Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The $150 Blessing

Tonight I got a little surprise.  Scotty (my 6 year old) came out of his bedroom crying.  He'd swallowed 2 magnets.  I was kind of worried because I'd heard of a little boy dying when he'd done the same thing and they'd pinched his intestine.  I said a little prayer and then called my dad (who knows all).  He sounded worried and told me to call Poison Control.  They sent me to the hospital for the same reason I was worried.  So, we went to the ER (InstaCare doesn't take care of these things) where they took an x-ray.  Sure enough, there they were - stuck together.  They were into his intestine so the only thing they could do was operate to get them out - something they didn't want to do.  So, they sent us home telling me to watch for them (if you know what I mean). Oh, and we're supposed to get another x-ray if they haven't passed by Thursday.  The whole thing cost us $150.  It would be $100 but as of July 1st our ER copay has increased.  I'm trying not to be bummed about the $150 (a night in a nice hotel, new school clothes for the boys, etc that could be bought for that amount) and recognize the blessings.  #1  We have the money and it might annoy us, but it won't hurt us.  #2  There are doctors that can help us even if there is a problem.  Doctors are amazing blessings in my mind.  Even if they do nothing.  #3 God gave me Scott.  I love that kid and I loved spending time with him tonight.  If anyone is worth $150 it's one of my children.  Now, I'll just sit tight and hope for some productive p00ping.  (Notice I used to zeros in the middle of the word instead of o's.  I am a lady, you know.)

Homemade, Edible Play dough

A week or two ago I watched Good Things Utah and saw the coolest and easiest idea.  Edible play dough.  It's easy.  Just get 1 box of cake mix (I used strawberry), 1 stick of room temperature butter and a few sprinkles of water.  Mix together and let the kids play.  One box made enough for my kids.  And they've been playing together for half an hour with only one fight (over a very popular roller).  Just make sure they wash their hands first.  Avery had some but ate it before she could play with it.  Now she's trying her darndest to steal more from her brothers.  Have I mentioned how much I love having the kids home for the summer?  

Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer Fruit

And this is why summer is divine.  Summer fruits.  Winter is a tough time for me because I'm stuck with oranges, apples and bananas.  That's about it for the good stuff.  This week I've already enjoyed blueberries, strawberries, plums, peaches and cherries.  It's like Fruit-a-palooza over here.  I LOVE summer.

Boating with Friends

Avery didn't exactly love the boat.  Here was a good moment.

We had a great time yesterday with some friends.  Hours and hours on the lake just chillaxin' (how cool am I?) and making memories.  

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Birthay, Dear Amber

Happy Birthday to my almost sister Amber.  She turns 33 today.  I remember when it was cooler that my birthday was first.  Now, not so much.  Amber was there with me and for me throughout high school and then as my roommate/other half in college.  We wore the same size, chose the same major and watched out for each other.  I attribute so much of any good decision I ever made to my dear friend.  Now, she lives 7 minutes away (actually more with the @#*! construction) and I maybe see her twice a year.  But that doesn't mean I love her any less.  So, if you happen upon my blog, Amber - know that I'm thinking about you and I hope 33 is the best year yet.

ps - Notice the ultra cool plaid that we are both wearing and the scrunchy on my hand.  Hey, it was 1994.  Such things were cool.  And hey, the grunge look was oh, so comfy.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Little Mexican

(I know I post a lot.  It's not some sort of narcissistic, attention getting impulse.  I really want to document/ journal these events.  You are free to ignore me.  But, I'm going to keep at it because I love looking back at my books I've made of our family.  They have become treasures.)

I'm 1/4 Mexican.  My grandfather is full Mexican (well, I think there is some Spanish but he was raised in Mexico) and my grandmother was from Kansas.  But they made their home in Monterrey, Mexico and loved it there.  My mom was raised there as an American Mexican.  She had live in maids and cooks and all sorts of other indulgences that I'd never imagine here.  And she went to an American school where most of her friends were Americans.  When people ask if I grew up on tamales and tortillas I have to say "no".  She taught us about Mexico and she loved it.  But, truly, I grew up as American as most everybody else - with a few Mexican touches here and there.  (I just reread that and I have to clarify.  I grew up TexMex.  A little bit of Mexican and a lot of Texan.  And I do have the pride.)
So, when Avery was born I was more than a little pleased that she had her big brown eyes and brown hair.  I love blue and green eyes, too.  Ben, Garrett and Scott all have them.  But, for my daughter, I was hoping for a brown-eyed girl.  Even better, she has awesome skin.  Even without the sun she looks tan.  With a touch of sun, she looks amazing.  She is my little Mexican.  Yesterday we caught her eating an avocado.  She literally ate a hole in the skin and then started eating the insides.  I got a spoon and helped her out.  I can see her great grandfather Octavio Casavantes smiling up in heaven right now.  Now, when she learns to talk, we'll have to see if she has a touch of an accent.

Lessons I learned while camping in the backyard with little boys

A little background - Two nights ago Tom let Ben and Garrett camp out back in the little tent.  I was fine with that.  They are both old enough to do things like that.  Little did I know that the next day Scotty and Jake begged to do the same and he relented.  So, last night the two little ones went out back and slipped into their sleeping bags and fell right asleep.  At about 11:30 when I was going to bed I realized that there was no way I was going to let a 4 year old and 6 year old sleep alone outside (we don't have a fence).  So, I took my pillow and a blanket and I squeezed in between the two little ones.  I knew it wasn't going to be a stellar night's sleep.  And it was true.  Not so great.  Here is what I learned:
1- Grass is not a good cushion.  I've grown a good layer of fat around my body over the last few years.  That's not even a good cushion.
2- The noises that freak you out INSIDE the house are nothing.  Outside noises are way worse.
3- In a contest between outside freaky noises keeping you up and Advil PM lulling you to sleep - outside noises win.
4- Even in "safe" neighborhoods you can imagine prowlers and serial killers lurking in the bushes.
5- Scotty doesn't snore - but does make weird noises with his respiratory system.
6- Even when I'm freaked out, I LOVE cuddling with those two little guys.
7 - Summer in Utah is a great time to camp out in the back yard.  The air is just cool enough to make you comfortable.
8- The sun comes up REALLY early in the summer.
It really wasn't that bad of an experience.  But, you have to know me to understand that I'm not much of a camper.  I go every once in a while with the family and have a good enough time.  But, as an insomniac, sleeping on the ground (in the big tent we sleep on pads) with a thin layer of fabric separating me from the carnivorous animals is not my favorite thing.  My imagination is just too wild.  And, we have a really comfortable bed.  Why leave that on purpose?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Garrett!

Yep - another birthday.  Except for Scotty's January birthday, all of our birthdays are from the middle of May to middle of July.  So, today is Garrett's 9th.  Just a shout out to a great kid.  He is ALL boy.  He loves any sports (especially baseball).  He also loves video games, playing outside and playing with friends.  Garrett lives in a funny little bubble that half the time I can't seem to penetrate.  I often wonder what he's thinking and how he came to whatever thought he has.  He is a happy kid with an intensity that not many people have.  I love that kid.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Ben

My Ben is 11 today.  I don't know how that happened.  The time just flew by.  In a way, though, he was 11 five years ago.  He has an old soul with a maturity that amazes me.  On the other hand, he still is a kid who knows how to have fun.  So, happy Birthday Ben.  Oh - and he did finish his Webelos and Arrow of Light stuff YESTERDAY.  Talk about the 11th hour.
ps - I know you think this is a weird photo of Ben but this is how it is.  He leads and people follow - especially his brothers.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Such a great day.  Every year a couple of ladies in our neighborhood put together a great party and every year something happens so that we can't go.  But not this year.  And it was so worth it.  It started with a little parade with decorated bikes/scooters.  They rented a bounce house, a blow up water slide and all sorts of stuff.  They even had the fire department come and squirt their hoses onto the grass.  It was such a fun day.  Kind of distracted me from that fact that I think July 4th is a depressing holiday.  Don't boo me until you hear me out.  July 4th signifies the beginning of the end of summer.  From this point on there will be school supplies where the summer toys once were.  The days hit their peak length back in June ( I love that it's 9:30 and the sun is just setting).  It seems like summer kicks in gear and flies away at this point.  I'm loving this summer and I am sad at the prospect of it ending.  I love having the boys home for the summer and seeing them all the time.   My time with my kids seems to be going way too fast.  I rededicated myself today to enjoy every minute of summer that I have.  More trips to the pool, to Thanksgiving Point.  More homemade lemonade.  It's gonna be a great second half.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


My side of the family has a sort of "Mecca."  When I was 16 years old we went with some close family friends to Durango, Colorado.  It was so beautiful and so fun that we went back a couple of times after.  In fact, Susie (my sister) honeymooned there.  So, when we decided to have a family reunion, we knew that was our place.  (Actually, all my family lives  in San Antonio except for me so whenever we go down it's a family reunion.  And Philip, Liz and Ginger couldn't come so it wasn't a true family reunion.  But, all the cousins were together so it felt big and family reunionish.)  Anyway, we rented a great house on a golf course with a river flowing right behind it.  We hiked the cave ruins of Mesa Verde, walked Durango's Main Street, visited the old mining town of Silverton, went to a play, Tom and my dad rode a train through the mountains, we played in a mountain stream, ate greasy food and just enjoyed each other in the beautiful mountains.   The highlight of my summer.  This was on the heels of Tom's cousins, aunt and uncle from California coming.  (That was a lot of fun, too.  I just don't have any pictures to document the good times.)  Anyway, I'm a bit on the tired side now.  So, I'll post my pictures and then I'm off to take a nap.  (There are no pictures of my mom.  Just know that she's beautiful and I love her.  She just wasn't in any of the shots.)