Luckily for me, an experienced birder spotted it for me.
Pacific Loon
I saw this one in Oshawa Harbour not far from where my husband and I regularly birdwatch.
I am connecting to Stewart M's Wild Bird Wednesday HERE