Tuesday, September 29, 2009

27 weeks

This is not a very good picture, but at least you can see my belly.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Trip to St. Louis

We arrived in St. Louis around 6:30 Friday night, went to the Galleria for a little bit, ate at PF Changs and then got cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory to take back to the hotel. Yum! Saturday morning we went to the zoo for a little bit. The gorilla was my favorite. He saw that we were all looking at him so we walked over to this branch and posed like this. It was like he was modeling... Too funny! After the zoo, we met my good friends Joy and David, along with their daughter Sophie for lunch. Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture. Then we went and walked by the arch before going to the cubs/cards game. We didn't go up in it.

This is a zoomed in picture of my favorite player. Unfortunately he is now playing for the other team, but he is still my favorite!

We had good seats in the outfield. Front row! It was a little warm, but overall a pretty nice day for a game. Just didn't turn out to be a win... Oh well, we still had a good time!

After the game, we headed home... It was a nice quick trip away from home to celebrate our 1st anniversary! We weren't able to celebrate it back in August and wanted to go to a game, so we made this our celebration... you can't really see my growing belly in these shots. I need to take a new one to post!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Joys of Pregnancy

No matter how much someone informs you about pregnancy you will never completely understand until you go through it for yourself. Last week I started getting Charley horses at night. This week I started getting heartburn and acid reflux. I got some Tums and fortunately they have been helping with these so far!

The neatest thing this month is feeling the movement and boy does this baby move A LOT!!! Justin finally got to feel it one time and then he saw my stomach move too.

Every day I look at my stomach and the whole things just seems surreal. It is hard to believe this is all really happening. I have thought about having a baby for a long time and now it is actually my turn...

Haven't decided if I like my new job or not. I miss my kids at my old school and my friends. It is hard being moved to a new school and having a new position. I am hoping things will start getting better. So far all I have done is tested kids, so there is still a lot to my job that I haven't experienced yet. Is it wrong to start counting down the days til the next break???? :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Baby Shower

For some reason these pictures turned out grainy... Don't know why?? I had my first baby shower this past Saturday, because my sister came back from California. Here is me with my 20 week (almost 21) belly. Along with the yummy food... Lemon cake, cream cheese stuffed strawberries, sweet caramel chex mix.... etc. YUM!!! My sister, Amy (who we just found out is pregnant with #3) She is due 9 weeks after me! And my sister Sara.
I got a lot of nice gifts!!

Grace and Ava decided to dress alike for the shower! They don't get to see each other much, since Ava lives in California!

Monday, August 3, 2009

One Year Ago...

I was unable to post yesterday on my actual anniversary, because we had a busy weekend. Justin has gone on mission trips to Taiwan in 2006 and 2008 to work at a Sports and English Camp. The missionaries that are the deans of the camp when he goes are back in the states and came to visit us for the weekend. They also brought a girl from Taiwan with them. So... one day late I wish my husband a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! I love you more than words!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Where has the summer gone?

I can't believe summer is almost over... There was so much I wanted to get done. I have about one week left before I need to start getting things ready for school and we will be out of town for half of it... I was really hoping to finish my Hawaii scrapbook this summer. I am so behind in all of my scrapbooks and I know once the baby is here I won't have any time.

I think I have finally started feeling a little better over the past couple of days. And finally I have started to be able to eat a little more, so that is good!

We have guests from Taiwan (missionary friends of Justins) coming to stay with us this weekend, so I need to get back to cleaning my house and then bathing my dogs. What fun!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lake Okoboji - Lots of pictures

We went up to Lake Okoboji, IA for a few days. I have some relatives that live up there. The 7 0f us rode in my mom's van. It was a little crowded... Here is my niece on the way up there. We went to the Emporium - tourist shopping area to look around. This is my husband trying on hats.
We went to a little theme park called Arnold's Park for the kids to ride rides. It was really hot!

Here is my mom, Evan, Justin, Ryan and Grace riding the train. My sister and I sat it out.

Grace and Evan riding boats. Grace rode several rides, even a little roller coaster. She loved it. It took Evan a little while to like them.

Arnold's Park is right along the lake.

Every time we go back we eat at Mrs. Lady's. Its a Mexican Restaurant. Ryan is eating an "insane" taco, which he finished most of it.

Sara, Ryan, Justin and I went and played miniature golf. I actually got 2nd... usually I am last!

Justin and I were THRILLED they had a shaved ice place. We got Ryan and Sara hooked on them too. In 48 hours Justin and I each had 4, Sara and Ryan had 3. Grace loved them as well!

At the hotel before we were heading out to go on the boat.

It was a little cool at first when we went out!

Evan is helping Ryan drive the boat. Then its Sara, my mom, and my Aunt Jan (my mom's twin)

Grace loved her first experience boating. She kept telling her dad to go faster!

Evan preferred to go slow...

Justin skiing.

We went to the Barefoot bar for some drinks to cool off.

Overall, we had a fun time... It was nice to get away for a few days.