Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My heart is saddened...

We lost our pastor on Monday and my heart is very sad. I am still in a lot of shock. He was 42 years old, has 3 kids... 4th grade, 6th grade and 7th grade. Way too young to die... He had an infectious smile and the biggest heart of anyone I know. He will be greatly missed by all!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


We went to Justin's hometown for Thanksgiving. Here he is with his 3 cousins - Logan, Keelie, and Maya.

Our family of 3... We are using this as our Christmas card as well!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We took Cole to the pumpkin patch today. It was a cold, windy day, but I think he enjoyed it! Here he is sitting on a big pumpkin!

My mom went with us to the pumpkin patch!

We bought him a little pumpkin and they wrote his name on it and sprayed it so it's nice and shiny!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Babyproofing time!

Cole started crawling about 2 weeks ago... Every day he gets a little faster. It is so cute to watch! He has also started waving! He waves at everything! I will be driving down the street look in my mirror and see him waving! We went to a cookout tonight and he kept waving at the people sitting across from us. I can't believe how fast time goes... He will be 1 in about 3 months... Hard to believe! Can't I just freeze time for a little bit!

At least once a day someone comments on his hair. It looks like he has a mohawk, because he doesn't have as much hair on the sides and back of his head. We have even had several people ask if we cut his hair that way... Seriously??? I will post pics later... Just don't have a lot of time these days!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

8 Months

I can't believe my baby is 8 months old! He is still not crawling, but gets on all fours and rocks. He has 8 teeth now!! He loves to play with balls. He also loves his Leapfrog Scout puppy. He loves taking baths and splashing! He is starting to like about all baby foods now. Veggies aren't his favorite but he eats them. He loves fruit, except for peaches.

He is such a joy and such a blessing in my life!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer is almost over...

I still haven't posted pics from our Colorado trip, but if you haven't seen them already they are on facebook.

My husband has been gone at church camp since Sunday afternoon and won't be back til Saturday afternoon. Really bad timing for me, because I am trying to get my room ready. Cole's daycare provider was on vacation through Wednesday, so it has been an interesting and busy week. He started at daycare yesterday. At least I was so busy working on my room that I didn't have time to feel sad about it, but I know I am going to miss spending so much time with him!

He is REALLY wanting to crawl and is attempting, but always goes backwards!! Not too much longer...I guess that means I need to start babyproofing my house!! Not sure where I am going to find the time to do that???

I am definitely ready for some cooler weather... It is SO HOT!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

7 months!

These pictures are getting harder to take... since he wants to play with the bear!

I can't believe Cole is 7 months old!!! He is rolling all over the place and spins around on his stomach. No crawling yet... which I am thankful for. Its nice to be able to put him somewhere and find him in the same place when I get back. He is starting to do better on food. He likes oatmeal now and did eat carrots well last night. So slowly he is liking more than just sweet potatoes and bananas. He has the best personality and is such a good baby. I get asked all the time, "Is he always this good?" And for the most part he is... His favorite toy to play with is his Fisher Price camera and he also has a Fisher Price train that he loves. He likes to stick his tongue out and spit raspberries at us. It's amazing how they grow so fast!!!