
Product Review: 2wenty3 Vape Cartridge + Battery

2wnty3 is a new brand that feels solid, but the cartridges are a great formulation. Guess what? Mine is pretty and “Pink”! I have a Sativa Vape Cartridge and from what I learned, it’s made to be solvent-free, ultra-refined cannabis oil in .5 grams and on the average of 87.8% THC. Plus it’s all-natural and has no additives with this cool Borosilicate tank and a ceramic heating element made the feel and weight comfortable and substantial. 2WNTY3’s team brought together top scientists and engineers who focused on philosophy and purity to bring this well-respected vape and cartridge to market.

Using refined methodologies developed over the last 5 years, they preserved the original embodiment of the strain’s true flavor, while still achieving some of the highest potencies in the market. 2WNTY3’s oil has no artificial or engineered flavor enhancements, no viscosity (thickness) buffers; just pure ultra-refined cannabis oil. My girlfriends all want one in Pink and I’m hoping that they will relent and make them in purple too! Ohhhh so Nice 2wenty3! Their motto is “Brighter than heaven and heavier than hell but joined in harmony.” For more info please, visit 2wnty3.com

Keiko Beatie
Contributing Writer

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