Monday, February 18, 2013

St. George Tournament

Thank heaven for St. George.  And thank heaven that Scott's team had a Presidents Day Weekend soccer tournament down there.  We were able to escape the cold and snow and chill in the sunny warmth of San Jorge.  It was divine.  We met the Davises and the Vances down at La Hacienda Davis Dos and enjoyed some great pool time, friend time and late nights.  It was so much fun.  Even better, we got to watch Calvin and Scott (along with Jett, Pyper and Kate) play some great soccer.  The tournament was fabulous the first day with our team shutting out every team we played.  This morning, in the semi finals, we ended up in overtime and then PK shootouts to sadly end our tournament.  It was tough because the other team scored on an off-sides kick.  In other words, Rage should have won and never gone to overtime.  BUT, Scott had a great goal and while he was sad, he was happy to be able to swim instead of having to rest up for his next game.
All in all it was a perfectly perfect weekend.  We may not have gotten the win, but we had a great time in the warmth of Southern Utah.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentines For the Boys

Boys and girls are very different.  When I asked Avery what she wanted to do for Valentine's Day she told me that she wanted to make her whole preschool class heart cookies with frosting and sprinkles.  The boys' requests were a bit different.  So, after I spent hours making cookies and supervising her name writing, I threw this together for the boys.  We then slapped a sucker on each one and called it good.  Boys are so easy.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Cruise Pics- A Couple Weeks Later

The best way to beat the Utah winter blues, is to get the heck out of Utah.  The further the better.  David and Judy understand this so they offered to take us on a Caribbean cruise.  We joined Sam and Alyson and flew to Tampa to join a 5 day cruise to Grand Cayman and Cozumel.  We were gone from January 20-26th- during the bleakest of the bleak midwinter.  Even better, we missed inversion and miserable temps while our dear friends watched our kids.  (Thank you so much.)

Taking off from Tampa.  I just love wearing short sleeves.

About to snorkel and swim with stingrays off of Grand Cayman

 Tom holding a stingray

Formal night 

The Guys

The Girls

More pics of Cayman.  Just too lazy to move them above the formal dinner pics.

More dinner.  We ate A LOT!

We were a little disappointed in Cozumel's Isla Pasion.  It was a nice island, but the weather wasn't so fabulous.  Even with the wind and rain, it was a fun day.

Tom channeled his inner Elvis at Karaoke night.

Due to lack of competition, we won the ever-so-coveted 
Ship-on-a-stick for our karaoke.

Dominoes was the game of choice for these party animals.  We learned that 
David may have honesty issues.  And I might, too.  But just when I'm desperate.

Thanks, Sweet David and Judy.  It was fantastic.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hundreds Day

Yesterday was the hundredth day of school. Jake's class dressed up today to celebrate. He was so dang excited when I pulled out the mustache and white hairspray. I fall in love with that kid more and more every day.