Ripped from the bulletin board
(only the questions. d'oh)
> -= About him/her =-
> 1. got a boyf ?
> --> yeah i do
> 2. whatsisname ?
> ---> krishnamurtisantoso
> 3. since when ?
> ---> may 16th ‘05
> 4. i mean since when d'ya like him ?
> ---> since i read his blog. and if u really wanna ask questions to ppl, do it nicely.
> 5. why do u like him ?
> ---> coz he’s so easy to please? Heheheh..
> 6. physically, is he ur type ?
> ---> dat skinny-ass white boi? mmmh whaddaya think?
> 7. hows he in person?
> ---> surprisingly he met my standards of qualifications.. hehe..
> 8. his best character ?
> ---> he’s very patient and has a high sense of tolerance, at least above men his age. Which is cool.
> 9. his worst annoying behavior ?
> ---> when i'm in one of my sulking mode, he prod, poke n tickles me til i speak up n tell him what bothers me.
> 10. is he posessive ?
> ---> kinda, he just wont admit it. Heh heh
> -=About you =-
> 1. how long have u been single b4 u date him ?
> ---> officially a month? But its not like what u think. Dont get all smartypants with me.
> 2. n u happy now ?
> ---> u mean HAPPIER? yeah =) thanks baby
> 3. whaddaya feel when he's around?
> ---> whats d english word for "gemes"?
> 4. "cinta mati" ?
> ---> hopefully wont have to. Its not healthy, people.
> 5. Are u a smoker ? if so, does he allow u to smoke ?
> ---> imma non smoker n neither does he. its weeds he's friendly with.
> 6. how often does he visits u?
> ---> 3-4 times a week.
> 7. is there anything that he doesnt know bout u ?
> ---> if he doesnt know than u shouldnt either. Sheesh.
> 8. he knows ur family ?
> ---> pretty much, yeah.
> 9. u really love him ?
> ---> am loving him more each day.
> 10. whats ur 1 hope for him ?
> ---> i hope he’ll never stop growing into a better person. A better man. Inside out. Amen.
> -= About your relationship =-
> 1. 1st time u guys met ?
> ---> sumtime late 2004 @some hotdog stand near his house.
> 2. how long does it take before u 2 start dating ?
> ---> erm.. 9 months?
> 3. First kiss ?
> ---> yeah what about it?
> 4. First date ?
> ---> sadly i’ve forgotten this part. Go n ask him. But dont tell him i forgot.
> 5. u get along with each other's families?
> ---> mmyeah i sppose so.
> 6. any nickname ?
> ---> ayang. Simple as that. Only he sumtimes called me ayaM. N when he does that, i call him Musang. N start bickering like 2 lil monkeys.
> 7. are u two a romantic couple ?
> ---> u can say so.
> 8. got matching stuff ?
> --> mmmyeah, a pair of necklace i bought @bali. Mine’s pink n his’ blue.
> 9. fave place?
> ---> anywhere comfortable enough to *beep* HAHAHAHAHAH
> 10. whats ur 1 wish 4 ur future with him ?
> ---> hope this relationship got blessings from above n everyone.
> Write a love message for him/her
> i thank God for sending me one of his/her best creation. I <3 u babe =)
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Just for my own twisted pleasure..
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Have a happy valentine’s day everybody.
Gosh I am so tired.
I’m done with my drawings, had collected them 2 the administration ppl. They suck, btw. And those who calls themselves lecturers. F*ck u all.
Had my papers submitted yesterday. It might interest u that I work my ass off 4 that piece of junk n d nite bfore d deadline’s due my laptop caught this brontok virus.
All in all, I have a shitty semester.
Ps : the final presentation’s list is out. Mine’s March 2nd, n I’m d1st one to go. Fine, let’s get this over with.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Oh. My. God.
Its been too damn long since I last posted anything REAL here, other than pictures I mean. This whole Final Project –thingie is getting way out of hand. Today I only slept for 2 hours. TWO FREAKIN HOURS. Then off to campus for final exam on my other class. The exam isn’t over yet. Its due for two whole days. Today n tomorrow, 0830am-0330pm on each day. The task was to create an alternative design of our project. Sounds simple, huh? Well its NOT. Meanwhile I still have to re-draw my own project to the school’s official tracing paper. I only finished 1-n-a-half piece of paper. There’s 20-sumtin more to draw n I only got 8 more days left. FYI it took me a good whole day to finish a single paper, so imagine how it feels to be me. I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Honestly, I’m not sure if I’m able to make it through.
Right now I hate myself to the very core.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Mom made chocolate pudding with lychees on top. So far so good, but then she add it with I don’t know how much coffee but it sure is enough to make me lose my appetite.
Watched reruns of America’s Next Top Model. I’m rooting for Naima. Fell in love d minute I saw her. I think even with her Mohawk she’s still looks very femininely pretty.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Had a fight with my boyf on our way to Wulan’s wedding. Sort things out immediately, n we’re back to our normal state of being not long after we arrived.
I love him too much.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Had a rehearsal for the wedding @Jaley’s house. Boif gave me a ride to meet my friends (Avin Oding Bibi), then he went home while went to Pejaten with them. Stopped by at Kentucky for dinner. I’ve no money left so Avin came to the rescue n bought me dinner. (remind me to pay him back. 15000 IDR)
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Happy bday Arief Yanindra Pohan. I wished you health, wealth, and happiness,.. mind, body and soul. May you find whatever it is that you’re looking for. Soon.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Happy 8th mth anniversary dear swwwweeet boifwend!!!!
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
I wrote it without ctrl-c & ctrl-p. See that’s how much I love u baby!!!! Heheheh
Monday, January 9, 2006
Monday, January 2, 2006
Spent another night with boif @his house.
And the rest is off the record.
Oh btw.. Happy bday Iyo, wherever you are.
Sunday, January 1, 2006
We celebrated d new year with playing cards (boif broke his PS console) and went swimming at the local country club, followed by eating pans n pans of pizza. Boy you can’t separate a guy from his pizza. I learned it the hard way. Heheheh.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Went to Budey’s house for her engagement party with masDana a.k.a kermittyfrog. You’ve seen d pics I took coz I posted them here not very long ago.
Budey looked so radiantly happy, n she looked really pretty n mature. She’ll be staying at Leeds,UK after she finish her master degree n get married later on this year. There goes our budey. Sniff.
I’m so happy for them both n I sincerely hope they’ll last forever.
Then off to boif’s house @BSD. Had fun fun fun! I love spending times with him.. it felt so natural, not to mention extremely comfortable. Is it a sign? *nudge boif*
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Went to my relative’s house 4 xmas gathering. ‘Twas fun, n I just found out I have a cousin that looks just like Jen+Ken’s Asa. Very adorable…
I met one of my uncles who’s a producer(?) 4 this huge national TV station n music events.. his last project was Bob James’ (+Nathan East was in it too!) concert, few weeks ago. He was telling me bout d ups n downs of his job.. how tiresome yet fun it was to work on Phil Collins’ concert many years ago, n right now he’s workin on d next project, trying to get David Benoit 2 come n play here.
I so want to work like him.. fuck architect, I wanna be a musician. At d very least I’m hoping to work on a related field. Like him.
Erm.. Bout d ‘fuck architect’.. I DO want to GRADUATE as bachelor in architecture THIS VERY SEMESTER, though.. Heh heh… 1st thing 1st, riiiite?
U copy that, Lord?
Saturday, December 24, 2005
I spent 70% of each day drawing in front of my room. Will post pics later. Rite now I want 2 share 2 u d MUSIC I listened while I draw. Here’s d long awaited list. NOT.
- Chloe. Yes I have found my beloved Chloe CD. It was in my room all along. Covered in dust, under my pile of bags.
- Nikka Costa : Morning comes, and Grown up world.
- My Chemical Romance : Ghost of you. Gave me a mood-lift. Don’t ask me how.
- Floetry : My Apologies, Superstar, and I’ll die. That’s 3 different songs, people.
- Ciara : And I.
- Lisa Ono : Labita
- Sadao Watanabe : Morning Island
- Quincy Jones : 100 ways
- Al Jarreau : Heaven and earth
- Charlotte Church. N many, many more.
Oh and you should know I became obsessed with d name of Jen+Ken’s cousin(?), ASA. I think that’s a very beautiful name, Gabriel Asa. Plus d owner is so adorable. Mini Josh Groban, eh? Cute indeed =)
Friday, December 23, 2005
Budhey Ik-ik a.k.a my bestfriend Ms.Indiyastari Wikan Ratih called me in d morning just to remind me to come to her ‘engagement party’ (in Javanese style, of course), on December 31, 2005 @her house (the OTHER house, @Metro Pondok Indah) round 7-9pm. Dress code: Kebaya. Aaaaaaaaalrighty then.
Boif, dimpol n billy came over n pick me up (but not before they ate spaghetti while waiting 4 d rain 2 stop. It didn’t.) then off 2 boif’s house (oh n on our way there we saw this huge rainbow.. I haven’t seen anything like that 4 a looong time..)
We’re supposed 2 meet sari but she cancelled (a bit late, huh?) n boif felt guilty so he took me out 4 sushi instead, @Umesushi, Darmawangsa Square.
There’s nothing that a big portion of sushi cant fix.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Went to the bank n pay sum bills, then off 2 PIM 2 do sum xmas shopping 4 mum’s friends. Mum also bought me stuffs I needed 2 make my project’s model (thanks mum!), then we ate sushi @Daisho for lunch. Plus we brought home a pan of this crispy cream-cheese-n-mushroom Italian pizza @Red Tomato. Very delicious, but a bit pricey (round $6 a pan. Small AND thin pan of pizza. They should call it BISCUIT, really..)
Anyway I’d like 2 say 2 all d mums out there: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! I’m sure beneath your children’s lack of attention 2 u (n house chores.. ha-ha..), they love you so very much n cant stand the thought of having to live their lives without you. I know I do.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Haven’t slept 4 2 days, workin on my latest drawings. Went to see my co-mentor @campus round 10am, things went well, then off to PS with Erna. Boifw, Ivan n Dimpol met us there 4 lunch, then after waiting 4 alwin 2 come 2 Krish’s, we (Krish Ivan Alwin Erna n I) went to Mangga Dua 4 cheap DVDs. On our way home, d traffic was so jammed we spent 3++ hours to get back to my boif’s house!!! Poor Ivan, he’s driving.. but he didn’t complained much.. maybe coz ERNA provided him with ‘enough distraction’.. hehehehh.. good thing I brought her, huh?
Well I ended up falling asleep at my boif’s house. Woke up round 12 n then went home.
I don’t think my body can manage to survive another sleepless nights. Thank God holiday’s coming. Hallelujah.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Happy 7th month anniversary to me n my boifwend!!! yaaayyy!!!
Made an anniversary card 4 my boi. Indah n Erna also made 1 (each) for that lucky boi. 1 4 all, all 4 1? U can say so.
Went to Plaza Senayan 4 sushi with them, boifwend met us there n drove me home b4 going to BiNus 4 his Graphic Design Class. He’ll be back. He better be.
Tuesday, December 13, 2006
Went home, got a massage, slept early. N when I said early, I mean 6.30pm, all d way til 4.30am d next day.
Sleep is good.
Monday, December 12, 2006
Boifwend helped me make an architectural model (maket). He went home @1am n I stayed awake working on d drawings til morning. Slept 4 approximately 45minutes.
Lately life’s been pure hell, I’m constantly in a crappy mood from going thru too many nights awake, drawing til dawn. It sucks.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Did a stupid mistake last nite. Thank God my boi have a high sense of tolerance. Maybe that’s why I love him so much =3
[Listening to Nikka Costa’s “Chained to the blues” over n over n over n over again.]
Wednesday, November 30th, 2005
Me n 5 other classmates had a discussion with one of my mentors. We waited from 3pm, started at 4 n finished at 8pm. The mentor gave me a ride home(!)
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
Had the worst day ever. Can’t stop crying.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Woke up late, work on my block plan & floor plan til 1130pm.
I miz my boifwend.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Got meself a treat, creambath + manicure + pedicure. Went to this wedding with my boyfwend, met his friends there, then off 2 wijaya 2 c harry potter but all tickets were already sold out. So are the tickets @PS n PIM. Bummer. Have dinner @Banana café @Darmawangsa Square with Krish Kya Yandi Tusil Prita. Had fun.
D rest of d nite was downright tiresome. But I had fun =3 *wink wink
Friday, November 18, 2005
Same ol’ same ol’. School’s boring, if not depressing n stressful. Went home with Bonny. Stopped by @PS, he wanted 2 c his girlfriend while I went 2 SushiTei4 lunch.
Rifi called, said he’s @jakarta til Nov.22, gotta take care of an event @hilton hotel. He’ll be staying there til 21, n will stay @his house on his last nite here.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Happy 6 mth anniv, dear boifwend! i dunno how or why but I LOVE u more each day!!! Not to mention I miss u most of d time. Wanna clone u n keep u in my pocket n carry u around everywhere!
Ok now that sounds a bit freaky even for me..
Oh n I had a GREAT time today!!!! 3 rounds of fun, fun, fun, to be exact! Heheheh =3
Monday, November 14, 2005
Back to school.
Only stayed @class til 9 then we (bonny indahey erna indra adon n i) ‘re off 2 ClubStore 4 brunch. (Ceker! Ceker! HAHAHA!!!) after that we went 2 Fatmawati 4 a 2-hours karaoke.. heheheh.. fun fun fun!!!
Then bonny dropped me @Krishna’s while they went back to school.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Dimas came 2 my house, n like usual, we watched some DVDs, talked bout music n stuff, n simply having a great time. I missed my old friends.. dimas arya ikmal galih cos beva agus etc… where ARE they??!
I heard that now Beva is working at Dics Tara’s company, Ikmal is busy eversince he got elected as one of d nominee for “Abang Jakarte” few years ago, Arya is continuing his education to master degree (good 4 u!), Galih has becoming an art director at some company named Pure Ink, Cos is recently (and secretly?) married(!!!), and Agus.. I just talked to him on the phone.. he sounds quite well.. heh heh…
Right now I’m listening to Debussy’s “L’isle Joyeuse”, played by one of the 5 Browns. The 3rd child, I think. Melody Brown. Yes, it’s her REAL name. And her virtuosity is amazing.
My boyfriend’s in one of his sulking mode today. He said it was because I used THAT tone to him on the phone. I think he was just being too sensitive. And touchy. And may I add grumpy too?
Anyway I apologized to make things better. He’s still upset, even though he said he isn’t. Don’t matter. I just wish he’d gather himself up n deal with his problem(s) right away. N wipes that frown off his face.
Yes I saw that frown all d way thru d telephone.
Even though he can be grumpy n touchy n overly-sensitive at times, I love him so much n I missed him most of d times… like now.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
And according to the title of today’s post, it’s a darn shame that I’m back to this bloody hell of a town. Back to reality that from now on I’ll have to start working my ass off, cos I only have 3 more weeks (!!!) to finish my technical drawings of floorplans, elevations, sections and utilities. All in just THREE WEEKS. That means FIFTEEN freakin DAYS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHH…!!!!
Why oh why did I ever enter this bloody school of architecture??!!!
N to make matters worse, I haven’t done a single thing since d holiday started. Damn you holiday season! I brought those web pages I printed on campus n read all of them at the hospital while I was waiting for my mom (she had Demam Berdarah. I forgot what it says in English. Had sumtin to do with ‘dengue’ n stuff?).. But other than that, I haven’t done anything yet!!! Not even sketching the new floor plans!!!
I am so dead.
Oh and mum’s fine now. She insists on coming home a day before Eid Mubarak, and on Sunday we went to Bali anyway.
It was a nice holiday, really, even though the sun burns n stings n now I’m super-tanned, fried up, extra crispy n all. The villa we stayed in (called Villa AYA) was real nice, a two-villa with private pool n gazebo, fully equipped with kitchen/pantry +cooking utensils. We had our own cook who came every morning to fix us breakfast. I swim every day. That also explains the swimsuit-line (not bikini line) I now have on my not-so-white-anymore body.
Oh and Rifi was nice enough to act as a tour guide, take us all out for lunch n shopping around kuta-oberoi whenever he could, and drove us to d airport on our last day. D flight is 11.50PM! its AWAIR’s last flight.
Talking bout AWAIR, I took d same airline to get 2 Bali. I HATE their stewardess. All stuck up n ethically-challenged with their fake plastic smiles. But on my flight home, d stewardess was nicer, friendlier, and I daresay that their smiles are pretty genuine.
Did I mention that AWAIR doesn’t (ever) write out seat numbers on our tickets? So it’s like riding a bus, where you struggle to get d best seat available. Or ANY seat at all, for that matters.
Anyway my dear sweet boifwend picked us up @Cengkareng n we got home safe n sound round 1:30am (THANKYOU BABYYYY!!!!)
I gave him d BARONG shirt, along with those ethnic necklace(s –greedy, are you?) and shorts n the other shirt I bought 4 Chino as a replacement for d shorts I bought earlier (size 30. too small for him. HOW SHOULD I KNOW??!!)
I could go on and on and on…
Anyway I had a great time there. The villas were awesome, GWK was fantastic (despite the super-hot n humid weather).. Dreamland was beautiful (even though I didn’t get to climb down to d beach n ended up just staring at d waves from d cliffs cos mom simply refuse to come any further down. Dammit.) and dad got what he wanted since last year. A trip to Bali with his family AND to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary there. Congrats mum n dodo…)
So tired… n I still have to unpack… *sniffles
Have a happy valentine’s day everybody.
Gosh I am so tired.
I’m done with my drawings, had collected them 2 the administration ppl. They suck, btw. And those who calls themselves lecturers. F*ck u all.
Had my papers submitted yesterday. It might interest u that I work my ass off 4 that piece of junk n d nite bfore d deadline’s due my laptop caught this brontok virus.
All in all, I have a shitty semester.
Ps : the final presentation’s list is out. Mine’s March 2nd, n I’m d1st one to go. Fine, let’s get this over with.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Oh. My. God.
Its been too damn long since I last posted anything REAL here, other than pictures I mean. This whole Final Project –thingie is getting way out of hand. Today I only slept for 2 hours. TWO FREAKIN HOURS. Then off to campus for final exam on my other class. The exam isn’t over yet. Its due for two whole days. Today n tomorrow, 0830am-0330pm on each day. The task was to create an alternative design of our project. Sounds simple, huh? Well its NOT. Meanwhile I still have to re-draw my own project to the school’s official tracing paper. I only finished 1-n-a-half piece of paper. There’s 20-sumtin more to draw n I only got 8 more days left. FYI it took me a good whole day to finish a single paper, so imagine how it feels to be me. I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Honestly, I’m not sure if I’m able to make it through.
Right now I hate myself to the very core.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Mom made chocolate pudding with lychees on top. So far so good, but then she add it with I don’t know how much coffee but it sure is enough to make me lose my appetite.
Watched reruns of America’s Next Top Model. I’m rooting for Naima. Fell in love d minute I saw her. I think even with her Mohawk she’s still looks very femininely pretty.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Had a fight with my boyf on our way to Wulan’s wedding. Sort things out immediately, n we’re back to our normal state of being not long after we arrived.
I love him too much.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Had a rehearsal for the wedding @Jaley’s house. Boif gave me a ride to meet my friends (Avin Oding Bibi), then he went home while went to Pejaten with them. Stopped by at Kentucky for dinner. I’ve no money left so Avin came to the rescue n bought me dinner. (remind me to pay him back. 15000 IDR)
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Happy bday Arief Yanindra Pohan. I wished you health, wealth, and happiness,.. mind, body and soul. May you find whatever it is that you’re looking for. Soon.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Happy 8th mth anniversary dear swwwweeet boifwend!!!!
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
I wrote it without ctrl-c & ctrl-p. See that’s how much I love u baby!!!! Heheheh
Monday, January 9, 2006
Monday, January 2, 2006
Spent another night with boif @his house.
And the rest is off the record.
Oh btw.. Happy bday Iyo, wherever you are.
Sunday, January 1, 2006
We celebrated d new year with playing cards (boif broke his PS console) and went swimming at the local country club, followed by eating pans n pans of pizza. Boy you can’t separate a guy from his pizza. I learned it the hard way. Heheheh.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Went to Budey’s house for her engagement party with masDana a.k.a kermittyfrog. You’ve seen d pics I took coz I posted them here not very long ago.
Budey looked so radiantly happy, n she looked really pretty n mature. She’ll be staying at Leeds,UK after she finish her master degree n get married later on this year. There goes our budey. Sniff.
I’m so happy for them both n I sincerely hope they’ll last forever.
Then off to boif’s house @BSD. Had fun fun fun! I love spending times with him.. it felt so natural, not to mention extremely comfortable. Is it a sign? *nudge boif*
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Went to my relative’s house 4 xmas gathering. ‘Twas fun, n I just found out I have a cousin that looks just like Jen+Ken’s Asa. Very adorable…
I met one of my uncles who’s a producer(?) 4 this huge national TV station n music events.. his last project was Bob James’ (+Nathan East was in it too!) concert, few weeks ago. He was telling me bout d ups n downs of his job.. how tiresome yet fun it was to work on Phil Collins’ concert many years ago, n right now he’s workin on d next project, trying to get David Benoit 2 come n play here.
I so want to work like him.. fuck architect, I wanna be a musician. At d very least I’m hoping to work on a related field. Like him.
Erm.. Bout d ‘fuck architect’.. I DO want to GRADUATE as bachelor in architecture THIS VERY SEMESTER, though.. Heh heh… 1st thing 1st, riiiite?
U copy that, Lord?
Saturday, December 24, 2005
I spent 70% of each day drawing in front of my room. Will post pics later. Rite now I want 2 share 2 u d MUSIC I listened while I draw. Here’s d long awaited list. NOT.
- Chloe. Yes I have found my beloved Chloe CD. It was in my room all along. Covered in dust, under my pile of bags.
- Nikka Costa : Morning comes, and Grown up world.
- My Chemical Romance : Ghost of you. Gave me a mood-lift. Don’t ask me how.
- Floetry : My Apologies, Superstar, and I’ll die. That’s 3 different songs, people.
- Ciara : And I.
- Lisa Ono : Labita
- Sadao Watanabe : Morning Island
- Quincy Jones : 100 ways
- Al Jarreau : Heaven and earth
- Charlotte Church. N many, many more.
Oh and you should know I became obsessed with d name of Jen+Ken’s cousin(?), ASA. I think that’s a very beautiful name, Gabriel Asa. Plus d owner is so adorable. Mini Josh Groban, eh? Cute indeed =)
Friday, December 23, 2005
Budhey Ik-ik a.k.a my bestfriend Ms.Indiyastari Wikan Ratih called me in d morning just to remind me to come to her ‘engagement party’ (in Javanese style, of course), on December 31, 2005 @her house (the OTHER house, @Metro Pondok Indah) round 7-9pm. Dress code: Kebaya. Aaaaaaaaalrighty then.
Boif, dimpol n billy came over n pick me up (but not before they ate spaghetti while waiting 4 d rain 2 stop. It didn’t.) then off 2 boif’s house (oh n on our way there we saw this huge rainbow.. I haven’t seen anything like that 4 a looong time..)
We’re supposed 2 meet sari but she cancelled (a bit late, huh?) n boif felt guilty so he took me out 4 sushi instead, @Umesushi, Darmawangsa Square.
There’s nothing that a big portion of sushi cant fix.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Went to the bank n pay sum bills, then off 2 PIM 2 do sum xmas shopping 4 mum’s friends. Mum also bought me stuffs I needed 2 make my project’s model (thanks mum!), then we ate sushi @Daisho for lunch. Plus we brought home a pan of this crispy cream-cheese-n-mushroom Italian pizza @Red Tomato. Very delicious, but a bit pricey (round $6 a pan. Small AND thin pan of pizza. They should call it BISCUIT, really..)
Anyway I’d like 2 say 2 all d mums out there: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! I’m sure beneath your children’s lack of attention 2 u (n house chores.. ha-ha..), they love you so very much n cant stand the thought of having to live their lives without you. I know I do.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Haven’t slept 4 2 days, workin on my latest drawings. Went to see my co-mentor @campus round 10am, things went well, then off to PS with Erna. Boifw, Ivan n Dimpol met us there 4 lunch, then after waiting 4 alwin 2 come 2 Krish’s, we (Krish Ivan Alwin Erna n I) went to Mangga Dua 4 cheap DVDs. On our way home, d traffic was so jammed we spent 3++ hours to get back to my boif’s house!!! Poor Ivan, he’s driving.. but he didn’t complained much.. maybe coz ERNA provided him with ‘enough distraction’.. hehehehh.. good thing I brought her, huh?
Well I ended up falling asleep at my boif’s house. Woke up round 12 n then went home.
I don’t think my body can manage to survive another sleepless nights. Thank God holiday’s coming. Hallelujah.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Happy 7th month anniversary to me n my boifwend!!! yaaayyy!!!
Made an anniversary card 4 my boi. Indah n Erna also made 1 (each) for that lucky boi. 1 4 all, all 4 1? U can say so.
Went to Plaza Senayan 4 sushi with them, boifwend met us there n drove me home b4 going to BiNus 4 his Graphic Design Class. He’ll be back. He better be.
Tuesday, December 13, 2006
Went home, got a massage, slept early. N when I said early, I mean 6.30pm, all d way til 4.30am d next day.
Sleep is good.
Monday, December 12, 2006
Boifwend helped me make an architectural model (maket). He went home @1am n I stayed awake working on d drawings til morning. Slept 4 approximately 45minutes.
Lately life’s been pure hell, I’m constantly in a crappy mood from going thru too many nights awake, drawing til dawn. It sucks.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Did a stupid mistake last nite. Thank God my boi have a high sense of tolerance. Maybe that’s why I love him so much =3
[Listening to Nikka Costa’s “Chained to the blues” over n over n over n over again.]
Wednesday, November 30th, 2005
Me n 5 other classmates had a discussion with one of my mentors. We waited from 3pm, started at 4 n finished at 8pm. The mentor gave me a ride home(!)
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
Had the worst day ever. Can’t stop crying.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Woke up late, work on my block plan & floor plan til 1130pm.
I miz my boifwend.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Got meself a treat, creambath + manicure + pedicure. Went to this wedding with my boyfwend, met his friends there, then off 2 wijaya 2 c harry potter but all tickets were already sold out. So are the tickets @PS n PIM. Bummer. Have dinner @Banana café @Darmawangsa Square with Krish Kya Yandi Tusil Prita. Had fun.
D rest of d nite was downright tiresome. But I had fun =3 *wink wink
Friday, November 18, 2005
Same ol’ same ol’. School’s boring, if not depressing n stressful. Went home with Bonny. Stopped by @PS, he wanted 2 c his girlfriend while I went 2 SushiTei4 lunch.
Rifi called, said he’s @jakarta til Nov.22, gotta take care of an event @hilton hotel. He’ll be staying there til 21, n will stay @his house on his last nite here.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Happy 6 mth anniv, dear boifwend! i dunno how or why but I LOVE u more each day!!! Not to mention I miss u most of d time. Wanna clone u n keep u in my pocket n carry u around everywhere!
Ok now that sounds a bit freaky even for me..
Oh n I had a GREAT time today!!!! 3 rounds of fun, fun, fun, to be exact! Heheheh =3
Monday, November 14, 2005
Back to school.
Only stayed @class til 9 then we (bonny indahey erna indra adon n i) ‘re off 2 ClubStore 4 brunch. (Ceker! Ceker! HAHAHA!!!) after that we went 2 Fatmawati 4 a 2-hours karaoke.. heheheh.. fun fun fun!!!
Then bonny dropped me @Krishna’s while they went back to school.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Dimas came 2 my house, n like usual, we watched some DVDs, talked bout music n stuff, n simply having a great time. I missed my old friends.. dimas arya ikmal galih cos beva agus etc… where ARE they??!
I heard that now Beva is working at Dics Tara’s company, Ikmal is busy eversince he got elected as one of d nominee for “Abang Jakarte” few years ago, Arya is continuing his education to master degree (good 4 u!), Galih has becoming an art director at some company named Pure Ink, Cos is recently (and secretly?) married(!!!), and Agus.. I just talked to him on the phone.. he sounds quite well.. heh heh…
Right now I’m listening to Debussy’s “L’isle Joyeuse”, played by one of the 5 Browns. The 3rd child, I think. Melody Brown. Yes, it’s her REAL name. And her virtuosity is amazing.
My boyfriend’s in one of his sulking mode today. He said it was because I used THAT tone to him on the phone. I think he was just being too sensitive. And touchy. And may I add grumpy too?
Anyway I apologized to make things better. He’s still upset, even though he said he isn’t. Don’t matter. I just wish he’d gather himself up n deal with his problem(s) right away. N wipes that frown off his face.
Yes I saw that frown all d way thru d telephone.
Even though he can be grumpy n touchy n overly-sensitive at times, I love him so much n I missed him most of d times… like now.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
And according to the title of today’s post, it’s a darn shame that I’m back to this bloody hell of a town. Back to reality that from now on I’ll have to start working my ass off, cos I only have 3 more weeks (!!!) to finish my technical drawings of floorplans, elevations, sections and utilities. All in just THREE WEEKS. That means FIFTEEN freakin DAYS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHH…!!!!
Why oh why did I ever enter this bloody school of architecture??!!!
N to make matters worse, I haven’t done a single thing since d holiday started. Damn you holiday season! I brought those web pages I printed on campus n read all of them at the hospital while I was waiting for my mom (she had Demam Berdarah. I forgot what it says in English. Had sumtin to do with ‘dengue’ n stuff?).. But other than that, I haven’t done anything yet!!! Not even sketching the new floor plans!!!
I am so dead.
Oh and mum’s fine now. She insists on coming home a day before Eid Mubarak, and on Sunday we went to Bali anyway.
It was a nice holiday, really, even though the sun burns n stings n now I’m super-tanned, fried up, extra crispy n all. The villa we stayed in (called Villa AYA) was real nice, a two-villa with private pool n gazebo, fully equipped with kitchen/pantry +cooking utensils. We had our own cook who came every morning to fix us breakfast. I swim every day. That also explains the swimsuit-line (not bikini line) I now have on my not-so-white-anymore body.
Oh and Rifi was nice enough to act as a tour guide, take us all out for lunch n shopping around kuta-oberoi whenever he could, and drove us to d airport on our last day. D flight is 11.50PM! its AWAIR’s last flight.
Talking bout AWAIR, I took d same airline to get 2 Bali. I HATE their stewardess. All stuck up n ethically-challenged with their fake plastic smiles. But on my flight home, d stewardess was nicer, friendlier, and I daresay that their smiles are pretty genuine.
Did I mention that AWAIR doesn’t (ever) write out seat numbers on our tickets? So it’s like riding a bus, where you struggle to get d best seat available. Or ANY seat at all, for that matters.
Anyway my dear sweet boifwend picked us up @Cengkareng n we got home safe n sound round 1:30am (THANKYOU BABYYYY!!!!)
I gave him d BARONG shirt, along with those ethnic necklace(s –greedy, are you?) and shorts n the other shirt I bought 4 Chino as a replacement for d shorts I bought earlier (size 30. too small for him. HOW SHOULD I KNOW??!!)
I could go on and on and on…
Anyway I had a great time there. The villas were awesome, GWK was fantastic (despite the super-hot n humid weather).. Dreamland was beautiful (even though I didn’t get to climb down to d beach n ended up just staring at d waves from d cliffs cos mom simply refuse to come any further down. Dammit.) and dad got what he wanted since last year. A trip to Bali with his family AND to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary there. Congrats mum n dodo…)
So tired… n I still have to unpack… *sniffles
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