Bangun jam 5 pagi, kedinginan (bedcover gue masih di laundry, jadi gue tidur selimutan kaen ihram bekas bokap haji few months ago.. found it di laundry basket in front of my room. kasian amat lu bey..)
Turn off d AC n went back 2 sleep, kebangun gara2 Nathania –my student- tlp (ngagetin.. ringtone hp gue rusuh berat..), mau ganti jadwal les. Hmmmh.. tudey ngajar as usual. Dapet kaastangel (spelling?) dari Atinna’s family *yumm*.
Bolos latian PSMUT (sorry guys, gw lg ga enak body.. lagian ujan gede disini, mana mlmnya ada kawinan di Mesjid PI..)
Ngomong2 kawinan, si Tika akhirnya married, ama si mas pilot itu (huhuhu akhirnya dibolehin juga lu yey.. huhuhu congrats yak!) dan Mercedes Jeep gue dipinjem ama bapaknya (along with other Mercedes Jeep punya orang2 di klub mobil bokap) buat iring2an penganten.. kayanya seru, sayang gue gak bisa liat..
Di kawinan dah kaya reuni orang2 MJI (Mercedes Jeep Indonesia), dan anak2nya juga banyak yang dateng.. langsung dahhh put my new cellphone to use, potopotooooo! Hehehe seneng, suasananya menyenangkan.. cause last time I saw them, pas mereka jenguk gue di RS. Suasananya rada mencekam.. males inget2nya lagi.. hehehe T_T’’
Dita lagi hepi berat, next month Adit balik dari Melbourne.. uh.. gue jadi suka jealous gak jelas ama orang2 yg having a Long-Distance Relationship dan managed 2 keep their relationship alive n well kaya si Dita-Adit.. Senaz-Indra (dulu, sblm akhirnya KAWIN!!).. Ken-Daisy (yg ini mah keliatannya sih begitu, klo gue baca dari blognya si geblek yg manggilin gue mengkomengkomeng.. >>yeah that would be you, Kennn..)
Aaah we got home around 1030pm.. its Saturday night, and the night’s still young! Huh.. pengen jalan2, tp I gotta admit, I’m kinda wasted. Mending skrg gue istirahat, biar besok bisa konsen ngerjain programming *crossing my fingers*
~Bey: Ni.. jadi pesen ayam?
Nia: Jadi.
Bey: Apaan?
Nia: Paha.
Bey: Paha apa?
Nia: Mmmm apayaa *muka bingung*.. paha.. kanan?~
Stupid conversation antara Beybey dan Nia di kopma, jaman si lil’ miss junior architect yg sekarang lagi ngerjain PIM II masih kuliah..
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Ngampus stlh paginya nge-print sisbang, asistensi (ternyata itungannya ada yg kurang.. huh.. berhubung asdos gue rada geblek bin pelit, gue mesti cari2 cara ngitungnya dari paper anak2 yg kmrn lagi deh) trus smsin Pak Endhi, nanyain kelas Ethics.. EEEEHHH DITELPON AJA LOH GUEY!!! Huhuhu.. ketemuan di lt.6, ngobrol2.. wuiiii (^o^)v *thud thud thud* trus nempelin announcement ttg kelas Ethics pindah hari. For you, Pak Endhi, apasih yang nggak? Huhuhu..
Abis hampir 100rb buat fotokopi skripsi2 yg related to Architectural Acoustics in Music Facilities. Hope it’s worth it.
Finished before 11am, akhirnya cabs ke Krishna’s, mau numpang browsing Architectural Acoustic -related books. LHA KOK MALAH JADI NGERJAIN TRANSLATE TUGAS AKUNTANSINYA DOI??? Ugh.. yah gapapalah, disogok cheeseburger McD.. huhuhuhu (murahan bgt ga siyh gue.. T_T)
Pulangnya KOK UJAN GEDE??? Didrop di PS ma krish dimpol brata, went to Kinokuniya (KESEL BGT DAHH giliran gue dah lepas proyek Women & Children’s Hospital, EEEEHHHH malah tau2 nongol buku2 ttg children’s hospital and other health facilities!! New version and VERY UP-TO-DATE!! Dan buku2 ttg Music Facilities malah GAK ADA!!! @#$%^&*?!!!)
Nunggu taxi for an hour ujan2.. hasilnya? Fluuuuu.. suara gue dah kaya bencong gini.. Ga jadi begadang baca skripsi orang2 deh.. tidurrrr.. sakit kepala.. T_T’’
Oiya.. HAPPY BDAY TO MOSA ABIDHARMA JATIM.. best wishes! (^o^)v
~”I am what I am”.. ayam apa ayam??~ nama band-nya Mosa..
Abis hampir 100rb buat fotokopi skripsi2 yg related to Architectural Acoustics in Music Facilities. Hope it’s worth it.
Finished before 11am, akhirnya cabs ke Krishna’s, mau numpang browsing Architectural Acoustic -related books. LHA KOK MALAH JADI NGERJAIN TRANSLATE TUGAS AKUNTANSINYA DOI??? Ugh.. yah gapapalah, disogok cheeseburger McD.. huhuhuhu (murahan bgt ga siyh gue.. T_T)
Pulangnya KOK UJAN GEDE??? Didrop di PS ma krish dimpol brata, went to Kinokuniya (KESEL BGT DAHH giliran gue dah lepas proyek Women & Children’s Hospital, EEEEHHHH malah tau2 nongol buku2 ttg children’s hospital and other health facilities!! New version and VERY UP-TO-DATE!! Dan buku2 ttg Music Facilities malah GAK ADA!!! @#$%^&*?!!!)
Nunggu taxi for an hour ujan2.. hasilnya? Fluuuuu.. suara gue dah kaya bencong gini.. Ga jadi begadang baca skripsi orang2 deh.. tidurrrr.. sakit kepala.. T_T’’
Oiya.. HAPPY BDAY TO MOSA ABIDHARMA JATIM.. best wishes! (^o^)v
~”I am what I am”.. ayam apa ayam??~ nama band-nya Mosa..
Friday, November 26, 2004
Lazyyyyyyyyyyy so goddamn lazyyyyyyy.. ketemplokan laler tse-tse kali guey.. huhuhuhuh APACIIIIIHHHHH nghoooookkk… dodolz xDDDDDD
Hm hm hm hm hmmh gak bisa konsen.. nulis sambil dengerin soundtrack-nya West Side Story versi solo piano.. huhuhuhu dudududududududuuu enaaakkkk sekaliiiiii...
Hmmm tadi ngajar enak juga, biasanya di 3rd floor kan puanashnya amit2, eeeehhh tadi ujan.. huhuhu enak swuejjukk \(^o^)/ trush tadi ngajar Quincy yg Dec.5th mau concert.. she’s getting better. GOOD. Lagunya juga enak, Larry Minsky’s “Together Always”. Tinggal mulusin bagian2 slur yg ujungnya arpeggio chord.. oh and feeling/interpretationnya aja yang rada kurang. (iyalah whaddaya expect from a 11-year-old?? But still, I’m sure she can work it out if she’d try). My OTHER STUDENTS, lazyyyy as usual *sigh* seperti biasa, paling paniknya baru sebulan menjelang ujian. I AM NOT GIVING AWAY EXTRA CLASSES THIS YEAR, KIDS!!! So after feb’05, you’re ON YOUR OWN!!!
AAAAHHHHH mau nge-print SisBang kok ya MAAAALES AMAAAATTTT DAHHHH padahal baru ngeprint doang.. blom gambarnya.. ohh beybeyyyy wat hepen tu yuuuu???? Blom lagi pemrogreming (nahloh dari judulnya aja dah ngaco).. mesti ngambil fotokopian 3 contoh skripsi di perpus (utang berapa juta gue nih.. tebel2 bgt gituh..) blom lagi mbacanya, cari2 yg bisa dipake.. trus ketik lagi.. dan itu baru BUKU SATU.. huhuhu belom BUKU DUA alias skematik design, berpuluh-puluh lembar kertas A3.. uuuuwh kejadian lagi deh nih dihantui progreming sampe termimpi-mimpi.. TT_TT’’
Gue dah janjian sama indahe, 2 minggu kedepan TIDAK ADA PECICILAN KEMANA-MANA. KERJA KERJA KERJA!!! Remind me ya, klo gue dah mulai ada tanda2 mau petakilan.. huhuhu..
~satu.. dua.. tiga.. empat.. satu.. dua.. tiga.. empat.. ee ay ee ay oooow..~ Nathania, my 6 year-old student pas gue suruh maen John Thompson’s “Old MacDonald” sambil ngitung, eeeh dia ngitungnya sambil nyanyi.. hueheuheuehuehuehheuhehehueheh funnneeee.. should c it 4 yerself.. huaehauehuehuehuheuheuheuheh *terkekeh-kekeh*
Hm hm hm hm hmmh gak bisa konsen.. nulis sambil dengerin soundtrack-nya West Side Story versi solo piano.. huhuhuhu dudududududududuuu enaaakkkk sekaliiiiii...
Hmmm tadi ngajar enak juga, biasanya di 3rd floor kan puanashnya amit2, eeeehhh tadi ujan.. huhuhu enak swuejjukk \(^o^)/ trush tadi ngajar Quincy yg Dec.5th mau concert.. she’s getting better. GOOD. Lagunya juga enak, Larry Minsky’s “Together Always”. Tinggal mulusin bagian2 slur yg ujungnya arpeggio chord.. oh and feeling/interpretationnya aja yang rada kurang. (iyalah whaddaya expect from a 11-year-old?? But still, I’m sure she can work it out if she’d try). My OTHER STUDENTS, lazyyyy as usual *sigh* seperti biasa, paling paniknya baru sebulan menjelang ujian. I AM NOT GIVING AWAY EXTRA CLASSES THIS YEAR, KIDS!!! So after feb’05, you’re ON YOUR OWN!!!
AAAAHHHHH mau nge-print SisBang kok ya MAAAALES AMAAAATTTT DAHHHH padahal baru ngeprint doang.. blom gambarnya.. ohh beybeyyyy wat hepen tu yuuuu???? Blom lagi pemrogreming (nahloh dari judulnya aja dah ngaco).. mesti ngambil fotokopian 3 contoh skripsi di perpus (utang berapa juta gue nih.. tebel2 bgt gituh..) blom lagi mbacanya, cari2 yg bisa dipake.. trus ketik lagi.. dan itu baru BUKU SATU.. huhuhu belom BUKU DUA alias skematik design, berpuluh-puluh lembar kertas A3.. uuuuwh kejadian lagi deh nih dihantui progreming sampe termimpi-mimpi.. TT_TT’’
Gue dah janjian sama indahe, 2 minggu kedepan TIDAK ADA PECICILAN KEMANA-MANA. KERJA KERJA KERJA!!! Remind me ya, klo gue dah mulai ada tanda2 mau petakilan.. huhuhu..
~satu.. dua.. tiga.. empat.. satu.. dua.. tiga.. empat.. ee ay ee ay oooow..~ Nathania, my 6 year-old student pas gue suruh maen John Thompson’s “Old MacDonald” sambil ngitung, eeeh dia ngitungnya sambil nyanyi.. hueheuheuehuehuehheuhehehueheh funnneeee.. should c it 4 yerself.. huaehauehuehuehuheuheuheuheh *terkekeh-kekeh*
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Thursday, November 25th, 2004
MY BOYFRIEND CALLED!!!!! A.d.e.a.p.e??? tumben.. hehehhehehehehehheh nothing special, though. No I-Love-you’s. Hell, not even a standard lame line like “I miss you”. But I’m really happy he called. (Pathetic, am I?)
Intinya, kontak di Makassar selesai tgl 18 Dec, dan kalo bisa, dia mau ke Jkt dulu, baru taun barunya ke Bali lagi. YAY!!!
Part of me is really happy mau ketemu lagi sama my long-lost boyf. But the other part of me feels sad, cause I’m not sure whether I’d like 2 see him dengan kondisi dia yg fell out of love and hasn’t able to find a way to love me back as much as he used to.
Well, we’ll just see what happens next! Hope for the best, prepare for the worst! (..HELL, last time I said that, my PDA phone got robbed.. TT_TT’’)
MY BOYFRIEND CALLED!!!!! A.d.e.a.p.e??? tumben.. hehehhehehehehehheh nothing special, though. No I-Love-you’s. Hell, not even a standard lame line like “I miss you”. But I’m really happy he called. (Pathetic, am I?)
Intinya, kontak di Makassar selesai tgl 18 Dec, dan kalo bisa, dia mau ke Jkt dulu, baru taun barunya ke Bali lagi. YAY!!!
Part of me is really happy mau ketemu lagi sama my long-lost boyf. But the other part of me feels sad, cause I’m not sure whether I’d like 2 see him dengan kondisi dia yg fell out of love and hasn’t able to find a way to love me back as much as he used to.
Well, we’ll just see what happens next! Hope for the best, prepare for the worst! (..HELL, last time I said that, my PDA phone got robbed.. TT_TT’’)
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Back to campus *sigh*.. kelas SisBang masih kosong, blm ada dosen tapi dah ada absent kelas & absent asdos (untung gw masuk..). No sight of my mates yg lagi pada TA (banana, neng vivi, ieyan, helmi etc.) akhirnya sambil nunggu indahe dateng programming, I went 2 lunch with Mehdi, dimanalagi kalo bukan di KopMa.. gile dah lama bgt gak makan disitu..
Abis makan ketemu Ija, Adam BZQ sama Yuco. Tukeran no.HP, chitchatting 4awhile, dan biasalah anak2 itu langsung ngegosip, “cowo manalagi itu??” cut it out you guys, I’ll let u know when there’s sumtin worth gossipin’ about.
Indahe met us at the library, and then Mehdi balik ke Design, gue ma Indahe went upstairs ke kelas programming. Udah ada Madame Dedes, jadi obviously kelasnya dah mulai. Dosen pembimbing gue buat hari itu gak ada, jadi gue ngintil aja di kelompok diskusinya my darling Madame, yg lagi megang kelompoknya Indahe, yg saking paniknya mau diskusi ama Madame, doi baca ayat kursi dulu.. (hohoohohohoho emang siyh that lady freaks d hell out of everyone.. TT_TT’’)
Selesai programming gue nemenin indah nyari kertas kalkir buat studio7 di GA, trus makan dibwh gd.C, trus ke Design ketemuan lagi ama Mehdi, trus ke depan Elektro ketemuan ama Indahe’s boyf & anak2 Mesin laennya.
Went home with Nala & Pia, as usual.
Mlmnya iseng ngulik theme song-nya Final Fantasy X-2.. hehehehehhe nice, I managed 2 play it quite decently.. heheheh guess I haven’t lose my sight-hearing skill (^o^)v
My programming assignments are due to finish on dec. 8th, 2004, jadi, my lovely friends, siap2 bantuin mikir/ngetik/gambar/ngeprint/whatever yak!
~a best friend is not someone who laugh when u laugh and cry when you cry, they’re someone who makes u laugh, and stop you from crying~
Ps: to Mehdi, YES, she did all that, and that’s why, despite all her madness, she made one helluva great friend and I intend to keep her for good. Hope you’ll finally understand.
Back to campus *sigh*.. kelas SisBang masih kosong, blm ada dosen tapi dah ada absent kelas & absent asdos (untung gw masuk..). No sight of my mates yg lagi pada TA (banana, neng vivi, ieyan, helmi etc.) akhirnya sambil nunggu indahe dateng programming, I went 2 lunch with Mehdi, dimanalagi kalo bukan di KopMa.. gile dah lama bgt gak makan disitu..
Abis makan ketemu Ija, Adam BZQ sama Yuco. Tukeran no.HP, chitchatting 4awhile, dan biasalah anak2 itu langsung ngegosip, “cowo manalagi itu??” cut it out you guys, I’ll let u know when there’s sumtin worth gossipin’ about.
Indahe met us at the library, and then Mehdi balik ke Design, gue ma Indahe went upstairs ke kelas programming. Udah ada Madame Dedes, jadi obviously kelasnya dah mulai. Dosen pembimbing gue buat hari itu gak ada, jadi gue ngintil aja di kelompok diskusinya my darling Madame, yg lagi megang kelompoknya Indahe, yg saking paniknya mau diskusi ama Madame, doi baca ayat kursi dulu.. (hohoohohohoho emang siyh that lady freaks d hell out of everyone.. TT_TT’’)
Selesai programming gue nemenin indah nyari kertas kalkir buat studio7 di GA, trus makan dibwh gd.C, trus ke Design ketemuan lagi ama Mehdi, trus ke depan Elektro ketemuan ama Indahe’s boyf & anak2 Mesin laennya.
Went home with Nala & Pia, as usual.
Mlmnya iseng ngulik theme song-nya Final Fantasy X-2.. hehehehehhe nice, I managed 2 play it quite decently.. heheheh guess I haven’t lose my sight-hearing skill (^o^)v
My programming assignments are due to finish on dec. 8th, 2004, jadi, my lovely friends, siap2 bantuin mikir/ngetik/gambar/ngeprint/whatever yak!
~a best friend is not someone who laugh when u laugh and cry when you cry, they’re someone who makes u laugh, and stop you from crying~
Ps: to Mehdi, YES, she did all that, and that’s why, despite all her madness, she made one helluva great friend and I intend to keep her for good. Hope you’ll finally understand.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Ngajar seperti biasa. Udaranya ENAK BGT huhuhu *terharu*.. dan ga tau kenapa gue lagi indemut buat put on some decent clothes, pake double shirt (transparan bo..), pink corduroy blazer and gray stretch cotton pants.. I resist the urge of wearing my pink heels.. hahahah I wore a beaded sandal instead. Pink, of course. Heheheh..
Kasi oleh-oleh ke mbak Lusi ama Menur, trus sungkeman ama guru2 yg laen deh. Disana ada Levi juga. Ternyata CD Love Affair-nya dia yg dari Ennio Morricone, sedangkan gue by Mike Strickland. Mau pinjem akh..
Mike Strickland’s CD juga bagus sih, I LOVE his version of The Sound of Music’s “My Favorite Things”, West Side Story Medley, theme from Schindler’s List, and of course, Piano Solo from the movie “Love Affair”.
~ Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto, Li tutti vivono in pace e in onestà.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere, Come le nuvole che volano,
Pien' d'umanità in fondo all'anima~ Nella Fantasia, a song that’s stuck in my head this past few weeks..
Ngajar seperti biasa. Udaranya ENAK BGT huhuhu *terharu*.. dan ga tau kenapa gue lagi indemut buat put on some decent clothes, pake double shirt (transparan bo..), pink corduroy blazer and gray stretch cotton pants.. I resist the urge of wearing my pink heels.. hahahah I wore a beaded sandal instead. Pink, of course. Heheheh..
Kasi oleh-oleh ke mbak Lusi ama Menur, trus sungkeman ama guru2 yg laen deh. Disana ada Levi juga. Ternyata CD Love Affair-nya dia yg dari Ennio Morricone, sedangkan gue by Mike Strickland. Mau pinjem akh..
Mike Strickland’s CD juga bagus sih, I LOVE his version of The Sound of Music’s “My Favorite Things”, West Side Story Medley, theme from Schindler’s List, and of course, Piano Solo from the movie “Love Affair”.
~ Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto, Li tutti vivono in pace e in onestà.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere, Come le nuvole che volano,
Pien' d'umanità in fondo all'anima~ Nella Fantasia, a song that’s stuck in my head this past few weeks..
Monday, November 22, 2004
Monday, November 22, 2004
Seharian leyeh2 doing nothing, padahal I’m fully aware, tugas programming menumpuk.. somehow I couldn’t force my lazy ass to do some work..
Last night kawanan pigracers alias dimas arya ikmal dan jono (minus agus beva cos achunk edwin dll dsb) bertandang kerumah.. biasa, sungkeman sambil minta dikasi makan.. heheheh miss u guys.. akhirnya dibeliin nasi goring depan rumah sambil nonton The House of The Flying Dagger bareng bokap.
Woke up late (padahal dah pasang alarm.. tapi dimatiin trus tidur lagi..) so I decided 2 skip classes, leyeh2 dirumah (udaranya lagi enak bgt, sejuk abis ujan.. my kind of weather) trus siangan dikit ke rumah krishna, numpang browsing for aplikasi nokia 6260 (sambungan telpon dirumah completely dead. Gara2 ditarik mama pas throwing tantrums abis nerima phonebill kali yey? Huhuhu.. chill, mum.. T_T’’)
Dirumah kishna bagiin oleh-oleh, buat krish dimpol ma indra. Nitip punya tante Datie ke Krishna (jangan lupa dikasi ya krish)
Sorenya ke Imbiss ama krish dimpol indra lia, for chicken burger n strawberry yoghurt.. yumm.. kangeeeennnnnn..
Back to krish’s.. pada nyelak make computer.. huhuhu sebaaalll dasar warnet gratisan.. dah gitu nambah pula yg dtg make computer.. huhuhuh jadi gue diatas nontonin dimpol ma indra maen grand theft auto ama WE.. trus foto2 gak jelas pake henpon baru.. hehehehh henpon narsisku..
Mlmnya dimpol balik ma alwin, gue balik ma Krishna (thanks, man, I’m wasted..)
~no quotes for tudey. I’m completely braindead.~
Seharian leyeh2 doing nothing, padahal I’m fully aware, tugas programming menumpuk.. somehow I couldn’t force my lazy ass to do some work..
Last night kawanan pigracers alias dimas arya ikmal dan jono (minus agus beva cos achunk edwin dll dsb) bertandang kerumah.. biasa, sungkeman sambil minta dikasi makan.. heheheh miss u guys.. akhirnya dibeliin nasi goring depan rumah sambil nonton The House of The Flying Dagger bareng bokap.
Woke up late (padahal dah pasang alarm.. tapi dimatiin trus tidur lagi..) so I decided 2 skip classes, leyeh2 dirumah (udaranya lagi enak bgt, sejuk abis ujan.. my kind of weather) trus siangan dikit ke rumah krishna, numpang browsing for aplikasi nokia 6260 (sambungan telpon dirumah completely dead. Gara2 ditarik mama pas throwing tantrums abis nerima phonebill kali yey? Huhuhu.. chill, mum.. T_T’’)
Dirumah kishna bagiin oleh-oleh, buat krish dimpol ma indra. Nitip punya tante Datie ke Krishna (jangan lupa dikasi ya krish)
Sorenya ke Imbiss ama krish dimpol indra lia, for chicken burger n strawberry yoghurt.. yumm.. kangeeeennnnnn..
Back to krish’s.. pada nyelak make computer.. huhuhu sebaaalll dasar warnet gratisan.. dah gitu nambah pula yg dtg make computer.. huhuhuh jadi gue diatas nontonin dimpol ma indra maen grand theft auto ama WE.. trus foto2 gak jelas pake henpon baru.. hehehehh henpon narsisku..
Mlmnya dimpol balik ma alwin, gue balik ma Krishna (thanks, man, I’m wasted..)
~no quotes for tudey. I’m completely braindead.~
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Finally managed to get my lazy ass off bed n went downstairs to blog. So here’s what happened to me in the past 2 weeks :
Leaving Jkt on Nov. 6th, 8 hours flight headed to Abu Dhabi with Gulf Air (with flight attendants that successfully gave me d feeling of being in a military camp) and bukapuasa di pswt menurut waktu setempat, which is 20:00 wib! T_T *sniff*
Nginep di Abu Dhabi.. nice hotel.. oversize rooms and landscapes (no complaining here xp) and continue our journey d next day. Off to Jeddah. Sampe sana langsung drove to Madinnah, arrived at sahur, langsung makan di hotel Anwar Al Madina, beautiful 5-star hotel, only 20 meters from the Nabawi mosque. Couple of days later we headed to Mecca, stopped at Bir Ali mosque buat ngambil miqot –niat umroh dan yg cowo changed their clothes with pakaian ihram- which has a very beautiful garden, ga berasa lagi di daerah padang pasir..
Sampe Mecca abis naro barang2 di apartemen, langsung ke Masjidil Haram. First thing u should know about me is that I HATE CROWDS. Dan disana the sight of hundreds of millions of people struggling to get inside the holy mosque frightened me to death. I was like, “uh.. mum.. do we REALLY NEED to get in there??” and yes, she dragged me in without even bother to answer.
Puasa2, thawaf muterin Ka’bah 7x along with God knows how many other people crammed around it, lack of oxygen, tired and all worn out, thank God I’m with my family. We made it anyway, trus duduk di dalem mesjid nunggu waktu bukapuasa. Standar, kurma sama air zamzam. (And I STILL CAN’T drink it without getting nauseated!!! Whyyyyy??????? O_o**)
Pas Sa’i, mondar mandir 7x between Shafa-Marwah, ga jauh beda menderita sama kaya pas Thawaf. Bener-bener deh.. Umroh Ramadhan tuh jauh lebih rame dari musim haji.. mana hari gue umroh sengaja dijadwalin tgl.27 (Lailatul Qadr) biar afdol.. well I should’ve known better that millions of other Moslems juga berpikiran sama kaya rombongan gue..
Back to our dingy apartment. Gue baru liat kamar mandi ukuran 0,5mx1,5m.. ^_^” (I resisted the urge of bitching on the holy land..)
Besoknya city tour ke Mina, Arafah, Jabal Rahmah (tempat Adam-Hawa ketemu lagi abis kepisah 300thn) dan katanya klo berdoa disitu dpt jodoh. Tempting! Heheheheh .. tp begitu ngliat tempatnya mesti manjat dulu keatas bukit (tanpa ada fasilitas tangga..), yah wassalam deh.. gue cuma naek ke kaki bukit, berdoa disitu trus turun lagi. My brother went all d way to the top. Niat lu yey! Huhuhu..
Pulang dari sana pada Umroh lagi (sunnah). Gue ga ikut, due to personal reasons.
Oh and I was robbed right in front of Masjidil Haram, by 4 women who pretend to be beggars tapi sebenernya rampok. They took my pda-phone. YES, my lovely PALM TUNGSTEN W with the new simcard!!! Fuuuuuuug!!! *cries*
Gue ga dapet taraweh disana.. baruuu mau taraweh pas abis Isya tau2 dari arah istana ada bunyi ledakan petasan dan orang2 pada keluar dari mesjid sambil takbiran! And I was like, “Huh? What’s going on??” *clingak clinguk*
Ternyata di Mecca lebaran tgl 13.. huhuhu.. surprise surprise! v(^o^)v
Gw yg hrsnya plg tgl 14 di delay jadi tgl 15.. dan liburan di Mecca itu garing juga yey.. udaranya panas bgt, debu, dan as a female Moslem gue harus pake baju yg ‘bener’.. huhuhu.. tertutup from head-to-toe.. YES, banana, your lovely baby-hentai managed to behave well by putting on some decent clothing in the holy land! (iyalah, daripada dirajam.. huhuhu T_T’’)
Yah pokonya akhirnya pulang juga, ke Jeddah dulu, city tour, liat laut merah sama mesjid terapung (only one comment on Jeddah: Big city with too much wealth sampe ga tau mesti diapain lagi uangnya, makanya they spent most of it on artistic sculptures on the seashore sama di bunderan jalan). Two thumbs up for the landscape work. Two thumbs down for the weather. Panasnya sinnj…
Dari Jeddah ke Abu Dhabi, transit doang 5 menit langsung cabs ke Bahrain.
Bahrain… also a very beautiful city.. with overrated price on everything!!! Maybe its because of the currency.. 1 Bahrain Dinar is worth US$ 2.70 !!! berarti… Rp.25rb??? DAAAAMNNNNNN!!! It costs me almost 100rb buat ngupi2 at Seattle Coffee near the hotel.. and the friggin ice mocha wasn’t even that good!! Hah!! Enakan hot choco pesenan babe gue.. ugh.. (great hotel, btw. They didn’t called it Elite Hotel for nothing.. my room.. was one of the most beautiful room I ever see.. lengkap dengan its own dining room and living room and separated bedroom.. beeyooootiful!)
I bought a brown leather-strapped DKNY watch at the airport’s dutyfree. Finally, gue pake jam lagi! sejak my Guess?Watch ilang pas SMP, gue ga pernah pake jam lagi.
Nice airport, btw. As good as Singapore’s Changi. Which is my next destination.
After 10hours flight, we finally arrived at Spore. Gue flu berat, muka gue dah merah semua gara2 demam sejak dari Bahrain, gue dah takut stuck di immigration ga bole masuk spore gara2 bawa penyakit.. tp lolos kok *phew*
I spent my 1st day in spore lying in bed at the Lion City Hotel, while d rest of my family went shopping at orchard. Luckily mum went home with couple of nice shirts for me, jadi rada terhibur dikit.. *grin*
Besoknya gue ikutan jalan2 ke museum yg di pinggir spore’s river.. trus ke Esplanade, trus ke tempat cable car up in d mountain (ga naek cable car, i’m afraid of heights) trus back to orchard to shop some more. I bought books @Kinokuniya and a Nokia 6260 cellphone.
That night I used the hotel’s computer to open the internet. Kocak, gue mesti masukin a dollar coin buat make computer 15 menit. Tapi Rp.6000 for 15 minutes? Wah bangkrut juga lama2.. gue abis 6 bucks for nothing.
The next morning we packed our things, nitip ke receptionist and went to Suntec City for more n more shopping. Frea found THE cd that contains the Piano Solo for the movie “Love Affair”.. indeed a beautiful song.. I’m playing it over n over again on my laptop and finally managed to play it on my piano, lumayan mirip tapi ngga detail. I’ll work on the details later.
Btw gue pulang pake ValueAir.. hahahah reminds me of the film “Soul Plane”.. Flight attendants-nya (mostly very young and cute) pake polo-shirt n celana pendek and running shoes, with ponytails, very sporty and casual. Kotak makannya juga uniquely designed with bright colors with the word “Hungry?” printed on top of it. And the part that made us laugh and clapped appreciatively is when one of the stewardesses singing their corporate anthem at the end of the journey! Hahahahah way to go, ValueAir! (worth all the bumps and turbulence on our 1+ hour flight).
Sampe jkt, Adit called (the guy who shares an apartment with us at Mecca, his younger brother is my sister’s highschool friend, and his other younger brother is my brother’s elementary school’s friend. And his OTHER younger brother is the young Indonesian actor/celeb who starred in the sinetron “ABG”, Dimas Setowardhana. Nice *grin*) and chatted for a while. He’s really nice, and we’re still texting each other every once in a while. I look fwd 2 meet him again, since he owes me sumtin.. hehehehhehehhe (^o^)v
Well that’s all. I am home now. Kmrn ngajar spt biasa. Still suffered from flu, my nose’s still running and my throat’s still sore and my right ear is still malfunctioned and my head is throbbing so much I cant stay up for too long. And its already Monday tomorrow, and I’ll have to face Madame Dedes again in Programming class (AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH PROGRAMMMMMMIIIIIINGGGGGGG… I was dreading this..)
Well friends, siap2 yah buat dipekerjakan sebagai tukang ketik, tukang ngitung, drafter, etc ya, krn in a few days from now gw bakal menggila ngerjain paper ama skematik programming DAN start gambar tugas2 sisbang… hikshikshikshikshikshiks… help this poor lil friend of yours… heeeelppp… TT_TT
~ been there, done that, can’t remember most of it~ taken from one of the cute keychains with witty words written in each one of them, sold at Changi Airport for Sg $ 3.90
Finally managed to get my lazy ass off bed n went downstairs to blog. So here’s what happened to me in the past 2 weeks :
Leaving Jkt on Nov. 6th, 8 hours flight headed to Abu Dhabi with Gulf Air (with flight attendants that successfully gave me d feeling of being in a military camp) and bukapuasa di pswt menurut waktu setempat, which is 20:00 wib! T_T *sniff*
Nginep di Abu Dhabi.. nice hotel.. oversize rooms and landscapes (no complaining here xp) and continue our journey d next day. Off to Jeddah. Sampe sana langsung drove to Madinnah, arrived at sahur, langsung makan di hotel Anwar Al Madina, beautiful 5-star hotel, only 20 meters from the Nabawi mosque. Couple of days later we headed to Mecca, stopped at Bir Ali mosque buat ngambil miqot –niat umroh dan yg cowo changed their clothes with pakaian ihram- which has a very beautiful garden, ga berasa lagi di daerah padang pasir..
Sampe Mecca abis naro barang2 di apartemen, langsung ke Masjidil Haram. First thing u should know about me is that I HATE CROWDS. Dan disana the sight of hundreds of millions of people struggling to get inside the holy mosque frightened me to death. I was like, “uh.. mum.. do we REALLY NEED to get in there??” and yes, she dragged me in without even bother to answer.
Puasa2, thawaf muterin Ka’bah 7x along with God knows how many other people crammed around it, lack of oxygen, tired and all worn out, thank God I’m with my family. We made it anyway, trus duduk di dalem mesjid nunggu waktu bukapuasa. Standar, kurma sama air zamzam. (And I STILL CAN’T drink it without getting nauseated!!! Whyyyyy??????? O_o**)
Pas Sa’i, mondar mandir 7x between Shafa-Marwah, ga jauh beda menderita sama kaya pas Thawaf. Bener-bener deh.. Umroh Ramadhan tuh jauh lebih rame dari musim haji.. mana hari gue umroh sengaja dijadwalin tgl.27 (Lailatul Qadr) biar afdol.. well I should’ve known better that millions of other Moslems juga berpikiran sama kaya rombongan gue..
Back to our dingy apartment. Gue baru liat kamar mandi ukuran 0,5mx1,5m.. ^_^” (I resisted the urge of bitching on the holy land..)
Besoknya city tour ke Mina, Arafah, Jabal Rahmah (tempat Adam-Hawa ketemu lagi abis kepisah 300thn) dan katanya klo berdoa disitu dpt jodoh. Tempting! Heheheheh .. tp begitu ngliat tempatnya mesti manjat dulu keatas bukit (tanpa ada fasilitas tangga..), yah wassalam deh.. gue cuma naek ke kaki bukit, berdoa disitu trus turun lagi. My brother went all d way to the top. Niat lu yey! Huhuhu..
Pulang dari sana pada Umroh lagi (sunnah). Gue ga ikut, due to personal reasons.
Oh and I was robbed right in front of Masjidil Haram, by 4 women who pretend to be beggars tapi sebenernya rampok. They took my pda-phone. YES, my lovely PALM TUNGSTEN W with the new simcard!!! Fuuuuuuug!!! *cries*
Gue ga dapet taraweh disana.. baruuu mau taraweh pas abis Isya tau2 dari arah istana ada bunyi ledakan petasan dan orang2 pada keluar dari mesjid sambil takbiran! And I was like, “Huh? What’s going on??” *clingak clinguk*
Ternyata di Mecca lebaran tgl 13.. huhuhu.. surprise surprise! v(^o^)v
Gw yg hrsnya plg tgl 14 di delay jadi tgl 15.. dan liburan di Mecca itu garing juga yey.. udaranya panas bgt, debu, dan as a female Moslem gue harus pake baju yg ‘bener’.. huhuhu.. tertutup from head-to-toe.. YES, banana, your lovely baby-hentai managed to behave well by putting on some decent clothing in the holy land! (iyalah, daripada dirajam.. huhuhu T_T’’)
Yah pokonya akhirnya pulang juga, ke Jeddah dulu, city tour, liat laut merah sama mesjid terapung (only one comment on Jeddah: Big city with too much wealth sampe ga tau mesti diapain lagi uangnya, makanya they spent most of it on artistic sculptures on the seashore sama di bunderan jalan). Two thumbs up for the landscape work. Two thumbs down for the weather. Panasnya sinnj…
Dari Jeddah ke Abu Dhabi, transit doang 5 menit langsung cabs ke Bahrain.
Bahrain… also a very beautiful city.. with overrated price on everything!!! Maybe its because of the currency.. 1 Bahrain Dinar is worth US$ 2.70 !!! berarti… Rp.25rb??? DAAAAMNNNNNN!!! It costs me almost 100rb buat ngupi2 at Seattle Coffee near the hotel.. and the friggin ice mocha wasn’t even that good!! Hah!! Enakan hot choco pesenan babe gue.. ugh.. (great hotel, btw. They didn’t called it Elite Hotel for nothing.. my room.. was one of the most beautiful room I ever see.. lengkap dengan its own dining room and living room and separated bedroom.. beeyooootiful!)
I bought a brown leather-strapped DKNY watch at the airport’s dutyfree. Finally, gue pake jam lagi! sejak my Guess?Watch ilang pas SMP, gue ga pernah pake jam lagi.
Nice airport, btw. As good as Singapore’s Changi. Which is my next destination.
After 10hours flight, we finally arrived at Spore. Gue flu berat, muka gue dah merah semua gara2 demam sejak dari Bahrain, gue dah takut stuck di immigration ga bole masuk spore gara2 bawa penyakit.. tp lolos kok *phew*
I spent my 1st day in spore lying in bed at the Lion City Hotel, while d rest of my family went shopping at orchard. Luckily mum went home with couple of nice shirts for me, jadi rada terhibur dikit.. *grin*
Besoknya gue ikutan jalan2 ke museum yg di pinggir spore’s river.. trus ke Esplanade, trus ke tempat cable car up in d mountain (ga naek cable car, i’m afraid of heights) trus back to orchard to shop some more. I bought books @Kinokuniya and a Nokia 6260 cellphone.
That night I used the hotel’s computer to open the internet. Kocak, gue mesti masukin a dollar coin buat make computer 15 menit. Tapi Rp.6000 for 15 minutes? Wah bangkrut juga lama2.. gue abis 6 bucks for nothing.
The next morning we packed our things, nitip ke receptionist and went to Suntec City for more n more shopping. Frea found THE cd that contains the Piano Solo for the movie “Love Affair”.. indeed a beautiful song.. I’m playing it over n over again on my laptop and finally managed to play it on my piano, lumayan mirip tapi ngga detail. I’ll work on the details later.
Btw gue pulang pake ValueAir.. hahahah reminds me of the film “Soul Plane”.. Flight attendants-nya (mostly very young and cute) pake polo-shirt n celana pendek and running shoes, with ponytails, very sporty and casual. Kotak makannya juga uniquely designed with bright colors with the word “Hungry?” printed on top of it. And the part that made us laugh and clapped appreciatively is when one of the stewardesses singing their corporate anthem at the end of the journey! Hahahahah way to go, ValueAir! (worth all the bumps and turbulence on our 1+ hour flight).
Sampe jkt, Adit called (the guy who shares an apartment with us at Mecca, his younger brother is my sister’s highschool friend, and his other younger brother is my brother’s elementary school’s friend. And his OTHER younger brother is the young Indonesian actor/celeb who starred in the sinetron “ABG”, Dimas Setowardhana. Nice *grin*) and chatted for a while. He’s really nice, and we’re still texting each other every once in a while. I look fwd 2 meet him again, since he owes me sumtin.. hehehehhehehhe (^o^)v
Well that’s all. I am home now. Kmrn ngajar spt biasa. Still suffered from flu, my nose’s still running and my throat’s still sore and my right ear is still malfunctioned and my head is throbbing so much I cant stay up for too long. And its already Monday tomorrow, and I’ll have to face Madame Dedes again in Programming class (AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH PROGRAMMMMMMIIIIIINGGGGGGG… I was dreading this..)
Well friends, siap2 yah buat dipekerjakan sebagai tukang ketik, tukang ngitung, drafter, etc ya, krn in a few days from now gw bakal menggila ngerjain paper ama skematik programming DAN start gambar tugas2 sisbang… hikshikshikshikshikshiks… help this poor lil friend of yours… heeeelppp… TT_TT
~ been there, done that, can’t remember most of it~ taken from one of the cute keychains with witty words written in each one of them, sold at Changi Airport for Sg $ 3.90
Saturday, November 06, 2004
aaaahhhh just got home from makan2 sama d bday boy, Krishna, trus sama Dimpol Iyus Indra Qya Lia (tmnnya Indra dari Batam).. di.. apa tadi nama tempatnya?? aduh mulai deh doriii.. huhuhu mana tadi ketemu Icha-nya Wisnu "si Bolots".. dan dia manggil gue.. dan GUE LUPA AJA LOH SIAPAKAH GERANGAN MAHLUK ITU... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH kebiasaan jelek!!! mana pas gue noleh ke belakang.. anak2 dah pada kabur ninggalin gue yg matigaya.. sialll kaliaaannnn!!! huhuhuhu T_T' akhirnya gue dengan guilty face nanya.. "mmm sapa ya? heheh gue kenal dimana?.. uh.. tolong diingetin,.. huehehe..*gulp*.." dannn dia dah tengsin gitu, said "oh.. nvm, forget about it".. dan GUE INSIST on ASKING HER ttg korelasi gue ama dia.. huhuhuhuh bodo ah.. well akhirnya semuanya terselesaikan dengan baik.. NOT! aheuaheuaheuhuehuae once again i am so sorry cha... (^o^)v peace..
dan buat Krishna.. MAKASIH YAAA TRAKTIRANNYAAA!!!! *smoooches*
anyway, siang nanti gue berangkat umroh.. tolong doanya yaa.. smoga smua doa2 gue disana dikabulkan.. AMIN (hadyuuh titipan doa anak2 banyak amat yak.. huhuhu iya dah gue catetin kok.. heheheh klo terkabul gw dapet komisi yak! heheheh)
agh.. sialnya kartu pra-bayar gue tercinta disana tuh USELESS.. jadi klo ada yg penting2, u can reach me at:
+62 812 8060 509 (mum's)
+62 818 72 98 54 (dad's)
last but not least :
for everything i said or didn't say,
did or didn't do
that might hurt u in any way..
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin,
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin
Selamat Idul Fitri to all of you!
dan buat Krishna.. MAKASIH YAAA TRAKTIRANNYAAA!!!! *smoooches*
anyway, siang nanti gue berangkat umroh.. tolong doanya yaa.. smoga smua doa2 gue disana dikabulkan.. AMIN (hadyuuh titipan doa anak2 banyak amat yak.. huhuhu iya dah gue catetin kok.. heheheh klo terkabul gw dapet komisi yak! heheheh)
agh.. sialnya kartu pra-bayar gue tercinta disana tuh USELESS.. jadi klo ada yg penting2, u can reach me at:
+62 812 8060 509 (mum's)
+62 818 72 98 54 (dad's)
last but not least :
for everything i said or didn't say,
did or didn't do
that might hurt u in any way..
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin,
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin
Selamat Idul Fitri to all of you!
Friday, November 05, 2004
happy birthday to:
KRISHNA MURTI SANTOSO (hahahah full name!) a.k.a MURTE
IJA (sorry, man, didnt know ur full name..)
wishing u all a life worth living! *smoooches*
oh and finally, chat ama Kennnn... (damnnn youuuu stop callin me names! klo mau kasi gue nickname yg bagusan dikit kek! uugh ketularan krishna juga lo ye.. huhuhu)
oh dan buat Mas RAMA.. smoga mobilnya KETEMU dan malingnya abis dihajar massa!!! amin. (ngapain aja siyh dirumah Ika sampe ga nyadar mobilnya dimaling orang?? hehehehhehehe peace..)
~when i said Go, you go.. when i said Stay, you go..~ *yeah krish, now its my turn using this line.. T_T"
KRISHNA MURTI SANTOSO (hahahah full name!) a.k.a MURTE
IJA (sorry, man, didnt know ur full name..)
wishing u all a life worth living! *smoooches*
oh and finally, chat ama Kennnn... (damnnn youuuu stop callin me names! klo mau kasi gue nickname yg bagusan dikit kek! uugh ketularan krishna juga lo ye.. huhuhu)
oh dan buat Mas RAMA.. smoga mobilnya KETEMU dan malingnya abis dihajar massa!!! amin. (ngapain aja siyh dirumah Ika sampe ga nyadar mobilnya dimaling orang?? hehehehhehehe peace..)
~when i said Go, you go.. when i said Stay, you go..~ *yeah krish, now its my turn using this line.. T_T"
Thursday, November 04, 2004
I get along without you very well,
Of course I do,
Except when soft rains fall
And drip from leaves, then I recall
The thrill of being sheltered in your arms
Of course, I do,
But I get along without you very well.
I've forgotten you just like I should,
Of course I have,
Except to hear your name,
Or someone's laugh that is the same,
But I've forgotten you just like I should.
What a guy, what a fool am I,
To think my breaking heart could kid the moon.
What's in store? Should I phone once more?
No, it's best that I stick to my tune.
I get along without you very well,
Of course I do,
Except perhaps in spring,
But I should never think of spring,
For that would surely break my heart in two.
~i still recall the things you've said to me
its what you did not say that sets me free~
Of course I do,
Except when soft rains fall
And drip from leaves, then I recall
The thrill of being sheltered in your arms
Of course, I do,
But I get along without you very well.
I've forgotten you just like I should,
Of course I have,
Except to hear your name,
Or someone's laugh that is the same,
But I've forgotten you just like I should.
What a guy, what a fool am I,
To think my breaking heart could kid the moon.
What's in store? Should I phone once more?
No, it's best that I stick to my tune.
I get along without you very well,
Of course I do,
Except perhaps in spring,
But I should never think of spring,
For that would surely break my heart in two.
~i still recall the things you've said to me
its what you did not say that sets me free~
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Tadi gue denger di radio ada cewe yang nyanyiin Keith Martin”s “Because of You”, bagus deh.. hehehhehe jadi inget pas gue sama Netha maen di Krishna’s dining room.. dimana yang punya rumah bengong with his mouth full of lunch yg ga jadi-jadi ditelen gara2 terpesona sama kita berdua.. hahahahahahah Indra juga tuuh, langsung bawaannya mellow.. ahahahahah kalo segitu gampangnya mempesona cowo2 dengan tinkling the piano mah my lil black book dah penuh dari kapan tau.. hahahahhahahaha
Hmm tadi gue iseng telpon Rifi pas lagi break ngajar. Dia lagi mau bukapuasa.. rame bgt backgroundnya ada suara cewe2 ktawa2.. hah.. “cewe smua tuh kayanya.. “ I said.. dan dia ngga berusaha make an excuse pula.. duhh cowo gue nih?? Sooooo unlike him.. hiks.. what happened to you, yangnaaaa?? Dosaaaa tauuukkkk puasa2 bikin sakit hatiiiii… huhuhuhuhu..
Yah tar pas umroh gue mau berdoa banyak2.. pastinya MINTA AMPUUUNNNN ya Allah gue banyak dosaaa… hiks.. minta ditunjukin dan dikasi jalan yang terbaik buat gue.. dan dilindungin dari segala macem bentuk sakit.. sakit fisik, sakit hati, sakit pikiran, sakit jiwa,.. hahahah pokonya tolooong ya Tuhaaaannnn I’ve had enough, don’t U think??
Well.. pokonya ntar gue mau seperti biasa : hope for the best, prepare for the worst.. huhuhuh semoga pulang dengan selamat aja deh, ga usah macem2..
i poured my heart out :
Open your heart, listen to me
Look through my eyes n you'll find d key
To unlock my door
To break down this wall
Flip d pages of my dreams
And read aloud my soul
How it bleed when i cried
How it hurts when love die
When u walked out and leave without telling me why
Then I saw her right there, smiling, waiting 4 u
I close my eyes, turn around, denying the truth
That somehow i failed to see it clearly
There's no point in trying, just face it. We're through.
Well I won’t regret the fact that you're no longer here
No longer beside me, no longer near
‘Coz I can always look through the pictures of my memories
Where I’ll find u there
A part of my life, my journey, my story.
Pieces of me, 2003.
~Will my weakness for an hour make me suffer for a lifetime?
Is there any way to be made whole again?
If I’m healed, renewed and find forgiveness
Find the strength I’ve never had
Will my scars forever ruin all God’s plan?~
Hmm tadi gue iseng telpon Rifi pas lagi break ngajar. Dia lagi mau bukapuasa.. rame bgt backgroundnya ada suara cewe2 ktawa2.. hah.. “cewe smua tuh kayanya.. “ I said.. dan dia ngga berusaha make an excuse pula.. duhh cowo gue nih?? Sooooo unlike him.. hiks.. what happened to you, yangnaaaa?? Dosaaaa tauuukkkk puasa2 bikin sakit hatiiiii… huhuhuhuhu..
Yah tar pas umroh gue mau berdoa banyak2.. pastinya MINTA AMPUUUNNNN ya Allah gue banyak dosaaa… hiks.. minta ditunjukin dan dikasi jalan yang terbaik buat gue.. dan dilindungin dari segala macem bentuk sakit.. sakit fisik, sakit hati, sakit pikiran, sakit jiwa,.. hahahah pokonya tolooong ya Tuhaaaannnn I’ve had enough, don’t U think??
Well.. pokonya ntar gue mau seperti biasa : hope for the best, prepare for the worst.. huhuhuh semoga pulang dengan selamat aja deh, ga usah macem2..
i poured my heart out :
Open your heart, listen to me
Look through my eyes n you'll find d key
To unlock my door
To break down this wall
Flip d pages of my dreams
And read aloud my soul
How it bleed when i cried
How it hurts when love die
When u walked out and leave without telling me why
Then I saw her right there, smiling, waiting 4 u
I close my eyes, turn around, denying the truth
That somehow i failed to see it clearly
There's no point in trying, just face it. We're through.
Well I won’t regret the fact that you're no longer here
No longer beside me, no longer near
‘Coz I can always look through the pictures of my memories
Where I’ll find u there
A part of my life, my journey, my story.
Pieces of me, 2003.
~Will my weakness for an hour make me suffer for a lifetime?
Is there any way to be made whole again?
If I’m healed, renewed and find forgiveness
Find the strength I’ve never had
Will my scars forever ruin all God’s plan?~
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
ugh.. thanks to the flu i'm having.. i woke up at 3am.. freezing.. thanks to Frea's sleeveless shirt.. tipis pula.. so i went down 4 sahur, n guess what? mum was about to turned off d tv n headed back 2 her room. Malah nanya.. "Loh.. kok.. Ani malah bangun?" LAH GIMANA SIYH???? mo saur gaaak??????
ternyata sahur klo ga ada housemaid itu jadi urusan masing2. Grab ur own popmie n serve yerself.
i grabbed a bottle of Mogumogu n headed to d livingroom n here i am.. writing craps in my blog.
what else what else..?
mmmmmmmhhhh i cant think of anything worth writing.. so guess i'll just leave u with this .. the crappiest entry i ever had on my blog.
hv a nice day everybody. i'm gonna crawl back to my superfreakincold room n get more sleep..
ternyata sahur klo ga ada housemaid itu jadi urusan masing2. Grab ur own popmie n serve yerself.
i grabbed a bottle of Mogumogu n headed to d livingroom n here i am.. writing craps in my blog.
what else what else..?
mmmmmmmhhhh i cant think of anything worth writing.. so guess i'll just leave u with this .. the crappiest entry i ever had on my blog.
hv a nice day everybody. i'm gonna crawl back to my superfreakincold room n get more sleep..
Monday, November 01, 2004
I LOVE my new SIMcard!!! *smooches*
Now I can sms all my friends and get their instant replies! (There are other SIMcards that can send but cannot receive sms to/from other continents. Even if they can receive it, it took ages and by d time they get it, beritanya udah basi.. )
Well I am very much enjoying this new feature (yeah at least its new to me!) and now I get to sms Richie @Scotland, Alex n MamaDotty @Newcastle,OZ, Mia @Boston,USA, Andreas @Karlsruhe,Germany, Raina @Brunell,UK and Dewi @London,UK (haven’t heard from the last two though ^^’)
Richie called yesterday… for half an hour! WOW u must’ve missed me SOOO BAD to internationally-called me THAT LONG!! hahahaha jk jk *grin*
I am so happy to hear from him again.. He’s my friend’s older brother, and we’ve known each other since elementary school! He could be pretty annoying sometimes, but I know he really cares for me, and I thanked him for that. Hmm I know most of the member of his Batak-Belanda family, -Richie Hardin Orion Saga Endy Adit Parlo Atri Rana Joya- and most of them are “school’s bad boys” hahahaha *peace y’all (^o^)v
Oh and Happy Belated Birthday to Orion! (Richie’s younger –and cutest- brother who now has become a tall-n-handdddsommme young mannnnn.. huhuhu Miss U kiddo..)
Also thanks to Andreas who called me couple of days ago (and kindly offered to call more often!) hehehe what a surprise.. hahhaha sorry I got a bit tongue-tied *gulp* ^^” heheheh and thanks for all d times we spent @YM.. hehehe always nice talking 2 u.. and I get to speak Germany now! “Guten morgen! Wie geht’s? Schönen tag noch!” Heheheheehehheheheh *stupid grin*
All those int’l long distance calls have made me real happy and yet I felt real bad.. They’re in different continents yet they care enough to call.. not only sms me, but CALL, while the love of my life (yang CUMA di Bali doang) hasn’t even call nor sms me for weeks?!
I know I know maybe he’s busy and hasn’t got enough time nor money to do that, but then I remember what Richie said to me months ago, that “No matter how busy people are, kalo mereka bener2 care apalagi love n can’t afford to lose u, they’ll try 2 keep u no matter what it takes. Constantly give u calls, sms’, wrote u letters, emails, anything!”
U can always count on Richie 2 gave u rude awakenings T_T’’ ampunnn chie..
There’s nothing like waking to a bad reality.
(oh wait, I already used that line weeks ago? Yeah well, I’ll use it again anyway)
Well its been fun toying with my new SIMcard, but gw jadi repot sendiri karena most of d people I know blom gw kasitau ttg keberadaan nomer baru ini.. hahahahah dan gw jadi harus sering tuker2 SIMcard to checked for new messages on my IM3 (which most of them are from my student’s parents! Yikes!)
Makin rusak aja deh flip SIMcard on my battered old PDA.. *sigh*
~I used to play the queen of hearts n never thought I’d lose, I rolled d dice n never showed my hand, I planned it out so perfectly so you’d never leave a girl like me, I was a fool, but now I understand~
Now I can sms all my friends and get their instant replies! (There are other SIMcards that can send but cannot receive sms to/from other continents. Even if they can receive it, it took ages and by d time they get it, beritanya udah basi.. )
Well I am very much enjoying this new feature (yeah at least its new to me!) and now I get to sms Richie @Scotland, Alex n MamaDotty @Newcastle,OZ, Mia @Boston,USA, Andreas @Karlsruhe,Germany, Raina @Brunell,UK and Dewi @London,UK (haven’t heard from the last two though ^^’)
Richie called yesterday… for half an hour! WOW u must’ve missed me SOOO BAD to internationally-called me THAT LONG!! hahahaha jk jk *grin*
I am so happy to hear from him again.. He’s my friend’s older brother, and we’ve known each other since elementary school! He could be pretty annoying sometimes, but I know he really cares for me, and I thanked him for that. Hmm I know most of the member of his Batak-Belanda family, -Richie Hardin Orion Saga Endy Adit Parlo Atri Rana Joya- and most of them are “school’s bad boys” hahahaha *peace y’all (^o^)v
Oh and Happy Belated Birthday to Orion! (Richie’s younger –and cutest- brother who now has become a tall-n-handdddsommme young mannnnn.. huhuhu Miss U kiddo..)
Also thanks to Andreas who called me couple of days ago (and kindly offered to call more often!) hehehe what a surprise.. hahhaha sorry I got a bit tongue-tied *gulp* ^^” heheheh and thanks for all d times we spent @YM.. hehehe always nice talking 2 u.. and I get to speak Germany now! “Guten morgen! Wie geht’s? Schönen tag noch!” Heheheheehehheheheh *stupid grin*
All those int’l long distance calls have made me real happy and yet I felt real bad.. They’re in different continents yet they care enough to call.. not only sms me, but CALL, while the love of my life (yang CUMA di Bali doang) hasn’t even call nor sms me for weeks?!
I know I know maybe he’s busy and hasn’t got enough time nor money to do that, but then I remember what Richie said to me months ago, that “No matter how busy people are, kalo mereka bener2 care apalagi love n can’t afford to lose u, they’ll try 2 keep u no matter what it takes. Constantly give u calls, sms’, wrote u letters, emails, anything!”
U can always count on Richie 2 gave u rude awakenings T_T’’ ampunnn chie..
There’s nothing like waking to a bad reality.
(oh wait, I already used that line weeks ago? Yeah well, I’ll use it again anyway)
Well its been fun toying with my new SIMcard, but gw jadi repot sendiri karena most of d people I know blom gw kasitau ttg keberadaan nomer baru ini.. hahahahah dan gw jadi harus sering tuker2 SIMcard to checked for new messages on my IM3 (which most of them are from my student’s parents! Yikes!)
Makin rusak aja deh flip SIMcard on my battered old PDA.. *sigh*
~I used to play the queen of hearts n never thought I’d lose, I rolled d dice n never showed my hand, I planned it out so perfectly so you’d never leave a girl like me, I was a fool, but now I understand~
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