Monday, June 16, 2014

Lake Powell - I Wonder How Many Pictures Blogger Will Allow Me to Post

After a rough little patch our family was blessed to have a recuperating trip to Lake Powell.  Our friends the Whitings graciously invited to share a week on their parents' houseboat.  It was pretty fabulous.  I made new friends, got closer to old ones and reconnected with my kids.  The only downside was the fact that Tom couldn't come because of work.  We totally missed him. He would have made it even better. But we had so much fun.  So much.
So- here are the pictures.  I have no rhyme or reason to them.  The trip was full of boating, cliff jumping, swimming, kayaking, fishing and more.  All with a houseboat base in a cove in the middle of some gorgeous cliffs.  Highlights include sleeping on the deck under the stars and just being with my kids.  Fantastic vacation.
 On our 6+ hour trip down to Page, AZ.
 Dangling Rope Marina

 Fishing off the houseboat
 Jake was such a daredevil - hanging with the biggest of kids.

 The only ones that actually look like siblings.
 Why do I love this picture so much?

 Rainbow Arch Hike- Hot but fun.