Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Brace Face No More

Lucky boy- The orthodontist caved and let this kid get his braces off a week early so he could show off his new smile at school.  He's been smiling a lot more since yesterday at 8:30 when he lost the metal mouth.  He's so handsome.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Jake the Great is Eight

Pictures to come when I upload them on this computer.  BUT- the littlest of the boys had a rather significant birthday today.  Jake turned 8 at 3-something this afternoon.  I remember finding out that I was having my fourth boy like it was yesterday.  We went to the mall's ultrasound store to find out early.  I just knew in my heart that he was a she.  When the evidence pointed otherwise, my heart was broken.  I would never have a girl, since this was my last baby.  However, it didn't take me long at all to fall in love with the little guy.  I ended up having an ultrasound about a week before he was born because he was breech (he fixed that himself).  I remember seeing all the hair he had just floating in the amnionic fluid and all of a sudden just loving the little boy in my belly.  I just remember wanting to squeeze him immediately.
Today Jake has a jagged, contagious smile.  He is HILARIOUS, even at inappropriate times.  He rocks at soccer and just made the premier team for the age ahead of his grade.  He's polite when he needs to be, loving when he thinks nobody is looking and tough as nails because he's the youngest of 4 boys.  My life would not be the same without my little Jakers.  He's a love of my life.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Preschool Graduation

The baby girl graduated from preschool today.  We've loved this year of preschool.  Every morning Avery asked if it was a preschool day.  If she was ever sick we had to talk her out of going- usually with the result of sad tears.  Her teacher was fantastic and perfect for her.  She learned to read the basics, learned to play with others and had so much fun.  Here are some pics from this morning's graduation.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I'm Losing All Control

It wasn't very long ago when I had some control over what my son wore.  If he would have picked this off the rack, I would have said, "Not today, Sweetie" and been able to walk away.  Now, that control is gone.  He picks it off the rack, I laugh and tell him it's hideous, and he gets it anyway and wears it proudly.  He must be a teenager.

ps- I'm losing that control with the 5 year-old too.  Must be getting soft.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy Birthday, Lovely Lady

Happy birthday to my mama.  She's pretty fabulous.  Her selfless love for everyone she comes in contact with is something I'll always admire.  Thank you for everything you do to make my day a little better.  I love you so much.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Babies Grow Up

May is the month my two littlest advance a year. This year it's 5 and 8. It's bizarre to me that my babies aren't truly babies anymore. The get their clothes in the big kid section (to my sadness), they make choices, and they surprise me with what they know every day. But, when they are sleeping, especially next to each other, I can still see them as my babies.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy 70th Dad

My cool dad turns 70 today. I'm so lucky to be here celebrating with him. I pretty much adore the man. Here are some birthday fun pictures.
Happy birthday, Dad. I can't imagine a better dad for me. Love you so much.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Avery-Palooza Day 2

Today was the big birthday day.  It started with a preschool  field trip to Farm Country and ended with a Luau/Hula Girl birthday party.  And party we did.  12 of Avery's closest friends converged on the house and had a par-tay.  It was so much fun.  I'm glad it's over, though.  A special shout out to cousins Emily and Abbey who made the delish pink lemonade cupcakes.  They should start a business.
(I don't have pictures of the whole group because I don't know how some moms feel about kids' pictures on the web.  Just knowthere were a bunch of smiling kids.)
ps- If the outfit looks familiar, and the hair is the same as yesterday's- Avery wins most outfit and hair battles lately.

Monday, May 6, 2013


It's Avery's birthday week.  And, maybe since I'm suffering from  a little mommy guilt for planning a vacation home for my dad's 70th birthday over her actual birthday, we decided to make this whole week a party.  Monday is family party day, Tuesday is friend party, Wednesday she brings treats to preschool and Thursday is her actual birthday.  Here are some pictures from Family Party Day.  It was almost impossible to get everyone together, but we managed 10 minutes before we all had to separate again. :)

Scotty Pitches a Fit

Scott's been our crazy soccer kid for the last few years, but who knew he could play baseball too? Here he is pitching a fantastic inning. It's iPhone-y and grainy, but it's what I had.

Smile Big

Scott's almost million dollar smile. He got his braces off today! He'll get them back on in a year or two, but for now he's smiling happy!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dear Bedtime-

Dear Bedtime-

I fully understand your important role in my children's lives.  However, I had to ignore you for half an hour tonight when the blossoms were flying off the trees and the air was more beautiful than it has been in months.  Yes, I understand that tomorrow is a school day and that they have end of the year testing.  However, I loved watching these cute kids love being outside.  We'll respect you again when the weather gets bad.

Our insincere apologies-  The happy littles in our family

For My Dad

You whine and you whine and you whine about no new posts. Here's a picture of Avery on our date to see Grandma. She didn't want to go out of the car because she saw a wasp.:). Love you Dad. See you in a couple days.